THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 11 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN of 🤴 Open for publication to the world 11 Part .

L. Brezhnev, when he went on vacation, left for himself not the main ideologist of the USSR M.A. Suslova (nicknames - "the gray cardinal" and "James Bond"), and A.P. Kirilenko. Apparently he was afraid of the Kuusinen-Andropov-Ponomarev-Shevardnadze-Aliyev team ... Yu. Andropov was friends with B.N. Ponomarev (from 1937 to 1943 he worked in the apparatus of the Executive Committee of the Comintern). This whole line of communication was deeply conspiratorial!

 Everything that concerned the international policy of the USSR was concentrated in the hands of only the Gromyko-Ponamarev tandem.

 Andropov was afraid of his entourage from the KGB apparatus, which he himself headed. Therefore, he created the SIS theme, which was not subject to the control of the KGB - he saddled the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and its branch institutes - the same Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (G.A. Arbatov - director (1967-1995), honorary director (1995-2010)) ... (The help of the "Cambridge Five" arrived in time - a reliable (own) communication channel).

 It is known that L.I. Brezhnev (Leopold Kaminsky - see S.A. Sall) tried to leave for a long time, for health reasons, but he was forcibly held ... until the right moment.

 The future leaders and "eaters" of the country (oligarchs), in sufficient numbers, were not yet prepared ... - see IIASA-1972 (D. M. Gvishiani, Lord S. Zuckerman, M. Bundy).

 Objectives were set and methods developed ... (see The Harvard Project and The Houston Project).

 To create what we all have today (for 2019) - Mafia-State (see A. Kungurov, P. Khlebnikov, K.P. Petrov, V.M. Zaznobin, Yu.S. Rybnikov) - you need it was everywhere to place their people. (see Z. Brzezinski - "The Big Chess BOARD"). Only patriots of the country, such as P.M. Masherov (front-line soldier, commander of the Shchors partisan detachment. Nickname "Dubnyak". First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus), M.V. Zimyanin (front-line soldier, former partisan, member of the Central Auditing Commission of the CPSU (1956-1966), G.V. Romanov (front-line soldier), V.V. Shcherbitsky, F.D. Kulakov, Sh.R. Rashidov ... and others.

 Many mysterious deaths occurred before "perestroika", during "perestroika" itself, and after it ...

 - (VN Matuzov. President of the Society for Friendship and Business Cooperation with Arab Countries. Member of the Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Libya and Syria). - Meeting of Alexander Kolpakidi with Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Matuzov. "The collapse of the USSR is not a mistake, but a successful implementation of the plan." 2019; Professor V.M. Simchera. Slavyanophil Studio (V. Bykov), 2014; algorithm and comments by M.T.).

 __ President, Government, Duma - these are Signboards. We have created a Criminal Mafia-Clan State. Some - rob and take out. Others guard the robbers. Still others justify the robbery with all sorts of "scientific" theories, first of all, economic, historical ... Fourth, they fool people so that they do not understand what is happening ... Fifth - they get drunk and distribute drugs. Sixth - sow chaos and imperceptibly substitute false values ​​for values, skillfully play off various religious confessions. The entire world terrorism system works for this SIS theme - the corral of all mankind [primarily the indigenous peoples of Russia] into a tough fascist [neo] regime ... Progress is NOT needed. The process is simple: divide and conquer. Total corruption. Perspective :: Caste society and degradation. We are being pushed into civil war! Unstructured Management!

 __ Global World Mafia - Owners of Transnational Banks and Corporations - approx. 300 - 350 family clans: Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgan, Oppenheimers, Coons, Loebas, Abrahams, ... etc. Everyone is known. - (K.P. Petrov. 2004 (COB)).

 __ "How hard it is to live when no one is at war with Russia." - Lord G. Palmerston. From a speech in the House of Commons on March 1, 1848.

 __ Strange deaths of prominent figures of the Russian (noun) direction in culture and social thought during the time of General E.P. Pitovranov (b.1915 - y.1999) and the chairman of the KGB V.Yu. Andropov-Lieberman and their teams: Kuusinena-Ponomarev-Gvishiani-Bobkov-Volsky-Gorbachev ... ) ... In the same series of "incomprehensible and strange" deaths: writer Ivan Efremov (born 1972), Vsevolod Kochetov (born 1973), extremely popular writer and film director Vasily Shukshin (born 1974) , artist Konstantin Vasiliev (y. 1976 - see "Man with an owl" - depicts one of the main Gods of the Russian (noun) pantheon - the God of fertility Veles) ... Criticism of Zionism and its growing danger was banned in the USSR - the punishment from the KGB was extremely harsh, but this did not stop such individuals, Russian (noun) authors, as: Yu.S. Ivanov - died suddenly in 1978 (the author of the sensational book "Beware of Zionism" in the USSR - at first he was arrested and warned by the KGB ... he was killed (healed to death) in the hospital of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Kuntsevo)); V.N. Emelyanov - the enemy of the main Masonic structure - the Central Committee of the CPSU, - the author of the scandalous book "Desionization" in the USSR (the tragic and terrible fate of the whole family); Belarusian publicist and thinker who mysteriously died in 1989 (official version - myocardial infarction) - V.Ya. Runner, - the author of "Creeping counterrevolution" ... The only living (or rather, survivor) to this day is V.I. Skurlatov - see Veles's book.

 In general, all the authors wrote about the seizure of the Russian (noun) territory by alien aggressors who hold power with the hands of the main, world-famous, bloody power structure - the Lubyanka (Cheka-KGB), which created for these purposes (the genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia and the retention of power) a monstrous structure - the Gulag (year of creation - 04/15/1919 - decree of Mark SISt V.I. Lenin-Blank-Zederbaum - (A.I. Cherep-Spiridovich - "The Hidden Hand")).

 The total suppression in the USSR of all non-SIS dark authors and thinkers and, at the same time, the promotion of their pseudo-liberal authors - such as: the Strugatsky brothers (the "progressors" are the forerunners of Gaidarov and Chubais), V. Vysotsky (friend of Mark SIS and the current gold miner V. Tumanov, the secret financier of the current Putin-Voloshin-Chubais-Lazar regime).

 At the same time, everyone is strenuously hushed up how many prominent thinkers and public figures of the Caucasian peoples - the Chechen people in particular - have suffered from the KGB repressions - the Chechen people in particular (no data / statistics are NOT kept).

