THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 7 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 7 Part .

 __ Formation of thought forms is the Foundation of the Basics. And when scenes of violence, scenes of robbery, scenes of murders are formed on TV, then this is done purposefully. But at the same time we will be convinced that this is a reflection of the realities of life. But this is not the case! I have never seen a murder scene in my life. How many times can you see a murder scene on television? Well, that's a hundred times a day. Is this a display of life !? No!

 In the 1960s. in the United States conducted serious research, which revealed that television does not display life, but, on the contrary, life - displays television! So, first, an image is formed in people, and then a structure appears. Not the other way around. If there is no violence in the country, and if scenes of violence are constantly shown on television for a month, then only then will they appear in reality. Life is shaped by pictures and thought forms. The one who forms these thought forms controls life.

 The scheme for manipulating public opinion and consciousness is simple. There is Truth: God is one for all. There can be no separate God for Russians (noun), for Germans, ... for Chechens, etc. And God is one for all living on earth. He is the creator and omnipotent. This is the Truth. But Lie-1 and False-2 are created.

 False 1 - materialistic atheism! This is what the British Marxist-Leninists have been feeding us since 1917. For 70 years we have been assured that there is neither God nor God's messengers ...

 Man is the unity of Spirit (these are biofields), body and Soul.

 False 2 is that we have been assured that everyone has their own God. We were given a certain algorithm! Those. people and nations were divided into two parts, which are then pitted. In 1917, the unbelievers (atheists) were declared right, they had all the power. And from 1985-1991 - their grandchildren came to power and declared themselves believers and right ... Now they are right again, and again they divide and rule! - (Professor V. Efimov. - The Truth About Religion .; + M.T.'s comments).

 __ To restrict the press is to offend the nation; prohibiting the reading of certain books means declaring the people either fools or slaves. - (Claude Adrian Helvetius).

 __ <...> ... for 1906 - we see:

 a) All the money in Russia is almost five times less than the state and government-guaranteed debts alone.

 b) The entire amount of money in Russia is not enough even for the execution of only one state list of expenses for 1906. <...> ... the results of the introduction of foreign capital into the State are as follows: a decrease in the general welfare in the surrounding area and the suction of gold from the country. Foreign capital invested in enterprises in Russia by January 1, 1902 was 1,043,977,000 rubles.

 “Foreign capital, (together with loans) says Mr. Taburno, participate in our debt in the amount of about 5.800 million rubles; over a 20-year period, Russia has paid interest and urgent repayment on foreign capital invested in state and private-industrial securities, about 4.372 million rubles. If we add to this figure the expenses of Russians abroad, amounting to about 1.370 million rubles over 20 years, it turns out that Russia over a 20-year period from 1882-1901. paid abroad about 5.740 million rubles, or about 15 1/2 billion francs. Those. we pay foreigners every 6 1/2 years a tribute equal in magnitude to the colossal indemnity that France paid to her victor, Germany. In the last two years (1900 and 1901) our payments to foreigners amounted to about 380 million rubles annually, and in the present 1903 this amount will be even more significant, so that over the past 5 years we will pay foreigners about 5 1/2 billion francs. Then everyone was surprised how France could get such a significant amount of money. Where do we get the necessary sums to pay off our obligations? It is possible and necessary to ponder over this. Without war, without costs, without human sacrifice, foreigners more and more defeat us, every 5-6 years, inflicting a financial defeat on us, equal to the defeat of France in 1870. <...> "We take out everything: bread, meat, eggs, and at the same time we take out particles of our soil, we even take out our own hair", as Visegradskiy said, "we ourselves will not eat enough, but we will take it out."

 The result of this, in addition to the most difficult living conditions, is the direct malnutrition of our population (17-20 poods of bread per year, instead of the norm of 25, with extremely insufficient consumption of meat and, as a result, its ever-increasing weakness and soreness ... <... > The State Comptroller on pages 55 and 56 of the Most Subject Countdown, the only possible direction of our further state life, in order to temporarily keep our gold money, is to go to even greater ruin, and at the same time to go uncontrollably into greater and greater bondage to the owners of gold.

 The owners of this gold are international money traders, the kings of the exchange: Messrs. Rothschilds, Carnegie, Mendelssohn, Montefiore, Blechroder, Stern, Field, Galb, Fuld, Epstein, Oppenheimer, Levy, Stern, Cohn, Fuld, Polyakov, Malkliel, etc. These merchants are not only the actual owners of all the gold located on the globe ; it constitutes only a small part of his wealth, since their portfolios are burdened with numerous obligations, consisting of the debts of the entire human world ...

 <...> The entire world supply of gold, which serves as money, is approximately 10,000,000,000 dollars. Or 20,000,000,000 rubles.

 The average world annual production of gold from the bowels of the earth, converted into money, is equal to 147,000,000 dollars, or 1.63% of the total gold reserve ...

 <...> The 20 billion rubles mentioned above would represent the entire amount of money in circulation in the states where the gold currency was introduced, i.e. The amount of money is determined by a known reserve of gold, if the principle of a gold currency were carried out in them with an ideal frequency, in other words, if each issue of banknotes were provided with an equal amount of a reserve of gold.

 But since in all states, like ours, according to the Decree of August 29, 1897, the issuance of banknotes is allowed with a certain allowance of% against the gold reserve, in reality they have a little more banknotes than 20 billion rubles. <...> ... according to the data: The Statesman's Year-Book for 1904, by January 1, 1903, amounted to 4.546.047.110 pounds sterling., or a hedgehog of 45 billion rubles in gold.

 This amount is more than double the presence of all the gold on earth; most of the liabilities for this debt - are in the portfolios of the above-mentioned bankers - international money traders.

<...> When, in 1880, the landowner and financier Kardorf made his first speech in the German Reichstag in favor of a return to bimetallism, reporting that the gold currency was ruining agriculture and industry, he was booed. Only one Field Marshal Moltke approached him and said that he was surprised how the Cardorffs could not understand, since "what he was saying was as clear as an artillery textbook."

