THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 8 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 8 Part .

 __ - If wisdom was hidden behind every beard, then all the goats would be prophets ... - (French TV series "Raid". 2009)

 __ It was Yeltsin B.N. together with B.A. Berezovsky and E.T. Gaidar in 1995, in the midst of the war unleashed by them in the Chechen Republic, on the basis of the Chechen "Grozneft" created "Rosneft" - a gift from the Kremlin and the Lubyanka to the mafia cluster of the Rothschilds and their "BP". - They appointed (invited) the current Board of Directors (described in the book), which, among others, includes a personal friend of the current President V.V. Putin (Shalomov-Tsinovera) G. Schroeder ...

 Personal rabbi V.V. Putin, as you know, is B. Lazar from the Chabad sect. And they, as you know, consider the Nazi Canaris (chief of the Abwehr) - "the righteous of the peoples of the world" ... Which indicates their close connection with Hitler's 3rd Reich during World War II! Well, now for the fun part:

 - "... Baron Kurt von Schroeder, head of the IG Stein Bank in Cologne, who generously financed the Gestapo, Walter Funk from the Reichsbank and, of course, Emil Poole. The last two were personally appointed to the board by Hitler (the BIS charter was signed representatives of the central banks of England (Montagu Norman), France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, three private US banks - "D.P. Morgan and Company", "First National Bank of New York" and "First National Bank of Chicago" - and private banks in Japan).

 <...> ... the eccentric Montagu Norman (Bank of England), with a piquant Van Dyck beard and travel enthusiast, was a staunch supporter of Hitler ...

 <...> Through the efforts of Kurt von Schroeder and Emil Poole, by 1939 a huge amount of gold and valuables looted from the Nazi-occupied countries was deposited in the BIS, and the BIS, in turn, invested millions in German industry, the BIS turned out to be an obedient tool in Hitler's hands, which took place with the active support of Great Britain, which she continued to provide even after she entered the war with Germany. At the same time, Otto Niemeyer remained the British director of the BIS, and Montagu Norman - its chairman throughout the war. "

 - (Charles Higham - "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949". New York, 1983.).

 - I must say frankly - the historical roots of friendship ... - "Tell me who your friend is ..." ... when again on May 9 on Krasnaya Square. you will climb to the podium to meet NOT your Victory Parade ...

 - There are many things in this world, my friend Horatio, that our wise men never dreamed of ... - (W. Shakespeare - "Hamlet").

 - “Having started with“ parricide ”, but nevertheless transformed into a sovereign, Alexander I, after the defeat of Napoleon, was forced to attend to security problems on the southern borders, in the Caucasus. the hands of the Turks laid the foundation for a long-term bloody Caucasian war, while in Russia itself, through the efforts of dummies and masons, a conspiracy against the emperor began to mature, which went down in history as an uprising of the Decembrists, who were the first to develop a Russian plan for the geopolitical destruction of the motherland that had nurtured them by means of its dismemberment and fragmentation into 15 It is natural that there were several of them where there were "beautiful impulses" without plans to assassinate the emperor.

 Few people know that neither in the 18th, nor in the 19th centuries there was not a single Russian-Turkish or Russian-Persian war, to which Great Britain would not have put its hands on.

 <...> Less known are other facts of Great Britain's geopolitical banditry against Russia. This is inspiration through the so-called French agents. Polish uprising of the early 30s of the XIX century, "extremely" just arrived in time for the next, England provoked by the Russian-Turkish war. This is the brutal murder in 1833 of the aide-de-camp of Nicholas I, an outstanding Russian naval officer - Alexander Ivanovich Kazarsky, whose enchantingly grandiose naval victory in an extremely unequal battle with the Turkish fleet literally shook the whole of Europe to its foundations.

 Back in the 18th century, any attempts by Russia to gain access to the world ocean from a southern direction, i.e. through the Black Sea straits of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, were torpedoed specially for this by the British naval intelligence officers John Elphinstone and Samuel Greig who entered the Russian service.

 Few people know that what is widely known as the Crimean War of 1853–1856 was actually called the Eastern War by the Anglo-French aggressors who organized it. That one of the first strikes of the combined Anglo-French naval forces then - in 1854 - fell on Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka, clearly in pursuance of Palmerston's out-of-measure statement of 1851. Aza six years earlier, during the n. revolution of 1848 in France, the "rebels" for some reason were too concerned about the need to march on Russia to "liberate" the subjects of the Russian Empire, and, again, for some reason, only the Poles. True, if we take into account that Napoleon III, who created this "revolution" with the support of England, was an agent of influence of Lord Palmerston (by that time he was already prime minister), then everything will fall into place.

 The author and initiator of many liberal reforms in Russia at the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, intensifying the economic development of Russia primarily due to the abolition of serfdom, restored the Black Sea Fleet, initiated rapid railway construction in the empire, received the unspoken title of the Liberator, who almost took Constantinople (the British frankly threatened with war if Constantinople were taken by the Russians) during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. and Alexander II, who did much more useful for the empire, was killed as a result of a villainous crime on March 1, 1881. Absolutely all direct and indirect evidence pointed to London. And before that, Alexander II received a "royal souvenir" from London - the so-called. the Polish uprising of the early 1860s, inspired by Palmerston's agent of influence, the then famous international bandit and terrorist Giuseppe Mazzini, whose "exploits" were always generously paid for by the Tybaldi Foundation, created by one of the leaders of British intelligence at the time, James Stansfield. True, the very "revolutionary booze" of the Poles was paid for with counterfeit royal rubles, which were stamped in abundance by several underground factories specially created by the City bankers - in this, in particular, the uncle of the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, Joseph Freud, was badly burned.

