THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 6 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 6 Part .

 You got out of rags to riches,

 but quickly becoming a prince ...

 Do not forget, so as not to jinx it ...,

 riches are not eternal - dirt is eternal ...

 - (O. Khayyam).

The northern and southern branches of the Dan's tribe - the branches-carriers of the “secondary” tradition from the very beginning opposed the primordially continental, primordially Hyperborean branch of Vamsa Surya, known under the names of the Merovingians, Rurikovichs and Genghisids (we will not consider the latter in the context of this study). It is characteristic that these genera - one way or another, all - have "marine" insignias or naming conventions. The Merovingians have this "origin" from bestia Neptuni Quinotaura similis plus one of the meanings of the generic name, the Rurikovichs have a "sea" trident as a family coat of arms (however, he is also a falcon) in the second, and the name of the ancestor is Genghis Khan (Türkic " Sea King ") - in the third.

 Why do continental clans carry maritime symbols and naming conventions? A very subtle, but fundamental difference: first of all, these are indications of the very Royal blood, Surya, Syria (Surya or Rusia), which also means Sunlight and Ore, gold, Rosa and Race.

 In the Bible, “Blood is the soul” (life) (Deut. 12:23); “The soul of the body is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11); “Blood is life” - this is how the ancient Greek philosopher and physician Empedocles formulated the main purpose of blood in our body. The closest to the composition of blood are sea water and honey.

 <...> According to ancient Slavic legends, all the seas and oceans are the blood of the Sea King, and the rivers are his daughter. Sometimes in our tales, the Sea King appears in the form of a fierce stallion, which must be ridden by a powerful hero. The bee is a generic symbol of the Merovingians and, in general, a symbol of monarchical power. Bees "create" the Tsar's blood. Undoubtedly, the concept of the "Philosophical Sea" is also connected with this - in it alchemical gold and truly legitimate Royal Family, more precisely - the Single Family, are born. This is Vamsa Surya, "Royal blood" (Sang Royal) or "Thing (eternal) blood" (Sang Real) is primary in relation to the Sea, as Hyperborea is primary in relation to the Atlantic.

 <...> The genetic properties of blood can be transmitted legally through faithful service and heroic death for the Tsar, or by prayer for the name of the sovereign, and illegally - by sympathetic abduction or ritual murder. "

 In the book "Russia, which ruled the world" and numerous articles, we already had to say that the Frankish Merovingians and the Russian Rurikovichs represent a single Royal family of the northern Aryans (Vamsa Surya). We will not repeat the provisions of this work and the argumentation expressed in it. It can be read both in the form of a book and on the Web. We will only recall that we put forward a hypothesis about the origin of Rurik himself from the lateral branch of the Merovingians through Thierry II. Recall that we started from a large study of Count Bonnie de Laverne on the legacy of the Counts of Limoges and Toulouse as descendants of the Merovingians.

 <...> Leaving for the future the topic of French aristocratic surnames and even the extremely important topic of the Habsburgs (there are well-grounded objections to this issue), we note that the material on the "false Merovingians" includes Gisela in this list, which then under the name Gisela de Rede are passed off as the wife of Dagobert the Second Martyr, on whose “legacy” the entire forgery of the “Zion Priory” is based (and, accordingly, M. Bigent, D. Brown, etc.; earlier Richard Bordes had already exposed this forgery, which we also wrote about). The theme of the Lombards (also “Rus”), against whom the usurper Pepin the Short (after which the Filioque heresy imposed on Rome) fought against, defending the papal throne, also deserves special consideration. “Here and now” we are interested in another “contribution to the piggy bank” of our conclusions, which can now be confirmed or refuted only archaeologically and archaeographically.

 <...> The design of the "New Atlantic" ideology as such belongs to the famous "Elizabethan magician" John Dee (John Dee, 1527-1608) - an esotericist (he is credited with practicing alchemy, but they were most likely theoretical, and he received from a certain Edward Kelly), geographer and mathematician.

 It was John Dee who was responsible for the emergence of the term "Green Empire" and the development of the concept of England's rights to colonial conquest and domination in the world. In 1577-1578. he developed this idea in his treatises. Dee understood the empire as the totality of England and its colonies. Dee also emphasized the importance of resettlement of the British in the colony and the corresponding migration policy of the state. Dee emphasized that an empire controlled by the British surpasses any earthly monarchy since the creation of the world and can become a universal monarchy.

 John Dee called the new, “not Roman” empire (which was especially emphasized - in contrast to the “Roman heritage” of the continent - from the Orthodox of the Second and Third Rome to the Roman Catholic Holy Roman Empire) the green land. In alchemy, green is one of the key concepts.

 - (The green flag of the "Ichkerians" with the coat of arms in the form of a wolf (sign of the tribe of Benjamin (Mountain Jews)) - this is the flag of the "Green Empire" (from the word CHECK ... everything that falls into the hands) of Elizabeth I and her black alchemist (founder British MI-5 / MI-6, and its eastern branch - KGB) John D. By the way, his son Arthur Di (s) (new "007") from the very beginning was assigned as a personal "doctor" to Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov ... in 1613 - M.T.).

 <...> "Green Land" by John Dee is the "way" of the transformation of the world into "New Atlantis". This is a "hermetic brew of world history."

 <...> He became a direct successor of John Dee's ideas already at the end of the 19th century. businessman and politician Cecil Rhodes (1853–1902).

 <...> It was from the middle of the XVI century. - on the eve of the main developments of John Dee, and then with his participation, British intelligence begins work in Russia. In 1553-1554. the British merchant Richard Chancellor, who was a confidant of the English court, appeared in Russia. He was able to get acquainted with the Moscow state and was even awarded an audience with the young Ivan IV. The conclusion that Chancellor made about Russia was as follows: "If the Russians knew their strength, then no one could compete with them, but they do not know it." “Richard Chancellor appeared in Russia as a result of the unfolding geopolitical confrontation of the religious and civilizational nature of the intensely Protestantized England with the then surrounding Christian world, mainly Catholic,” says A. Efremov, a researcher of the history of British intelligence. - The analytical conclusions he sent to London were, in fact, GEOPOLITICAL. (emphasis mine. - M.T.).