 Hidden fact: The brutal (continues today (2019)) suppression by the Lubyanka (KGB) of any popular / national idea / thought of the officially existing MarkSIS ideology of the CPSU Central Committee of the alternative! Complete monopoly of ideology and ideas / ideas! The chief ideologist of the USSR M.A. Suslov (nicknamed "James Bond") considered the well-known logician, philosopher and sociologist A.A. Zinoviev, the author of Yawning Heights, - everything is like in Yeltsin-Putin's ... sonorously yawning with new "nano-heights" Russia ... At the same time, since the 1970s. (and to this day!) The West supported (s) only systemic (its own, selected by the KGB) dissidents (everywhere integrated only them into its society, and oligarchs (- "All Gorbachev-Yeltsin oligarchs are the Andropov Project (KGB Project)" Red Zvezda ". - Professor OA Soskin), and stubbornly ignored (sometimes repressed!) All others who were subjected to brutal repression and received real sentences ...! / Chechen) nationalists (who criticized or fought against the Central Committee of the CPSU) - despite the numerous strange and obvious deaths in their midst! The same academician OA Platonov is still subjected to repression by the authorities - the KGB. (period 1953/1967 - 2019) only one political group completely rules - the "small people" of academician I.R.Shafarevich. (The main principle is one - "divide and rule" - "red / white", "Christians / Muslims" , "Russians / Caucasians", as always labels - "enemies of the people" - the same "Chechen trace" (came to replace the "German trace") ... and so on.

 In total, the dissident movement numbered approx. 100-120 thousand people! - of which approx. 50% (in one way or another) were recruited by the 5th Directorate of the KGB (see markSISт and "liberal democrat" (assistant and adviser to Gorbachev and Kryuchkov, the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudayev-Gaidar Family, Putin-Voloshin-Chubais-Lazar, + shadow oligarch) - General F. Bobkov). - (A.I. Fursov. Why the KGB crushed patriots and raised dissidents. 2017; see S.P. Shashurin and Jacob Ranert (withdrawal (theft and robbery) of all public (as well as private deposits) finance + gold of the USSR ( see General A.V. Rutskoi - 30% of the gold disappeared during the export) by the generals of the KGB and the GRU; algorithm and comments by M.T.).

 __ Who insisted on the introduction of troops into Afghanistan ... thereby dragged the USSR into an unnecessary and destructive war for the country - a trap war with a double bottom: i.e. dragged into the last one! conflict with the Islamic world - as the country's leadership warned about then, the far-sighted head of Uzbekistan, Sharaf Rashidov ...

 After so many years, as a huge number of historians and connoisseurs of history widely disseminated information in all media about the non-involvement of the leadership of the Special Services in this decision, the documents of that Politburo meeting were finally published. And then it turned out that this decision was insisted on by the leaders of the country's "immune SIS theme" - the KGB. There are their signatures: "To approve the considerations and measures outlined by Comrades YV Andropov, DF Ustinov, AA Gromyko."

 This is how the next scrapping of "Ruskoy (noun) of Civilization" began and all those events that we still (2019) are forced to disentangle.

 The country, in reality, was not ruled by a patient L.I. Brezhnev, and the "Venetian (aka Chekist firing squad ...) troika" - members of the Politburo: Yu. Andropov, A. Gromyko, D. Ustinov part of the budget was spent not on solving internal social problems, but on mountains of weapons, which soon, in 1989-1991, were mass-destroyed by the same generals and thrown into landfills ...).

 All this speaks about how the machine of disinformation and fooling of citizens of the USSR / Russia operates.

 Let's recall the noisy "Cotton Business" ... In fact, it was a diversionary maneuver of the Special Services and parts of the Politburo associated with them.

 The most corrupt in the USSR were not the countries of Asia / Asia, but the countries of the Baltic and the Transcaucasus (the Azerbaijan SSR and the Georgian SSR, both of which are the fiefdoms of the Chekist tandem - Mikoyan-Beria). Plus, and the Andropov oasis - Gorbachevsky Stavropol Territory. What A.V. wrote about. Ostrovsky. The very same Shevardnadze and Aliev (Beria-Andropov part of the KGB) played a huge role in the collapse of the country to which they swore allegiance! and the support of the country's external enemies. Those. all the generals and officers of the KGB under oath committed (and still commit!) monstrous Crimes!

 I note that it was through these countries that from the beginning of "perestroika" (in echelons) they have withdrawn (and are still withdrawing) huge financial and material resources (see the same S.P. Shashurin) - just like the Marxist-Leninists (builders of communism) they were engaged in this, both before and, even more massively, during the NEP ... (1920-1932, and in the banking sector, the NEP continued right up to 1941-1942 (see V.Yu. Katasonov)).

 The most interesting thing is that the KGB itself began to hand over its Western agents! (example: Karel Köcher). At the same time, as Professor A.I. Fursov, since 1970. Andropov's KGB did not recruit a single significant (ideological) agent in the West ... Personnel leapfrog and betrayal were a hidden reality, everything was covered from above ... (Chekist Lyubimov did not return to the country when he found out that Andropov was ill ...). And trumped-up cases against political opponents: the same wedding of Romanov was modestly held in 1974 at his dacha, and not in the Hermitage ... with the "beating" of museum treasures - as they hung a label on him that he could not get rid of ... A similar label was hanged on Shcherbitsky's daughter, who allegedly traded antiques in Austria ... But, about a group of those persons (Avens, Shokhin, Berezovskys, Abramovichs, Chubais and other Gaidars) who were trained (under the cover of the KGB) in the Austrian institute IIPSA - not a word has been spoken in all the years! Complete silence and extra secrecy! And no labels! Those. there was a special group of untouchables - both then and today!

 The same, and even worse!, Labels were broadcast to entire nations! Historical fact! More precisely - facts, a sea of ​​facts! Lubyanka is not the first time. It is always difficult to get rid of an evil rumor (label), it takes years and decades.

In general, the conclusion is simple: the geopolitical and economic interests of the USSR were surrendered by those who were obliged to protect its interests. And even all those "newfangled economists-specialists" of the 1990s, all as one, were trained at the Austrian IIASA-1972 or its branch VNIISI ... under the cover of the same KGB. Everyone knows this, and even where did every one of the current oligarchs and civil servants come from (from what walls), and at the same time all of these "people" still cannot do anything ... And the West themselves, like their families, covers not particularly shy. Those. the entire top of the Special Services, as well as their servants, and other assets - all very well settled in the West - they are allowed to launder, invest and enjoy! The same cannot be said about their victims, as well as their opponents who moved to the West ... And no one in Russia has long believed in noisy "sanctions" (visibility, and in fact - a show-off alibi) for a long time ... with the exception of a few.