Another personal agent of Palmerston's influence, Arminius Vambery, became famous not so much for being a clever Jew and a Zionist, but for being an adviser to the Turkish Sultan, on instructions from London, for the first time formulated the "concept of Pan-Turkism", at the same time provoking a mass exodus of Vainakhs from Russia to Turkey.

 Subsequently, as Russia's interest in Central Asia grew, Arminius Vamberi, disguised as a dervish, was trying to kindle the flame of muridism in this region.

 <...> ... Alexander III, after a short reign, was killed. It was during his reign that a global plan for a permanent world war was developed against him personally and against the empire he headed. He had the goal of the complete destruction of Russia both as a state and as a country, up to the state of the "Russian desert". The plan is still being implemented. It was developed in Great Britain and published in 1890.

 For participation in the ceremony, the symbolic laying of the first crutch of the future Transsib, who received a Japanese broadsword on the head, initiated the construction of the Chinese-Eastern Railway (the famous CER), continued the course towards the rapid economic development of Russia (the gold standard ruble was more than a revered currency all over the world), Nikolai II immediately received the All-Russian BUND, and the RSDLP, and the Russian-Japanese war, etc. revolution of 1905 - and all with an English flavor. As the tsarist police established, the "revolutionaries" received weapons and money from England, and those political forces that were supposedly paid for with Japanese money, either did not know, or did not want to know that the "thirty Judas pieces of silver" had either English or American origin. Many peddle the question that this money was of Jewish origin. However, despite this fact that fully corresponds to the truth, one should proceed not from the ethnic factor, but from the geopolitical one, because by that time the United States had already openly begun to claim geopolitical hegemony throughout the world.

 Then Russia was dragged into the First World War (provided for in the above-mentioned plan for a permanent world war against Russia, however, the Second was also provided for there). And on the very eve of the enchanting victory of Russian weapons in the spring of 1917, no one had any doubts, Nicholas II received the so-called. the February revolution, about the need to accomplish which Great Britain had been concerned about for so long, and on the implementation of which Anglophiles like Milyukov, Guchkov, Lvov, Kerensky and other scoundrels acted on the direct orders of the British embassy in St. Petersburg.

 The news of this unprecedented villainy against not only the closest ally of Great Britain, but also the closest relative of the British King George V, was received by the British Parliament with standing and applause ...

 <...> ... in other words, for five centuries, the cornerstone of the whole policy of Great Britain, and accordingly, of its intelligence, is aggression against the outside world! ... ".

 - It is worth adding on my own that the very adviser of the Turkish Sultan, who, on instructions from London, formulated the “concept of pan-Turkism”, and as a result of British political intrigues, and games in Geopolitics, artificially pitted the indigenous peoples of Russia, and with intent! provoking a mass exodus of Vainakhs from Russia to Turkey, the British agent (asset) Arminius Vambery (German Hermann Bamberger) is an analogue of modern George Soros (Györd Shorosh) - now D. Soros (friend of B.A. Berezovsky and the Lazanskaya mafia, and a representative The Rothschild Mafia Cluster) is engaged in all this, including the financing of the terrorist "Caucasus Center" - which has nothing to do with the Caucasus! - I would like to note that the Jew Soros (Shoorosh), in addition, is accused not only of participating in the predatory scam brought up in the early 90s in Russia, which I called the "privatization of MI6", but also in cooperation with the Gestapo ... time for World War II! - Let me remind you: - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (J. Coleman "Committee-300"). - It was he (the Supreme Commander) who gave the order for the massive bombing of Chechen cities and villages! (And not Dudaev's bid!) - Only children were killed - 40,000! - half Russian (noun), half - Chechen! All These Children's Lives are completely on the conscience of the British Elite and their Kremlin friends - as well as the lives of the children of Dadi-Yurt! After all, these contemptuous "aristocrats" participating in the projects of investment funds of the Rothschild Mafia cluster (on the territory of Russia) receiving from 1000 to 3000% of their annual investments! do not ask him (their manager) questions where this money comes from: How many thousands of people are killed there every year for their sake, how many are deprived of their health and their (Private!) property, how many million people. their friends from the KGB (Andropov-Gorbachev-Yeltsin-Putin) let through prisons, concentration camps and psychiatric hospitals (created by the same KGB - Kings Grand British), how many were brought to poverty and suicide ... while sitting comfortably in London, Paris, Frankfurt ... and other Amsterdam! and 30 years are enriched and celebrated - their life is good! - And we must take care of ours ourselves ...

 Reference: "In total, only through the ASER" Tan "on 268,000 payment documents, Russian assets worth 73 trillion US dollars were withdrawn abroad, which are stored in the Spanish bank Santander, and in total money was taken out of Russia and stored abroad at the amount of 116 trillion US dollars. " - (Union "Antiterror": a certificate to the President about the plundering of Russia. State Service Union of Antiterror, the successor of the KGB of the Commonwealth of the SSR (resolution of the VNS of the Commonwealth of the USSR No. 13/11 of February 25, 2014, order of the VNS of the USSR No. Security in the Commonwealth of the SSR and in the subjects of law on the territory of the Commonwealth of the SSR; + see S.P.Shashurin - video.).