 <...> In 1963, after a commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR opened the tombs of Ivan the Terrible, his sons Ivan Ivanovich, Feodor Ivanovich and the governor of Prince Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky, a terrible picture emerged. In the remains of Ivan IV the Terrible, an excessively high concentration of one of the most poisonous metals for the human body - mercury was found. Moreover, its content reached 13 g per 1 ton, while usually the content of mercury in humans does not exceed 5 milligrams per ton! The difference is 2600 times. At the same time, during the analysis, the fact that at the funeral Ivan the Terrible was dressed in a schema richly embroidered with gold threads was not taken into account. Gold is the strongest absorber of mercury. Consequently, the true content of mercury in the remains of Ivan the Terrible should have been much higher.

 <...> ... around 2200 BC. NS. something called the ROYAL YARD OF THE DRAGON was formed in Egypt. It still has quite a lot of power today, 4,000 years later, and is located in England, which, in my opinion, is the epicenter of world control - the epicenter of the network that rules the world (emphasis added - V.K.). The epicenter is there, in what we call the City - in the financial district, as well as in the surrounding areas. The Bank of London is located in this area. <…> The hybrids, who were the rulers of the ancient Near and Middle East, became the aristocracy of Europe and the royal families of Europe (italics are ours. - V.K.). In fact, there is only one royal family - it just exists under different names. The Windsors are one of these lines. The main time point of expansion, in order for these ancestral lines to really take over the planet, is 1689, when one of these ancestral lines under the name William of Orange (in Russian it is called William of Orange - V.K.), with which they are associated By kinship, each living royal family in Europe was placed on the throne of England, coming from Holland. Since 1689, these bloodlines, which became known as the Illuminati, made the City of London their epicenter. And in 1694, William of Orange signed a charter, as a result of which the Bank of England was created and the entire central banking system began to move under his leadership.

 <...> The Napoleonic Wars, which lasted almost a quarter of a century, provided the Rothschilds with the opportunity to conduct various financial transactions at a high level and with great benefit for themselves. In December 1812 Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his sons became court bankers of the Grand Duke of Frankfurt. In 1815, the five Rothschild brothers work to secure the supply of gold to Wellington's army (via Nathan in England) and the Napoleonic army (via Jacob in France), and begin their policy of funding both sides in the wars. This is repeated in every war, including the civil war in the United States, where they simultaneously financed the armies of the South and the North, the civil war in Russia, when they financed both the Whites and the Reds, and World War II, when they financed Hitler (the wife of Rothschild, “the first ", Mayer Amschel, his name was Gitla, and Adolf Schicklgruber himself, as some researchers believe, was not just one-quarter Jewish, but precisely a" Rothschild bastard. " - M.T.)), and the anti-Hitler coalition. Hans Jürgen Köhler in his book "In the Depths of the Gestapo" writes the following about Hitler's grandmother Maria Anna Schicklgruber: "The girl came to Vienna to work as a servant and became a servant in the Rothschild mansion, and Hitler's unknown grandfather should most likely be sought in this luxurious mansion." This information is confirmed by Walter Langer, who states: “Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Anna Maria Schicklgruber ... Anna Maria Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she became pregnant. Then she worked as a servant in the house of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the fact of her pregnancy became known to the owners, she was sent back home, where Alois was born. "

<...> It is through the Rothschilds that the "reunification" of the "Khazar-Venetians" with that part of the northern European aristocracy that considered themselves descendants of Thuata de Dannan, Melusine and even the Merovingians takes place (we wrote about the "false Merovingians" and the "Priory of Zion" enough). “According to the“ constitution ”of the dynasty,” writes Heinrich Schnee, “the sons of this dynastic house were supposed to marry girls from distant branches of the same Rothschilds, and the girls of this clan were to marry aristocrats whenever possible. In London, Nathan Rothschild's daughter became the wife of Lord Southampton. One of his nieces, also from the house of the French Rothschilds, is the wife of the Earl of Roseberry. Her husband later became Prime Minister of the British Empire. A girl from the Neapolitan Rothschild family married the Duke de Gramont, and her sister married the Duke of Wagram. " This practice continues to this day, although it stretches, in fact, of course, not from the century before last, but from the depths of history.

 <...> The network of Rothschild banks acted as infrastructure, and secret agents using secret routes for movement and contacts with both warring parties served as the means of its cells. These were traders, merchants who were allowed to cross the English and French blockades. These agents were also engaged in the collection of intelligence information, which allowed the Rothschilds to keep abreast of all matters in the war and use the collected intelligence information for profitable gambling on the stock exchange. <...> Thus, after the defeat of Napoleon the Rothschilds, having bought a huge amount of British bonds, they put the British economy under complete control and force the British government to establish the Bank of England under the control of the same Rothschilds. Economic occupation is followed by political occupation, and England becomes a colony of the invisible Khazaria. Nathan Meyer Rothschild was known for his vicious curses and threats. After, following the Congress in Vienna (September - June 1814), convened over the plans of the Rothschilds, to form a world government, the Russian Tsar Alexander I thwarted these plans, Nathan Rothschild cursed him and swore that he himself or someone from his descendants they will destroy the entire family of the king, up to the very last member of the royal dynasty. 100 years passed, and the descendants of Nathan Rothschild were among the sponsors of the Russian revolution and the Bolsheviks who killed the entire royal family (Lev Gunin. GULAG of Palestine. Canada, 1995). "

 <...> The Romanovs, who came not from the royal, but from the priestly clan of the Prussian (the same Russian) priests of Krive-Kriveite (the founder of the clan was the semi-fabulous Veidevut in the 3rd century), in the XIV century. became "koshchei" of the Moscow branch of the Rurikovich. They certainly needed generic "replenishment". The first Romanov, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, married (it is clear that he was married) to Marya Vladimirovna Dolgorukova, from the Rurikovich family. However, she falls seriously ill almost on her wedding day and then dies five months later. Chronicles meaningfully call this death "the punishment of God." At the same time, an anonymous "prophecy" appears that every Romanov who marries Dolgorukova must die a terrible death.

 We have already spoken about "Artemiy Ivanovich Diev". “But pay attention to the time at which he was sent to“ medicate ”in Russia ... (The conclusion suggests itself: All“ doctors ”Mengele, from then to this day (2019), are being prepared in the City of London. - M.T.).

