THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 5 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 5 Part .

 - You know, Kisa! and with you It's not so boring to live in this world ... Stirlitz thought mechanically pulling out Bormann's note from the Safe. - Bormann, of course, shouted. - Stirlitz was forced to shoot at close range ... The emphasis fell backwards. Backward, he immediately jumped out the door and rushed to jump. And in "Skipping", as you know, they poured only fresh ... "Klinskoe" ... After which, a swindler without imagination Shura Balaganov broadly smiled at the whole world with one tooth ... - Age, even for Bender's "foster brother", you know , who gave his whole life "in search of justice", this is not a joke ... - The Mishutka bar closed at midnight, Muller knew this, but Pleischner did not know, who threw himself out of the window for the 6th time - the poison did not affect him ... - This is Flower Street - guessed Stirlitz, passing by Pleischner, who just thought: It's time to get up, it's dawn ... otherwise the turnout will be a complete failure. - Tickets for the famous "Failure" were sold personally by the technical director of the concession - ie. by O. Bender himself. - They knew only - Shelenberg, of course, Stirlitz, and the Center. - Kise it was No longer in his mind: Monsieur, it's not a mange pa sis zhur ... - he repeated hesitantly ... looking sideways at the Aggressively behaving Competitive Organization ... in the person of the one about whom the Great Combinator is like- then he said - This is our friend! - and received in response - Himself a fool! ...

 - Alla, let's go Restaurant, we'll dance back and forth ...

 - As you know: whoever eats a girl, he dances her ... (- Why don't you eat kefir? What, don't you like?).

 - If things go wrong, don't go with them. - (E. Presley).

 - Who is the beast, am I the beast?

 - Hey, citizen! You don't go there - you go here. And then the head will snow - you will be completely dead ...

 - If you stumbled and fell, it does not mean that you are not going there. - (Chinese wisdom).

 - And you, excuse me, what are you doing?

 - Free profession. Own slaughterhouse on an artel basis in Samara.

 - Valik-jan, I will tell you One Clever Thing, but only You. Don't be offended - We'll see you again. I think so!

 - "12 chairs" by Ilf and Petrov is a favorite book of L.D. Trotsky-Bronstein - published at his direction! - 1928 - Chekists-MarkSISty Infused Information Subconsciously - Fraudsters in Price and Honor! - Far-reaching SpecTechnology ...! - (VM Zaznobin - "Trotskyism in Islam").

 - This book was the favorite book of Trotsky's followers - neo-Trotskyists - Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman, D.M. Gvishiani and all other Chekists-MarkSIS and Oligarchs from the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB ... Well, the people who did not understand the special technologies were amused.).

Every thing on Earth has its own, deeply hidden, Common Intention!

 - (Quotes from the Soviet novels by I. Ilf and E. Petrov - "Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf", + "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures", 1966, L. I. Gaidai, + "Mimino", 1977, G.N. Danelia, + "Gentlemen of Fortune", 1971, A. Seryi, G. Danelia, + comments and the algorithm of M.T. (University of Common Minds)).

 In our time, All Politicians turned into Actors - in their Political Performances, personal Benefit took up over the Public and State - (God is replaced by Satan / Iblis; and the Prophets (Moses (Musa), Jesus Christ, Mohammed) were replaced by Money, - that becoming the servants of Mammon) - the Aspect of Visibility pushed the Aspect of the Essence into the Background and itself began to look like the Essence of Objects. An Evolutionary Wrap-around has taken place. The most developed Human Associations turned into a gathering of Social Actors: In a pair "To Be" or "To Become" - the second setting began to play a more important Role for people: Fools began to look like Sages; Moral freaks - as examples of Virtue; Criminals - as the Pillar of Legality; Ugliness is like Beauty. - A new Powerful SYSTEM of upbringing, Education and Ideological Dummy created the Fictional World of Apparitions, which took a more important place in the lives of people than the World of Entities. - (Sociological theory of AA Zinoviev - from the book "On the way to a super-society"; + MT).

 - The Global Predictor controls the entire World with the Biblical concept (about 3000 years) - Danger in the Main Algorithm: Divide and Conquer - Low Frequency Processes ... !!!