 In 1895, i.e. just when Russia was preparing to switch to a gold currency, the calamities caused by this currency were already fully realized by the majority of the nations of Western Europe and America; the same Cardorf, in 1895, was already understood by the Reichstag, which demanded by a majority of 2/3 of the votes from the United Governments - to take energetic measures to restore the free minting of silver, since he saw in this the only way out of the severe general crisis that shook the economic life of the country and ruining agriculture and industry. <...> ... just at this time, our Minister of Finance, Secretary of State Witte, requested the HIGHEST Decree of August 29, 1897, on the introduction of a gold currency in our country; at the same time, as I have already indicated, the weight of the new ruble, previously artificially fixed since 1892, by means of foreign loans, in the exchange rate of 2 2/3 francs of gold, was determined at 17.424 shares of pure gold.

 - (Wasn't this money siphoned from Russia since 1897 that the Masonic coup d'etat of 1917 called the "revolution" was financed - with the creation of the Cheka (which grew into the KGB) and the Gulag - with subsequent mass murders and massive robberies of the indigenous peoples of Russia - with 37.5 million killed (according to V.V.Kozhinov) from 1918 to 1938! ?? - However, all the current "reforms" in Russia are carried out by the same forces - "restructuring of the KGB" and "privatization of MI6 "... - It is no coincidence that the bloody" KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6. "- (J. Coleman -" Committee-300 "). - MT).

 - Moreover, we are all also completely unconscious for ourselves. We wear the Masonic insignia of our citizenship, with the obligation to pay heavy tribute to our masters.

 Indeed, on every credit ruble in our hands, it is clearly indicated that the property of the entire State is the payment of those 17,424 shares of gold that we owe to the Freemasons for the right to use this ticket to carry out the exchange of works of our own hands.

 These signs of allegiance to Freemasons are especially clearly carried out in the Russian monetary system.

 Indeed: on English paper money we read: Banque of England promise to pay the bearer on demand the five pounds; in German: Reichsbankhauptkasse in Berlin ohne Legitimationsprufund dem Einlieferer dieser Banknote; in French: Banque de France. Cinquante francs; in Belgian: Banque nationale, (inquante francs payables a vue; in Austro-Hungarian: Die Oesterreich-Ungarische Bank zahlt gegen diese Banknote bei ihren Hauptanstalten iu Wien und Budapest sofort auf verlangen zehn Kronen in gesetzlicet; corso legale da cinque lire.

 On Russian paper money, in accordance with the Highest Name Decree requested by State Secretary Witte on November 14, 1897 in Tsarskoe Selo, without prior consideration of the issue in the State Council, the following inscriptions are placed:

 “State credit note. One hundred rubles. The State Bank exchanges credit notes for a gold coin without limiting the amount (1 ruble = 1/15 of the imperial, contains 17.424 shares of pure gold). The exchange of state credit notes for a gold coin is ensured by the entire property of the State. " - (From the book of General A.D. Nechvolodov - "From ruin to prosperity". - 1906).

 __ About the DNA genealogy of the Slavs, Caucasian peoples, Chechens (Noah's people - self-name "Nokhcho"), peoples inhabiting the Baltic States, Scandinavia and modern Europe: DNA analysis - 111 digits, 58 million nucleotides, Y and X chromosomes - Relationships, mutations, failure, resettlement, theory. There are 20 male births in the world! - see Professor Anatoly Alekseevich Klyosov.

 __ Mirrors of history: There used to be the Nazi 3rd Reich (iron), and now - the VI (electronic) ...

 It is naive to think that the Western model of Capitalism has now been built on the territory of the countries of the former USSR - which we call the Wild ... Like MarkSISty-Chekists in the third generation represented by the team of the chairman of the KGB Yu.V. Andropova-Lieberman could even allow this to happen !? Lubyanka in vain or something (70 years old) ate their bread .., in the sense of "NZ" rations during World War II, and, for the most part, sat in the rear, or detachments ... shooting in the back of true warriors ! ?? (see A.I. Zhilin, M. Solonin). Yes, no really. Under the guise of "democracy", the Lubyanka by the hands of their secret henchmen - Gorbachev-Kryuchkov, the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Gaidar family with their protégés Dudayev-Raduev-Basayev and other Lazanskaya mafia (created by the KGB and MI-6 - a joint "venture" world bankers ...), plus, their successor - in the person of Putin and his curators Voloshin-Lazarov-Chubais, starting from 1967 to 2019, built a rather confusing and complex, but quite visible Dynamic SIS theme, the name of which is the Highest Stage Communism. (see A. V. Ostrovsky, I. Ya. Froyanov, B. S. Mironov, V. V. Kvachkov, I. Solonevich, A. A. Zinoviev, S. N. Semanov, A. I. Baigushev).

 __ The current Chekist hybrid religious-atheistic Communism for the "elite", built in Russia from 1917-2019, is just one of the schizophrenic forms of the parasitic existence of British Talmudic Capitalism. The Motive Power of which is always the same, and has not changed, at least since the beginning of the Chronic War of the Peace of Westphalia (1649) and up to the present day - absolute all-pervading and all-pervading Demagogy in the entire spectrum of social sociology for the sake of constant (barbaric!) Profit and total clan hegemonism (hence their Globalism) of the mafia cluster of the Venetian black "aristocracy", whose roots go back to ancient Babylon.

 - It is possible to point out exactly that the British - GULAGO-GESTAPO SIS-theme of Management has been built in Russia! These are the very "reforms" ("restructuring of the KGB", + "privatization of MI6") laid down by the chairman of the KGB, Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman with his right hand D.M. Gvishiani in the joint office of the main intelligence services of such countries as: Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, USA (on behalf of which the British NSA acts - see "The Deep State" - L. LaRouche, D. Peretolchin, And .N. Panarin) and the USSR itself (KGB + GRU) - "IIPSA-1972".

 Only it should be noted right away that this current Chekist Communism (the Highest Stage of Communism) was built only for a very, very narrow circle of "elite" - for the "Small People" of Academician Shafarevich ... And veterans of World War II (V.O.) , their children and grandchildren - those who liberated Auschwitz / Buchenwald ... and all of Europe from Nazism and fascism, from Hitlerism, who with their blood and then paid for the current freedom of many peoples, are not included in the circle of the "chosen ones". They themselves ended up in Auschwitz ... together with their children and grandchildren - in Gulag-2. And they, in the literal sense !, are ordered to rob, deceive and exterminate - "liberalism". It is forbidden to talk about it openly - "democracy". Those. current Communism is only for their own (to each according to his needs ...), whose grandfathers participated in the Masonic coup in 1917, and for the rest - the GULAG-2 of soft content - i.e. at home. That is to say - a liberal concentration camp, if you remember what conditions were in the first Gulag. (see S. P. Melgunov - "The Red Terror in Russia (1918-1923)"; I. L. Solonevich - "Russia in the Concentration Camp". 1935).

