THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 9 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 9 Part .

 Both Blunt and Philby were both ardent supporters of the Arabic dress in which they sported around London. Philby did not even wear a sock, imitating the ideology of Wahhabism as much as possible. At the same time, the Saudi king - Al Saud wore them, but especially stuck out his adherence only to British woolen socks, on which it was written - made in Britain.

 In addition to them, Britain sent to Arabia and Sir Percy Cox (Percy Zachariah Cox; 1864-1937) - Major General of the British Indian Army - known among the Arabs as Kokkus. Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell (1868-1926), a British writer, archaeologist, traveler and spy, was sent with him.

 + Lawrence of Arabia, + Jack Philby (Sheikh Abdullah), who, in addition, did his best to incite the young Saudi king Al Saud (who had a large army, which, in addition, slaughtered (according to various estimates) from 400 thousand to 1 million Shia Muslims) to Americans! (Hence the current enmity between Shiite Iran and Wahhabist Saudi Arabia).

 It should be noted that Britain traditionally bribed everyone - it paid both Sheriff Hussein (classical Islam) and Al Saud (Salafia), and the Colonial Secretary, W. Churchill, paid subsidies.

 Almost all the British who arrived in the Middle East under some pretext were agents of the British SIS. In general, they, having pitted all the tribes against each other, made a Wahhabi (in fact - Masonic) coup in Arabia. The same as in Russia in 1917 (Red - White - Anarchists - Peasants - Workers - and + Masons were present everywhere).

 The coming to power in Egypt in 1952 by Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970) confused the British cards. Officer Nasser is a nationalist; in addition, he did not like the Communists, as well as the British.

 Anwar Sadat - the opposite of him, having come to power in 1970, immediately pardoned the Ikhwans. But, at the same time, he tried to pursue a policy of balance.

 The overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister M. Mosaddegh (1882-1967) by the British (with the help of American special services) in 1953 was the work of the Anglo-Iranian oil company (empire within the empire) - now "British Petrolium". Then it was headed by William Keswick, whose ancestors were participants in the Opium Wars in China. His son Sir John Chippendale “Chips” Lindley Keswick (1940) owns many companies, including De Beers Sa (partners of Evelyn de Rothschild), Persimmon PLC and Investec Bank. For many years (1993-12001) he was a director of the Bank of England.

 Mossadegh began the nationalization of Iranian oil. believed that it was beneath his dignity to receive only 10% from her. This was the reason for the organization of the coup, and the seizure of the oil industry of this country. (see historian D. Ganzer). The operation was jointly developed by MI6 and the Foreign Office (British Foreign Office) and led by Christopher Montague Woodhouse (5th Baron Terrington). (That is, all operations on the territory of Russia, and Chechnya are developed by them - in a similar way and methods!). At the same time, the British, with the support of the CIA (Roosevelt's son also participated), made the main bet on the Iranian general F. Zahedi (1897-1963), although they also connected Ayatollah Sayyid Kashani, and representatives of merchants and local aristocracy - the Rashidian brothers (used as intermediaries (weapons, money) between British secret services and local rebellious tribes). At the same time, the British paid absolutely all political and religious groups (cash is the blessing of colored paper they have in abundance. - So, about corruption ...), knowing full well that many of them are opponents, and thus they further inflame inter-clan and religious conflicts - they were in their hands.

 The usual British policy is to play everyone against everyone, and then bet on the winning groups in the given time period. - Everything is just like in Chechnya, where they operate freely, exporting all Chechen oil from 1991 to 2019, despite the indignation and opposition of Chechen politicians - everything is useless - only the number of corpses increases, and the political and physiological resource of the people themselves, on the contrary, decreases. (see the old publications on the oil topic of Novaya Gazeta, and the article in the stringer - “Sechin would have sold the oil industry to Kadyrov at a cheap price, but BP is forbidding it.” dated 04/05/2017).

 After the coup, General Zahedi became the prime minister of Iran (1953-1955), and then went up to the promotion - the permanent representative of Iran to the European department of the UN. It is known that in World War II he worked closely with the Nazis of Hitler's Third Reich - the British (like the rest of the "civilized" world community) were not at all embarrassed!