 __ Small Reference: As John Coleman writes in his book: - The KGB has always been considered the eastern branch of MI6. - (see John Coleman - "The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300"). Accordingly, the conclusion itself suggests itself: - all those who are against the KGB automatically become ENEMIES of MI6, regardless of whether they understand it or not.

 Well, MI6 is funded and supported by essentially two families - the Windsor and their relatives - the Rothschilds. (see K.A. Cheremnykh - British traps do not work? Day of TV. 07.04.2019; Yu.Yu. The same suddenly risen E. Macron, as the same K. Cheremnykh explains, is the foster child of J. Attali, and, accordingly, the same banking circles led by the Rothschilds ... And in political games he is President Macron (like all French Special Services) will play on the British side (within the coalition of the international liberal-democratic forces (political opponents of the British conservatives) - see Secrets of the Royal Court. K. Cheremnykh. TV Day. 01.12.2019), and accordingly - on the side of the "liberal-democratic" The families of Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudayev-Gaidar and the Lazanskaya mafia (they are also Dudayev's Foreign Intelligence Service, which still exists - as long as the Family and their successors exist ... in the Kremlin and in the Lubyanka!), Respectively.

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 In the book of A.A. Soldatov and I.P. Borogan ("New nobility. Essays on the history of the FSB") collected information about those officers and generals of the KGB (the highest echelon of the Soviet MarkSIS), who today are secret (and partially explicit) owners of large property - banks, oil and trading corporations, etc. ... True, the authors did not react very professionally to the coverage of some tragic events in the Caucasus ... for investigators of the secrets of the last decades. The inaccuracy of the course and the main reasons for the events is striking. As if simply copied from the official media of the media - the same infamous "ORT" Berezovsky-Abramovich-Yeltsin ... But, let's leave it on their conscience. Here is what they write: “During his reign, Mikhail Gorbachev was heavily criticized for using force in suppressing independence movements in the Baltic republics, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The harsh measures failed to pacify the regions and only accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unlike Gorbachev, Yeltsin turned to the troubled regions with a proposal: "Take as much sovereignty as you can swallow" ... ". - These are the "swings" that were arranged by the authorities themselves to undermine the united country and launch those deep processes that led to the current situation in the remaining one on the world battlefield in the "Great Game" of modern Russia. - (A.I. Kolpakidi (Russian historian of special services), S. Khartsyzov. - The KGB kills the USSR. 12 Andropov strikes. Day TV. 05/18/2019; F. Razzakov - "Corruption in the Politburo" (On the fabricated "case of Rashidov ") .; comments by M.T.).

 __ All Special Services are subordinate to one Special Service - the Global World Mafia - whether they understand this or not. - (KP Petrov. KOB - Egregors. Part 2).

 __ 1991-1993 - it was the revenge of the "Februaryists" ... (see V.V. Kozhinov). Gorbachev and Yeltsin are two dolls dressed on one hand: As soon as Gorbachev was driven into a corner, Yeltsin immediately helped him. As soon as Yeltsin was driven into a corner, Gorbachev immediately came to his aid.

 __ Russia is a country of two religious confessions: 90% is Christianity. Classical Islam was supported in Russia and became the second State religion during the reign of Tsarina Catherine the Great. [Catherine II - Empress of All Russia from 1762 to 1796. The daughter of Prince Anhalt-Zerbst, came to power as a result of a palace coup that overthrew her unpopular husband Peter III from the throne. Mother of the popular Emperor Paul I ... assassinated in 1801 by a British conspiracy. This is how a dual power appeared in Russia, which was finished in 1917 by a Masonic coup. see A.I. Cherep-Spiridovich, N.H. Webster]. Therefore, classical [traditional and Quranic] Islam, which has taken root in Russia, is the main enemy for all Western Wahhabism. The problem of Russia is not alone: ​​the struggle against religions is a reflection of centuries-old attempts to remove God from the coordinate system (from the value system), and put a man in his place ...

 The current Constitution says that the highest value is a person, his rights and freedoms ... Is that so !? Why, for example, the Fatherland does not belong to the highest values ​​!? If there is corruption in the country, then it is a crime. Such people should be convicted and imprisoned. In our country, the courts and the prosecutor's office are essentially inactive, they do not react to this in any way ... We have total impunity and irresponsibility. And an honest person is immediately labeled / slandered!

 __ Gorbachev surrendered the USSR / Russia back in 1989 at a secret meeting on ships in Malta ... The surrender of the entire Warsaw Pact took place there ... which officially (de jure) took place (was formalized) two years later - in 1991.

 Those people who understood what was happening, what the Transcaucasia was turning into, what was happening in the Baltics, and where the "leaders" were leading the country, they were neutralized, at congresses they were put on a balcony far away so that they could not go to the podium and speak. (With an open speech, only the deputy from the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Sazha Umalatova - see the video on YouTube). So, trying to protect the integrity of the country, albeit belatedly, the color of the officers gathered to oppose the destruction of the USSR - January 20, 1992 at the All-Army meeting of the highest command staff and representatives of officer assemblies of all districts and fleets in the Kremlin. Then the Oath has not yet been canceled. First, they got a live TV broadcast. But then the main question was raised not for the preservation of the country, but about social guarantees for oneself ... Then Yeltsin B.N. they loudly announced that each officer retiring to the reserve will receive $ 2,000 ... (How many tens of Trillions of USA dollars were taken out of the country - see professors: V.M.Simchera, R.I. and S.P. Shashurin, Jacob Ranert). That was where the whole struggle for the preservation of the country ended ... Then there was a purposeful dismantling of the country without much resistance. It was our Armed Forces that were the glue of our country ...

 They acted actively from the stands and misled everyone, thereby neutralizing the doubters - Yeltsin, Shakhrai, Burbulis, Gaidar, Kozyrev ...

 It was the Union leadership that betrayed all the Union republics. The same scandalous assault on the TV tower in Vilnius was carried out on the direct orders of M.S. Gorbachev! This was done so that the announcer could allegedly read out the decree of M. Gorbachev on the introduction of a state of emergency on the territory of Lithuania. Between Gorbachev's assistant and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Lithuanian Communist Party M.M. Burokavichus - a direct connection was established every 30 minutes. As soon as Burokavichus reported to the Kremlin that the TV tower was under control - let's give the text of the decree, the announcer is already sitting in the studio and waiting, then Gorbachev and his assistant cut off the connection ... It was with these methods and methods that the leaders of the Union Republics betrayed.