 In which country of the world are the winding debts (both external and internal) of private corporations, debts of entire oligarchic groups, and bankers' debts paid off from the state budget of the country !? Those. at the expense of public money! There is no such thing in any capitalist country! Not a single Western capitalist, in any country in the world, can claim this! At least openly. But this is in modern Russia ... - complete Communism for a narrow circle of chosen people!

 Like the first Gulag - the second - approved by the same London. (see R.T.Klyuchnik). - The same scam with "vouchers" in Russia, which was successfully carried out by the KGB (Gaidar, Chubais, Mau, Aven) and MI6 (Lawrence Summers, Lord Harris, Soros), is a clear confirmation of this. All of these persons belong to the same people, and to one British sect - the Rothschild Chabad. (see V.P. Polevanov, V.Yu. Katasonov, V.B. Pavlenko, E. Khodos, S. Demura, V. Osievsky). - Why to one nation, - you ask !? So this is the British "Plan of Solomon" - everywhere in power only their own - from among the "chosen" - which approx. 3000 years! (see A.P. Devyatov).

 We can say with confidence that now in modern Russia, from 1985 to 2019, the Chekists-Marxists, regardless of either the victims or the costs, are carrying out NEP-2 at full speed. And the methods are Gulago-Gestapo! Is it a coincidence that the Chief Ideologist of the 3rd Reich was a former Moscow builder and comrade-in-arms in the Marxist circle of comrade L. Trotsky-Bronstein - a Tallinn resident Alfred Rosenberg! ?? The same social democrat! A communist, MarkSISт, and a Nazi ... However, Gorbachev still, although he moved to California a long time ago, still calls himself a social democrat with enviable persistence ... He emphasizes that he, too, has a share ... Yes, and in his memoirs he writes about his Trotskyist "roots"!

 - Reference: Professor V.Yu. Katasonov points out that NEP-1 officially ended in the early 1930s, but this is only in the industrial and raw materials sector. And in banking, it lasted until the beginning of World War II (VO) ... And it is quite possible that it will continue. He also points out that the so-called civil massacre (civil war of 1918-1925) in reality ended only in November-December 1941. It stopped only in the western part of Russia, but continued in the eastern part - Stalin did not control the country beyond the Urals, where before the big war, a significant part of the Trotskyists got over ...! (How did they know that their idol Hitler would clean up the western part of Russia!). In addition, Hitler misled many of the opponents of Marxism-Leninism - even a part of the White movement, most of which had already moved to Europe - about his alleged desire to cleanse Russia of the destroyers of Christianity - from Marxist-atheists. And people believing in God believed him, but only until they saw that he began to destroy everyone in a row with carpet bombing ... using only one tactic - the scorched earth tactics. Those. complete sobering up, both among the vacillating and the most stubborn Trotskyists, and among the supporters of the White movement, began to occur only at the end of 1941 and at the beginning of 1942, when information about the real state of affairs on the territory of the USSR already seized by Hitler's Nazis, began to enter all remote regions of Russia. And to the West a little later - 1943.

 Reference: my "1st teacher" in history - it was one of his books that strongly influenced my "historical vector of vision" - the Moscow historian V.V. Kozhinov (1930-2001) indicates that some of the leaders of the White movement (not only the Red) were also Masons - i.e. as well as Trotsky-Bronstein - "Februaryists".

 - “Firstly, there is no way to dispute the fact that all the main creators and leaders of the White Army were, by their very essence,“ children of February. ”Its founder, General M.V. Alekseev (from August 1915 to February 1917 - chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, that is, Nicholas II; after the coup, he sat in his place) was involved in a conspiracy that aimed to overthrow Nicholas II since 1915, and in 1917 he actually carried out this overthrow, convincing the tsar by hard pressure that the Petrograd the rebellion is insurmountable and that the army, he says, fully and completely supports the plans of the Masonic conspirators.Alekseev's main ally in this matter, the commander of the Northern Front, General N.V. Ruzsky (who directly and directly "pressed" on the tsar in the February days), later admitted that Alekseev, holding the army in his hands, could well have stopped the February "riots" in Petrograd, but "preferred to put pressure on the Tsar and carried away the other commanders-in-chief." I declared to him (March 8): "..." Your Majesty should consider yourself arrested, as it were "...

<...> ... N.N. Berberova claimed that M.V. Alekseev, and N.V. Ruzsky were Freemasons and therefore, naturally, sought to destroy the historical statehood of Russia. The most prominent contemporary historian of Russian Freemasonry V.I. Startsev, unlike N.N. Berberova, believes that the "fact" of these generals' belonging to Freemasonry "has not yet been proven", although it does not exclude this fact, recognizing, in particular, the reliability of the reports according to which N.V. Ruzsky participated in Masonic meetings at the house of his cousin, Professor D.P. Ruzsky - one of the leaders of Freemasonry, secretary of its Petrograd Soviet (ibid., Pp. 144, 153). P.N. Milyukov testified that back in the fall of 1916, General Alekseev was developing "a plan for the arrest of the Tsarina (she was considered the main" inspirer "of Nicholas II - VK) at headquarters and imprisonment" ... "- (VV Kozhinov -" History of Russia - Century XX ". 2016).

 - It is worth recalling that the "privatization of MI-6" began back in 1990 with the "privatization" of the USSR State Bank. Since June 13, 1990, it is already the State Bank of the Russian Federation! The USSR was not destroyed yet (December 1991), and the Russian Federation was already de facto created ...! led by the Central Bank ... owned by the same Money Masters. (see V.Yu. Katasonov). Those. all deposits in the State Bank of the USSR became the property of a group of individuals who did not even officially announce (by default!) that they are now the owners of the Central Bank of Russia! The same was done with the government bonds - they were also appropriated ... having stopped serving them. - Can you imagine that the US government would stop serving its Treasuries - its National Debt for at least one month (or a year)! ?? But in Russia everything is possible. (see A.M. Tarasov).