 __ Note that Russian General Dzhukhur Dudayev was taken away by the same forces (British Foreign Office (British Foreign Office), MI-6, + their Russian branch KGB), and they set him the same tasks, as well as Iranian General F. Zahedi ... - If the first could not be arranged - therefore, he, like Hitler and other Nazis of the 3rd Reich, was allowed to hide, and his family and close circle were accepted in London and Washington as political refugees ... and you will find some of his relatives in high positions in Moscow! That second, for merit, they were able to arrange in the UN ... In the same place, since April 1961, the same in a high position - the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee! (in Washington) - in the sweat of his brow, another Nazi general of the British spill worked (see Montagu Norman) - Adolf Heusinger (1897 - 1982). - During the Second World War, he was the chief of the operations department of the General Staff of the Ground Forces of the Third Reich. The extradition of which, the USSR unsuccessfully demanded from December 1961, declaring him a war criminal who was guilty of the massacres of civilians on the territory of the USSR from 1941 to 1944. As practice shows, London does NOT betray its Nazis and terrorists. As you know, there is no issue from Tortuga (London City).

 __ Conclusion: Wherever the British go, they create monstrous corruption regimes - the British SIS theme of governance. And the country, through the efforts of their special services (after the 2nd world century, consists exclusively of the British elite), in a short time turns into a Mafia-State - "According to most signs, the Russian Federation today is no longer a state, but a form of the Existence of Organized Crime ". - A. Kungurov. I will add: the form of existence of the British Org. crime - which is all in the State - is legalized, + taken offshore.

 Now in modern Russia, from 1985 to 2019. ("restructuring KGB" and "privatization of MI-6") created the British GULAGO-GESTAPOVSKAYA SISthe theme of power - the colonial administration is in power, which turned a highly developed space country into a backward source of raw materials for the insatiable British State Mafia.

 __ The current Chekist hybrid religious-atheistic Communism for the "elite", built in Russia from 1917-2019, is just one of the schizophrenic forms of the parasitic existence of British Talmudic Capitalism. The Motive Power of which is always the same, and has not changed, at least since the beginning of the Chronic War of the Peace of Westphalia (1649) and up to the present day - absolute all-pervading and all-pervading Demagogy in the entire spectrum of social sociology for the sake of constant (barbaric!) Profit and total clan hegemonism (hence their Globalism) of the mafia cluster of the Venetian black "aristocracy", whose roots go back to ancient Babylon.

 Naturally, the Kremlin power (either in 1917 or in 1967-2019) is not an independent formation (but from the time of the assassination of Paul I in 1801 and until the Masonic coup in 1917, it was a dual power), but always theirs - UK branch - i.e. always Mafia-State - a branch (Deep State) of the British Empire - British Mаfia-Imperium. - (see V.Yu. Katasonov, Fernand Braudel, Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Anthony Ralph Epperson, John Coleman, GG Preparata, Antony Cyril Sutton, Charles Higham, Paul Klebnikov, Karen Hudes, Jan van Helsing, Nesta Helen Webster, AHM Ramsey , Chalmers Ashby Johnson, Douglas Reed, Daniele Ganser, Frederick William Engdahl, K. P. Petrov, V. M. Zaznobin, V. A. Efimov, S. A. Sall, Sergey Danilov, S. A. Nilus, A. D. Nechvolodov, A.I. Cherep-Spiridovich, V.I. Karpets, V.B. Pavlenko, I.N. Panarin, Yu.S. Rybnikov, E. Khodos, S. Demura, Ksenia Myalo, I.R. Shafarevich, B. S. Mironov, V. V. Kvachkov, A. I. Zhilin, M. S. Solonin, Plamen Paskov, S. P. Shashurin, A. M. Tarasov, R. T. Klyuchnik, D. Peretolchin, A. I. Fursov, A. P. Shevyakin, O. A. Platonov, N. Bogolyubov, N. I. Senchenko, R. I. Khasbulatov, V. V. Kozhinov, A. V. Ostrovsky, + A .A. Zinoviev ("West". 1995)).

 - (O.S. Yanovsky, D. Peretolchin. "The main secret of the British elite." Day of TV. 07/06/2019; + Comments and M.T.'s algorithm).

