TON is alive: Testnet Launch and Welcome TON Blockchain Testnet2 Validator Join.

TON is alive: Testnet Launch and Welcome TON Blockchain Testnet2 Validator Join.

TON full name is Telegram Open Network. It started in 2017 by telegram genius engineer. Multi-chain, sharing and "bag of cell" is its key point. But with the SEC’s allegations, Telegram had to abandon it. We hope keep TON alive. is TON old supporter, we create frist TON blockchain uesr-friendly wallet in 04.2019. We all know the magic of TON technology.

Matches will down, but tinder left.

Test network luanch today, this is the 2th version net, but we call it "testnet3" for tinder. You can check or check @gram50bot to get some testnet gram test ton magtic tech and get some free mainnet coins now.

Lite-clinet, Full-node and Validator also can join the testnet3, check github here ,and choice your way. Our world view is privacy, no permission, no hosting, unstoppable.

The official TON testnet will be switched off not later than 1.08.2020. Welcome join TON Community Blockchain testnet3.

We re-iterate, all people come from the community, it has nothing to do with Telegram Official. We use telegram and admire telegram. And we think social network + crypto is the key to bringing crypto into mainstream.

Try to fight with The Great Wave.

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