

 Local Advertising Platform Realtime Based on Blockchain Technology


VANM is a local product and service search engine that compares local ad offers and requests with nearby users in real time. Blockchain technology is used to distribute advertising revenue among users.

Local ads will be an interesting and useful guide to finding local services and entertainment on demand. The local economy is strengthened by increasing customer awareness. VANM services allow reasonable expenditure for local advertising to help small businesses connect with potential customers. We maintain the attractiveness of the cities where we live. Customers are paid for their advertisements, feedback, and sharing while keeping their personal information safe.

The aim of VANM  is to create a simple and intuitive interface for cryptocurrency operations without the need for a deep and fundamental understanding  of blockchain technology  .

VANM tokens   will be used to facilitate the purchase of in-app advertising contracts or trade directly for goods and services with businesses that will use the VANM platform   .

The VANM team   intends to reduce as many transaction delays as possible now. Company revenue will be generated by purchasing advertising contracts in the application. Fiat money can be saved on the VANM platform   and exchanged for tokens without additional fees and fees. VANM tokens   obtained can be used to purchase advertising contracts. Sales of tokens during ico will be carried out with the help of smart contracts that cannot be changed for the  blockchain Ethereum  . The funds raised will be used to ensure the liquidity of the   company’s  VANM , and will be invested exclusively in the development of the company’s production system.


  • Traditional digital advertising has lost its edge. Pop-ups are largely ignored or blocked by consumers.
  • Effective digital advertising is not available and is not effective for small businesses to reach local focus groups.
  • The local retail market is increasingly tight due to competition from e-commerce platforms


  • All users access search engines for offers, events and local offers on demand in real time.
  • 50% of advertising revenue is shared with users.
  • Local markets can claim customer awareness through targeted advertising for lower market costs.
  • Local markets are being strengthened by increasing customer awareness.
  • User data is anonymized and evaluated only with the approval of the appropriate remuneration.

VANM Token

VANM tokens are ERC20 tokens then on the blockchain Ethereum. The latter will function to transfer value in the network quickly, safely, and almost unpretentiously. A total of 240,000,000 VANM tokens were produced. With this amount it is possible to close the expected transaction volume. The token distribution is as follows:

Distribution of initial tokens has been designed in such a way that 60% of all tokens are sold directly to the community. The aim is to distribute tokens in the most decentralized way. It should be noted that the costs for the team (10%) will be blocked for two years in accordance with  the smart contract  . The presale phase will be closed on 12/30/2018 and public sales will start on 01/01/1999 and will last around 4 months. You can participate by connecting to the project website  .

The following are the contacts and social platforms of the project:






Telegram channel: 

Telegram community:

Username: COB 


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