 Only the "immune system" of the State, the KGB, could stop this. But its leaders played the Globalist Games (see K.P. Petrov, V.M. Zaznobin, O.A. Platonov ("Russia under the rule of a criminal-cosmopolitan regime"), A.P. Shevyakin (" ), AV Ostrovsky ("Who put Gorbachev?" And "1993. Shooting of the White House")). The same Marshal D.T. Yazov, arrested after the events of 1993, would never have been released, and would undoubtedly have been shot [like other arrested defenders of the legally elected Parliament of Russia] if he had not received an amnesty from the Prosecutor General Alexei Kazannik (who was fired by an enraged Yeltsin). Yeltsin's "liberals" imputed to the front-line soldier Yazov (who had gone through the whole war) treason ...! But having difficulties with the evidence base, they began to impute to him (in fact, the liberator of Auschwitz!) That in 1941 he attributed to himself one year ... precisely because of selfish motives ... to retire early ... and not to go to the front early and fight the Nazis ... The slander of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudaev-Gaidar Family then reached such moralism! However, today everything is at the same level ...

 Let me remind you: It was G. Burbulis (together with V. Zhirinovsky-Eidelstein and M. Poltoranin) who came to Grozny and spoke with heated speeches at minings against the authorities existing in the republic. It was G. Burbulis, the Yeltsin vice president, who was then even called not the second (2nd) person in Yeltsin's team, but one and a half (1.5 1.5), so close he was to the president - that is, to the pinnacle of power - and held in 1991 the so-called "elections" of the Russian general Dudaev ... (they cannot be called elections, because they simply did not exist - this Soviet colonel, urgently promoted to Hubbad synagogue in New York ... and was approved at Lubyanka by the 3rd KGB Directorate. , A.A. Kelimatov ("Chechnya in the Devil's Claws"), Academician O.A. Platonov, Professor R.I. Khasbulatov, film director I.V. Tataev (Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1982), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2008) ).).

 Note that the current vice-president of Russia G.E. Burbulis (a man who, since 1973, for 10 years, taught Marxist-Leninist philosophy at the Ural Polytechnic Institute), in 1991 came to the city of Grozny not alone, as a private person, but with his own guards (9th KGB Directorate ) ... and didn’t leave until he announced it, then didn’t put D.M. Dudayev (see Professor R.I. Khasbulatov) for the post of President of the Chechen Republic! (see "Project iChKeria"). - (S. Baburin and S. Appolonova. - The roots of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR must be sought in 1917.2019; Sergei Baburin and D.S. Ganich (newspaper "National Course") - On the secrets of the collapse of the USSR. 2019; algorithm and M.T.'s comments).

 __ The owners of money, conducting the Global Processes (New World Order), faced systemic problems.

 __ "The Rothschilds feel even more confident in China than in Europe. Even HSBC's headquarters are moving to Southeast Asia. Gold certificates (massive stuffing of counterfeits) is a scam of the Masters of money. There is through the looking glass! In Russia in the early 90s E. Gaidar tried to make the country's Golden Treasury empty ... There were a lot of criminal stories with the export of gold abroad. He worked for the World Government. Nothing has changed since then. The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) is NOT the property of Russia. ...

 History lessons: Hitler is a fictitious pseudonym. Adolf - Adik Schicklgruber - i.e. tax collector. The "White Dragon" is credited with the same thing.

 It is very difficult to be the Master of money without having military power. China is NOT a sovereign state. Do not forget the Opium Wars ... and their outcome! "(V.Yu. Katasonov).

 - "White Dragon" (200 million people - center of Asia) vs "World Government" ("Committee of 300" - center of London City). - (V.Yu. Katasonov, I. Boschenko). - Neuromir TV. May 24, 2016

 __ There is no world terrorism - there are special services: These are the Supranational Transnational International Corporations, which, through the Special Services (6-7 countries - see the Union of Ten Eyes (SDG-10) where the KGB of China entered the 11th Eye) create and manage All World terrorist Groups of Syndicates (a collection of all kinds of international thugs - bloody Satanists of all breeds and stripes, and managing them in their own interests). - (Roman Vasilishin (Interview RASSVET TV. - 11/15/2015)).

 ___ "All SIStheme of World Terrorism works for the World Global Mafia" ... - (358 Families of Bankers). - (K.P. Petrov). _____

 __ "In post-reform (Yeltsin) Russia, in the last 2 years alone, more than 500 contract killings and terrorist attacks have been committed.

 Most of these crimes have not been solved. Power and law enforcement agencies remain silent. "- (The beginning of A. Abdulov's film - SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1997).

 - "Yeltsin was an example to all of us." (VV Putin. 2008 At the opening of the monument to Yeltsin.).

 - Yeltsin's reforms will continue. There will be no revision of the results of the "privatization" of the 1990s. - (V.V. Putin. 2015 Speech at the opening of the Yeltsin Center).

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (Dr. John Coleman - "The Committee of 300". 1994).

 - The family of Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudayev-Gaidar, having done an outright mass Criminal in order to evade responsibility and continue the Genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia (indigenous - those who entered a single State with their lands!) Brought to power His Guarantor - for this it was paid and the 2nd war in Chechnya was unleashed, and mass terrorist attacks were organized in central Russia (Kaspiysk, Moscow, Volgodonsk, Ryazan ("exercises" with "Ryazan sugar" and another (DO NOT forget 1944) insolent chekist label for the whole people - " Chechen trace ") - 1st Decree Signed by VV Putin - Release Yeltsin and his Family members from criminal prosecution.

 - Three firing crimes of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudaev-Gaidar family. In fact, this is three times (with impunity!) High treason! - (see A.I. Fursov. 2016).

 - Complete Surrender and Occupation of the USSR - because of the Treason of the KGB (Cheka-VChK-KGB - known for massive bloody deeds - MONOPOLY for KILLS and "roofs" - created by a decree (decree) of the British Marc SISt, the executioner and murderer V.I. Lenin-Blanc -Zederbaum of December 20, 1917 - this date is still celebrated!). - (A.P. Shevyakin).