 - A person who, in the 1990s, actively managed the ENTIRE banking environment of the USSR / Russia and determined EVERYTHING - who and how to rob ("privatization of MI-6"), and whom to enrich (the creation of current Criminal states), which media (ORT, "RTR", ...) + which Russian politicians to support (Gorbachev, Kryuchkov, Aliev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev, Arbatov, Sobchak, Yeltsin, Gaidar, Dudayev, Burbulis, Chubais, Koh, Berezovsky, Voloshin, Borodin, Putin) name - Evelyn de Rothschild (sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild (born 29 August 1931) - will be 88 years old in August). - The famous magazine The Economist, whose annual "hieroglyphic mugs" are trying to decipher the School of Common Sense of A.P. Ninth, it belongs to him, as does the Central Bank of Russia ... along with the Kremlin and the Lubyanka (KGB), to boot. 1977 to 1994 - was the director of the "(Round Table") De Beers founded by Cecil Rhodes. - Various Western foundations helped him in his affairs, which we are still unraveling, in the USSR / Russia - one of them is The Center for Democracy Allen Weinstein (1937-2015) - historian and federal official of the United States, a cat during the Reagan administration and was a co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy (1983)), which oversaw officials from the USSR / Russian Foreign Ministry (Shevardnadze, Kozyreva - since 1996, a resident of Florida, Jewish Congress). The current minister - Lavrov (Kalantaryan), whose family has been living in the United States since the early 2000s, is supervised by G. Kissinger (from the British B'nai Brit) - receives him in his private apartment in New York ... in a house located in the 400s meters from Ch. the UN office, and in which, on the floor above, lives the 87-year-old owner of the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" Evelyn de Rothschild. (E. Imenitov, I. Boschenko. Neuromir-TV. 30.06.2019).

 - And another relative of Evelina is Jacob (Jacob) Rothschild (eng.Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild; born 04/29/1936 - the son of Victor Rothschild (during World War II (together with Arnold Toynbee (friends) ) supervising the British special services; eng. Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild; (1910 - 1990)) also did not waste time in vain - in parallel he formed a cluster of Russian "young reformers" (Gaidar, Chubais, Koch, Mau, ...) and oligarchs ... ( Berezovsky, Aven, Fridman, Khan, Lebedev, Smolensky, Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky, Milner, Prokhorov, Potanin, Mordashov, Khloponin, Deripaska, Abramovich ... etc.) - (V.Yu. Katasonov, I. Boschenko . Neuromir-TV. 07/01/2019).

 - (AB Martirosyan - "Conspiracy of Marshals. British intelligence against the USSR". 2003; + Comments and algorithm from MT).

 - OUT OF ANY DOUBT: - Destroyed Dadi-Yurt (09/14/1819), burned Khaibakh (Deportation 1944), and twice wiped out from the face of the earth Grozny (1994-2002) - ALL THESE LINKS OF ONE CHAIN ​​- British / Hesse-Kassel. (see O. A. Platonov, N. H. Webster, V. M. Zaznobin / K. P. Petrov, S. A. Sall, ...) ____________

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department."

 - The KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6. - (John Coleman - "The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300"; + RT Klyuchnik, MV Nazarov, VV Kozhinov, AV Ostrovsky).

 Until the end of the sad days

 Neither proud experience nor reason

 They will not be crushed by their hand

 Bloody life of forget-me-nots.

 Only three wounded young children survived in the completely destroyed Dadi-yurt - the future artist, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts - Pyotr Zakharievich Zakharov (b. 1816, Dadi-yurt - u. 1846, Moscow); Bota Shamurzaev, who first went to the abreks and then became the mayor of the Russian army; and poet Konstantin Mikhailovich Aibulat - (b. 1817, Dadi-Yurt - d. 1865 St. Petersburg)).

 __ According to the Working Group and the Anti-Terror Union for the period 1985-1991. group "Z" at the command of M.S. Gorbachev a huge amount of USSR assets in the form of money supply, gold, diamonds, platinum, oil, and other material values ​​were stolen and taken abroad. The bulk of these assets were credited to the accounts of hundreds of members of the "Z" group. Some of them are worth 1 trillion. USD 750 billion was credited to the accounts of close persons of the Gorbachev group.

 So, in 1989, on behalf of M.S. Gorbachev. one of the members of the group "Z" Mikheevsky V.M., who, after training in a group of managers at the International Stock Exchange in London and receiving an International license to work in the foreign financial market, finance manager of the Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.Ye. Kruchina. in the presence of the head of the group "Z" Moiseyev N. N. handed over to Mikheevsky 5 636 315 078 660 US dollars. These huge funds Mikheevsky, together with another member of the group "Z" Gorbanovsky V.N., were transported to Switzerland and for these funds accounts were opened in 21 countries of Western Europe and 18 accounts in the USA, Canada, and Japan.

 <...> To accommodate Yeltsin, the secret world government through the International Reserve Fund of France, in which the assets of Russia of the tsarist period were concentrated, gave Yeltsin as a bribe $ 46.8 billion. In April 1992, these funds were divided into 5 parts and transferred to the personal accounts of Tatiana Dyachenko, Chernomyrdin, Shaimiev, Nazarbayev and American Gore. The money for Dyachenko Tatiana was transferred to accounts opened in banks in the Solomon Islands and Australia.

 Part of the funds, in the amount of $ 20.6 billion. The United States allocated for Chernomyrdin was subsequently distributed between persons close to Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin: Abramovich, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky, Potanin, Khodorkovsky, Prokhorov, Lebedev, Fridman, Alekperov, Momut, Lesin and others. waves that, with the help of these received funds, were able to buy and privatize the main production facilities of the country into their ownership.

