TITAN APPS | Facebook

TITAN APPS | Facebook

@alex92dmitriev with @andreyprokofev

Selling Facebook accounts

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Accounts for advertising. We create KING accounts top quality, it is mean we are creating the accounts so long and manually. It is painstaking process. Also we are creating Fan Page. We are investing time in Fan Page too. Also account have Buissness Manager. Account can have verified BM. Account can have "passed advertising ban".

All position and prices in the our shop ⭐️TITANAPPS.SHOP⭐️.
For example:

  1. USA | KING | Manual Farming 14 days | Good FP | BM 50$
  2. USA | KING | Manual Farming 14 days | Good FP | BM 50$ | Passed Advertising Ban
  3. USA | KING | Manual Farming 14 days | Good FP | VERIFED BM 50$ | Passed Advertising Ban
  4. USA | KING | Manual Farming 14 days | Good FP | VERIFED BM 50$

Let's describe the detail info about №3
USA | KING | Manual Farming 14 days | Good FP | VERIFED BM 50$ | Passed Advertising Ban

  • USA. Account was registering and was farming on USA ip.
  • KING. Manual Farming 14 days. We was manually farming account 14 days. Hight Quality farming every day at 14 days. Account have about 50 - 100 friends. We are setting full information in profile. We gradually published posts during farming. Everyday activitie:
    - viewing the feed, likes, dislikes
    - watch the video
    - playing in game
    - posts, photos, events
    - action with the search engine
     - action with advertising
  • Good FP. 1 FanPage has been created in the account. FanPage is full. FanPage may have subscribers. FanPage is good farmed. FanPage has posts.
  • VERIFIED BM 50$. Passed Advertising Ban. A Business Manager has been created in the account for a legal entity and verified. Its limit is $50. The BM passed advertising ban.

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