- The Prophet Mohamed said: "Those who were given to carry the Torah, but they did NOT carry it, Like a donkey that carries books. It is bad likeness of people who considered the signs of God to be a lie! ...". - (Quran. Sura 62, ayah 5). - About the Distortion of Prophecies (by the Talmudists!).

 - Global Predictor decided to Lead Islam ...! - and Bin Laden appears - a terrorist ...! (His Deputy Khattab - Appears in Chechnya!). - And Islamic Fundamentalism appears in the world, which has nothing to do with either Traditional Islam or Quranic Islam ... !!! - (The Koran Prohibits court interest and slavery! - And where does Bin Laden keep money !? - In a Swiss bank! And lives on %% ... - (K.P. Petrov - About defamation of the description of God.)).

 - New "muftis" are being prepared in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia ... (of the Wahhabis sense! - see Lawrence of Arabia and his Mark SIS revolution of the 1920-1925s) to replace the True Muftis - Koranic ones everywhere on earth !!! - (It was They who appeared in Chechnya in 1991 - 2000 and unleashed the Terror and the 2nd Wars ... in support of the Kremlin's Policy - on the Money of the World Bankers-Usurers and Yeltsin Oligarchs, headed by the chief Ideologist of the Yeltsin Family - B.A. Berezovsky ... !!!).

  - The Quran says: THERE IS NO COURSE IN RELIGION. - (Quran. Surah 2. Cow, ayah 256.). 

 - Read the Surahs of the Quran and Don't Distort It.

 - (In the Quran, Good (White) and Evil (Black), Are Clearly Separated! - The Quranic Concept of Nifak (Hypocrisy) - Showy Commitment to Good, Covering Commitment to Evil!).

 - The Quran clearly says: Those Who Create Unclean On Earth! - They encroach on someone else's property! or Life !, in the Independence of Nationality and Religion! - Worthy only of Death. - (Imam Sh.R. Alyautdinov). 

- Allah Almighty said: And let there be a Community among you - which would Fulfill the Command of Allah, about the Call to Good and the Prohibition of the Censured One, They will be successful. - (Quran. Sura 3. Family of Imran, ayat 104).

 - God is one - religions are different.

 - Historical Islam and Quranic - Diverge, just like Established Christianity! and the True Teaching of Christ! - (VM Zaznobin - "Trotskyism in Islam". May 1999; + comments by MT).

 POLITICS and CRIMINALS ARE ONE AND THE SAME. - (Quote by Vincent Corleone - "Godfather 3").

 - A good example, an open statement of the British Lord Salisbury ("Shakespeare") and speaks for itself: "If our ancestors cared about the rights of other people, the British Empire would never have appeared." - (From the book of the leading CIA analyst Professor Chalmers Johnson - "Nemesis").

  In Russia, there were two Decembrist Societies - the Southern (Pestel), and the Northern (Muravyov) - which A.S. Pushkin ("Scene from Faust") clearly and eloquently described as: ... Two monkeys,! ... + barrels of gold, Yes, a rich cargo of chocolates ...

 - British Decembrist Freemason and Bavarian Illuminati A.P. Ermolov, as you know, was part of Yuzhnoye - Pestelevskoye, which, due to the aggressive views of the leader himself, was considered extremely reactionary ... Russophobe and Chechenophobe A.P. Ermolov corresponded: he began with the destruction of Dadi-Yurt (1819), and ended with an attempt to destroy Chechen-Aul and Starye Atagi (in 1826) ...

 - see Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel and Wilhelmsbad (Hanau - Frankfurt am Main) Masonic convention of 1782 - how the Great Game and the future Great Blood in the Caucasus were born. - (The Hessian dynasty was under the complete control of the Rothschild cluster. - (Vladimir Karpets. Dmitry Peretolchin. Windsor vs Rurikovich: the secret history of the confrontation between dynasties)). - And also, see: the Masonic Congress in Vienna - 1814 - after which everything started to turn.

 - At the same time, the main role of the Decembrists themselves, laid down by their Masters at the foundation, was to cover up the future Murder of the Royal Family. They were created by the Global Mafia as a distracting consumable. And the Main Forces acted on a different level and in a completely different way ... The Romanovs did not obey the decisions of the Masonic congresses and Secret Societies - i.e. Global Predictor, that's the whole secret! - (see V.M.Zaznobin (KOB) - Kosher Freemasons of the Central Committee of the CPSU ...; K.P. Petrov; A.I.Fursov; V.I. Karpets; + M.T.'s comments).