 __ Germany and the German government is a private Firm (SIC 9199. - D-U-N-S nummer 341611478). Today, Russia (RF) and the government of D. Medvedev [a protégé of A.S. Voloshin, a colleague of A.B. Chubais and the closest friend of B.A. Berezovsky! (MT)] - this is also a private Commercial Firm, not the State! (has its own SIC 9111. - D-U-N-S nummer 531296725). - Jakob Ranert - Appeal to the Russian authorities: - REMEMBER THE INSANES - THE GENOCIDE of the peoples of Russia You and YOUR DESCENDANTS will never be forgiven! (12/16/2019). - Algorithm and comments by M.T. (Institute for the Study of Global Dynamic SIS Themes and the structures created by them (all over the world)).

 ___ How the "privatization" was carried out and where did the numerous oligarchs grow from, both in uniform and without.

 Reference: The operation "privatization" originally originated in the depths of the KGB, and was carried out in such a way that all state property of the USSR / Russia went to a narrow, pre-selected circle of persons - that is, only to their own people and only in partnership with kindred groups in the West (see Larry Summers, Jeffrey Sachs). More than 73,000,000,000,000 US dollars have been withdrawn ... not only from the accounts of trade and industrial organizations, the agricultural complex of the entire USSR, party contributions (party money), trade, including foreign trade, ... but from private deposits of individuals ... !!!

 The main element for the mass deception was the well-known "vouchers" of A. B. Chubais (the right hand of Mark SIST in the 3rd generation E.T. Gaidar - who received his highest position in the Russian government after his secret trip to the City of London ... - see A.V. Ostrovsky - "Who put Gorbachev?" ).

 S.P. Shashurin narrates: Why is the UN now at a dead end, after my meeting with their representatives and receiving all this information? They do not know whose huge assets lying in banks in 174 countries of the world (in 1200 banks, on the deposits of dummies - the so-called "cuckoos"), who is their real owner! They do not know what to do with this scandalous information.

 Today, most ordinary people do not understand anything what actually happened in the 1990s - how their private property was stolen, who stole it, how and where did they take all these funds ... and why the state and its competent authorities, before until now (from 1990 to 2019), they are doing nothing!

 Those. people are unaware of what kind of scam with their Honest Private Property was carried out by the Kremlin dealers and high ranks in the country's Special Services. But, at the same time, people firmly know that they themselves, their ancestors (savings after the 2nd World (VO) war) had money on Savings books (their "start-up capital", which they could use during the "privatization" ... but were never admitted to it), and that all this money was gone. It is a fact. But money is communicating vessels, it cannot be lost ... if some have lost it, then they have come to others. Who these "others" are today is known. I have indicated all of them in my numerous video interviews: How did these outsiders, who have neither legal nor moral right to this, end up users of my bank accounts and my money lying in these accounts of my "Tan" association ...!?

 All these trillions of funds were illegally withdrawn to the West, through the current Tatar bank "AK Bars" in Kazan on the deposits of dummies (Zagrebelny, Kononevich, Kobzari (father and son), Latyshevs ... etc.) and who acted on Order of the Special Services of Russia and the USSR. (Historical incident: The so-called "Kolchak's gold" was also taken out of the vault of the State Bank of the city of Kazan ...).

 Through my accounts, the money of many state banks of the USSR was illegally transferred to the West - Sberbank, Promstroybank, Zhilsotsbank, Agrobank ... etc. All these cases (for conspiracy) were called "Chechen advice notes" ... (Chechens (some !!!) only transported this money (accompanied the "cargo")).

 All contracts and agreements under which all this money was withdrawn were signed under M.S. Gorbachev - on May 28, 1991, the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was ratified, and on June 28, 1991, after the signature of M. Gorbachev, the money was withdrawn to the accounts of dummies, through the accounts of my bank signed by me, because I myself personally signed ... (Why - it should be told separately).

 There were many contracts. The contracts for the gold mining industry alone were worth 1 trillion rubles at the exchange rate of 1 dollar - 67 kopecks (CODE 810). All this was done for allegedly State needs ... I was forced to participate in this by deception ... then I was illegally (State Duma deputy !!!) imprisoned for 11 years ... when at this time the oligarchs and government officials who had illegally made money with money were quietly feasting all these years - in Moscow, and in London, and in Courchevel, and on the British Virgin Islands and other islands. (They imprisoned only Khasbulatov, Rutskoy, Varennikov ... - but they were soon released, but I was not).

 This money ("Chechen advice notes" ... !!!) pumped up such major companies as - YUKOS, Lukoil, Alfa (see Alfa Bank - A.I. Fursov), Tatneft, Bashneft ... Sibneft, Transneft, ... etc. - i.e. this is how the "privatization" of practically all large Russian enterprises took place. [All data on the illegal privatization of YUKOS were confirmed - that is, there is a confirmed precedent !!! - (S. Demura: Shuvalov in the American court ... and the privatization of YUKOS. - S.P.Sh. from 16.01.2018) ...]

 Thus, an oligarchic class was born in Russia ... parasitizing on the sweat and blood of those who either themselves were involved or contributed in some way to the liberation of Auschwitz ... Their feat was not "forgotten" ... they were remembered.

 All transactions of this money were carried out in a single set. Thus, State assets were turned into private capital ... of a narrow, limited circle of people!

In general, I took all the property of the USSR to my balance, immediately tied it to gold, oil, coal, forests, fields, etc. (i.e. to the resources of the entire huge country) ... And all this was then withdrawn abroad under my signature - all this is still abroad and is being played in trade operations (at 3-4% per week - since 1991 . !!!). I told the UN representatives about these things ... (7 people - the UN financial bloc), what caused them a shock - all the famous respectable persons from Russia enriched themselves and continued to enrich themselves at the expense of outright Criminals! My second meeting was with the Minister of Justice of Canada (two more people from his side attended the meeting with him). At one time, this minister tried to defend the well-known lawyer S.L. Magnitsky (born 1972 - 2009) - killed in a Russian prison.

 On his advice, we wrote an official appeal to the Minister of Canada so that all accounts in Canadian banks were checked for legality. (The same happened in Hong Kong, where I met with Mario Draghi, and where the conflict arose ... Both in Germany and in Austria ...). The information that all these assets were withdrawn from my accounts of my "Tan" association, signed by me, and since then have not been returned to the State and are being circulated throughout the West, was also brought to the attention of the Prime Minister of Canada.

 At the same time, it turned out that I inadvertently lit up all the dummies ("cuckoos") in Canada, as well as the bank accounts they used, which turned out sideways to the head of the KGB department in the Rostov region Natalya Vasilyevna Larionova (she supervised Canada - that is, she was their boss) - upon my arrival back in Russia I went to her funeral ... All the dummies ("cuckoos") were either KGB workers or their proteges ... (see - Oath ... Honor of an officer. Honor of a Chekist. .. Treason to the Motherland .. etc., etc.).

