

Tipestry – The main component of the platform is Tipestry, a web portal that effectively adds a comment section to any website where people can post on the site under discussion. Tipestry Go is an augmented reality application that allows users to leave comments in certain physical locations and search for digital coins hidden around the world. The browser add-in, which adds more chat and micropayment capabilities, is also in development.

There are three related issues to be solved through this project: first, the prevailing business model for social networking platforms is to sell personal information to third parties, usually without Users ‘ understanding that they are refusing in terms of privacy and security. Second, it is difficult for content creators to derive financial benefit from their work, which is partly responsible for the overall reduction of journalistic standards and the distribution of content. Third, it is a trend for large companies to promote agendas – both commercial and political – by censoring or completely disabling user feedback on their sites.

Another goal of this project is to provide a new use of cryptocurrency and put coins in hand for more people without requiring an understanding of technical details.


Censorship is spreading. Privacy is disappearing. Fake news and scams are everywhere, and the media grows more biased every day.


Comment on any website through Tipestry.com or any physical location through Tipestry Go. Vote on websites and donate cryptocurrency to the good ones. Tipestry adds a meta layer to the web were the users are in control.

Background Custom Content

90% of all data ever created has been created in the last two years, largely due to Web 2.0 and the popularity of user content platforms. However, despite the common advantages, problems with these networks are growing. First, the value created by the depositors is almost completely captured by corporate monopolies rather than by people creating content. Another thing is that these companies abuse authority over their platforms, violating the privacy of their users and acting as gatekeepers to what is allowed, banning or de-platform users Cost distribution

People who create content and data that manage the Internet rarely receive compensation for the value they create. Of the main social networking platforms, only YouTube offers income distribution: 55% of advertising revenue goes to qualified bootloaders (many of which are the largest companies in their own right), and 45%-on YouTube.

However, YouTube is becoming more strict about the type of content that can be monetized on its platform. He recently expelled bootloaders without at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of annual viewing. In addition, in an attempt to reduce the monetization of offensive content, he announced that he would use more than 10 000 contractors to help the police which videos would be released from the distribution of income. The result of these changes is a reduction in the number of ordinary people who can earn money by creating content for the platform.

Instead of income distribution, some sites allow users to spend money on gifts for other users. Reddit offers the ability to “give gold “, but all $3.99 (the value of gold) goes to Reddit. Instead of paying the gold recipient, certain symbolic benefits are provided, such as custom themes and avatars.


In addition to the fact that YouTube uses its control over monetization to influence the content, many popular sites explicitly prohibit or censor users, which, according to critics, is inconsistent and opaque. During a recent congressional hearing, several congressmen criticized Facebook for politically motivated censorship. “This criticism was then used as part of the excuse to abolish net neutrality.

t’s also become common for media organizations to remove user comments from their sites entirely.Major sites that once featured comment sections but have since removed them include:

o Reuters




o Bloomberg

o The Atlantic

o Newsday

o Vice

o Business Insider

o Recode

o International Movie Database (IMDB)

o Rotten Tomatoes


o Popular Science

o Chicago Sun-Times

o The Verge

o USA Today

o The Daily Beast

o Toronto Sun

o Toronto Star

o The Telegraph UK

o Stern.de

o The Moscow Times

o Al Jazeera

The trend is ironic considering that one of the main purposes of the media is to act as a check on certain segments of society by exposing corruption and abuse of power. Once the Internet directed that same type of scrutiny back on the media itself, however, the common response so far has been the complete shutdown of user comments.

Tipestry Platform

The Tipestry project started in 2014. The first iteration was a browser-based add-in that went into alpha testing in 2015, and the second was a mobile app that came into testing in 2016. Based on early reviews, both versions were canceled in favor of the current implementation of the Web version of Tipestry.com, which came into alpha testing in 2017.

The companion application Tipestry Go began to be developed and entered into testing in 2017 and was released at the Apple Store at the beginning of 2018.

Tippening, a site for voters to help form a platform policy and elect or remove moderators, is scheduled to be released in early 2019. The browser add-in and the browser application that originally started the project are scheduled to resume at the end of 2019.

Tipestry.com also allows users to tip each other and sacrifice cryptocurrency owners of websites. Tipestry The purpose of tipping is to enable users to earn rewards for the value they create. This not only gives the incentive to place good content but also more fairly than the traditional model, where only the platform owners reaping the fruits of the content created by its users. Social media is valuable as much as users do it, so these users should benefit from their contributions.

The purpose of the site donation is to provide a convenient, practical way to support content creators to facilitate the making of money without resorting to or invasive advertising. One of the advantages of this system over existing solutions is that donors do not need to deal with credit cards, which keeps their privacy and allows donations to be made in just two clicks after their account The recording will be replenished cryptocurrency. The convenience and lack of fees for credit cards also make providing any amount viable, even a fraction of a penny, opening up new opportunities for micro-provision that have never been possible prior to the invention of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency.