 <...> ... Russia, in spite of all its national interests, which demanded in general to remain neutral, entered this long-term fiercely bloody conflict (Thirty Years' War - 1618-1648) - M.T.) on the side of the anti-Habsburg, i.e. ... Protestant coalition. And not just on the side of the anti-Catholic anti-Habsburg Protestant coalition, but precisely as the "Third Rome" against the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation (this was the name of the Habsburg Empire (inheriting in this sense the Hohenstaufen Empire. - V.K). <...> It all ended very sadly for Russia: in the text of the Peace of Westphalia that ended this thirty-year-wide European conflict in 1648, the name of the Moscow sovereign was in the penultimate place - below him was the run-down Transylvanian prince. the Andrus Peace Treaty still poisoning the historical memory of Russia and Poland, then - in 1661 - the humiliating Treaty of Kardis and much more that openly offended the honor and dignity of pre-Petrine Rus. I, the first in the history of Europe, a pan-European geopolitical plan for the colonization and enslavement of Russia appeared!

 <...> Nevertheless, it cannot be said that the Romanovs were inactive. And the Moscow trading company was still operating - it was finally expelled from Muscovy only in 1649 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ...

 <...> ... at the very beginning of the next century, on the night of March 12, 1801, Emperor Paul I was killed as a result of a conspiracy. This happened after he reached an agreement with Napoleon Bonaparte on a "continental alliance" directed against England. In this regard, Pavel planned to begin the liberation of India (where he intended to establish a local monarchy friendly to Russia) by the forces of the Old Believers Cossacks. Behind the scenes of the conspiracy was the British ambassador Whitworth, who also served as a resident of British intelligence. <...> Freemasonry played a significant role both in the destruction of Emperor Paul and, in general, in the imposition of a pro-English policy that was destructive to Russia. It is widely known that Russian Masons received "English initiation". As we know, Russian Masons, oriented towards England, tried in every possible way to push Alexander I into the war with Napoleon. England, the birthplace of European Freemasonry, was initially interested in the defeat of Napoleon, who turned the revolutionary republic created by the labors of French Freemasonry into an Empire. A strong imperial France, led by Napoleon, did not suit English Freemasonry. The plan of English Freemasonry was as follows: first, confront Napoleon with Russia and achieve the defeat or weakening of Napoleon. When Napoleon is overthrown, turn the efforts of Freemasonry to destroy the monarchy in Russia. After the "curse of Nathan Rothschild" the goals of finance, Freemasonry and the British Crown coincided completely.

 <...> When Alexander I initiated the creation of the Holy Alliance <...> which was based on two opposing concepts at once - Christian (with a certain pietistic bias), which Alexander I adhered to, which he had the opportunity to impose as the victor of Napoleon and which was reflected in the declarations of the Congress about Christ as the Supreme Sovereign of all European sovereigns, and the second, Rothschild's - about world government. As soon as Alexander I began to create the Holy Alliance to fight against the enemies of Christianity and the monarchy, Western states tried to "neutralize" it. Already on January 3, 1815, a secret treaty against Russia was concluded between England, Austria and Louis XVIII, who was seated on the French throne. This treaty was found in the office of the fled Louis XVIII by Napoleon who returned from Elba and sent a copy of it to Alexander I in Vienna.

 <...> Moreover, it is from the Congress of Vienna that the "curse of the Rothschilds" to the Russian imperial house originates and operates. Nathan Mayer Rothschild immediately after the Congress of Vienna cursed Alexander I and swore that he himself or one of his descendants would destroy the entire family of the king, right down to the very last member of the royal dynasty. This has already been said. From that moment on, the Romanovs (which it would be more correct to call Pavlovich now, since their succession in the male line was lost, and Emperor Paul ordered the succession to the throne in this branch by the Decree on succession and the Imperial family) are called to share the historical fate of the last Merovingians and the last Rurikovichs ... - (Then the Caucasian War will begin (1817-1864); Then the Attempt of the 1st Masonic Coup in Russia ("the revolution of the Decembrists-Freemasons of 1925); Then the War of terrorist gangs - such as" People's Will "by A. Herzen, etc .; ... And then there will come the Successful Masonic Coup of 1917 and the Creation by the British of the Bloody organization of the Cheka-KGB and the GULAG - for the GENOCIDE of the indigenous peoples of Russia - see British high-ranking Masons: Lenin-Blank-Zederbaum + Trotsky-Bronstein + Dzerzhinsky-Menzhinsky -Yagoda + Beria-Andropov part of the KGB ... with the Gorbachevs-Kryuchkovs + Yeltsins-Berezovsky-Gaidars-Dudaevs + Chubais-Voloshin-Putins ... and other owls belt Decembrists-Masons such as Basayev-Raduev ... and other Shabesgoys of the Lubyanka, etc. - M.T.).

 <...> On January 19, 1730, the wedding of Emperor Peter II and Ekaterina Alekseevna Dolgorukova was scheduled. - (The Dolgorukovs are Rurikovichs. - The union of the Romanovs and Rurikovichs did NOT take place due to the sudden (on the night of January 18-19, 1730) death of Emperor Paul II. - M.T.).

 <...> About the "Second Race" of the Russian Tsars ". Instead of the absolutely necessary "reunification" with the Rurikovichs (even the Carolingians sought to "reunite" with the Merovingians), after Peter I, a custom was "established" (later enshrined in the Name Decree of Alexander I on "equal marriages" of 1821) to marry members of the imperial family with representatives of the European sovereign families (in reality they were only German princes, and ... mainly from the House of Hesse-Hanau), who tied the House of Romanov exclusively to the "European concert". As political and historical reasons, it is necessary to name the church split of the 17th century, which tore the Russian people, in fact, into two peoples (in fact, it is here that the roots of the famous "Leninist doctrine" about "two cultures within each national culture"), and the subsequent "Europeanization" of the upper classes, for which it is customary to blame Peter, but of which he, only continuing his father's work, was partially guilty (Peter belongs to the phrase "We need Europe for ten years, and then we will turn our backs on it) "). All this ultimately returned the Romanovs (or Pavlovichs already) into the arms of Britain and ... the Rothschilds who cursed them.