 In the West, public (well-known) and non-public users of all these numerous assets were required to confirm the legitimate origin of all these funds - then sanctions were also introduced, since neither oligarchs, nor government officials, nor other "managers" can confirm the legitimacy of the origin of these huge funds.

 In Russia itself, in Tatarstan, all traces and evidence were destroyed, but they could not destroy all the transactions of this money and tax deductions ... All my accounts in my bank remained - from which all this money was withdrawn to the West.

 In addition, they could take such huge funds only through the resources of Russia. And the resources of Russia had to go through legal privatization. And the well-known "privatization" was carried out with the money of the USSR, which were first transferred to them, and then withdrawn from my accounts ... my association "Tan".

 Scientific supervisor (in addition to the well-known S. Shatalin from VNIISI) at A.B. Chubais (the official author of the "voucher" scam) was an old communist (adherent of Marxism-Leninism) Rutgaiser Valery Maksovich (born 1937 - 2014) - under his leadership many large Russian companies were created, including such as Svyazinvest "(Soros-Chubais), NORSIoil, ONAKO, KomiTEK ... etc. In 1991 V.M. Rutgeiser created and headed the Investment Center at the Academy of National Economy under the Gaidar-Chernomyrdin Government of the Russian Federation. And since 2000, he headed one of the Committees in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Prior to that, since 1988, he was Deputy First Director of VTsIOM (All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion) - T.I. Zaslavskaya. Those. worked in a "factory" for collecting and professional analysis of public opinion ... And in the more distant Soviet times, he worked as an economist in various structures of the USSR State Planning Committee. Professor of Economics (graduated from Moscow State University).

 The vouchers were brought by V.M. Rutgeiser, and handed over for distribution to A.B. Chubais, who widely, throughout the USSR, and advertised them, as well as their future "benefit" ... to all mankind ... (so far we are not "overjoyed" ...).

 Through these vouchers, the entire state property was deceived, and huge assets of the indigenous peoples of Russia were appropriated for a penny. (see In the Kremlin - The Colonial Administration of Russia. - V.Yu. Katasonov).

 - "Where did you get Chubais 35,000,000,000 US dollars in accounts in the London bank HSBC ...! ?? We know all the transactions." - Professor V.M. Simchera.

 The mechanism of the so-called "privatization" was launched immediately after M.S. Gorbachev of official documents - 06/28/1991 - and immediately through the Bank "Tan" 268,000 transactions of funds were passed ... for the so-called "privatization" ... and for all other cases. All, both unofficial and well-known, official oligarchs - Abramovich, Deripaska, Berezovskiy ... Avens, Fridmans ... etc., grew up on this money.

 Huge funds were driven not only to Western countries, but also to all countries of the former CMEA, ... as well as to third world countries (60 countries).

 Today, while I was in prison, my association "Tang" was converted into the Tatarstan State Guard Service under a forged power of attorney. Apart from metal (gold reserves of Russia) and other valuables, only rough rough diamonds were worth USD 1,000,000,000,000.

 It is from these funds stolen from the peoples of Russia that almost all the Olympics, Universiades, ... and all other, both internal and external events ... expensive entertainment ...

 Putin has a simple choice: either he deprives all the illegally enriched oligarchs, and others like them, of all the plundered (Criminal !!!) fortunes and brings them to a fair trial ... - but here the whole difficulty is that he himself is with some of They are soiled in this ... Or he continues to portray complete ignorance ... and artificially intensifies the external and internal situation ... until the "people's valve" bursts ... and the indigenous peoples of Russia will not tear this whole SIS theme of power to shreds.

 Hence the roots of all the current belligerence of the Kremlin - it is easier for the successors of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Dudayev-Gaidar Family to unleash an internal or external war than to be responsible for their past criminal cases.

 - Now I will reveal the secret so that people know "what's what": - At me and at A. B. Chubais - there was one scientific adviser - Rutgaiser V.M. (Deputy Academician A.G. Aganbegyan). He brought these vouchers from Harvard (see Larry Summers, Jeffrey Sachs, D. Soros, ...). His best friend is S.N. Krasavchenko. - was the scientific advisor of E.T. Gaidar ... friend of A. Chubais. Later, in 1997, A.B. Chubais and A.L. Kudrin was brought in by V.V. Putin from St. Petersburg to Moscow ... and arranged for the Administration of the President of Russia ... to P.P. Borodin (Honorary Citizen of the City of London ... Was a member of the Board of Directors of BA Berezovsky's scandalous property - "ORT" (irreplaceable director - K.L. Ernst - according to press reports, has British citizenship).

 - I traveled across the West for five years, proving that all the money came out of my accounts under my signature ... And only now I have proved that all these businessmen, officials and other oligarchs have NO proof of the legal origin of all these multibillion-dollar funds. All of them are completely Criminal! I still point out that all this money is people's money, illegally, with the help of forgery and deception, brought to the West and appropriated ... by a narrow group of people. Behind all these people was and is the KGB, which organized and covered all these crimes. I sent official letters to all Western International public organizations, including the leaders of some countries - the same A. Merkel ... a month after that, the German Bundestag decided to take all its gold from the vaults of the US Federal Reserve ... (under the control of seven private families led by the Rothschild Mafia Cluster (M.T.)). - (S.P. Shashurin. Answers to questions. 03.16.2018).

 Reference: Sergey Nikolaevich Krasavchenko (born 1940) - communist, Russian politician, candidate of economic sciences, rector of the International University in Moscow. From 1990 to 1993 - Chairman of the Committee on Economic Reform and Property and a member of the Supreme Economic Council under the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In August 1991, during the GKChP, he was a member of the "reserve government" located in the city of Sverdlovsk, created in case of the arrest or death of the Russian leadership, and represented the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in it. In September 1991, he was nominated by the mayor of Moscow, Gavriil Popov, as a candidate for the post of head of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of Moscow, but refused the possibility of such an appointment. In 1993-1996. - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Adviser to the President of Russia for Culture.