 Our money (private property of 280 million people! Citizens of the USSR) overnight became the private property of the Rothschilds & Co. Mafia Cluster. It was to this cluster that Gorbachev and the Chairman of the KGB Kryuchkov (+ several dozen more high-ranking generals, both intelligence services and the army!), On their next trip to New York in 1990, took and presented, together with the State Bank of the USSR, all the financial funds. It was in 1990 that the government announced for the first time that deposits and government bonds were frozen! indefinitely. Part of this money was withdrawn through the branch of the State Bank of Grozny. S.P. Shashurin indicates 35 trillion (code 810 - which is more than 52 trillion in US $!). To hide the traces of posting this money to the accounts of 1200 Western banks, it was necessary to bomb those branches of the State Bank in the Chechen Republic through which this money was withdrawn - along with the entire peaceful city, which had no idea what was happening! For this, Dudayev and the Lazanskaya mafia were brought to power and reinforced with thugs from the Abkhaz battalion (they were all pre-armed and partially tested in the Abkhaz military campaign - all under the leadership of the KGB - see O. Grechenevsky): The task is to provoke a big war! The hired Provocateurs and their assistants were paid off with the so-called "Chechen advice notes" ... they were unfastened 13% of the total amount! And the blame, through the labors and language of Dudayev and ORT (Berezovsky-Abramovich), was laid on the entire Chechen people - the "Chechen" Avisos! (Slander (hanging Labels) - The Old Proven Method of Chekists and Criminals!). All the militia / police and other special services were completely off on the Chechens who did not understand anything, considering us to be the culprits and recipients of this gesheft (then there was such a legend around the country), while the guilty rats, leaving the people and fled abroad, slowly gnawed at what they snatched for themselves ... How many concussions have been done, how many people have had their kidneys beaten off, how many have been deprived of their business and their families' income - history is silent - statistics are not kept.

 - In 1992, before that he received, not anywhere, namely in the City of London, an appointment to the post of Prime Minister of Russia in the Yeltsin government (see A.V. Ostrovsky), a third generation Marxist and Chekist E.T. Gaidar (the political "father" of DM Dudaev), who declared himself a democrat and a liberal, brazenly declared to the whole country that the state (in his person) would not restore private deposits to the citizens of the Russian Federation, because the budget does not provide funds for these purposes ...! (see V.Yu. Katasonov). But, at the same time, a lot of money was found in the budget for its own - the henchmen of the Cheka-KGB and the protégé of MI-6 - oligarchs, both in uniform and without! Having deprived people of their money, their private capital, their private property - their start-up capital, thereby we were unceremoniously - forcibly deprived of the opportunity to participate in "privatization" ...! Those. to have property, which the West cares so much about, and to use it - "dispossession-2". Before the "privatization of MI6" was allowed only a very, very narrow circle of "elite"! Basically, these were large Western financial groups, or their representatives in the Russian Federation ... - first of all, the same London City.

 Those. since the 1990s. all Honest (before God, and before history) Private Property, accumulated by its owners since the end of World War II (V.O.) shadows of history, power. Simultaneously with the liquidation of the Honest (Legal!) Private Property, a parallel process of creating a new, in fact, Criminal property was launched, which was basically legalized in the West by various, both political and legal procedures ... Hence the yacht mania ... picture- mania, and other cravings ... to buy everything more expensive (London), and preferably with private islands, like in Miami, or Italy and Barcelona ... Panama crises, Cyprus ... and other high-profile offshore cases. In general, these groups / clans have successfully laundered tens and even hundreds of trillions of dollars. (see S.P.Shashurin, V.M.Simchera, V.Yu. Katasonov, R.I.Khasbulatov, V. Zhukovsky, Karen Hudes).

 - “When I see this new life, these shifts, I don’t want to smile, I want to pray!”. - (O. Bender.) - A horse in a Leather Coat suddenly (after 70 years) took it into his head to pretend to be a Singing and Fluttering Nightingale ... But, as you understand, horseshoes are pulled ... by historical ones.

 The result of "democratic" transformations - Power in Russia does not belong to the president or parliament! All power in Russia rests with the Central Bank. Those. those who are hiding behind this bank, behind this sign - "Central Bank of the Russian Federation". And he is NOT subordinate to the government ... and in general, he is not accountable to anyone! And this is the state of affairs in many countries of the world! - (V.Yu. Katasonov). - "Solomon's Plan" ...

 - In confirmation of this - the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (PEF), which is annually held by supporters and members of the Rothschild Mafia Cluster - was launched in 1997. Only the "chosen ones", verified, their own, and - the service (escort) - as they covered the last PEF - blue-eyed, blond, long-legged ..! (They live happily ... - see the photo report on the Internet). - And their political opponents are the Moscow Economic Forum (MEF), which is much more modest, and in contrast to the first one has been held since 2013. Each of these forums, as you understand, in its own way illuminates the real state of affairs, both in the economy and in politics.

 - Until now, in Russia, the authorities annually hold "Gaidar Readings" - which can be safely called what they really are - "Gaidar-Dudaevskie" ...! After all, it was and is one team - one cluster - the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB!

 - At the same time, in addition to resources and other material values, the collection of Vavilov's seeds was also secretly taken out of the country! Just another monstrous (Historical!) Joint crime of the Russian authorities, people in uniform (- both groups are under Oath!) And the Rothschild Mafia Cluster! Because thousands of people starved to death in besieged Leningrad (St. Petersburg), BUT did not touch and kept this collection of seeds collected by academician Nikolai Vavilov! People withstood (from 1941 to 1944) before Hitler's Nazism, before Cold, Hunger and Death (872 days!), But preserved this priceless collection of seeds for future generations! - (see O. Chetverikova, professor L.K. Fionova).