Karl Marx - grandson of 2 rabbis - Invented Such (m) Teaching, which WOULD NEVER lead us to communism. (70 years of the Bloody bastard ... ISM).

 - Now the Global Mafia is Trying to Establish a Tough Fascist Regime on Earth - in order to keep Millions of masses in obedience - THIS IS THIS SIS topic, Humanity is being driven into a Tough Fascist Regime, and the ALL SIS topic of World Terrorism is working ... !!! - (K.P. Petrov - About defamation of the description of God; + Lecture 2005 - Who and how rules the world).

Hitler will be needed when it becomes clear: the Stalinist team has buried the project "world revolution" (Trotsky-Bronstein, Sverdlov-Gaukhman - MT) and will build a socialist state, a red empire. Now the British needed a new world war, and therefore Hitler, whom they had to incite against the USSR. - (A.I. Fursov - "World struggle. Anglo-Saxons against the planet". 2017).

 It's amazing how reluctantly people live according to their religious commandments, and how willingly they fight for them! - (G.K. Lichtenberg).

  - Today there are 2 ways of Maintaining the Existence of Operating Elites: Hereditary-Clan Way, and Way of Co-optation. - Both Methods, over time, lead to Degradation and Degeneration. At the same time, they automatically Cut Themselves off from the Understanding of the Processes occurring within the population - (Environment Factor) - Which Leads to Loss of Control of the Global Predictor. - There are 358 Families in the World Controlling This World. - Not all of them are the Global Predictor's Personnel Base ... - There are 100 empty vacancies - hand over (like Potanin, Fridman, Aven, Berezovsky, ... etc.) stolen billions (for 80%, Sins are Released!) and Join. - The Hosts Create the Rules of the Game - There are Figures (and Assistants) - Maurice Druon, Kissinger (Academician Putin-Chubais), Gore Vidal, Herbert Wells ... - But Assistants like Soros, Brzezinski, Arthur Conan Doyle ... etc. .d. - Players are NOT Global, but Country - the so-called. Executive power. - There is a massive Search and Recruitment of Assistants. - The main thing is Understanding the Processes! - There are NO Permanent Entrance Tickets - Completed the Current Task (like Berezovsky, Gaidar, Dudaev, Yeltsin, Gorbachev, ... etc.) and Left aside (into a possible personnel reserve for the Future). - (KOB. - V.V. Pyakin - Selection of G.P.'s entourage - + see S.P.Shashurin - To whom our Private Property was transferred (transferred by the KGB generals) in 1991-1993; + comments by M.T. ). 

 Who made our life related

 With an endless road? ...

(From the film "Niccolo Paganini", music by S. Banevich, words by T. Kalinina, Executor Albert Asadullin).

 __ It's not scary when you are alone, scary when you are Zero! - (Folk wisdom).

 __ Academician Shafarevich's "Small People" (Lubyanka (KGB) and the Kremlin) over the past 30 years of their Pseudo reforms ("restructuring of the KGB" and "privatization of MI6") Robbed all those who liberated Auschwitz in 1945. - FACT accomplished. - (January 27 is the day, and the liberation of Auschwitz, and the lifting of the blockade of St. Petersburg). - The truth of life (as well as the realities of modern history) is that those Heroes who liberated Auschwitz in 1945 will now have to Liberate Mengele from the Nazis and doctors, and the Kremlin, and Moscow, and St. Petersburg, ... and Frankfurt on Maine, and London City, and Hong Kong, to boot.

 __ I would have stuffed your snout, (yes) only Zarathustra does not allow. - ("Twelve Chairs". - Chapter Five. Chapter X. The Blue Thief).