 __ To all POLITICIANS - in Memory: - "And be true to your promises, for you will be called to account for your promises." - (Quran. Sura 17, ayah 34).

 ___ Yeltsin portrayed Gorbachev's opponent more than in reality he was. On the eve of the Belovezhskaya agreement (conspiracy), General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Gorbachev, who had all the power in his hands, + the KGB of Russia + the KGB of Ukraine, flew to Foros - away from sin, in case something goes wrong ... as planned " Elders "(S. Danilov) or" Small people "academician Shafarevich. Gorbachev, along with Yeltsin - both were secret henchmen of the Lubyanka office - the KGB. (A.V. Ostrovsky, I.Ya. Froyanov).

 The facts indicate that Yeltsin secretly flew to Gorbachev in Foros, on the eve, and had a 2-hour conversation with him. Information about this meeting was unanimously hushed up by all the media. As well as the secret meeting (which took place a little later) of Yeltsin and Gamsakhurdia in South Ossetia ... Yeltsin (together with G. Starovoitova) and Dudayev in Grozny. (see the 5th Directorate of the KGB - F.D.Bobkov, whose man was Gamsakhurdia, a political associate of Dudaev, and a family friend of Beria, who could not hold on to power in Georgia himself, and had to hastily be replaced (replaced) with Shevardnadze .. which, in turn, when it worked out and became unnecessary for the Masters of the Great Game, was replaced with a new one ...).

 Then Yeltsin flew to Viskuli (Brest region - not chosen by chance ... not far from the border with Poland, in case of force majeure, which did not happen), where Burbulis, Kozyrev, Shakhrai, Gaidar ("father" / or political "roof" Juhur Dudayev), Kravchuk, Fokin, Zlenko, Shushkevich, Kebich, Kravcheko and Nazarbayev. Most of these people were trained by Andropov and Gvishiani (Jr.) at IIASA-1972. (Let me remind you: Gvishiani (senior) Beria's deputy, by his order, burned more than 700 people alive in Khaibakh in February 1944 (see O. Grechenevsky - "The origins of our democratic regime")).

 The KGB skillfully staged a false putsch (1991) so as not to demolish Gorbachev, on the one hand, and with the aim of pushing Yeltsin into power on the other, on the other. (see the interview of the sociologist A.A.Zinoviev to French TV). Gorbachev himself (the "elders" of the KGB - Marxists in the 3rd generation) were hidden in Foros in advance, and the rest of the world was staged a rather vague performance.

 Later (after the incident of the Belovezhsky fact) Gorbachev, as if nothing had happened, appears in Moscow - and Kryuchkov, for the sake of appearance, having been arrested and kept in prison for a while, is quietly released ... into Big Business!

 The operation was a success - few people then understood something from what had happened. The country was destroyed by those who were under Oath! Those who were obliged to protect her. (see "The KGB against the USSR. 17 Moments of Treason" - A.P. Shevyakin).

 Then Gorbachev, sitting in the Kremlin with a serious look, drank tea and threw up his hands ... And in Grozny, the next operation of the Beria-Andropov KGB unit was already in full swing to remove the Chechen politicians of the old formation who supported the State Emergency Committee (i.e., who opposed the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family) (the party nomenclature) and the bringing to power of their secret henchmen - a new formation. (see A. Chernov (author of "Kreml's Killers") - all "popular fronts" - these were the agents of the KGB). Which, according to the scenario of the Harvard project and the Beria-Andropov line of the KGB, launched the mechanism of destruction of Russia itself, through the organization of an artificial and protracted military conflict. At the same time, they wrote off huge sums of money secretly withdrawn through the branch of the State Bank in Grozny - 35 trillion (Code 810 = 1 $ USA - 0.67 RUB). - Everything happened according to the old patterns - the Caucasian War (1817-1864) was launched similarly, - by the same Forces, and the same Tasks were set, - only the British Freemason A.P. Ermolov (see OA Platonov, NH Webster) was replaced by new, more modern Masons (see I.R. , and the promotion of a person with controversial roots - Shamil), was introduced inside the Chechen people ("Trojan Horse" from KGB - Kings Grand British).

