OBJECTIVE OF TRUT: The objective of Trut is to win rounds and collect 7 Long points before your opponents.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 players, or 2 teams of 2 players

NUMBER OF CARDS: Standard 32-card deck

RANK OF CARDS: By decreasing order: 7, 8, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9

TYPE OF GAME: Bluff trick game

AUDIENCE: Adult, Teen


You will need small objects (tokens, coins or other) to count the points, in two different sizes: Small and Long. Then hand out the cards:

  • Cut: the Dealer of the previous round cuts, then passes to his neighbour on the left who becomes Dealer
  • Deal: The Dealer deals 3 cards to each player, one at a time.
Example of game setup


The game is played in successive rounds. A round consists of 3 tricks.

Course of a round

The players must, in turn, starting with the player to the left of the Dealer, place a card on the table, face up.

  1. Win the trick: When all players have put down their cards, the highest value wins the trick. The player who wins the trick picks up the cards and keeps them face down in front of him/her. sòng bạc
  2. Raise: The player who won the previous trick plays one of his or her remaining cards.
  3. Tie: If there is a tie, the trick is “pourri” (spoilt) and no one wins. The player who played the last card raises (also called “qui pourrit dépourrit” which means “who spoils unspoils”)
  4. If there is again a tie, continue with a new trick.
  5. If there is still a tie, the round is cancelled.

Winning a round : 

  • The team with the most tricks wins the round.
  • If a team wins the first 2 tricks, there is no need to play the last trick.
  • Special case: if there is a tie in the 2nd trick, the team that won the 1st trick wins the round. 
The first trick of the round is won by the bottom-top team thanks to the 7 (best card) played by the top player.


As long as he has one card left in his hand, a player can trut at any moment. A trut is done either verbally by saying “Je trute” or physically (the real way to trut, as the ancients did) by banging one’s fist on the table. Truting means that the player thinks he or she is going to win the round (not necessarily the trick).

The other players have two choices:

  1. Aller voir: they don’t believe the Truter and want to “go and see” if he is bluffing: the Truter plays and the round goes on

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