 See the article: "Boris Yeltsin and the 25th Anniversary of Economic Reforms in Russia." Liberal Russia Foundation, 07.03. 2017: - How did Boris Yeltsin accept Yegor Gaidar's reform program and how did the first year of reforms go? What led to the hot autumn of 1993? And what are the consequences of radical market reforms for Russian politics and economy? ... - This was discussed at the Round Table in the "Liberal Mission". Gennady Burbulis, Andrey Nechaev, Sergey Vasiliev, Georgy Satarov, Sergey Krasavchenko, Boris Saltykov, Peter Filippov and others shared their views on the past and present. The round table was chaired by Evgeny Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the Higher School of Economics, President of the Liberal Mission. ...

 A.G. Aganbegyan (born in 1932) - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974; Corresponding Member since 1964). Communist. Awarded the Order of Lenin (in 1967); medal “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin "(in 1970); orders of the Red Banner of Labor (in 1975, and in 1982) ... During the years of perestroika (1985-1991) he was an advisor to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and then the President of the USSR (from March 15, 1990 to December 25, 1991 g) - M.S. Gorbachev, on economic issues ... He is the Honorary President of the International Economic Association and an Honorary Member of the International Econometric Society. Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1986), Corresponding Member of the British Academy (1988), Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1988), Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Honorary Doctor of the Polish University of Lodz (1980), Higher School of Civil Servants in Barcelona (ESERP; 1986) ), the Spanish University of Alicante, the University of California (Hayward) and Seoul universities. Honorary "doctor business administration" of Kingston University (UK) ... etc. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the British-Russian Joint Venture Link, Chairman of the Board of Bank Zenit ... Member of collegial advisory bodies: the Board of Trustees of NPF Lukoil-Garant and the Scientific and Technical Council of OAO Gazprom. Has a daughter (born 1959) and a son (born 1972). The son is a Russian oligarch, a top manager, a former general director of the Otkritie holding ... He is related to the Chubais-Gaidarovsky problem bank Otkrytie ... which is undergoing reorganization ... (state support!). One of the leaders of this bank is a citizen of Malta B.I. Mints (protege of Chubais and Gaidar) - has already moved to London.

 - "Yeltsin was an example to all of us." - (VV Putin. 2008 At the opening of the monument to Yeltsin.).

 - Yeltsin's reforms will continue. There will be no revision of the results of the "privatization" of the 1990s. - (V.V. Putin. 2015 Speech at the opening of the Yeltsin Center). - It should be understood this way: The return of our honest fortunes stolen from us, from our accounts in the Sberbank of the USSR / Russia, illegally produced by the authorities in the early 1990s, should not be expected under this government ... Cheating approx. 290,000,000 people with "vouchers" (which were brought from Harvard by V.M. Rutgeiser - see S.P. Shashurin of March 16, 2018) - Legalized forever. Those. To oligarchs, KGB generals and other mark SIStam in two or even three generations - a beautiful life in London and Paris ... and the legalization of Criminal states ... Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin ... and other KGB - all Nobel Prizes and mega-yachts to boot ... and we are facing criminal cases and repression!

 - Three Execution Crimes of Boris Yeltsin In fact, this is three times (with impunity!) High treason! - (see A.I. Fursov. 2016).

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (Dr. John Coleman - "The Committee of 300". 1994) ... his brother-in-law General P. Grachev and a relative of S. Shoigu (see K. P. Petrov) are also from the same stable ... as well as Matthew Festing, who handed out medals to them.

 Kremlin and Lubyanka - This is the COLONIAL ADMINISTRATION OF RUSSIA, introduced after the Shooting of the lawful Parliament of Russia in 1993 !!! Managing Indigenous Peoples of Russia, Their Resources and Economy in the Interests of Western Elites. - (V.Yu. Katasonov - at the MEF 2013).

Let's give the floor to an authoritative Specialist: - A large number of Western banks, mainly medium and small, and large ones too, are capitalized with this money - withdrawn from Russia and laundered there over the past 30 years. Many banks are fully capitalized with our money. And the bankers themselves will not give this money back to their real owners. Serious capital will not return back. The possibility of their return is an illusion. Theirs banks exist due to this capitalization, this money. And they don't care much about the criminal nature of this money. And those "owners" - the people who manage this money, are placed in rather harsh conditions ... They cannot use it as they want. When they illegally transferred this money there, they thought that they would be accepted there with "outstretched hands", on equal terms ... But this is not always the case ... So the situation is rather difficult. Moreover, many of these countries, and Russia as well, are under External Control: Today the role of economic and monetary instruments is increasing ... in a modern hybrid war ... An important element of this war is the fifth column ... No corruption, no money (bribes) this 5th column cannot be assembled in any way ... The West is pursuing a policy of double standards. Therefore, no one will really fight corruption and corrupt officials. The West is interested in corruption: They do not steal alone, there must be an understudy (accomplice) in the West.

 More than 90% of Russian industry has been moved to Western offshores ... the money goes past the Russian budget. These are no longer our (Russian) companies. Those. they are the masters, and here are their managers. The Central Bank of Russia is the 5th column acting in the interests of the Money Masters. There were many attempts to make inquiries to the Constitutional Court of Russia about the unconstitutionality of the monetary SIS theme of the Russian Federation ... No answer, no greetings. The prosecutor's office is also resting ... We have no State Policy - we have Shaw. Our "elite" is a solid 5th column ... with rare exceptions. Economics is not a science. There is no free market in the world, monopoly everywhere and everywhere - everywhere cartel agreements (conspiracy): the world of unwritten norms ... In the world of finance, they wanted to spit on the Laws. They live according to (their own!) Concepts!

 Earlier in Russia taxes were paid from - declared in good faith. Those. Conscience was the determining factor in public relations at the State level! - V.Yu. Katasonov ("Red Line").

 - I managed the "Tan" Association (established in November 1990) practically alone. When I took the money of the USSR and all the CMEA countries on the balance sheet (when the socialist camp collapsed, then all the money from the socialist countries was driven into the USSR) - I had only five legal entities in management ... But, my fault, and the mistake, was that that later I put in charge of all the assets of the entire Tan conglomerate ... the man of Gaidar ...

 Then I was arrested and taken to the Lefortovo prison ... A week later, Rutskoy, Khasbulatov, Varennikov and others were brought there.