 - You can imagine that the Prophet Noah robbing someone, deceiving someone, committing meanness, driving them to poverty or suicide, mocking someone, and, here and there, organizing massive and monstrous bloody massacres! ?? - I can not, too! No matter how hard I tried, it didn't work out. So who do these "people" serve, who do they believe in ?? What Commandments do they honor, if they do, and what do they respect !? What is sacred to them, besides immeasurable greed, meanness and anger ?? Those. not only fierce hatred - they show complete contempt for all other people! And, at the same time, they showed complete (100%) confidence in their absolute invulnerability and impunity!

 - The permission for the creation of the Gulag-2, on the modern territory of Russia, was obtained by the Chekists in the City of London. So to speak, a license (for which a certain% must be annually unfastened!) For the control of the entire territory of the former USSR is issued by British-German bankers - they had an Indian colony - now also a Russian one. (Hitler's dream of turning the whole of Russia into "German India" came true. It is no coincidence that the current political elite of the Russian Federation, Nazi Canaris (chief of the Abwehr) is called none other than "the righteous of the peoples of the world" ...! - Tortured in Auschwitz, Buchenwald ... - shudder!). Although there is a lot of unclear and a lot of questions. After all, they themselves indicate that they, during the 2nd World War, were very closely associated not only with the Nazi Abwehr, but also with the 3rd Reich of Hitler!

 For example, Yu.I. Mukhin, on his page in the FB, on the day of Hitler's attack on the USSR (June 22), remembered all those who helped that Nazi, as they say, with what they could ...

 - "On the eve of the next anniversary of the tragic date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, I will somewhat expand the topic.

 In short. Under the leadership of Hitler's Germany, 78 years ago, practically all lousy Europe attacked the USSR. The French not only handed over all their tanks to the Germans, but also produced a huge amount of military equipment for them - from cars to optical rangefinders. The Czechs built the entire fleet of German armored personnel carriers, a large number of tanks, aircraft, small arms, artillery and ammunition. The Poles built airplanes and manufactured cartridges and other ammunition, Polish Jews in Auschwitz produced synthetic gasoline, rubber and explosives for the Nazis, the Swedes mined iron ore and supplied the Germans with components for military equipment (for example, bearings), the Norwegians supplied the Nazis with seafood, the Danes - with oil ... In short, all of Europe tried as best it could "...

 - Spitefully, with vexation, but here either a bitter Truth, or a sweet falsification! - And all these "democratic transformations" have been taking place in Russia, at least since 1917 (see Yu.S. Rybnikov, S.A. Nilus). Therefore, the current secret owners of the entire economy of the former USSR sit quietly in soft armchairs, in a cozy atmosphere - in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Hamburg and New York ... and pull the strings. There are also Avens, Fridmans, Milners, Prokhorovs and other Berezovskys with the Lazanskaya Mafia - their consultants and their managers. And the Lubyanka (KGB) and the Kremlin are looking after all this, their economy, here, already in the Russian Federation, and monthly exported to the West from Russia, to their secret masters, looted for Trillions of $. (see V.M.Simchera, S.P.Shashurin). Hence the total Criminalization (from bottom to top) of the entire country! How many lives have been ruined, how many human blood have been shed - nobody cares! The Western press, with rare exceptions, is silent about this. The pump of bloody affairs works in full, like the laboratory of poisons of Grigory Moiseevich Mairanovsky ... The account goes to tens of millions of human lives ... Not the limit. But not far off is the day when the Account will be presented to the true culprits of all this barbarism.

 And the Russian oligarchs are Andropov's project - "Krasnaya Zvezda" (see Professor O. Soskin). Through them, Russian resources are pumped out - dummy Zits-chairmen - only Ilf and Petrov - there was only one Zits-chairman Pound, but here there are a lot of Pounds - and that's all, as you understand, Sterlings ...

 They serve as lightning rods for the true Masters - recipients of Gesheft - ts. "trained hamsters" for narrow purposes ... They do not have their own intelligence and independence. (see V.Yu. Katasonov).

 - The first "Chechen war", which should be called what it really is - the "Jewish war" (see E. Khodos), was conceived in the depths of the same organizations (IIASA + Mont Pelerin society + Committee-300) with a narrowly defined purpose ... back in the early 1980s, if not earlier. And the main goal of this war was to organize a big and bloody chaos, distracting from major economic scams, and the economic problems that followed. And under this "guise" to carry out privatization (ie transfer to the ownership of predetermined persons! And clans!) Of the entire economy and all resources of Russia. And that was done!

 - For example: All Chechen oil - 4-5 million tons annually (see Academician S.N. Khadzhiev (the last minister of the USSR oil industry) - was also secretly re-registered to the Rothschild-Warburg Mafia cluster, and from 1991 to 2019 it was calm exported from Russia and sold in Warburg Germany. ("Kohl's friend", like Merkel, are protégés of the Warburgs ... Lenin-Blank, I remember, also under their leadership, drove across all Germany and Sweden in a sealed carriage in Russia ...). And we - all the people! - are openly and unceremoniously reproached with subsidies from the center! Give us back our oil (basic observance of the Constitution of Russia and International law - if there are such, of course) - and we ourselves will subsidize the center (see R.I. Khasbulatov).

- "If you are told that something was taken out of Russia by 1 billion, then boldly multiply by 2, or even all three. You will not be mistaken." - (Professor V.Yu. Katasonov).

 Reference: For the entire period of the restoration of the Chechen Republic, the federal center is always allocated a tiny fraction, so that only barely enough to survive. But in 2019, a little more than 70 billion rubles were allocated "generously". ($ 1.1 billion USA). Although President Putin V.V. promised to allocate 140 billion rubles. + restore one of the 3 oil refineries destroyed during the military campaign! (R.A.Kadyrov (Jr.) - in an interview on TV).

 - For this case, even a capsule was solemnly laid in the foundation of the refinery back in 2011 - and the next grand opening of the plant was planned in 2013 .. Why another one !? So the first was promised back in 2002! (see A. (Kh.). Kadyrov (Art.)). As you understand - Woz is still there!

 All this (70 billion rubles - for 2019) was allocated for 1.2 million people!

 - For comparison: For Skolkovo alone, Putin and Medvedev easily allocated 150 billion rubles. (at that time - about $ 5 billion). At once! And that's just a few people - Chubais, Abramovich, Vekselberg ... their mutual friend Blavatnik + a couple more people of lesser rank. Everyone knows what happened to this money. Profits from this venture - no. Some losses. Now compare the numbers!

