TON Wallet installation guide

TON Wallet installation guide

The Open Network
  • Click on this link.
  • Download the version suitable for your operating system, by clicking «Download».
  • Save the needed file. We're going to show you the whole installation process on the example of the Windows Wallet.
  • Run the installation file.
  • Click on Create My Wallet
  • Write 24 secret words in the specified order on a paper. These words are your personal key, you will confirm transactions with its help. It can always help to restore your wallet in case you accidentally delete the app. Don't forget to hide this paper in a safe place.
  • Now let's check whether we wrote everything correctly. Insert the words in the specified order.
  • Set up a password and confirm it.
  • Ready! Now you have a wallet.
  • Click on «Receive». You can see some symbols under the QR-code — it's the wallet's address. In other words it's your unique identifier in a blockchain.

The latest version of the wallet allows to conduct transactions.

But with the advent of new elements in the TON ecosystem you will be able to fully grasp its advantages. It'll allow you to:

—  Buy and sell different crypto

—  Use financial products

—  Collect game items

—  You'll even have an opportunity to save for retirement

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