 __ ... shortly before his death L. Shidlov (Austrian diplomat Leo R. Shidlov) "was preparing Austria for the future Franco-Russian agreement." This agreement was to coincide with the creation of prerequisites for the return of the monarchy to France, headed by the alleged "descendant of the Merovingians" (it is not clear who in general can be discussed here). At the same time, according to S. Roux, "the return of a descendant of the Merovingians to power in France would mean the creation of a people's state, friendly to the Soviet Union." Of course, certain changes were expected from the Soviet Union, the heir to historical Russia, without which such an alliance was hardly possible. However, this was the position of the Priory (or the “heirs of the Merovingians”, real or imaginary), it was most likely coordinated within the framework of the “new Europe” project, which was really developed after the Second World War. Raymond Abellio wrote about this project in his novel "Blessed are the Peacemakers" (Paris, 1950): "Socialists are everywhere, their goal is the Franco-German-Russian bloc, the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis, designed to free the West from the contradictions of the Anglo-Saxon economic system." General de Gaulle (who, according to M. Bigent and his co-authors, constantly relied on the support of Pierre Plantard) said the same a year earlier: “For my part, I declare that Europe should be based on agreement between the French and the Germans. We must once and for all point out the need to build Europe together with Russia as soon as it changes its regime. This is the program of all true Europeans. This is mine. "

 At the same time, Pierre Plantard, as the same M. Bigent, R. Lee and G. Lincoln write about this, repeatedly complained to them about the dominance in the Priory, as he himself said, “of the Anglo-American continent ... <. ..> - not the French, not the Germans, not the Spaniards and not the Russians, but the Anglo-Americans, like most of the other propagandists of the Priory (Zion - MT), first of all, the creators of The Da Vinci Code. Finally, and most importantly, all the "Merovingian manuscripts on parchment" handed over in 1955-1956, when the Priory was legally registered, were sent to Pierre Plantard from Great Britain. But they turned out to be ... fake. Everything, indeed, is extremely confused ... <...> The “sacred riddle” quite rightly indicates that any power in Europe is illegitimate, starting from the 8th century. - the assassination of Dagobert II in 769, followed by the illegal accession of the Carolingian dynasty. <...> And the second. “As we have seen, in 496, the Church forever associated itself with the Merovingian family. By authorizing the assassination of Dagobert II, instituting the coronation ceremony and placing Pepin on the Frankish throne, she secretly betrayed the pact. Moreover, by crowning Charlemagne, she publicly and finally confirmed her betrayal "... <...>" ... they (the Merovingians - V.K.) were often called kings - "sorcerers" or "miracle workers", for they possessed, as the legend says again, with the miraculous power to heal only by the laying on of hands, and the hands hanging on the sides of their robes had the same healing properties. <...> Back in the mid-90s of the last century, while working on the book "Rus Miroweev", we drew attention to mysterious coincidences and clues leading us straight to Rurik's house. Indications about the "magical Christianity" of the Merovingians, akin to Francia during the "first race" and the Russian state of different eras, made in the second volume of "The Decline of Europe" by O. Spengler, as well as direct instructions from Russian scientists of the 19th century. V. Venelina and E. Klassena only confirmed our guesses. And the just-gone Jean Parvulesco (1929–2010) expressed himself quite unambiguously: “The final integration of the entire set of movements of a higher spiritual orientation in the great continental space of the first Hyperborean migrations should take place under the active protection of imperial geopolitical structures and mark the end of the current cosmic cycle. Moreover, it is in the current expanses of the "core land", that is, on the Russian land, where the formation of New Russia will take place, that the scattered descendants of the great Ancient World should be found, called to complete the creation of the Last Rome as the fulfillment of a superhistorical manifestation of the inner acquisition of the last divine identity , "The Last Marriage" ". <...> We first meet the word king in Ancient Sumer, where it was pronounced as cap. The language of the Sumerians cannot be strictly attributed to either Japhetic or Semitic - it seems to be older than both. The so-called Nostratic theory finds one of the confirmations precisely through the study of Sumer. Let us recall that in ancient times, words were read both from left to right, and vice versa, which is still preserved in some languages ​​of the East. The Nostratic root cf or pc (with all the ensuing sura, sir, rus, race, dew, etc.) means the sun, light, blood (ore), clan (race) and, of course, royal power (volost, the symbol of which are hair). <...> Today, the almost universally recognized name of the Northern European Aryans or "Proto-Slavs" has become their Greek naming of the Wends. It was they who inhabited the vast area from the Gulf of Bothnia to the coast of Spain. The Veneds are the ancestors of not only the Slavic (in the modern sense) proper, but, in fact, all the peoples of Europe, and not only it. Wherever Indo-Europeans lived, we meet the root of the veins - Vienna, Venice, Vyatka (with the transition of the nasal sound to "I", as in the word five) and even Lake Van. And the Finns, whose legendary ancestor was Veinameinen, still call Russia "Venaya" <...> In the first half of the 19th century. Moscow historian Yuri Ivanovich Venelin discovered in the archives, and most importantly, in the annals and oral legends of his people (by origin he was a Carpathian Ruthenian, his last name was Gutsa), a curious evidence. In many monuments, the territory of modern Finland and the Baltic, as well as the current Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions, was called Old Francia, and France itself, more precisely, its northern part, was called New Francia. Note that the Rusyns, who live in a rather closed manner, have preserved in their culture a lot of what was actually lost in Russia, and even more so in Slavic Eastern Europe. Later, Fyodor Glinka, Vasily Peredolsky and others revealed amazing coincidences: the Shelon river near Novgorod and Chalon in France, the Alaun heights in the Tver region and the Catalaun fields in France, the same ones where in the 5th century. the first "battle of the peoples" in the history of Europe took place.