 Having received the above amount of funds through VEB from the French International Reserve Fund, Chernomyrdin, in agreement with Yeltsin, signed an agreement with Gor to sell 500 tons of weapons-grade plutonium to the United States for $ 11.9 billion (the real cost of weapons-grade plutonium was at that time at least $ 8 trillion). When exporting the aforementioned weapons-grade plutonium to the United States by submarines, one of the 8 submarines, while exporting 7 tons of weapons-grade plutonium, made a treacherous escape and did not return to the base in Russia, remaining in the West under the control of a secret world government to this day. Hiding this fact from the Russian public, the Russian government announced the death of this submarine, allegedly drowning. At the same time, this submarine is still used in the interests of the traitors to the Russian people.

 At that time, Yeltsin also signed numerous agreements with different countries for the export and storage of assets in the form of gold, diamonds, and platinum abroad. They concluded deals that were not profitable for Russia and signed numerous agreements with the United States, which caused economic and political damage to Russia.

 Under the guise of the execution of the "Program for the revival of the Russian economy", issued by all the former republics of the USSR for exchange in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, banknotes issued in 1961 in the amount of 44 trillion. rubles, as well as 11.8 trillion. rub., listed on the accounts of citizens in the Savings Bank of the USSR, in 1992-93. by the decision of the Yeltsin government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they were converted and accumulated into the accounts of the Bank "Tan", as a branch of the Central Bank of the USSR, located in Kazan and its branch in Alma-Ata. This operation was carried out under the leadership of foreign owners of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Sberbank of the Russian Federation and under the direct control of Shaimiev, Gerashchenko and other employees of the Central Bank, and in Kazakhstan under the control of Nazarbayev. The transfer of money and their introduction into the economy went through the system of so-called "Chechen advice notes", which were controlled by the leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

 <...> ... as you know, part of the international tranches of the IMF, which passed through the International Investment Bank, controlled by Chubais and Vavilov, transferred funds from the IMF tranches to the accounts of the Family during the entire period of its activity, about which the Working Group pointed out in her previous reports that ultimately led to the country's default in 1998.

 Part of the money transferred in 1992 to the accounts of the Tan bank was directed under the control of an American CIA agent Rayfon through the ASER “Tan” (headed by S.P. Shashurin) for the purchase of gold, oil, gas, rare earth materials, Kamaz vehicles , which were then exported abroad. Part of the funds was used to create a depository by the Shaimiev clan and strengthen the state property of Tatarstan, as well as the creation of the Alfa Group company.

 __ Packages of securities were formed for gold, diamonds, oil and gas located in the depths of the country. Then, through the company CJSC DGK +, created for these purposes, under the leadership of a member of the Monetary Committee of the US Federal Reserve and a member of the Russian Security Council Kononevich E.I. the packages of securities were pledged to the US Federal Reserve and foreign banks. As a result of the activities of the company CJSC "DGK +" in the period 1994-1998. 74 banks in the world have accumulated gigantic funds - hundreds of trillions of US dollars. These capitals in the form of money, gold, diamonds, platinum, Kamaz vehicles, steel, oil withdrawn from the country through the ASER “Tan”, Bank “Tan”, “Charitable Foundation of SP Shashurin” and hundreds of other companies and funds and were withdrawn from the financial turnover of Russia.

 In addition to these assets, in 1996, the Z group under the leadership of Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin transferred 62% of the RF budget money abroad. This financial scam subsequently led to the default of the Russian financial system in 1998. Of these huge withdrawn funds, part of the amount of 42.8 billion US dollars was used to cover the US debts to the Fed, and the rest is kept in foreign banks in the accounts of various companies. foundations and figureheads: Zagrebelny, Ushakov, Khairullin, Shakirzyanov, Lyakhov, Pospelov, Churilov, Beregovkin, US citizen Magelaesh, Canadian Fraser, Khaz and many others.

 The banks of the Solomon Islands alone hold Russian 37.8 trillion. US dollars. In the Aybisi Bank of London, the Gorbachev criminal group keeps documents for 65,000 tons of gold (Philippine gold), which was obtained during Andropov's reign in 1983, as the share of the USSR after the division of capital by the winners in World War II. For this gold, 486 accounts have been opened in various banks of the world in favor of Russia, which contain trillions of US dollars that are managed by the Gorbachev criminal group.

 <...> In total, Russia’s assets worth 73 trillion have been withdrawn abroad through ASER “Tan” on 268,000 payment documents. US dollars, which are kept in the Spanish bank "Santander", and in total money was taken out of Russia and stored abroad in the amount of 116 trillion. dollars USA.

 - (Union "Antiterror": a certificate to the President about the plundering of Russia. State Service Union of Antiterror, the successor of the KGB of the Commonwealth of the SSR (resolution of the VNS of the Commonwealth of the USSR No. 13/11 of February 25, 2014, order of the VNS of the USSR No. Security in the Commonwealth of the SSR and in the subjects of law on the territory of the Commonwealth of the SSR; + see the video by S.P. Shashurin).

The British elite has divided all the religions of the world according to their political interests.

 Thus, Prince M. of Kent (the head of the Masonic lodge!) - being the great-great-grandson of Nicholas I (Romanov) on the female side - having his cells on Mount Athos - officially shows the whole political world his "commitment" to Orthodoxy ... And this is in Protestant Britain (where London's main temple is St. Paul / Saul Temple), in which the Masonic lodges play a major role. Thus, claiming in the future to restore the monarchy in Russia ... in this case, the emergence of a new one (the Romanovs have been given up) - already British!