 - "The KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6." - (J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 And in 1991 everything went smoothly because 2 years earlier, in December 1989, in Malta, Secretary General Gorbachev, together with the chairman of the KGB Kryuchkov (both Mark SIS, Social Democrats) completely surrendered the USSR to the West. (see A.I. Fursov). And took (see. Deep State - L. LaRouche) this surrender Bush (Art.) - received in 1993 the Order of the Bath and the Order of the British Empire the degree of Knight-Commander (Great Britain, 1993) from Queen Elizabeth II; Order of Dostyk (Kazakhstan, 2001) from Nazarbayev; Jubilee medal "60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." (Russia, 2005) from Putin ...

 Note that George W. Bush's father - Prescott Sheldon Bush (1895-1972; Union Banking Corporation (UBC), and Brown Brothers Harriman & Co) was accused of financing Hitler's Third Reich Nazis ... (see A I. Fursov, + "A clan with a dark past". 2005 It is worth reminding Putin-Shalomova and the rest of the successors of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family about their other common friend - Schroeder (Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schr; der), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosneft and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008) ... ( For 29 years, exporting stolen oil and killing people - they call all this a higher business ... - highly profitable!) Whose relative Kurt von Schroeder was also accused of financing the Nazis of Hitler's 3rd Reich. - (Bush-Boulogne - see A.I. Fursov, + Charles Higham - "Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949". New York, 1983.). Plus - also Canaris - the "righteous man" of the peoples of the world ... - at your British-Kremlin Chabad Sect.

If in 1989, calmly and without problems, surrendered the USSR, then in the next 1990, on their next trip to New York, the same Gorbachev and Kryuchkov (+ others like them, several dozen generals of the KGB and GRU) during a meeting ( 06/06/1990) in the New York synagogue of Arthur Schneier (British Chabad sect) presented the State Bank of the USSR to the Rothschild mafia cluster ... in its entirety, along with all private and public deposits. Since 13.06.1990, it is no longer the State Bank of the USSR, but a private, independent of the state, and accountable to no one Bank of Russia ("the Central Bank of the Russian Federation"). (see V.Yu. Katasonov, S.P. Shashurin). Supervised the transfer of this State Bank and control of the subsequent "privatization of MI-6" markSISt and the 3rd generation Chekist E.T. Gaidar - appointed to the post of prime minister in the Yeltsin government, not just anywhere, but in the City of London! - (see A.V. Ostrovsky). Today, A.S. Voloshin, A.B. Chubais (1st is a close friend of Berezovsky, and 2nd is from Gaidar's old team). - (see VP Polevanov, VB Pavlenko, + V. Shenderovich. Dolls. "Putin 20 Years Later").

 __ In modern Russia we have a special SIS theme, when the authorities, practically - de facto and de jure - legalized the theft of pension money: according to V.M. Simchera, the real pensions issued today are from 7 to 14 thousand rubles, but they could easily issue at least 20 to 30 thousand rubles. (The well-known economist V. Zhukovsky indicates a slightly larger amount that can be paid - 42 thousand rubles. And Professor R.I. Khasbulatov indicates the amount of 40 thousand rubles, with the right approach to the state economy). Those. The Kremlin authorities give out (including to all veterans of the V.O.V.) no more than 25% of the pension they earned, and they simply plunder 70-75%, taking them to Western offshores. The well-established scheme has clearly worked for many years ... At the same time, over the course of 30 years, the West is quite satisfied with this state of affairs - their law enforcement SIS theme, during all this time, has shown its complete loyalty to the Major International Crime - they also enrich themselves on this: "The hand washes a hand." ... And the "zomboyaschik" (TV) tirelessly lies all these years about some kind of miracle "reforms" that will soon lead all the indigenous peoples of Russia to unprecedented prosperity ..., about a kind of universal "democracy" and "liberal values" ...

