TON Believers Fund Guidelines

TON Believers Fund Guidelines

TBF Club

The smart contract is located at EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 and the domain believers.ton.

— Any user can lock TON in the believers.ton smart contract for a period of 5 years.

— Other users can donate TON, rewarding those who have blocked their coins.

— Deposits and rewards will be accepted until 23 October 2023, 00:00:00 UTC.

— Contributed funds will be frozen for 2 years until 12 October 2025.

— After there will be a gradual unfreeze over a period of 1080 days (3 years) in. 1/36 of the sum each month.

— Rewards are based on the amount of the user's deposit and the total amount of deposits.

— Smart-contract only accepts TON, do not send tokens or NFT.


To make a deposit, send at least 50 TON to the address believers.ton or EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 with the comment "d" (lowercase, no quotation marks).

Anyone can send.

A deposit minus 1 TON is credited (1 TON goes to network costs).

One user can send several times in this case the deposit is summed up.

⚠️ Careful:

  • You must put "d" as the comment. Do not encrypt it.
  • Send the deposit only from a wallet that belongs to you. To avoid losing the funds, do not send directly from exchanges or bots.


To donate your rewards, send at least 50 TON to believers.ton or EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 with a text comment "r" (lowercase, no quotation marks).

Anyone can send.

A deposit minus 1 TON is credited (1 TON goes to network costs).

One user can send several times in this case the deposit is summed up.

⚠️ Careful:

  • You must put "r" as the comment. Do not encrypt it.
  • Send the deposit only from a wallet that belongs to you. To avoid losing the funds, do not send directly from exchanges or bots.

If you prefer using scripts:

For deposits, use a command of the following type:

fift -s wallet-v3.fif mywallet EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 123 2 50 -b -C "d"

in which:

"123" - represents your subwallet_id;

2 - your seqno;

50 - amount to be sent (50 TON);

⚠️ Do not forget to include the flag -b, so as to not lose your funds in case of a mistake.

For reward donations, use a command of the following type:

fift -s wallet-v3.fif mywallet EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 123 3 50 -b -C "r"

"123" - represents your subwallet_id;

3 - your seqno;

50 - amount to be sent (50 TON);

⚠️ Do not forget to include the flag -b, so as to not lose your funds in case of a mistake.

If you use mytonctrl

For a deposit, use a command of the form:

mg wallet_001 EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4pq2 50 -C d -b

where wallet_001 is the name of your wallet in mytonctrl

50 - amount to be sent (50 TON)

⚠️ It is extremely important to put the -b flag so that you will not lose funds in case of a mistake

To donate a reward, use a command like:

mg wallet_001 EQDtFpEwcFAEcRe5mLVh2N6C0x-_hJEM7W61_JLnSF74p4q2 50 -C r -b

where wallet_001 is the name of your wallet in mytonctrl

50 - amount to be sent (50 TON)

⚠️ It is extremely important to put the -b flag so that you will not lose your funds in case of an error.

For additional information about the fund, check out this post or the GitHub repository.

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