 I remember that a financier of terrorists and mafia - the London fugitive Berezovsky (a friend of Soros, the Rothschilds and M. Kentsky) - who has a "roof" - KGB and the Lazanskaya mafia (Dudaev's external "intelligence")) also portrayed the "Orthodox Christian" as a terrorist and mafia financier - he not alone - with Yeltsin and Chubais ... for a couple. Such is the power in Russia now ... of "former" atheist Chekists and "Christians" ... in combination. The result of their activities is banal: millions of Christians (as well as Muslims) in Russia have lost not only all their property (migrated to London offshores), chances for something, but also their lives.

 Prince Charles Windsor, unlike his ascetic relative, on the contrary, outwardly shows his closeness to ... Islam ...! (Frequent trips to Saudi and Emirati friends and participation in public dances). Not to the classic version, but to the one that exists today in Saudi Arabia and in the Arab countries of its satellites. At the same time, rumors about his allegedly crypto-Islam are spreading ... !!

 The first of the British - allegedly Muslims, as you know, were British MI6 / MI5 agents - Lawrence of Arabia and the father of Andropovsky (KGB) agent Kim Philby - Jack Philby (Harry St John Bridger Philby; b.1885-y.1960) - he is Sheikh Abdullah - he is the first representative of Wahhabism in the USSR ... (see 5th Ideological Directorate of the KGB of the USSR - F.D. Bobkov (curator Gamsakhurdia, Dudaeva, Udugova ... and defender of the monument to Ermolov in Grozny)) ...

 Along this "Islamic line" the opinion is spread that the Windsors are allegedly the great-great-great-descendants of the Prophet Mohammad himself ... !!

 One "descendant" of the Romanovs, another - the Prophet Mohammad, the third - King David, and the fourth - is also someone's descendant ... Directly - a family row! And all together - even in the Masonic lodges ... atheists!

 (If believers recognize the existence of God (the highest Spiritual essence), and profess Dogmas (from open sources - Torah / Bible / Koran) and there are three types: aggressive / fanatical, moderate, and meditating / philosophizing (Sufis are close to Freemasonry). Atheist Masons do not recognize the existence of God and dogmatism. At the same time, they combine - profess secret knowledge / teachings (closed sources) and philosophical views of such personalities as Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, ... etc. (Open sources.) The second are also of three types: moderate, aggressive and combining (meditating / philosophizing). Until now, no one has succeeded in combining these two antagonistic life lines - Religion and Atheism - dogmas are not subject to discussion, like secret teachings Although some philosophy is allowed in religion (Sufism-mysticism) .At the same time, there is a significant difference in approaches to life: the Koran, like the true Teachings of Christ (see K.P. Petrov, V.M. Zaznobin), for example, does not allow R ostracism and loan interest (which destroys the economies of countries), and also does not approve of slavery - and all this is the core of the Western world order ... And atheist Masons, on the contrary, are only for it. They, for their existence, simply need "Fuckers" and "Terpily". - Man to man, if not always a wolf, then at least a skunk ... And everyone there knows that).

 Here I am tempted to ask: So why are you such "saints" - British Muslim Christians ("descendants" of the Prophets!), Gave guarantees of complete immunity to the entire Family of Yeltsin B.N. (as far as I know, he is only a descendant of the Chekists (Cheka-KGB) and Jamesbond (MI-6)) for unpunished bombing and cleansing of peaceful villages and cities, for the brutal massacres in the Chechen Republic in 1994-2002. OK. 200,000 people (half of them are Muslims and half are Christians) - 40,000 of them are children (half are Chechens, half are Russians) ...! ?? And all this is Barbarism for the sake of Material values ​​(money and power)! Nothing else was there and was not close!

 Reference: Labor (i.e. Social Democrat) Tony Blair (Putin's friend) and Margaret Thatcher, both British politicians, were not at all shy about directly supporting radical Islam - Salafism (Wahhabism).

 Thatcher is known for starting with active support of the Chekist regime - M. Gorbachev and V. Kryuchkov, and ended up supporting the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Gaidar Family and the Salafi regime of the Ichkerians led by D.M.Dudaev. - some of whom still freely live in London (they also visit Moscow), despite the numerous facts of their connection with terrorist organizations: Al-Qaeda and ISIS (ISIS) ...

 The secret of the current Big Politics is that the British elite, after the successful for them and tragic for the Chinese people, the Opium Wars in China, invested part of a huge capital in the creation of a revised version of Islam in the Arab countries, and the entire East, as well as in the creation there their Masonic lodges! At the same time, different families created and funded different religious and political versions of the trend!

 - How so, you ask - Islam and atheistic Freemasonry - are not compatible in any way !? - Classical Islam, from the Prophet Mohammad - yes, it is not compatible. And the reformist - Judeo-Protestant (Talmudism) versions of it - that's another matter: several generations of Arabs from different countries have grown up on it, and now a good half (total illiteracy affects!) Of them know absolutely nothing about another Islam: Do you want to conquer the people - raise his children ...

 It all started simply. Ordinary. Capitalism, especially its British-Dutch version, is a Global and expansive SIS theme - simultaneously advancing both in breadth and in depth, leaving no empty spaces. If in any part of the world there is a tidbit zone for the application of this capital - economic or political - it will inevitably come there (with bags of money for bribery), showing his aggressiveness. And the British Empire is, first of all, the Financial Capital, led by the Crown (City of London) - at the head of which, for the last 2 centuries, is the Rothschild Mafia cluster ... and others like them ... (150-200 families / clans).