 <...> It is through the House of Hesse that the Direct Penetration of international banking capital into Russia begins.

 After the Battle of Waterloo, all the main banks of the House of Rothschild are located in London, and the Rothschilds have the opportunity to directly control the policy of Great Britain, and through the House of Hesse - and the Romanovs. At the same time, the goal of the bankers is the gradual elimination of European monarchies (except for the English one) and the creation of prerequisites for the establishment of a single world power (in Russian Orthodoxy it was traditionally called the power of the Antichrist). What could not be done "impudently" at the Congress of Vienna (through the "fault" of the Russian tsar) became a longer-term goal. Emperor Nicholas I, married not to a Hessian, but to a Württemberg princess, was inaccessible for the Rothschilds, moreover, he hindered their efforts to create in Russia the backbone of their banks. This was largely associated with the international discrediting of the sovereign ("the gendarme of Europe"), and the domestic Russian ("Nikolai Palkin"). It was then that broad funding of the Russian revolutionary opposition began, starting with A.I. Herzen, who in fact openly lived in the money boarding house of Baron James Rothschild. However, it was only one hand, and the second hand remained - through the Hessian princesses - the Russian Imperial House itself, in turn, through which not only the Rothschilds, but virtually the entire Europe led by them sought to impose "Europeanization" on Russia, and by the middle of the 19th century ... it already understood the implantation of capitalism, and above all financial and banking capitalism.

 It is characteristic that Karl Marx (Herschel Levi Mordechai - M.T.) directed the main fire of his criticism of capitalism at Industrial Capital - at industrialists and manufacturers, and NOT at bankers. No wonder - he himself, like Herzen, was in the same British pension ...

<...> Lincoln won a victory thanks to the Russian tsar and the Russian fleet, which today is not customary to remember in America. However, shortly after the end of the war, he will die at the hands of a Rothschild assassin who has taken refuge in England. Soon after the victory of the American president in Paris, an attempt is made on the life of Alexander II during his trip to the Bois de Boulogne with Napoleon III. The Pole was shooting Berezovsky - supposedly it was revenge for the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising? - fired twice, but unsuccessfully - someone from the retinue shielded the king with his horse. - (Now let us recall the current Berezovsky and his friends - the Lazanskaya Mafia (external intelligence of the mountain Jew Dzhukhur Dudaev), the Basayev-Baraev-Raduyevs, etc. - M.T.).

 <...> The sale of Alaska by Alexander II in this light looks like an attempt to establish an anti-banker alliance between Russia and the USA, the possibility of establishing which collapsed only in 1913, when the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other major banking families (allowing the Anglo-Saxon Protestants of the Rockefellers into their midst) created the Federal Reserve System, which later also financed Trotsky and the Trotskyists, as well as Hitler.

 It was in 1867 in Paris, after Berezovsky's shot, that the tsar decided to finally link his fate with Ekaterina Dolgorukova, thereby cementing the historical unity of the Romanovs and Rurikovichs and starting the liberation from the "Romano-Germanic captivity." At the same time, the hunt for the crowned beast begins (as the revolutionaries themselves call it). But this hunt is already openly supported by the British Crown. Ever since 1850, Lord Palmerston has been making efforts to create a World Empire centered in London. His first ally is Baron James Rothschild. The stake is placed on all revolutionary forces without exception, above all on Giuseppe Mazzini's "Young Italy". Herzen, having entered into a relationship with Rothschild, creates a prototype of "Young Italy". After the end of the Crimean War, he began publishing Pole Star and Kolokol, which specializes in divulging Russian state secrets. However, soon Herzen, having supported the Polish uprising of 1863, begins to lose support from readers in Russia and demonstrates a willingness to compromise with the autocracy. Britain's stakes are changing. It will soon be Narodnaya Volya. - (From this "people's will" later the Jewish BUND will grow, and from it the party "ESEROV" - which still exists in Liberal Russia. - MT).

 <...> the emperor makes a decision that is hardly noticeable in official historiography, but perhaps the most catastrophic decision in the history of Russia. He pays the Rothschilds a dynastic ransom for the opportunity to officially join his life with a princess from the Svyatoslav clan. In 1880, Alphonse Rothschild received the right to preferential ownership of the Baku oil fields and transferred all his activity to the Caucasus, to Grozny, where he created the largest oil company at that time, Russian Standard. <...> The marriage of the tsar was "allowed", but the coronation of Catherine Yuryevskaya, which he intended to carry out in the fall of 1882, and the convocation of the Zemsky Sobor, was no longer there, and the final plan of regicide was approved. The Rothschilds cheated the emperor in the simplest way. They took the oil and then killed it. The ascension to the Russian throne of the descendants of Rurik and Svyatoslav was prevented.

 Soon it was the turn of the main line of the Romanovs. Before the outbreak of the First World War, Rothschild sold his enterprises in the Caucasus to the Anglo-Dutch concern Royal Dutch Shell, and in the pocket of another millionaire, Jacob Schiff, $ 20 million suddenly appeared, which he spent exclusively on the revolution in Russia. <...> The role of the British Embassy and personally Ambassador J. Buchanan in the preparation of February ("the Februaryists" - see historian V.V. Kozhinov - MT), the murder of Grigory Rasputin and other events of the same kind is so well known today , which no longer requires a detailed description. Our task is to identify some meanings.

 Let's give the floor to Jean Parvulesco (1929–2010), a great geopolitician, writer, visionary, “person of special purpose” who recently left us. Any text of it, if read carefully, clarifies a lot. If not all.