 The same was promised by the leaders of the Masonic coup ("revolution") in 1917 - Lenins-Blanks-Zederbaums (see A. Cherep-Spiridovich), Trotsky-Bronsteins, Sverdlov-Gaukhmans, Dzerzhinsky, and other Kaganovichs, Mikoyans and Beria - everyone in the near future will have plenty of bread, land ... and every person in the house, as promised by Comrade Lenin, golden toilet bowls ... the main thing is to help us (Chekists-Marxists) to destroy the Russian (Chechen ...) elite and intelligentsia. They helped. Destroyed. Now get the promised "golden" toilets - distribution began in the 1990s. Many have already forgotten all the "honest" communist promises (and THEIR BLOODY DEALS) of the past! ?? (so, a historical digression).

 Now, some Chekists are in power - there are no others. - V.M. Simchera

 And it all began in the early 1990s, when private savings in the Savings Bank, only individuals - this is without taking into account state, industrial, trade, and other savings, including party organizations - were forcibly confiscated from people - everything to the last penny - approx. RUB 47 trillion - this is according to the minimum estimates, as of 2019, and excluding interest for all these years of the Criminal use of this money - approx. 30 years.

 Those. 47 trill. - this is the maximum approximate amount to the minimum return value! (What the authorities can agree to). This is not the full amount of stolen money!

 This is the largest, both internal and external (the owners of offshore banks are also directly related to this debt) debt of the State to the population ... which is NOT taken into account anywhere, in any official document! At the same time, the Russian authorities from time to time promise that they will begin to pay this debt, and the very minuscule, and not the full amount, and to those who are over 80 years old! hand) cheap bandits also promise: yes, we acknowledge the debt. We will return everything. But they never return anything ...

 This is how Gaidar's "reforms" began ... a hereditary Chekist and MarkSISt in the third generation - a member of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family (Beria-Andropov part of the KGB). In fact, these were the usual KGB programs: "expropriation", "dispossession", "surplus appropriation" ... and so on. Actions are similar to their actions in 1917-1937. - nothing new.

 According to A. Uglanov, in the early 1990s, people who in fact what happened were brazenly stolen and taken to British offshore companies for approx. US $ 1 trillion in terms of modern money ... (to be more precise (only deposits of individuals are taken into account) - this is about 750 - 800 billion US dollars. - This is, in fact, the Norwegian Oil Fund!). And taking into account the contributions of party organizations, industrial, trade, etc., the amounts withdrawn, mainly to British offshore, amount to tens of trillions of US dollars. - (see S.P. Shashurin).

 V.M. Simchera points out that all only known at that time (1990) recorded material values ​​of Russia were $ 50 trillion, and now there are approx. US $ 5 trillion. It turns out that only resources and other material values ​​worth 45 trillion US dollars have been stolen and taken abroad. That's the whole "restructuring of KGB" (1985-1990) and the "privatization of MI-6" (1990-2000), successfully carried out under the leadership of the British Lord Harris (+ Soros, Summers, Gaidar, Chubais, etc.) ). All these stolen money and valuables are still in the banks of the Rothschild Mafia Cluster (approx. 70% of the global banking SIS theme), which no longer really hide the Criminal nature of this money, but at the same time, return them to their rightful owners and + pay interest for use without the permission of their owners for 30 years of this money, they are in no hurry - they are going to invest it in transcontinental roads that are beneficial to them (the British-Dutch elite) and their clans ... on the territory of Russia. The Russian government and the Kremlin are actively involved in this. Those. the money stolen from us is being laundered from us, and "ours" (ie British! - "KGB has always been considered a branch of MI-6." - J. Coleman - "Committee-300") power structures - the Russian special services (KGB and GRU) will guard this process ... As it is fashionable nowadays to say - "keep the roof" (organize a cover for them). (see the video by S.P. Shashurin dated July 26, 2019 - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4).

 Reference: The new "Silk Road" from China - laid by land through the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia to German Hamburg (the capital of the Warburgs, relatives of the Rothschilds), is much shorter (10-14 days) than the existing sea route (30-45 days). And the idea of ​​BRICS - an interstate association created by the British (British elite) to preserve and increase their capital - was born within the walls of the Rothschild Bank "Goldman Sachs". (see V.Yu. Katasonov). This clearly shows the real "respect", first of all, of the British-Dutch elite for foreign (in this case, our) private property, which is so cherished in the West ... The words "democracy", "law", "rule of law", "honest and a fair trial "is a deception, a trap for the simpleton and the naive.