Another important advantage of this system is that the site receiving the donation is not obliged to know what is tipestry or cryptocurrency. Any site on the Internet can receive a donation through Tipestry without any initial setup, and the site owner may request it later (within one year; then it is added to the Tipestry token allocation pool).

In addition to cryptocurrency tipping, users can also discover coins hidden throughout the world, both on the map screen and in AR mode. In order to reward users for posting good content, the frequency of coin generation is tied to the popularity of the user’s posts. We will also run Treasure Hunts where users are given clues to discover the location of coins we manually place around the map.

The five main screen in the app are:

1. Local – shows a feed of posts within a certain range of the user’s location. The range can be adjusted. The location that serves as the center of the feed can be adjusted on the Map screen.

2. Map – shows a visual representation of nearby posts. User can tap on the map to change their location or leave a post at a selected location.

3. Friends – shows a feed of posts made by people on the user’s friends list, regardless of location.

4. Trending – shows the most popular posts around the world, regardless of location.

5. Me – user can adjust their profile details, see a list of their posts, friends, likes, and adjust their settings.

Posts can be tagged by category: Social, Photography, Video, Review, Classified, News, Random, and Other, where a custom category can be manually inputted.

Some of the possible uses include:

• Permanent digital records of notable events. For example, if you record an interesting

occurrence, anyone visiting that spot in the future can watch a video of it.

• Leaving virtual notes for specific people instead of physical objects that could be viewed or taken by anyone.

• Share digital information with people in the physical world. For example, post your email address and the person you’re talking to can then see it floating in the air in AR mode so they can save it for later.

• Ticket sales and other local event-driven commerce.

• Meet new people and discover interesting activities while traveling.

• Comment on local businesses, either formally with a review, or more casually e.g. I just had the Chicken Paillard at Cha Cha Cha in Haight Ashbury and it was pretty good.

• Location-based commerce and sharing. For example, you run out of milk and don’t want to go to the store but you don’t know anyone in your apartment building, you could post a microclassified ad offering 100 Dogecoin for some milk.

• Warnings about rattlesnake sightings etc.

To prevent abusive posts and content that local communities don’t want in their area, we plan to use the Tippening to assign moderators to different regions, each with their own sets of rules. There will be various tiers, with national or continent level moderators down to smaller regions such as school campuses or individual neighborhoods.

The goal is to allow different levels of strictness in what is allowed based on the sentiment of the local user base. We plan to experiment with different methods to encourage voting by locals on local rules, possibly through geofencing for certain vote events or perhaps through the creation of additional cryptocurrencies unique to specific areas. For example, someone with an IP address in San Francisco would receive a San Francisco Tipcoin for every normal Tipcoin earned, which would then grant voting rights not only for San Francisco, but also for California and for United States level votes and elections.

ICO Details

Tipcoin and Tipestry token

Tipcoin (TIPC)

Supply: 1,000,000,000

Bounty Campaign Phase 1: August 2018

Democratic governance powered by Tipcoin – the users make the rules. Tipcoin owners will be able to vote on site policy, elect moderators, and decide which content deserves special recognition. Tipcoins can be earned by posting content, completing Treasure Hunts, and during bounty campaigns.

Tipestry Token (TIP)

Supply: 1,000,000,000

Token Sale Date: TBD

Dividends from crypto earned on the platform will be paid to Tipestry Token owners. Unique features are also available through Tipestry Premium subscriptions, purchasable exclusively with Tipestry Tokens.


The online giving economy has grown to over $10 billion since crowdfunding platforms launched less than a decade ago:

• GoFundMe: $5 billion given since 2010

• Kickstarter: $3.6 billion given since 2009

• Indiegogo: $1.5 billion given since 2008

• Fundly: $330 million given since 2009

• Patreon: $150 million given in 2017

According to Fundly’s website, $34 billion worldwide has been raised through crowdfunding so far, including $25 billion in peer-to-peer lending, $5.5 billion in donation crowdfunding, and $2.5 billion in equity crowdfunding.


Contributors to social media platforms ought to share in the profits and governance of the communities they create. It also ought to be possible to use the Internet without sacrificing privacy. Privacy is a basic human right and it’s under threat of extinction if we don’t act now to preserve it.

Tipestry was created with these goals in mind. Through built-in cryptocurrency transactions and proportional voting, users can earn money for their contributions and become part of the platform’s governance. By creating a business model for social media based around cryptocurrency, we can run the platform while respecting people’s privacy.

More information contact :

Website ICO :  https://tokensale.tipestry.com

Website :  http://www.tipestry.com

Whitepaper : https://tokensale.tipestry.com/Tipestry-White-Paper.pdf

Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/tipestry

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/tipestry/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9u8IG9weAezdAzRw8LSyRw

Twitter : https://twitter.com/tipestry

Telegram : https://t.me/tipestry

Author : Upik05

BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2205131

Address wallet


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