 Jean Parvulesco (Romanian writer, writer, publicist. - MT): “What can be understood today about the fiery light cyclone of Alexander the Great's transcontinental adventure and his completely incomprehensible cyclopean and traceless fall? What does the appearance of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, similar to the lightning, mean and the last, at the dawn of modern times, the acquisition of an empire by him, the appearance with him of the imperial, solar - imputed to the Invincible Sun, Sol Invictus - of the divine principle of Imperium? And the disappearance in the dungeons of the secret history of the source of blood of the destroyed, destroyed, reduced to nothing Merovingian? <…> The bloody withdrawal from the historical time of the most Christian imperial dynasty of the Romanovs does not in the least go beyond the mysterious law of dogmatic irrationality, which determines the apparent course of "great history." Against. <…> The assassination of Emperor Nicholas II and his family was not just an episode of the communist revolution at its critical stage. She herself, this revolution, was only an episode. An episode starting from the 18th century. a secret battle against the Romanovs and against all states of Europe based on the imperial, or royal, fundamental Christological principle. <…> But then who and why? And why then was the British Empire not defeated by the same "special storm"? Of course, its hour will strike, and soon enough, but the blow - the "special storm" - was primarily intended to destroy those European monarchies that were based in a special way on divine right, in other words, inheriting through the Holy Roman Empire the German nation of the Roman proper empire (in this case, Jean Parvulesco's historiosophy is somewhat different from ours, but not in an irreconcilable way. - V.K.). The British Empire remained, like the old British kingdom, a perverted, totally alienated entity, endowed with a special mission - the mission of betrayal and crime, subversion and treachery, for which it already pays, and at a certain hour and still will pay not only a fair price, but also inevitable, secret, hellish interest. ... ".

 <...> ... in 1905 there was a threat of losing the throne, Nicholas II transferred about 4 million rubles to the Berlin bank of Mendelssohn in the form of "interest-bearing securities". In 1913, almost all of the securities were returned to Russia. In Berlin, apparently, only German bonds remained, for which the surviving Romanovs in 1938 received about 25 thousand pounds for all. The accounts of the imperial family in British banks were closed by 1900 <...> Nikolai Kozlov also quotes the most important text published by the American magazine American Mercury ("The Assassination of the Tsar and the Destruction of the Rurikovich - an Act of Racial Revenge", 1968): "Then the Bolsheviks began to chase behind the Rurikovichs from the dynasty of Rurik and Oleg, killing all the men, women and children they could capture - the Baryatinsky and Beloselsky, Dolgorukov and Drutsky, Shcherbatov and Shakhovsky, Vyazemsky and Volkonsky, as well as numerous Obolensky. They were hunted down, tortured and killed. Even those Shakhovskys who opened in the Saratov province, who lived as simple village people, and those destroyed, father, mother and child. "

 The Russian throne was empty. If not for the "Bolshevik stoppage of history", and then the Stalinist "frost on Russia" (exactly according to Konstantin Leontyev), he would have been captured and appropriated immediately ...

 <...> ... T. Gracheva writes: “An Orthodox Christian must clearly understand the following. All the Anointed Tsars are the Heirs of King David and sit on the Throne of David - on the Throne of the Head of the Chosen People of Jacob (now it is the Russian People) and the Head of the Church of Israel (now it is the Orthodox Church) (Ps. 77, 72)! ”.

 <...> In a sense, we are in a situation on the eve of 1613. It is quite obvious and in a sense even natural that the British Crown (in the true, broad sense) seeks to “capture” what, for various reasons, was not captured neither in 1613 nor in 1917 did the British special services strive not to establish democracy in Russia, but to transform the subjects of the Russian crown into subjects of the British crown. It should be understood that today, through the efforts of those who failed (and did not want) to restore Russia after 1991 and 1993, there are all conditions for this. At first, latently, but today, work is already underway quite openly to transfer the empty Russian throne to the "British candidate." At the moment there are two of them.

 The first is Michael, Prince of Kent. Born July 4, 1942 in England. <...> Prince Michael is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, which unites about a third of the Freemasons in Britain. In addition, he is the chief of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce (RBCC), of which A.L. Kostin, President - Chairman of the Board of VTB OJSC. The Russian-British Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1916 and is a public non-profit organization promoting the development of bilateral trade and economic relations between Russia and Great Britain. RBCC represents the interests of Russian and British firms - members of the chamber. The goals and objectives in the same place are to attract foreign companies, in particular British ones, to establish business in the Russian market, to promote Russia's integration into the world economy and to develop mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between our two countries. RBCC in its activities closely cooperates with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Department of Trade and Industry of Great Britain, the Confederation of British Industry, trade and diplomatic missions of both countries. The TP includes, among others, Royal Dutch Shell Group, TNK-BP, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Association of Russian Banks, Almaz-Antey. We should especially note that the RBCC was created just when British intelligence and the British embassy in Petrograd had already begun special operations to remove Tsar Nicholas II from power. emperor are:

 1. The British Royal Family (British Royal Family) - House of Windsor, pursuing selfish goals.

 2. The British Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense) and the Military Intelligence Headquarters (DIS), as a structural unit of the Ministry, solving the problems of NATO expansion to the East.

 3. The Russian-British Chamber of Commerce (RBCC) and its member monopolies pursuing the goal of obtaining super-profits. Michael of Kent is a member of all three of the above groups. "

 Further, the authors of the note point out that “in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the 5th convocation (2008–2011) at the level of committee chairmen openly discuss among themselves the candidacy of Michael Kent as the likely head of the Russian state. At the same time, associations with the legend about the vocation of the Varangians are exploited: "Come and Volodite us" and the name of the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail - the same name as Michael of Kent. " The words of Stanislav Belkovsky, a political scientist close to the present Kremlin, are also quoted: “A Russian person needs a foreigner as a leader, otherwise he does not respect him, does not believe. They are recommending the monarchy to us. " "The restoration of the monarchy, formal or informal, is the only way out for Russia, because it is the only way to restore the sacredness of the central government."

 <...> We have already mentioned above that in 1996, an English writer close to the secret services, Frederick Forsyth, wrote the novel "Icon" (Frederick Forsyth, Icon), where CIA and ICU agents, as a result of active measures in the Russian Federation, are implementing a project of a colonial monarchy and make the head of the Russian state Michael of Kent. In Russia, the book was quickly translated and published in large circulation. In 2005, she was filmed in the United States. The film was dubbed into Russian and shown on Russian television. (This film also shows the head of the Lazanskaya Mafia (the Queen of Britain officially met with him in 2000) - concurrently he is also the head of the "Foreign Intelligence" of the Mountain Jew Juhur Dudayev (see E. Khodos - "Jewish Syndrome-2", Ch. 14. - M.T.)).