 Venelin makes a surprisingly bold, but still not refuted conclusion: the Rus and the Franks are one people. <...> In any case, in 862 in the “land of Sloven and Rus”, in “Old Frankia”, in Staraya Ladoga, Rurik appears. And at once - as a ruler, a monarch. Historians produce it either from Frisia, then from the island of Rügen, then from Scandinavia, or declare it to be an original Novgorodian and a Slav. Some, in particular L.N. Gumilev, E.V. Pchelov, indicate his connection with Karl Lysy. The paradox is that there is nothing to argue about. Everyone is partly right. Rurik of Novgorod and Old Russian was a perfectly legitimate monarch of Northern Europe or, as Venelin writes, "the ruler of Old and New Francia." And not only her. Rerir is mentioned in the "Younger Edda" as a Trojan descendant of Odin and the ancestor of the Welsungs, from whom "all famous families" came. <...> Today in Britain (sic. - V.K.) and continental Europe there are at least a dozen families that belong to the Merovingian family. Among them are the houses of the Habsburgs-Lorraings (now the nominal dukes of Lorraine and the kings of Jerusalem), Plantars, Luxemburgs, Monpezates (more precisely, Monpeza, to which the current Prince Consort of Denmark Heinrich belongs. - V.K.) and a number of others. According to the "prior documents", in Britain the Sinclair family and various branches of the Stuart house are associated with this clan (recently, the Russian press exaggerated information about the Spencer house belonging to the Stuarts, to which the late Princess Diana belonged, but the Spencers are not an aristocratic, but a banking clan and dates back to the 16th century - V.K.). And the Devonshire family, apparently, is even privy to the secret of the family. <...> As you know, the Order of the Priory of Zion, judging by its official documents, was created by Gottfried (Godfroy) of Bouillon in 1069, that is, exactly three centuries after the death of the Martyr King Dagobert II. All this time, Europe was experiencing the so-called "Carolingian Renaissance", one of the sides of which was the establishment of the organization and dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. Gottfried of Bouillon himself was directly related to the triumph of Catholicism. And he had no - neither direct, nor even indirect - relation, contrary to the "Documents of the Community" and especially the "neomerovingian mythology" of M. Bigent - D. Brown, he had no relation to the Merovingians either. Because he was Carolingian himself. <...> ... back in the early 1990s. the book "The Biggest Secret" was published in the West. Its author, David Icke, claims that since ancient times, a race of human reptiles has been living next to people on Earth, from equally ancient times striving to finally enslave humanity, destroying most of it. Recently, these "reptilians" or "intelligent lizards" seem to be close to their goal. Here is what David Icke himself says about this in an interview with the American magazine "Leading Eagle":

