TOKOIN , the Platform can accelerating Growth in Emerging Markets

TOKOIN , the Platform can accelerating Growth in Emerging Markets


Did you know in the modern business world, Data is becomes one of the most important commodities in development of business. Is can include so many things related to market information, like habits of the parties to the buyer. Availability of Data becomes very important in determining the scale of business.

Tokoin here come as a platform that establishes digital business identity and reputation of MSME as an acceptable credibilty scoring for suppliers and financial institutions face the real market.

With Tokoin platform we can access market information data, seller or supplier can design marketing strategies that are far more targeted and appropriate. Market information will help the seller to distribute their products by adjusting the profiles of potential buyers, such as demographic and geographic segmentation, as well as the business sector of prospective buyers .

On the other side, MSMEs will also benefit from lower prices when shopping for business products.Because, in this business ecosystem, sellers can now distribute directly to the right market, which of course will influence the best pricing to win the market.

As an important commodity in the modern digital business ecosystem,

Data theft always happen. when the Data centered on one authority will makes it not transparent. The existence of data can be a determinant for stakeholders in an ecosystem.

The solution to the absence Data to accelerate the business ecosystem

By taking the role as data processor . And here Tokoin implements Blockchain Technology as its digital foundation to minimaze system errors , data duplication or even human eror .

Did you know in the Tokoin ecosystem, the supplier data are the buyers, then partners and sellers who will use the data for needs of designing the marketing strategy. Blockchain is applied to provide transparency through accurate MSME information, actual data reputation, traceability, and a method that allows each user not to be disadvantaged in his business activities. This technology makes is possible creations of safe, efficient and trusted business ecosystem.

TOKOIN platform work with 3 value proposition

1. Building a digital identity for MSME that represents a valid reputation

2. Acommodate MSME to utilize their data to create more funding opportunity

3. Provide Growth opportunities for MSME by bringing business partnership

To get easy access and profit Tokoin offer, platform users use TOKO token as a exchange. TOKO is used by MSMEs for claim discount from purchase of business product. While for partners and sellers , TOKO are used to access data that MSMEs deposit into the platform through its KYC ( Know Your Customer ) process. Because KYC process requires MSMEs to input their personal and business data. In this Step MSMEs will get wallet and TOKO after completing it. MSME data is deposited, recorded, stored and distributed through the Blockchain system.

They will also get reward TOKO token each time they data deposit accessed by sellers and partners for their business needs. TOKO later can be used by MSMEs to exchange for various benefit of the platform.

MSMEs needs better access to business improvement require all facilities to accelerate their business trips likes direct access to the first producers which will help MSMEs offer more competitive selling prices to attract potential buyers. A good record of transaction history also helps MSMEs to be more trusted by institutions providing credit and asset protection. at least these features later will be accessed by MSMEs involving TOKO for their transaction activities in Tokoin platform.

TOKOIN really gives access to the ease of acceleration for participants in the Tokoin business ecosystem. TOKOIN can also used by MSMEs to build business credibility so that they can be trusted in accessing various facilities from Tokoin business partners.

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name : Thruemandela

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