 <...> The second alleged "British figure" is Prince Harry (Henry) of Wales, full name Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor (p. 1984) - the youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, now late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Great-great-grandson of Olga Konstantinovna, Queen of the Hellenes, through whom she is related to the Russian House of the Romanovs. On December 21, 1984, he was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at St George's Chapel in Windsor, where he was named Henry Charles Albert David Windsor. Although his title includes the words “prince” (as a prefix before the name) and “Welsh” (His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales), he, like his brother, is not the holder of the title “Prince of Wales”: the title belongs exclusively to the immediate heir to the British throne, that is, in this case, his father Charles. In case his uncle Andrew still has no sons, after his death Harry will most likely receive the title of "Duke of York". On August 31, 1997, when he was 12 years old, his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. <...> “England must be given a chance” - this is the meaningful title of Tatyana Moskvina's article [508]. The author once again speaks of the state-political and legal impasse that befell Russia after the collapse of the USSR, and exclaims: “The exit from the labyrinth was prompted by the date - November 4. This day, declared a national holiday, symbolizes the end of the Great Troubles and the expulsion of the Polish invaders from Moscow. After which the Zemsky boyar cathedral (it was, of course, just not a "boyar", but an all-estates. - V.K.) elected (not "elected", of course, but determined. - V.K.) in 1613 for the Russian throne of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. The dynasty ruled for 300 years ...

 <...> ... a list of English intrigues against Russia would take volumes. Not to mention the fact that at one time it was England that did not save the granddaughter of Queen Victoria and her family from a terrible death - but could.

 <...> Let's not forget that the British royal House, descended from the Welfs - the majordomo, from the very beginning acted as a double of the royal family. This is what Jean Parvulesco had in mind when he wrote about "a perverted, totally alienated education, endowed with a special mission - the mission of betrayal, subversion and treachery." - (It should be said that there is another version of the origin of the British royal house. A number of researchers, including English, believe that Queen Victoria is not the daughter of her official father. Professor A.I. Fursov, as an example, cites a book by English historians. The same is stated by Karen Hudes - she cites another name of her father, as the real parent, the name of one of the Rothschilds - Jacob (Jacob) - MT).

 It should be borne in mind that the British Crown and those who stand behind it are seriously paving the way for the world's "children of Diana". Her Majesty's Heraldic Master Sir Ian Moncrieff wrote about Prince Charles in 1982: “Perhaps now the most famous relative of His Royal Highness in Romania is Count Dracula“ The Piercer ”, who took the name“ Dracula ”for himself, because his father, Prince Vlad nicknamed "Dracul", had the honor of being the Dragon Knight. "

 - (V.I. Karpets - "De Aenigmate / On the Secret". 2015; + comments by M.T.).

Back in 1902, the “Pilgrim society” was created in Great Britain, whose main goal was to develop friendly relations with the United States. The Rhodes Scholarships, most of which were received and received by Americans, were trained by a small but very influential pro-British segment of the American elite. A small, but again very influential, was the UK-oriented segment of US financiers. Economic power in America at the beginning of the 20th century. belonged to several family dynasties concentrated in New York, primarily the Morgan and Rockefellers. The Rothschilds were closely associated with the Morgan, as well as with the banking families of Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Paul (Paul) Warburg, influencing through them the financial and political situation in the United States and, naturally, colliding with the Rockefellers.

 Another area of ​​serious influence of the Rothschilds was Russia. By 1914, 80% of Russian debts belonged to French banks, and these banks, like the Bank of France, were controlled by a very small group, of which the Rothschilds were the main ones. The London and Paris Rothschilds provided loans to Russia, while at the same time sponsoring revolutionaries and liberals through the third and fourth companies, working to weaken and - in the future - destroy the Russian state. It must be said that the Rothschilds, as a rule, preferred to act using other companies or even chains of companies as a screen - this is their family style; therefore, few people know what and how the Rothschilds really control, and some even naively believe that this family has long been, if not out of the game, then in its background. - (AI Fursov - "Cold East Wind of the Russian Spring". From the series: Games of the World Elites. 2015).

 __ The main goal of the Global Predictor is not to Allow our species Homo Sapiens to acquire Freedom on Earth, and, most importantly, to prevent people from gaining a connection with God and becoming Human (Spiritual, Thinking, Fair, with a Life Purpose. - M.T.). And Power over the World is just a Means (Instrument).

 - General Vlasov, during the 2nd World (V.O.) War, surrendered to the Enemy only one of his corps, and Gorbachev and Yeltsin surrendered the entire Ruska (noun) Civilization!

 - The main task was - it Mow down people in Germany, and in Russia. (About the politician of Hitler's Masters and Friends in 1939-1945 - M.T.). Well, it’s the same with Chechnya. (About the events of 1991-2005 - M.T.). - (Once again it is worth recalling that - "Boris Yeltsin - from the same stable MI-6 - SIS department." - John Coleman. - "The Committee of 300").

 - Lawyers are a Scary Thing. Legal Education Zombies a person, and they cease to adequately perceive the surrounding Reality. - V.M. Zaznobin (COB).

 __ Research in 1906 by General A.D. Nechvolodov on International Finance, Freemasonry, Protocols of the Sages of Zion (S. Nilus), Illegal Arms Trafficking and Sources of Funding for International Terrorists - Comparison of Historical Facts and Models of Economic Crises in the XIX, XX centuries from the XXI century. - 1st Gold Standard of 1821 in Britain and the Great European Economic Depression of the "Gold Standard" of 1873 - 1896. - David Ricardo + Rothschilds + Witte and the "Gold Standard" in Russia in 1897 who saved the Economic Scam of the European Bankers of 1821-1896! - The Industrial Revolution of the 18th, 19th centuries and the Origin of MarkSISm in Britain - "Gold is Money, and Money is Gold" (K. Marx's Golden Theory). - Vs Adam Smith - on the Dangers of Gold. - The Secret of Gold, its Masters and the Principle of the Golden Magnet. - Union of "Sword and Plowshare" - Usurers of St. Petersburg and Masons of the West. - (Valentin Katasonov. - "General of counterintelligence against world bankers". Educational TV. 05.05.2019).