 Head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Owner of the "Central Bank of Russia" - Evelyn de Rothschild (see EL Imenitov, I. Boschenko)) E.S. Nibiullina (born 1963, graduated from the Yale (Ivy League) Institute in the United States in 2007) introduced into circulation such a concept as "negative growth", which is complete foolishness and a complete mockery of people. We are convinced that we were not robbed in the 1990s, but in fact all these years we have seen an increase in income! But only they are negative! Delirium - complete! This can only be done by completely immoral people. We still do not have data on the true volumes of foreign (and offshore) capital in the Russian economy: what is written in the charter of a company (corporation, bank) and who the real owners of this company are are two different things. We still DO NOT know Who owns the Russian economy - they hide the names of the owners, as well as how they all this, and with what money they purchased. Dividends from Russian corporations and banks go to the West, and the government reports that they were received by the indigenous peoples of Russia ... and this is taken into account in the annual reports of the government as income growth, as economic growth ... Whose ?? In reality, the citizens of Russia do not receive this money - 95% of all private and state-owned enterprises in Russia make a profit to their Western owners, whose names are hidden (95% of all enterprises and banks in Russia are taken offshore, which are under the cover of (mostly) the same British special services (see "Union of five eyes", "Union of nine eyes", "Union of ten (+ KGB) eyes"), and the government convinces us that the economy is booming, we have plenty of money, we live well ...

 The demagoguery of the Chekists-Mark SIS, who built complete communism for themselves - the income is taken offshore to the secret owners, and the expenses of all these private corporations and banks are covered by the budget of the country, i.e. from public money! Complete communism! at its highest stage, for a narrow circle of "chosen ones"! (They are elected in the Masonic lodges of London, under the supervision of the British special services, which, after World War II, are entirely composed of the British-Dutch elite. The appointment of Ye.T. Gaidar as the Prime Minister of Russia took place in the City of London. - see A.V. Ostrovsky - “Who put Gorbachev?” And the KGB is the largest Masonic organization in the USSR / Russia).

 The Putin-Medvedev government works 70% for the West, and only 30% for Russia. - V.M. Simchera

 __ "Howard Wilkinson, who disclosed the money laundering scheme in the Estonian branch of Danske Bank, spoke about the participation in the" laundering "of Igor Putin and people from the FSB in an interview with the CBS TV channel ... According to him, $ 230 billion was laundered in six or seven years. < ...> After receiving the company's financial statements, he found that it was "at rest", that is, did not make a single transaction. At the same time, $ 20 million of the company a day passed through Danske Bank. Public documents raised other suspicions. Lantana was registered in an unremarkable office building in north London. 64 other shell companies with accounts in Danske Bank Estonia and partners in the Seychelles and Marshall Islands were registered at the same address. " - (How the "laundry" of Danske Bank for $ 230 billion collapsed. "Novoye Vremya". May 20, 2019) Note: None of the owners of Danske Bank, like those who laundered the loot through it! court. The money stolen from Russia has not been returned! Moreover, the owners of the Danish bank are actively looking for those through whom the leak occurred ... If they find it, they will destroy it together with their family ... the 2nd class has no right either to condemn or, let alone judge, even for a crime, its elite - 1st grade. (British 2-class SIS theme, spread throughout Europe). In the West, any Class 1 Crime has been legalized since the 16th century. (see historian F. Braudel). $ 230 billion stolen by President Putin's cousin is 14.5 trillion rubles !!! For example: to restore the destroyed in the Chechen Republic from the war artificially created by the Kremlin and London (see the last video of the interview of Artyom Borovik, given by him 3 days before his murder, together with Z. Bazhaev; + Daniel Estulin - "Secrets of the Bilderberg Club") for all these years (from 2001 to 2019) a minuscule entered. The Kremlin has always promised a lot, and then it itself has halved its promises. The republic has never received the promised in full - although everything is carried out exactly on the securities ... (Double-entry bookkeeping). This is not the first year we live like this! So in 2019, the Kremlin allocated only approx. 74 billion rubles out of the promised 140 billion (from an interview with R. Kadyrov (Jr.) on Russian TV). For which we are also reproached - "enough to feed the Caucasus" ... At the same time, I will note that annually more than 4 million tons of oil are exported from the Chechen Republic - that is, the republic's economy is simply plundered by the owners of ROSNEFT (the owners of the British "BP"). (see Academician S.N. Khadzhiev, V.P. Polevanov, Professor R.I.Khasbulatov). This oil would be enough to restore the entire economy and infrastructure of the republic in 6-7 years. up to a maximum of 2008 - and besides that, to date Russia ourselves! But in reality, the opposite is true, the republic has not been fully restored today, resources are quietly plundered without noise - and one oil refinery with a capacity of 2 million tons promised for restoration in 2002 (A.-Kh. Kadyrov (st.)), instead of 3 destroyed, it turned into a sand castle long ago ... - The Kremlin-London chimera ... - "There is no money. You are holding on there ...". Let me note, for comparison, - 230 billion US dollars - this is one city of the type of "turnkey" Dubai for at least 4 million people! In the Chechen Republic, only approx. 1.4 million people! - We hold on as during the 2nd World War (VO) ... when the Nazis and Dr. Mengele are all around! - And all the best for us.