 - "The basis of misunderstanding of what is happening with the modern world is a misunderstanding of the essence of capitalism, the capitalist system. Capitalism is not the willfulness of capital according to the principle" where I want, I go there. " limiting capital in its own integral and long-term interests.I emphasize: capitalism is, first of all, not an economy, but a political-economic (non-economic) institutional system, an element of which is the economy, the market, trying - in their short-term interests - to get rid of this system, To a large extent, this struggle and the underlying matrix contradiction determine the fantastic dynamics of the capsystem, “burning” it for several centuries - compared to other systems in the history of mankind of capitalism, the “century is short”.

 The institutional constraints of capitalism are the state, politics, civil society, ideology, and rationally organized knowledge (science as an institution and education). The most powerful constraint is the state, and it was this that was one of the main, if not the main factor in the design at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. closed supranational structures of world governance - they put the state (states) under the control of capital, but not concretely partial and "short-term", but abstract-holistic and long-term, and therefore often acting not as capital, but as overcapitalist, and sometimes supra-economic Power and Idea. This was largely facilitated by the infiltration of the "world behind the scenes" by structures much more ancient and sophisticated, which became to the same extent an instrument of the "behind-the-scenes" as it was - their instrument, form and mask - "everything was mixed in a common dance." By the way, this is also the most serious contradiction of capitalism - its non-identity with itself along the line of closed structures and layers of management.

 <...> Outside (above) the economic institutional structure of capitalism solves another task for capital, the fulfillment of which is one of the raison d'etre (main reasons) of its existence. We are talking about expansion carried out by the forces of the state and providing sales markets and zones of cheap labor. Without this, capital (capitalism) cannot function normally.

 The fact is that capitalism is an extensive system: it develops in breadth, constantly carrying out its contradictions outside and outside, drawing many stimuli for development. In the history of capitalism, when the world rate of profit fell, it “gnawed out” some part of the non-capitalist zone, turning it into a capitalist periphery - colonies and semi-colonies. Thus, the system first compensated for the loss of profit, and then sharply increased it, entering an era of recovery. Among other things, this allowed the bourgeoisie, firstly, to feed the lower (hard workers, "prole", as Orwell would say) and middle social groups, maintaining a relative social peace at the core of the capsystem ("North Atlantic Empire"). For this purpose, in the post-war period in the West, a welfare state was created - a state of universal social security, which redistributed part of the social product from top to bottom.

 The exploitation of the periphery and semi-periphery allowed the top of the world capitalist class to provide a reliable rear in the "lair" - in the core. Well, the middle class personified the strength of the rear, or rather, the stratum, since belonging to a class is determined by quality - the specifics of property and income (profit, wages, rent, royalties), and the stratum - by the amount of income, regardless of its source. The post-war thirty years was, at least outwardly, a triumph of the middle stratum, which, in turn, reflected the unprecedented growth of the capitalist system. However, fate does not give anything forever. At the turn of the 1960s – 1970s, economic growth began to stall, crisis phenomena began, and in these conditions, the pressure of the middle stratum and its political organizations and representatives in state bodies on the top increased. The latter, represented by its supranational structures, decided to launch a counter-offensive against the middle and lower strata, in fact, a counter-revolution in relation to the 1945-1975 trend. This counter-offensive was implemented in the 1980s and 1990s in the form of a neoliberal revolution and globalization, the collapse of the USSR was one of the most important elements and one of the most important programs of this process. " I. Fursov).

 __ Simply put: The Modern World, in which you and I, in spite of everything, are trying to live, and not survive, is such a large indoor aquarium with fish ... and other living things. And since this aquarium is closed, the fish (realities of the SIS theme) can live on only if they devour each other: Large devour medium-sized ones, and medium-sized ones - small ones, and small ones - other small fry. Cyclicity (political / economic) of the modern capitalist SIS theme.

 Nothing personal, as they like to say in Western films, it's just business. And the well-known saying: "Bolivar can't stand two" - has become partly a Russian proverb - not only Western! And religious, national, as well as state affiliation, as to something single, uniting, no longer plays such an essential role as before ... ("My address is Not a house or a street, My address is the Soviet Union ... "- has sunk into oblivion). Which, firstly, indicates a partial loss of Spirituality, and the fact that we already, in fact, have been living for a long time, both in the post-Christian time and in the post-Islamic ... - multicultural. (New Commandments of the Prophets (Moses, Jesus, Mohammed) ...! ?? You can rob, profit and launder, substitute and kill ... as well as create Sects ...! ??). Transformation of both religious (a bunch of sects and movements) and national basic foundations (Nation - into people, people - into tribes, and tribes - into clans). And the state, as a social institution, although it is experiencing strong shocks, and is undergoing a kind of rebirth with an unknown long-term forecast, but in general, already, in fact, after the 2nd World (V.O) War, was sacrificed supranational corporate institutions of large private (family / clan) hybrid associations ... such as British, Dutch, or Turkish East India companies. They are the Masters of the Great World Game! Everything else revolves around them. At the same time, they, in turn, also undergo a certain transformation.

 - "Biblical Project" - you ask - did it collapse? - In no case. - We can only say that he (for a while ??) lost his Hegemony ... while undergoing some changes ...

 - Jamal ad-Din al Afghani (1839-1897) - the founder of Pan-Islamism. Persian, although he is considered by some to be Afghan. He was prime minister in Afghanistan, assistant to the Iranian shah, then worked in Istanbul, in Russia, in England (met with R. Churchill (senior), in France he was a member of all intellectual clubs of that time, taught in Sorbon, worked in Egypt - together with the British, at the same time, at the same time, sometimes managed to participate in political intrigues against them!