 __ There are three types of capital in the world ... An invisible war is going on between them! The First World War and the Second World War (VO), so to speak, was won by Industrial Capital from Financial Capital. But now, Financial capital is on the march, and Industrial capital is outsiders. A separate story, how financial capital was able to enter the highest authorities of the post-war USSR - since the assassination of Stalin (1953), and especially during the time of the chairman of the KGB Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman - 1967-1984 And precisely due to these secret connections, more precisely - a secret conspiracy (everyone had their own plans), Financial (Usurers-Bankers) capital "reached the final" having played on the collapse of the USSR and the plundering of its Economy - that is, at our expense! (see S.P.Shashurin about 73 trillion (code 810) withdrawn from the State Bank of the USSR, + V.M.Simchera - about $ 6 trillion stolen in 2000-2019 out of $ 12 trillion withdrawn to the West).

 - It is also worth mentioning the plans of the British elite (W. Churchill is a friend of B. Mussolini ...), - first of all, this is the Financial Elite, led by the Rothschilds, based in the City of London, - an attack on the USSR and the seizure of power, territories and economy. The plan for a future war (against its "ally" in World War II (VO) War!) Had the code name "Operation Unthinkable" - and was ready immediately after the signing of the Act of Germany's surrender (May 8, 1945) - by May 22, 1945. At the same time, France was also considered an enemy of Britain ... and the British planned an attack on the USSR (World War III) with the leadership of the United States (with President G. Truman - who was not accidentally given this post on April 12, 1945 - after the strange and sudden death of F Roosevelt ...). At the same time, the British planned to use the German military potential that was preserved (in the occupied British territory under their control). (Isn't that why the "allies" opened the Second Front only in June 1944 !? - In fact, 10 months before the end of the war!). This "Plan" failed (in my opinion) because it was not widely supported, primarily by the US military and political circles. The British bankers did not dare to attack on their own. But they did it a little later - from the inside, bribing the top of the Soviet System and hacking it from the inside! - "restructuring of the KGB" and "privatization of MI-6" - (The weak link of the Soviet System is the Politburo and the KGB. - see sociologist AA Zinoviev). - (AI Fursov - "Five Eyes" of the world elite. What kind of future are they preparing for the planet. "SHAF 05.24.2019; + Lyndon LaRouche; + M.T.'s comments).

 __ Dry Statistics of "Wet" Business of Mad Money - The Great Bermuda Triangle Created the Crack in Panama, or what the "KGB restructuring" and "MI6 privatization" gave us: Judging by the general data of Mossack Fonseca materials and previous leaks, the creation of offshore companies is extremely popular among the Chinese, and citizens not only of the PRC, but also of Hong Kong and Taiwan. These three jurisdictions account for almost 79 thousand owners and beneficiaries of offshore companies - more than all the countries of the European Union, the USA, Japan, Russia and other BRICS countries combined. In fourth place is the United States (7325 personal cards), in fifth place is Russia (6285), followed by the United Kingdom (5676) and Switzerland (4595). If we compare the number of beneficiaries of offshore companies per capita in this list of countries, then the PRC will be far behind - Hong Kong will be in the lead (3.54 beneficiaries per 1,000 people) and Cyprus (3.13) and Luxembourg (3 , 06). In Russia, this figure turned out to be twice as high as in the USA or China itself (0.043 versus 0.023 and 0.024, respectively). - ("Panama TV Series: Who Appears in the New Database of Investigative Journalists". 10.05.2016.

 __ Churchill (Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill) - the creator of the so-called "Deep State" in the United States. (The first person to see this was Dwight D. Eisenhower). This term is understood as the mechanism of control by the British Political and Financial circles of the American Intelligence Community ... Behind this is, first of all, the creator of this ideological structure - the "Round Table" (Rhodes-Milner). Although the beginning of the "Deep State" goes back to 1891 - this task was solved only in 1913 - by creating the FRS. But it was W. Churchill who managed to put the US intelligence services under the control of Britain (by introducing his people to the highest posts of a foreign state!). (The conflict between Churchill and F. Roosevelt, who as best he could resisted the British expansion defending the sovereignty of the United States ... as you know, ended with the burial of the latter in a closed coffin (A.I. Fursov)). The first task that the British had was to destroy two Empires - the German and the Russian, which they did as a result of the 1st World War. (Then and as a result of the 2nd World War ... - Recall the main finances of the 3rd Reich Montagu Norman from the Bank of England).

 The British were also recruiting in Russia. For Britantsev worked (among others) the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia from 1910 to 1916 - S.D. Sazonov. It was later accidentally spotted by the British ambassador to Russia himself before the start, during the First World War, and during the so-called Russian "revolution" (in 1910-1918) - by George William Buchanan ...

 - ("In the Vatican, SD Sazonov served for 10 years, after which in 1904 he was appointed counselor to the embassy in London. The ambassador at that time was Count AK Benckendorff, a great fan of everything English. London environment was no longer new for SD Sazonov, and he easily adapted to it. Sometimes he had to replace the ambassador as a charge d'affaires and directly come into contact with "big politics."

 The same admiral A.V. Since 1917, Kolchak was recruited by the British Naval Intelligence Service (the Minister of War at that time was W. Churchill), and his task was, on the sly of the Czechoslovak Corps (the Trotsky-Masaryk Conspiracy), to withdraw all the gold of Russia. The indigenous peoples of Russia - a civil massacre (1918-1925), and the British - gold ...! After that, his masters no longer needed him, and he was eliminated by someone else's hands.

 The head of the US Office of Strategic Services during World War II - William Joseph Donovan, in fact, was also a creature of W. Churchill. And it was he, at the direction of his British curators, who created in Italy and Germany (and even in the USA!) The Gladio network, which was widely sensational in post-war Europe, which carried out terrorist acts that were attributed to completely outside structures. (And who, and for whose money (Who is the Customer?) Is committing massive terrorist attacks in Europe in our time !? And why did the British start a game called Brexit right now? They seem to be not in Europe, and at the same time - with it ...) ...

How much he will succeed - to preserve not only the sovereignty of the United States, but the integrity of his country, which is going to break into 4 parts (I. Panarin's scheme in 1998) - time will tell. In the meantime, we are simply obliged to study the duplicity of British political (Dynamic) SYSTEMS and their shadow structures (alien complex empirical social objects) created by them in many countries of the world.