 All the funds from my accounts, the money of the entire USSR, were already withdrawn and plundered by them, the people of Gaidar, while I was illegally, a State Duma deputy !, I was in prison. Those. they ransacked the entire USSR with my hands. I just took the People's money on the balance sheet, and I had no purpose to appropriate it, I just had to save it and invest it profitably for the country and the people. With this money, many modern corporations and banks were created ... and given to the management of oligarchs. For example: Lukoil was created in 1988 (Alekperov was Chernomyrdin's deputy). Yukos was created through Bank Menatep. Also, the top management of the KGB created Alfa Bank for itself - the KGB officers put M. Fridman to manage it ... [a friend of Surkov and Berezovsky] The same was the "privatization" of Bashneft and Tatneft ... The metallurgical industry and even GOKHRAN ... - everything was "privatized" according to this scheme. Father Kabaeva ... was made a banker ... the same way. In the UAE, 10 large hotels were built with this money ... and much more - Small and Big Palm ... Islands of the World ... Ports in Vietnam ... etc. A lot, a lot of other objects around the world - for Russian (noun) money ... but all this is not in favor of the peoples of Russia. This huge money withdrawn from the USSR / Russia has been invested all over the world! All major criminal groups in modern Russia were created with the same money! And now it turns out that the authorities, through the underworld they themselves created, control the masses ... (the "privatization" of TV channels ... the same "ORT" (Berezovsky, Abramovich, ...) was also carried out with this money).

 I wrote to Trump about all this twice ... They were interested - their people came here ... I proposed unique projects around the world instead of an arms race: roads around the world, unique floating tunnels made of fiber-reinforced concrete, soil formation (5 times more cost-effective oil!), plasma combustion of toxic waste, ... etc. - (Conversation between Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Markov and Sergei Petrovich Shashurin. 09/14/2017).

 (Megafon was created with the money of Tatneft ... then it was handed over to Putin's wife ... Magnitogorsk Combine (Rashnikov) was privatized with this money ... like the Novolipetsk Combine (Lisin) ... I have in my hands extracts of resolutions of all 3 Departments The Prosecutor General's Office: where to which Western banks did the funds go ... For example: Commerzbank AG overtook $ 1,400,000,000,000 ($ 1.4 trillion !!!) ..., the Handelsbank branch in Austria enriched itself and grew on this money (from where the construction of towers in the Arab Emirates was financed) ... Austrian Creditanstalt (founded by the Austrian branch of the Rothschilds) ... And they also allocated $ 25 billion from this "Austrian" money to V. Putin for the last "elections" ... Because of this, the scandal in Austria came out with the Chechen "roof" of these banks ... (S. Demura: Shuvalov in the American court ... and the privatization of YUKOS. - S.P.Sh. 16.01.2018). .. More ... Bank of America ... you can list for a long time). How private banks were created with these funds by Vavilov and Gref ... - S.P. Shashurin. About "Tan". 01/31/2018)).

 - “In Russia, the Rothschilds control the Semya, which defected to their side even under Yeltsin, the President; Voloshin plays a key role in promoting its political interests today. [B. A. Berezovsky's closest friend] They also have a common business with the oligarch Deripaska, and through him - with Chubais's creatures - the oligarchs Potanin and Prokhorov (it is from here that the legs and horns of all the "orange", "snow" and "swamp" street protests in Moscow grow) [Prokhorov (Norilsk Nickel, the ONEXIM group) and Potanin ("Norilsk Nickel") friends of Khloponin and Berezovsky with Abramovich]

 Chubais is the most cunning of all: he also has connections with the Rothschilds (through ex-US Treasury Secretary L. Summers [Bilderberg member, Council on Foreign Relations, Clinton Treasury Secretary, Chief Economist at the World Bank, Former President of Harvard University, Member of the Board of Directors Brookings Institute, an employee of the IMF - one of the main scams of the century - the voucher "privatization" of the 1990s], which heads the National Economic Council in America), and with the Rockefellers - is a member of the board of directors of the global bank "JP Morgan Chase". The goal is simple and clear: in any case, stay afloat - and in fact it "floats", "does not sink"!

 China is especially important for the Rothschilds.

 If the Chinese elite succeeds in "crushing it" (and, judging by the split that began in connection with the "Bo Xilai affair" [Maoist], this, unfortunately, began to work out), the Rothschilds could "hook" gold to the yuan. And carefully elevate it to the status of a new world reserve currency ... "- (Article by V. Pavlenko, Doctor of Political Sciences and a full member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems -" The Great Game of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers ". 2012).

 - V. Putin has repeatedly stated on the central TV channels over the past 19 years that - G. Schroeder (ROSNEFT) is his personal friend and partner.

 “Rothschild has very good connections with the financial and political elite. As Baron David notes, former French President Georges Pompidou worked at the bank, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is on its advisory board, and in the UK many former Conservative ministers and representatives of the current shadow cabinet are also associated with Rothschild.

 “I never control everything to the smallest detail, I try to concentrate on what can provide Added Value”, ... <...> Baron David [de Rothschild] took over the group in 2003, when the French and British businesses were merged. ". - (" The Rothschilds staked on the Family. "Bisiness FM. 23.11.2009).

 __ Privatization, in reality, began long before the officially announced "privatization" - January 1992 - Back in July 1990, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the USSR M. Gorbachev on another trip to New York with KGB Chairman V. Kryuchkov and donated all the financial assets of the State and deposits of citizens of the USSR, together with the State Bank of the USSR and Sberbank, the Rothschild Mafia Cluster ... Since 06/13/1990, it is already a private Central Bank of Russia (CBR). Note that the USSR was artificially destroyed on December 25, 1991, and the State Bank of the USSR was transferred to the management and ownership of a private cluster since June 13, 1990 ... and is called the Central Bank of Russia ... !!! The Mafia British Cluster immediately gifted the leading mark of SIS, the old communist M.S. Gorbachev's Nobel Peace Prize! Here is the answer to the question: Where does such a level of corruption come from in Russia ... and who is planting it.

 In 2011, President of AOZT "RF" D. Medvedev awarded the ex-president of the USSR and ex-general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M. Gorbachev, who turned 80, the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called ... Gorbachev M.S. - received this highest state award as an outstanding statesman who led the country to prosperity ...! Question: Whose country ... if genocide, plunder and devastation are launched in Russia ... ??

 M.S. Gorbachev is a direct protege of the KGB and MI6. - (see A. V. Ostrovsky ("Who put Gorbachev?"), V. I. Kalinichenko). His successor Yeltsin B.N. - from the same ...! - (I. Ya.Froyanov).

 - "Yeltsin is from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (see John Coleman - "The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300"). Accordingly, the Conclusion itself suggests itself: - All those who are against the KGB automatically become Enemies of MI6 ... !!! ... which grew out of the Security Service of the world drug cartel - the British and Dutch East India Company. - (V.Yu. Katasonov).


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