 About the Crimean bridge (19 km. Of reinforced concrete) - I generally "keep quiet" - to the president's friend - Rotenberg, money has been allocated 3-4 times more than the entire Chechen people! OK. 230 billion rubles - and this is only as of 2018. And no one reproaches, does not escalate the interethnic situation every day on all official TV channels! And on pointless, from an economic point of view (see M. Krutikhin, S. Demura), pipelines (Nord Stream 1, + Nord Stream 2, + South Stream, + Turkish Stream will pay off at least half a century later) budget money was allocated ten times more than for the restoration (the end of which we will not see) of the republic. Because that's exactly how it was conceived ... Many of us have already been buried alive!

 Conclusion: The budget of Russia is also privatized by the same henchmen of the City of London! (Under the control of MI-6 / MI-5). - The well-known tale of the prime minister: There is no money, but you hold on "... And all the best for you ... And in the meantime, tens of trillions of rubles are annually withdrawn from the country (see General V. Sobolev) - and this is only official data, but in reality even more - hundreds of trillions (see V.Yu. Katasonov, S. Demur, R.I. (9 billion - MT). 12 billion was seized from FSB Colonel Cherkalin "- - 05/17/2019 / +" Senator Kerimov brought 750 million euros to France in suitcases. " channels and other newspapers DO NOT shout to the whole country - "Stop feeding ... those who have become snickering" - all the anger by all Russian media is artificially and purposefully directed to the Caucasus! - see General AA Aslakhanov, RV Kurbanov).

 - "The formation of thought forms is the Basis of the Fundamentals. And when scenes of violence, scenes of robbery, scenes of murders are formed on TV, this is done purposefully." - (Professor V. Efimov).

 - Now compare: 70 billion rubles. - for all Chechens and other peoples inhabiting the Chechen Republic - approx. 1.2 million people! And 150 billion for three of the Chubais group, who do not live in poverty anyway! Plus 230 billion rubles. - for one friend of Rotenberg! - So who is hindered by the present, impoverished Caucasus! ?? - And he interferes with Those Who Rob and Destroy Russia (Civilization of the Rus) - he carries out a cunning and quiet genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia, and blames his crimes on others!

 - And further! The main goal of the "Chechen" military campaign of 1994-2005. it was not to establish the so-called "constitutional order" and punish their own Dudayev and Co., but on the contrary - to wipe out as many people as possible with this war. (V.M. Zaznobin). Hence the calls of "ORT" (Berezovsky, Abramovich, T. Yeltsina, Borodin, Aven, Voloshin, Surkov, Dorenko, Leontyev - all friends of London, and one - Borodin - since 2009, even an honorary citizen of London City (London City). ..) to carpet bombing and the complete destruction of the entire Chechen people, which were openly called for from 1999 to 2001. Let me remind you: Berezovsky and Abramovich have a criminal "roof", and accordingly ORT has the same Lazanskaya Mafia! (with one of whose leaders in 2000 Elizabeth II officially met). - Mass sacrifices were needed to create a "nervous breakdown" among the indigenous peoples of Russia. (see Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and its experiences on peoples). As they say, having jumped over "Social Biology" to hit "Psycho-biology" ..., and, moreover, play off the indigenous peoples of Russia among themselves. Divide and rule! The Chekists, as they were a satanic (Masonic) sect since 1917, have remained so. A monstrous experiment conducted on living people for the sake of seizing and appropriating Material wealth and resources, worthy of Dr. Mengele - only children were killed approx. 40,000! Half of them are Russian (noun), full of them are Chechen! Children of the Gorbachevs, Kryuchkovs, Gvishiani, Yeltsins, Gaidars, Chubais, Grachevs, Shaposhnikovs, Deinekins, Shoigu, Borodins, Burbulisov, Dudayevs, Abramovichs, Milnerov, Avens, Voloshin ... and other Berezovskys and Friddalimans - DO NOT suffer. Everyone is sitting in London, Paris and other New York ...

 - The main (main!) Role in this, called by me - "privatization of MI6" - in their political game, in modern Russia, was played by the British society - Mont Pelerin Society. (see V.Yu. Katasonov). Where all the "flower" of the British elite - so to speak "aristocracy" - gathered!

 The entire current Russian power hierarchy, from bottom to top, is only a political object, and in no way a subject! As Professor V.Yu. Katasonov is the "Colonial Administration of Russia". The second apt name is "Offshore Aristocracy". (V. Zhukovsky). Well, all offshore companies are under the control of all the same, everywhere (remember Mikhail Zadornov) British Special Services.

 - The real Control Centers of Russia are located far beyond its borders, and not in the Kremlin. Putin, like Gorbachev and Kryuchkov, Yeltsin and Ivanenko, does not control power beyond the walls of the Kremlin. Everything is served by the Privy Council of 6-8 people and their people assigned to all key posts and positions by them! Therefore, the current (Western!) Owners of the entire economy of the former USSR are interested in maintaining the current state of affairs and the course of things at any cost - by organizing any terror over the population of the country, i.e. over the indigenous peoples of Russia - by the hands of the comprador power, and economic oppression carried out under the guise of some "social reforms". (see economist V. Zhukovsky, professor R.I.Khasbulatov).

 At the same time, the Social and Political order - for organizing any, both internal and external war in Russia - comes from the hidden owners (sitting in the City of London, Hong Kong City) of the current economic and political structure called the Russian Federation. - (Rothschilds Freres).

 - I will paraphrase a quote from the famous character Ilf and Petrov: "How much is Hexogen for the people now ??" ... Ie. "Ryazan sugar" ...

 At the head of all this, since the assassination of the Russian (noun) Emperor Paul I, organized by the British, is the same Mafia Cluster of the Rothschilds and Co. And the Caucasian War of 1817-1864. - on their conscience. (In the Talmud, conscience does not exist - see M. Laitman (Chief Kabbalist of Israel)). As well as the destruction of the Chechen peaceful village of Dadi-Yurt in 1819 by the hands of the British Decembrists Masons, provocateurs of a large, long and controlled war - the Russophobe and Caucasophobe A.P. Ermolov and his curator, Anglophile and Anglomaniac, Freemason, Prince M.S. Vorontsov ... (the future (British!) Governor in the Caucasus - since the 1840s, whose memory is immortalized in modern Turkey and the Netherlands, by creating the two largest sailing yachts in the world - 300 tons of mahogany each). It is on their conscience that the genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia from 1801 to 2019. (Extended 19th century).