There is one specific group that is still active in the physical world. This is a race of reptiles, those whom we call "Annunaki" (according to Sumerian tablets). And I'm not alone in this. Doctor D.A. Horn wrote the book "The Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity" and conducted the same research <...> this connection with reptiles stretches through the millennia to the present day. These ancestral lines came from the mountains of the Caucasus and the area that we call Sumer and Babylon. There was an interbreeding between the human race and this reptilian group (later all this migrated to Egypt, then to Rome and London). Hybrids became demigods - intermediaries between gods and humanity, snake kings. Around 2200 BC. NS. in Egypt, something called the Royal Court of the Dragon was formed. It has quite a lot of power today, 4,000 years later, and is located in England, which, in my opinion, is the epicenter of world control - the epicenter of the web. The reptilian-human hybrids were at different times the rulers of both the Near and Middle East, eventually becoming the aristocracy and royal families of Europe. Now there is only one royal family, the rest were destroyed during coups and revolutions or removed from real power for other reasons. At least one royal family has different names. The Windsors are one of these lines. The main temporary point of expansion is 1689, when the Dutchman William of Orange, with whom each of the living royal families in Europe is connected by kinship, was seated on the throne of England. <…> If you research the genealogy of American presidents, you will be amazed. All presidential elections since George Washington in 1789 have been won by the most "purebred" candidates, and the European Royal Blood is the benchmark. Of the 42 presidents who preceded Bill Clinton, 33 were genetically related to two people - Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne (Charlemagne - V.K.), the monarch who ruled in the territory of modern France (not only not Merovingian, but " anti-Merovingian. ”- V.K.), 19 of them had family ties with the King of England Edward III, a relative of Prince Charles. And the same goes for all key positions of power - the same tribe! Whether it is a family of bankers in America or some other. <…> George W. Bush is a relative of Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, as well as Franklin Delano Roosevelt. " <...> ... is also reflected in Moscow heraldry. The king on horseback ("equestrian" or "rider") kills the Serpent. In this case, the "rider" is identified with St. George - Greek. "Farmer" ("serpentine"!) - or Yuri, which is phonetically consonant with the name Rurik (Erik of the "Vlesova book", written whenever it was done, even if in later times, not from the princely, but from the folk - and priestly - positions). <...> the so-called Knightly Order of the Dragon was created in 1408 by the Hungarian king Sigismund I of Luxembourg (1368–1437), the future emperor of the Holy Roman Empire [355]. It included only representatives of the ruling dynasties of Europe, among them the English king Henry V, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt, the Polish king Vladislav II (Jagailo), the Danish king Christopher III, and others. The formal goal was the fight against the Turks and the organization of the Crusades. The predecessor of the Order of Sigismund was the Order of the Dragon of St. George the Victorious, created by the Serbian prince Milos Obilich specifically to destroy the Turkish Sultan Murad I, who was actually killed by Prince Milos during the battle on the Kosovo field on June 28, 1389 (which did not cancel the unfavorable outcome of the battle).

 The symbol of the Order that Sigismund created was a dragon carrying a flaming cross. The order had two degrees of initiation. Those who passed the first wore an emblem with the image of a dragon and a cross separately, those who passed the second - only a dragon with a tail wound around the neck: while the cross was depicted on the back of the dragon, moreover, simply as part of its ridge.