 Finally (not forgetting the past bloody deeds of Lord Palmerston in the Caucasus - described by me in "BioPolitics / Politbiology" - "Caucasian War - 1817-1864. that moment, the Minister of War - Milner (Alfred Milner), who with suitcases of cash arrived in St. Petersburg and simply paid for the armed groups of Marxist terrorists and their bloody deeds ... - see N. Kuzmin - "Retribution.") remains just remember the quote from the book of the former British MI6 officer, and now an American professor - "Yeltsin - from the same MI6 stable - the ICU department." - (J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 And Lyndon LaRouche has said for many years that the roots of all problems, both in the United States and in Russia itself, must be sought in London - more precisely, in the City of London. - (D. Peretolchin, IN Panarin. - "America's control levers are still in London." - TV Day. - 05/27/2019; + comments by M.T.).

The stateization of Satanism is the creation of the State in the State: 1st sign - state bodies and their officials are corrupted and, as a result, imperceptibly turn into a mafia; Sign 2: government agencies and their officials are turning into terrorist structures such as the Gestapo; The third sign: the public media cease to be such - they either keep silent about everything that is really happening in the country, or lie recklessly, just as the Nazi fascist J. Goebbels, the distributor of Hitler's "truth", did. Total: Not Public, but private media get the full right to disseminate only the private opinion of their secret masters ... whatever it may be - including subtle calls for interethnic hatred! There is a double bottom in everything, double standards and double functions: according to the Qur'an - "nifak", ostentatious adherence to good, covering up adherence to evil. According to the Bible (Gospel of Matthew): 16) By their fruits you will recognize them. Are grapes harvested from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17) So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree also bears bad fruit. (The so-called economic and political "reforms" of Gaidar (1991 - 2019), continued by his disciple-colleague Kudrin ("kudrinomics" - see V.Yu. Katasonov), in fact, are almost complete - Their Bloody and Man-hating nature, respectively, and The GULAGO-GESTAPO outcome of 29 years of economic and political disguised Genocide is already visible to all survivors! And not only! , S.P.Shashurin, Yu.S. Rybnikov, V.M.Simchera.) Only the Court of History remained.

 - “People want to be given everything - joy, happiness, money, success ... But this does NOT happen in life. in times of trouble, much less people died ... Even during the Stalinist repressions, too, fewer people died than during the Gorbachev-Yeltsin era (1989-1991) Lies, Recklessness, Banditry, the power of Money ... Total Ignorance.

 People do not live in the name of this! Civilization was not created in the name of this. “The biggest problem today is the level of education!"

 __ About the real, but hidden policy of the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB in modern Russia - i.e. the shadow policy of Gorbachev-Kryuchkov and their protégé in the Kremlin (in fact, this is one single team! - see A.V. Ostrovsky) of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky family:

 Chechen businessmen of the early 90s were unable to realize themselves or reorient themselves to the new realities in Russian society, not because they were bad managers. All over Russia, in Moscow in particular, there was a hunt for Chechens. Chechens were kicked out of their jobs, or everything was done not to hire them. Even in Moscow hotels, a directive was given: "Chechens should be denied check-in." The Kremlin needed the "VINOVNIK" of all the troubles of the Russians. And they chose the Chechens. Due to this policy of the Russian authorities, many were forced to close their businesses and leave. And many were not allowed to prove themselves. (M.M.Saidulaev)

 - The main goal of the anti-Caucasian policy of the last decades (since the beginning of the 1990s), actively and with impunity carried out by some Russian politicians, oligarchs and the media controlled by them, was to knock out Caucasians (primarily Chechens, Dagestanis and Ossetians. - M.T.) from many the highest state and public posts in modern Russia - which they have held since the late USSR due to their personal qualities, education and talents. (from an interview with Ruslan Kurbanov).

 - (Open interview with Malik Saydullaev! - 12/17/2014. - Original: see - Princess Rina Naumova-Davis;

 Ruslan Vyacheslavovich Kurbanov is a Russian public and political figure, political scientist and journalist. Expert on the North Caucasus and Islam. Director of the Foundation for Support of Humanitarian Initiatives "Altair", senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

 __ Unfortunately, very little is said about the fact that a lot of corpses are taken to the North Caucasus from central Russia - at the same time, brutally murdered people from different regions of the Russian Federation. And complete silence. And when a Muscovite, a football player or some fan is killed, then from him, due to the fact that it was associated with a Caucasian, they organize obscene (in a legal state) things. (All this is immediately widely covered with the active and provocative participation of Russian TV channels and other media - which are all private - owned by famous oligarchs! - M.T.). Around such a case, interethnic hysteria is being whipped up - anti-Caucasian hysteria. And not to know who they are, who is behind this - they are known to everyone - is simply impossible! That they cannot investigate when there are many ministries and departments that are engaged in this, and stop and punish those responsible !? What can't put these people in their place !? Failure to take appropriate measures is support for these interethnic demonstrations. And we have a multinational country! which we are proud of, first of all, because of the centuries-old interethnic and interfaith tolerance. The most terrible role in this belongs to Television! In the struggle for ratings, it has long turned into a trash heap. (All Caucasian crime in Russia is only 0.5% of the total in the country!). Have you seen in at least one film that a Chechen, a Dagestani, or any Caucasian, played a good, positive role ?? Watch American films! There, blacks and whites, and Puerto Ricans, and Chinese, and Japanese play a positive role ... And in Russia, if the role of bandits and terrorists, then it is definitely Chechens - they will be played by representatives of our other North Caucasian nationalities. All this is a deliberate deterioration of interethnic relations in modern Russia.

 - (Chairman of the Association of Law Enforcement Agencies and Special Services of the Russian Federation Aslambek Aslakhanov on national policy in the country: the antics of Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein) and the issue of creating a ministry for nationality affairs. - 2013).

 - To all this is added a monstrous artificially created property stratification. As Professor R.I. Khasbulatov: - In Russia, this issue is very bad. According to the latest international reports from authoritative stratification organizations - i.e. Difference Between Rich and Poor - Russia ranks last among all developed countries. The statistics on the average salary are falsified. (The same is said by the economist Vladislav Zhukovsky and Professor V.Yu. Katasonov. - MT).

 - (Results of a study of social inequality in Russia. - Interview of Professor RI Khasbulatov to the journalists of the "Caucasian Politics". 2013).





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