 Ermolovshchina is still alive and flourishing since then - this (British!) Policy of terror was then continued by MarkSISt and the Nazi Trotsky-Bronstein together with Sverdlov-Gaukhman (1917 - 1929), then they were replaced by Beria with Izrailovich, Gvishiani, Kaganovich and Mikoyan (1944 - 1959). They were replaced by the next Yermolovshchina in the person of Andropov-Lieberman, Gvishiani (son), Gorbachev, Kryuchkov, the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family, Gaidar, Dudayev, Burbulis (1967 - 1999) and their successor - Putin, with Voloshin, Chubais and Lazar (1999 - 2019). This is a hidden reality. The rest is cover legend.

 - Historical roots of the Genocide - To whom Gesheft, to whom - Tragedy: Without a doubt - Dadi-Yurt (1819), Khaibakh (1944) and the city of Grozny, twice wiped off the face of the earth (1994-2002) - All This Links of One Chain!

 - ("Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department" - J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 Until now, the authorities can NOT explain to us how the financier of terrorists BA Berezovsky owned the largest airline in the world, Aeroflot, in which only regular KGB officers work more than 22%, + non-personnel, and other agents !?

 - "According to most signs, the Russian Federation today is no longer a state, but a form of the Existence of Organized Crime. (Managed from the City of London and Hong Kong. - MT). Quite the opposite - the State is the main Threat to the Security of Citizens (the war in Chechnya, and created by private media (ORT, RTR) - the "Chechen trace" - destroyed immediately after the exposure of Ryazan Sugar. - M. T.).

 Today the Russian Federation is a Specific State - Mafia-state.

 - The Central Bank monopolized the entire financial system and all the finances of the country ... "(A. Kungurov - Neuromir TV, from 29.06.2019).

 - In the meantime, in the ashes of our lives and our states, some celebrate their holidays - June 24 - the Day of Freemasonry, created in 1717 - which is an instrument of crushing sovereign states in the interests of the City of London. Since the middle of the 19th century, Freemasonry has been state-controlled! Those. across Europe, they are embedded in all Government institutions from bottom to top - the City of London Governors.

 Since 1967, the United Grand Lodge of England, the oldest Masonic lodge in the world, has been headed by Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. - Friend B.A. Berezovsky, to whom he unfastened (like for charity) from the acquired "sweat" and "exorbitant labors" in Russia, which he hated. Not only him - there are enough Russian donors.

 From the same 1967, the chief KGB member of his time, Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman ... and in the USSR those processes are being launched that led to today's results. The fact is that behind the Chabad sect are the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazars, Schiffs ... Windsors, Orangs, Semueli, Readings, Flemings, Blunts and many other British-Dutch aristocratic surnames. Hence the permissiveness! And complete impunity!

 In the past, the lodges consisted of many Russian (noun) people, as O.A. Platonov (who called them masters of State Treason), they tried to involve in their organizations as many literate and gifted people as possible: the same Karamzin, Pushkin, and Griboyedov, who ridiculed them in "Woe From Wit" - "We have a society and secret meeting on Thursdays. The secret union ... ").

 A.S. Pushkin, who came out of their care, as you know, they also killed - in a fake duel (one ruble in, two out), which was organized by the freemason P. Dolgorukov (prince). - (see OA Platonov - "The Secret History of Freemasonry"). - The second shooter was shooting - from a sniper rifle ... (A.I.Fursov).

 - Any decision made by the top of the Lodge (the great master) is mandatory for all officers and brothers of this Lodge, whatever it may be! - (And since they - since the middle of the XIX century (see A.I. Fursov) - occupy the lion's share on all levels of government (+ corporations, banks, special services, PMCs, criminal groups, mafias, etc.) in all countries of the world, then imagine the level and degree of pressure on any person not from the list of their friends ... or included in their “black list.” And all this is absolutely unpunished! There will be no judicial investigations! - their people are there too. and Europe of the XIX, XX and early XIX centuries - a clear fact).

 The largest of all the current Masonic organizations in Russia is the KGB.

 - "The KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6." - (J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 - Hitler was also supported by the same Masonic circles - the same Baron Sebottendorf ... is not a fact. And besides him there were ... Yes, and the main financiers of the 3rd Reich were also from the same circles - Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht. - (Charles Highham). (Both were found not guilty ...! At the Nuremberg trials ... and were released to continue their banking machinations. Hence the unpunished financing of all terrorist organizations in the world until now - the same modern analogue of the Reich - ISIS (ISIS) - is financing the same London bankers and their overseas supporters from the ranks of the US Democratic Party (see V.Yu. Katasonov, P. Paskov)). And they have enough helpers. - "The KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6." (J. Coleman - "Committee-300"). Therefore, Professor V.Yu. Katasonov, indignant at what is happening, openly says: either the Russian special services are completely NOT competent, then all of them urgently need to be changed, or they themselves are helping international terrorist organizations ... And this is a completely different question!

 - Since 1945, nothing has changed. Consider that World War II has not ended. So she did NOT teach anyone anything! So don't ask me when it will end ...

