TON Project Proposal Template

TON Project Proposal Template

@toncoin @tonsociety

Please fill out the below in [italics] and submit as attachment either via TG bot @tonfunding_bot or Please be concise.

Part 1: General Questions

Team Information:

[signing person's name]


[what does your project do?]

[describe the current team composition - how many developers?]


[any prior contest results?]

[any prior founder fund raising experience?]


[any person/team who can vouch for your work?]


[which problems or gaps in TON ecosystem does your project address?]

[why TON?]

[what are the success metrics for your project?]

[who are the target users?]

Deliverables, Timeline, Use of Funds:

[Milestone 1: deliverable, estimated due date, funding amount requested, funding category]

[Milestone 2: deliverable, estimated due date, funding amount requested, funding category]


Part 2: Category Specific Questions

Fill out only the appropriate supplement below based on the type of application: 1) Grants (project-based), 2) Sponsorships (community building, individual contribution, and TG channel management).


For projects building on the TON blockchain

[a. Provide an overview of the technology stack to be used]

[b. How does your project implement the TON blockchain?]

[c. Provide mock-ups of the user experience or workflow (if applicable)]

[d. Include data models/API specifications of the core functionality (if applicable)]

[e. Provide any applicable Github repository for review]

[f. Do you have POC/MVP or other relevant prior work or contribution on the topic (irrespective of TON)?]


For efforts in growing the TON ecosystem (for example: hackathons, dev workshops, NFT community exhibitions, contribution to the dev knowledge pool (high ranking/activity per Stack Overflow #ton), channel management, etc.)

[a. Where will the event take place (physical, virtual, etc.)?]

[b. What is the estimated number of attendees, and who are the target audience groups?]

[c. Does the event require TON Foundation members’ attendance?]

[d. How do you plan to recap/summarize event outcomes for those not in attendance?]

[e. To showcase contribution to dev knowledge pool, please provide links/documentation (if applicable)]

[f. For TG channels, provide channel name and most recent number of followers]

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