 In 1431 Sigismund expanded the Order, accepting the ruler of Wallachia, Vlad II Dracula (1390-1447) and a number of noble Hungarian families (Bathory, Rakosi, etc.). The emblem of the order was also used by his son Vlad III Tepes (1431–1476), who received the nickname Dracula and became the prototype of the hero of the novel of the same name by Bram Stoker (1897). The very word "Dracula" in Romanian means the son of the Dragon (Draculea). In Romanian, the words "dragon" and "devil" (dracu, draci - devils, plural) are pronounced almost the same. <...> The connection between the Priory of Zion and the Order of the Dragon is emphasized by another British conspiracy theorist Lawrence Gardner. Unlike M. Bigent and his co-authors, Gardner is indeed a major specialist in European genealogy, close to the highest circles of England. <...> The Order of the Dragon (Ordo Draconis) is associated with the mythology of the ring (circle) as a symbol of supreme power - at the same time a sign of unity and eternity; it is also identified with "androgyne" and "uroboros", the latter being depicted as a dragon (snake) devouring its own tail. <...> Another important circumstance pointed out by David Hayk is that the Caucasus is the ancestral home of those genera that we can well characterize as "anti-Merovingians" and which are passed off as Merovingians ... <...> ... the calling of Rurik ( 862), the accession to the Russian (Rurik) state of the then Khazar Kaganate of the "city of Kiev - Zmiev's lair" (N. Gumilyov - extremely important!) In 882 by Oleg the Prophet and, finally, the defeat of the then political center by Rurik's grandson Svyatoslav Khorobry Eurasia - the Khazar Kaganate - in 965. This series of events contributed to the special veneration of St. George (Yuri-Gyurgi - an anagram named after Rurik-Rarog) as a snake fighter and liberator from tribute to the "serpent", "dragon" in human sacrifice ... <...> The basis of Eurasian geopolitics and geoeconomics has always been control over trade (today also energy ) routes between Europe and Central Asia - Sir Halford Mackinder, an exclusive place in this control has always occupied the North Caucasus. In the 6th century, when the Türks (Türkuts) occupied its territory, the North Caucasus was controlled by the Altai peoples who came along with the Huns of Attila - the Savirs and the Khazars. At the same time, Theophanes Chronography indicates that the Jews of Phanagoria, Kerch and the North Caucasus played a decisive role on the trade routes. It was they who brought Judaism to the Caucasus. In turn, the very Khazar aristocracy of the Caucasus, according to David Icke, comes from the magicians of Babylon. <...> The Bauers (Rothschilds) and other "Ashkenazi" families also professed Judaism on the external level. Since the 18th century. - after the creation of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, their paths begin to converge in a visible way. They unite directly after Britain won the Battle of Waterloo at the expense of the Rothschilds, and then they took possession of the City of London and its banks, subjugating the Windsor dynasty: in the world hierarchy, they already stand above the Windsors, descending from the Khazar nobility directly, and not, like the Windsors, indirectly. It is no coincidence that in world political jargon, the expression "British Crown" does not refer to the Royal House, but to the City of London. At the same time, the practice of marriages of members of the Russian Imperial House with the princesses of the German house of Hesse-Hanau (Hesse-Hanau - M.T.), who are entirely financially supported by the same Rothschilds, who simultaneously finance the revolutionary forces in Russia, is in the habit.

 In this sense, the attempt of the Russian Emperor Alexander II to break the ties of kinship of the Imperial House with Britain and the "Khazars" associated with his marriage to the Russian princess from the House of Rurik Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukova (1847-1922), which ended in the assassination of this tsar, was an attempt to oppose the legacy of Svyatoslav ( and, consequently, both Rurik and Merovingian) "pseudo-Merovingians". Dependence on the Rothschilds and the British Crown led the sovereign to liberal reforms in the 1860s. and the sale of Baku oil to the Rothschilds. It was until 1880 - before the second marriage with Ekaterina Mikhailovna - that the main concessions in the Caucasus were sold to the Rothschilds. The second marriage of the emperor was not just a "marriage to a Russian princess." It was about the reunification of the royal branches of the Romanovs and Rurikovichs. For this, the “Khazar aristocracy” had to be “paid” with reforms, Alaska and the Caucasus, in order to bring it to obedience to the descendant of Svyatoslav. Alexander II wrote to Ekaterina Dolgorukova about their son George: "This is a real Russian, at least only Russian blood flows in him." And M.T. Loris-Melikov, Minister of Internal Affairs, Armenian by origin, participant in all Caucasian wars, who knew the Caucasus better than many, wrote: “When the Russian people get to know Your Majesty’s son, he’s all, like one person, will say:“ This one is ours. ” <...> Let us also recall that the generic symbol of both the Rurikids and the Merovingians as a single genus was the bear (urs, ms), as well as the constellation Ursa Major, which in French is still called Chariot de David - “Chariot (or cart ) David. " In this regard, the modern author Nikolai Kozlov (A. Shchedrin) points out: “It is curious that the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in the Caucasus, Prince A.I. Baryatinsky, from the clan of Rurik, a descendant of Svyatoslav, who received a saber from the captive Shamil in the village of Gunib, is depicted in a lithograph by V. Tim in 1859 in a bear hat and a bear fur coat draped over his shoulders.

 Alexander Solovyov, a participant in the assassination attempt on Alexander II, said during interrogation: “Don't try, you won't learn anything from me. Besides, even if I had confessed, my comrades-in-arms would have killed me. Yes, even in the prison where I am now being held. "

 It is no coincidence that the spread of substituted and fake genealogies of the tsarist clan coincides with the intensified introduction of the global structures of the West into the Caucasus and with the growth of "Caucasian terrorism", and today, with attempts to separate the Caucasus from Russia. - (V. I. Karpets - "De Aenigmate / About the Secret". 2015).

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