 Today Russia is finally divided into 2 hostile and irreconcilable parts - the Chekists with the Oligarchs - and the indigenous peoples of Russia. And the beginning of this division in 1918 - 1938, when the British Chekists-MarkSIS and their henchmen killed 37.5 million people in Russia. (V.V. Kozhinov). And the division began not only from the time of the assassination of Paul I by the British, led by their ambassador Charles Whitworth, but also from the times when Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) was poisoned with his entire family by British and Russian Masons just for the fact that that he banned the sale of "British halal" (tobacco, hashish and vodka) in Russia, did not agree to the Globalist Project of Elizabeth I - "Green Empire", and, in addition, became related with the Caucasians - to strengthen Ruska (noun) Civilization - its Circassian his wife (Maria Temryukovna) was from what is now Pyatigorsk. (Where the monument to Ivan IV the Terrible and his Circassian wife is not built, but stands - to a Russophobe and a Caucasian phobia, to the British Decembrist Mason Yermolov ...). (see N.Kh. Webster, O.A. Platonov). So, the British masons (all the elite of them), in addition to the royal family of Rurikovich, later had to destroy (hence the 1st Caucasian War of 1763-1800) also his Caucasian relatives ... union strengthening statehood (Russian Civilization - Russian Civilization), and in general a social and political basis for such in the future! Drive a wedge in blood for centuries - that's all. Then there were Circassians from 2 to 4 million people! Only a few dozen selected people, successfully assigned to the Russian army and special services, and these provocateurs from within will destroy any alliance. Only 2 centuries ... masterfully woven intrigues, and a whole nation was wiped off the face of the earth. Some large Circassian clans have been completely exterminated! Look how many of them are left and who lives on their lands today, and you will understand who benefits from it (whose social and political order) and what goals were originally set by the Planner.

 At that time, in Maryina Roshcha, in Moscow, there was a Circassian settlement, and now - the main synagogue of the Abwehr (that is, the KGB and the Kremlin - after all, Canaris is "the righteous" ...) - built in 1989 by the works of General Secretary M. Gorbachev and KGB Chairman V. Kryuchkov - both KGB Chekists, MarkSISty, and both the richest "people" of our time - latent oligarchs. (see A.V. Ostrovsky, A. Chernov).

- "The main goal of the Global Predictor is not to Allow our species Homo Sapiens to acquire Freedom on Earth ...". (V.M. Zaznobin, K.P. Petrov).

 - “Another area of ​​serious influence of the Rothschilds was Russia. By 1914, 80% of Russian debts belonged to French banks, and these banks, like the Bank of France, were controlled by a very small group, the main ones in which were the Rothschilds. The London and Paris Rothschilds provided loans to Russia, at the same time sponsoring revolutionaries and liberals through third and fourth companies, working to weaken and - in the long term - destruction of the Russian state. their family handwriting; therefore, few people know what and how the Rothschilds really control ... ". - (A.I. Fursov - "Cold east wind of the Russian spring". 2015).

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (J. Coleman "Committee-300").

 - “People who still set the tone in Russian politics, since the mid-80s of the twentieth century, nurtured and received instructions in circles associated with British intelligence, including in London itself ... And such characters as Chubais are not only Gorbachev but Chubais and others like him, these students of the British school of treason from the point of view of Russian patriots, are behind the complications we face today. " - (From the speech of the American politician Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019), dated March 13, 2010).

 - Do not ask me when the 2nd World War - the Great Patriotic War will end ... - It will end only when the last fallen warrior is found in its fields and buried with honors. When we, the descendants of those Warriors, have completely passed this Lesson! When every year on May 8 in all the newspapers of the country, on the headlines, they will print not only portraits of those who financed the Nazi 3rd Reich of Hitler, but also portraits of their children and grandchildren, as well as a complete list of the names of those banks, firms, corporations which they owned then, and they own today! When we ourselves have learned the true history by heart, and not the surrogate that the "Lubyanka historians" teach us, and we will teach this truth to our children and grandchildren from the school desk! When the grandchildren of those Warriors will not exist thoughtlessly, but will live rationally and deliberately: they will finally understand that it is not worth rushing after imaginary luxury - buying goods of such brands as Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari, Siemens, "Mitsubishi", "Ford", "Volvo", "BASF" ... "Coca-Cola" (Fanta is the official drink of the 3rd Reich. See O. Chetverikov, D. Peretolchin), etc. knowing that their owners financed both the dirty provocateurs and the murderers of their ancestors. When not only in the banks they own do not take loans (becomes slaves to usurers), but also prohibit their activities on their territory. When the Reason is in the first place, and the everyday mind, in the second. Only then will this war end when Understanding and Unification of Worldviews and Sound Forces take place! When we all join the ranks of one Victory Regiment and do not allow ourselves to be "suckers" and "endured". - And then the Reason will be in the first place, and the everyday mind, in the second. When, finally, we all Realize that our country cannot have the right course, when it annually celebrates other people's holidays - the same Witch's Day - May 1 ... which is also celebrated by the largest (non-believing in God) mafia in the world - the Masonic!

 - In the trenches (in the war) - there are NO atheists. (popular proverb).

 - Studies in 1906 on International Finance, Freemasonry, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (S. Nilus), Arms Trafficking and the Sources of Funding for International Terrorists - see General A.D. Nechvolodov ("From ruin to prosperity". 1906). - Comparison of Historical Facts and Models of Economic Crises in the XIX, XX centuries from the XXI century. - see V.Yu. Katasonov, A. Nechvolodov. - Since then, nothing has changed.

 - Who financed Hitler, which banks, corporations - see:

 G.G. Preparata - "Conjuring Hitler - How Britain and America made the Third Reich". 2005 .;

 Charles Higham - "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949". New York, 1983 .;

 E. Sutton - "Wall Street and Hitler's Rise to Power." Translation 2015;

 D. Peretolchin - "World Wars and World Elites". 2014

 - (V. B. Pavlenko, N. I. Senchenko, N. Bogolyubov, J. van Helsing, Nesta H. Webster, J. Coleman, A. I. Cherep-Spiridovich, O. A. Platonov, Ksenia Myalo, I R. Shafarevich, O. Grechenevsky, A. I. Fursov, V. M. Zaznobin, K. P. Petrov, B. S. Mironov, S. A. Sall, R. I. Khasbulatov, E. Khodos, A. P. Shevyakin, V. I. Karpets, O. Chetverikova, K. E. Myamlin, K. A. Cheremnykh, A. A. Zinoviev, C. Johnson, A. D. Nechvolodov, S. Danilov, V. A. Efimov, V.V. Kvachkov, I. Solonevich, Archibald Henry Maul Ramsey, V.V. Kozhinov, A.V. Ostrovsky, I.Ya. Froyanov, R.T.Klyuchnik, E. Sutton, R. Epperson, J. Perkins, W. Engdahl, F. Braudel, D. Ganzer, P. Paskov, A. I. Zhilin, M. S. Solonin, E. V. Gilbo, A. Chernov - author of "The Killers of the Kremlin").

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