 The whole secret of his luck is in the so-called "roof" ... His (as well as the founder of the moderate "Muslim Brotherhood" Hasan al Bann (1906-1949)), today their representative in power in Egypt M. Mursi (1951- 2019) was replaced (poor handling !?) with a representative of Salafism - A.-F. Al-Sisi (born 1954), - covered by the British aristocrat 1st Earl of Cromer (Irving Baring - eng. Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer (1841-1917)) - English politician and honorary member of the British Academy .. Which in India, among other things, was actively involved in the Muslim population (this is how Pakistan, the Islamic part of India, appeared later).

 Today, if you have noticed, in Russia, with the hands of a new generation of the British-Netherlands elite, they are trying hard to split (first) the entire Caucasus from Russia and create an enclave - in which neither Russian nor international laws are in force - and then create two long-term - the centuries-old poles of enmity and instability: the Caucasus - Russia, - similar to Pakistan and India (the British principle does not change over time - divide and rule).

 As you know, there is an old conflict of interest between the banking houses of the Baring and the Rothschilds. (This is the story of the official political science). According to it, it turns out that if the former "cover" (protect) the so-called Ikhwans ("Muslim Brotherhood"), then the latter, the Rothschilds, are a more radical group of Salafis (Wahhabis). Although, here - at any stage - control can be intercepted - big money is capable of anything! But in fact, without insider information it is quite difficult to make out all this "British mess". (see Niall Ferguson - "The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets 1798-1848" - 1998).

 The Baring family is the 6th financial empire in the world! And the Rothschild Mafia Cluster, among other things, controls approx. 70% of the global banking SIS topic. Many researchers and historians point to their (both financial and political) primacy since the beginning of the 19th century.

 There is something to think about.

 British Masonic lodges in Egypt appeared in the 1870s and 80s. - and the very first - since the time of Napoleon. By this time, the lodges were no longer considered something special - a simple Egyptian routine of that time - there were more than 70 of them.

Somewhere in 1876. D. al Afghani was invited to the Egyptian lodge "Star of the East 1355" (see Rafael Borg - vice consul in Cairo). This lodge was directly connected with the United Grand Lodge of England (today it is headed by Prince M. of Kent (the last 52 years - a permanent Great Architect)).

 In a year, al Afghani will lead this lodge, and create his inner circle there. Prince Edward VII of Wales (Edward VII; 1841-1910) will visit this box in 1878.

 A year after his visit, al Afghani is excommunicated from the lodge. But, he will immediately create his New Lodge - national, gathering in it all the Egyptian intellectual elite of that time - and reorient it to the "Great East of France". After that, in 1879 he was expelled from Egypt. He leaves, first to India, and then to England, where he meets with the uncle of the famous Andropov KGB agent Anthony Blunt (see "The Cambridge Five").

 Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (1840-1922, member of the Conservative Party) becomes a mediator when meeting with J. al Afghani and Randolph Churchill (S). It is interesting that at the end of his life, al Afghani quarreled with the Iranian Shah, and with Baring, and with many others. He was a supporter of the Islamic Caliphate - the unification of Muslim countries with an elected Caliph at the head. (Today this idea is distorted by the hands of thoughtless ISIS fighters). At the same time, he believed that Muslims can receive interest on their deposits in banks.

 Having moved to the Ottoman Empire, he harshly criticized the British tobacco trade ... At the same time, at that time, external economic management was already introduced in Turkey ...

 He never found out that one of his students, Muhammad Abdo (1849-1910), under the patronage of I. Baring, in 1899 would become the Supreme Mufti of Egypt.

 His students were Sheikh Ahmad Abd ar-Rahman al-Saati (father of one of the founders of the Ikhwan movement ("Muslim Brothers") - Hasan al Banna (1906-1949)), and Muhammad Rashid Rida (1865-1935).

 At the same time, it is the Rothschilds who are considered the main sponsors of all trips to all countries of the world by J. al-Afghani ... - including the money for the construction of the main Ikhwan mosque - later allocated to Hasan al-Bann.

 The Ottoman Empire was completely in debt to the Rothschild cluster! And the main office of the Bank of Turkey is located in London. From there the management also proceeded.

 At the age of 27, having graduated from the University of Hasan al Bann, he was sent to the city of Ismailia (lower Egypt), where he, working as a teacher of the Arabic language, after half a year, opened the Muslim Brotherhood movement. At the same time, the headquarters of the Ikhwan movement was located, not just anywhere, but on the second floor of the Suez Canal company ... This company was 100% connected with the Rothschild brothers!

 At the same time, there is no evidence that Hasan al Banna was somehow connected with British intelligence - SIS. But it is possible that he had some kind of contacts with the intelligence of the Suez Canal company.

 At that time, the Rhodes-Milner Round Table, the Fabian Society (Shaw, Wales), + also: Blunt, Philby, Baring ... etc. were active. - "Arab Bureau", they all closely communicated in the same circle ... and it was not at all easy to figure out who was playing which game, what strings were pulling, and what goals they set, who had teamed up with whom or parted ways. At the same time, O. Yanovsky indicates that I. Baring was a member of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table.

 The whole secret of secrecy is simple: by intercepting all economic issues, you intercept political issues, and not directly, but through proxy groups (outwardly imperceptibly) you exercise a protectorate. What the American politician L. LaRouche and the Russian political scientist I. Panarin call the "Deep State" ("Hidden Empire"). And General K.P. Petrov (COB) - "Non-structured control" of the Global predictor.

 - "Deep State" never dreamed of what the British Deep State could be in reality. "- OS Yanovsky.

 Reference: "The Cambridge Five" - ​​Kim Philby, Donald McLean, Guy Burgess, John Kerncross, and Anthony Blunt - the last relative of Elizabeth II, for whose "exposure" Baroness Thatcher flew out of big politics, with the nickname - "bourgeois" (see. A.I. Fursov)). All of them were associated with the Comintern (see Zinoviev-Radomyslsky, Kamenev-Rosenfeld, Brodsky, ... etc.).

 Reference: Father of the Cominternist Kim Philby - Jack Philby (Harry St John Bridger Philby; 1885-1960) from 1917 to 1950! vigorously spread Salafism (Wahhabism) throughout Arabia. And since the 1925s. He was the main adviser to Emir Najd Abdul-Aziz Al Saud (the future 1st King of Saudi Arabia). Lived at his court. Outwardly, he converted to Islam, was married to an Arab woman from whom he had children (today they are included in the Saudi and British elite - many are studying in London). It was named Sheikh Abdullah.

 Later, through the Andropov KGB, his son, Kim Philby (a member of the Comintern - which the famous American researcher G. Klimov, for clarity, recommends to write to start with the letter "G" ... Chabad (see E. Khodos). The protégé of the Chabad sect was the Mountain Jew-Tat Juhur Dudayev. - see "Jewish Syndrome-2", Ch. 14) - and the Comintern was present ... (see Gala Dinner given by President Dudayev in 1993 - which was attended by members of the Comintern, and the family friend of L. Beria - Gamsakhurdia, and the protege of the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB V. Zhirinovsky-Eidelstein ... (All at the same table). only one of the leaders of Wahhabism - Z. Yandarbiev was indignant ... that they raise little toasts! - see the video on YouTube).

 It was the Cominternist (i.e., a Social Democrat, like Trotsky-Bronstein) K. Philby who first introduced Wahhabism to the USSR. Hence the kinship of Wahhabism (Salafism) with Marxism - and both ideologies take their roots in Talmudism. And both were funded by the same cluster.

 K. Philby worked undercover - was a correspondent for well-known newspapers - The Observer and The Economist ... S.P.Shashurin, S. Demura, V.M.Simchera).

 That's right, the KGB and the British SIS, jointly, in the 1970s. slowly began to spread this aggressive version of "Islam" throughout the territory of the former USSR countries. (see 5th Directorate of the KGB (Ideology, Religion, Sects) - FD Bobkov - Beria-Andropov part of the KGB). And we (the indigenous peoples of Russia) did not notice the "New Environment Factor" ... !!!

 Where there was the KGB, there was a tough line of alienation. The KGB did not like outsiders. How many people who tried to warn the indigenous peoples of Russia about the impending disaster ended their lives in prisons, camps and psychiatric hospitals - like they are fools ... so they say "nonsense" ...!?

 Reference: In 1995, the State Duma of Russia, in the second reading, adopted a law banning Wahhabist ideology throughout Russia and recognizing them as a terrorist organization. all the terrorist attacks, all the numerous kidnappings, and high-profile political killings were committed by representatives of this particular sect. But, unexpectedly, incumbent President B.N. Yeltsin, who, in an interview on TV, vehemently opposed this Law and imposed his own presidential VETO on it. Then - Berezovsky, Gaidar with Udugov, Basayev, Raduev, Barayev, Yandarbiev and other Lazanskaya mafia (with one of the leaders of which British Queen Elizabeth II officially met in London in 2000) celebrated their victory ... over supporters of the classic ( from the Prophet Mohammad) Islam - which condemns and prohibits any kind of terrorism. (And everything is simple: "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (J. Coleman - "Committee-300")). The same situation persists today - in Putin's Russia. There is a double game - Wahhabism is NOT officially prohibited. There are planned assassinations of muftis of classical Islam. (see D. Abdurakhmanov). The KGB - as it was a Masonic, British organization, it remained so.

 - Islam and terrorism are NOT compatible. - (see imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque Sh. Alyautdinov).

 At the same time, the Koran requires respect and recognition of the family of Imran - the grandfather of the Prophet Jesus Christ.

 ____ "Indeed, Allah chose over the worlds Adam, Nuh (Noah), the clan of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the clan of Imran. Some of them were the descendants of others. Allah is Hearing and Knowing." - (Sura 3: h .: 33.34)

 - The clan of Imran is understood as the father of Maryam / Mary (mother of the prophet Isa ibn Maryam), - that is, in the Christian understanding, this is Saint Joachim - the grandfather of the prophet Jesus Christ.

 Hence the moral: It will NOT work to play off Muslims and Christians, and destroy both of them, through the destruction of Christian and Muslim morality. The Quran does NOT permit. And the Talmud is quite. (see Professor V.Yu. Katasonov, S.A.Nilus).

 Interesting facts: All students of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani supported the Young Turks (see Mustafa Kemal). They were also supported by the Russian Marxists led by Lenin-Blank and Trotsky-Bronstein - both weapons and gold plundered from the Russian peoples. At the same time, the Ikhwans also supported Hitler's 3rd Reich - the correspondence of Hasan al-Bann with him is known. As you know, all Trotskyists were also on the side of Hitler. (see S.A. Sall, N. Kuzmin). Supporters of Trotsky-Bronstein - the Khabadites, in general, declared the Nazi Canaris (chief of Abwehr) - the "righteous man" of the peoples of the world ...

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