 As you know, M.S. Gorbachev was supervised, in addition to M. Thatcher (see Deep State - Lyndon LaRouche), James Baker (born 1930, an employee of the law firm Andrews & Kurth, and the US Secretary of State under George W. Bush (Art.)). - see E.L. Eminent. He is the former head of the Administration of the very same R. Reagan, who, on the advice of scientists, created the Criminal Economy in Russia, tk. it is she who is the most profitable. It was the West that prompted Gorbachev and KGB chairman Kryuchkov to enlist gangsters on the side of "perestroika" and create a criminal economy. see A.V. Ostrovsky, A.I. Fursov. Which was implemented in the 1990s, and what we have so far! + total corruption of State officials.

 "The fight against corruption is nonsense. It is not corruption, but the crime of government officials. Substitution of concepts! We need to fight the corrupt officials themselves, individuals, and not the phenomenon!" (Yu.S. Rybnikov).

- "Back in the 1970s and 1980s, some KGB generals created the Mafia and in the early 1990s themselves became the leaders of this Mafia ..." - Professor O. Soskin.

 The same D. Baker, in agreement with M. Gorbachev, hosted the secret successor of Gorbachev B.N. Yeltsin. Those. arranged for him a bride - about which, by the way, Lyndon LaRouche also spoke - during his (Yeltsin's) pre-election trip to the United States in September 1989 (see E.L. Imenitov, I. Boschenko). The successor was approved and the Beria-Andropovskaya part of the KGB (a branch of MI-6) by deceit (declaring him a "democrat") pushed him into power, giving rise to many political parties, which very soon degenerated into political mafias. (see sociologist A.A.Zinoviev).

 As S. Goryainov writes in his book "The Money of Terror. Who Paid for Beslan": - "Under the patronage of James Baker to H.-A. Nukhaev [one of the leaders of the Lazanskaya mafia is the" roof "of Berezovsky / at the same time" Foreign Intelligence "of the Mountain Jew and protege 3rd Directorate of the KGB and the British Chabad sect - Dzhukhura Dudaeva - see E. Khodos, O. Platonov, A. Shevyakin] was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Austin, the capital of Texas.

 In Chechnya, the actions of H.-A. Nukhaev (not without the efforts of Abu al Walid) also grew rapidly. By the decree of the President of the CRI, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, dated September 15, 1996, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Investments. This ensured the legitimization of the necessary contacts.

 Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev is undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in Chechen separatism. During the Soviet era, he was an active participant and leader of Chechen criminal groups and even then showed himself as a talented organizer and conspirator. In 1991-1994, he was an intermediary connecting Dudayev's functionaries with the leaders of the Moscow Chechen diaspora and members of Yeltsin's team. ... ".

 - Abu Al Walid is a pseudonym, a cover name for the legend. The real name is usually hidden by all terrorists and Satanists, because initially they are not going to do anything good ... A well-known hadith says: “A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. He will not oppress him, will not leave him without help and will not allow him to find himself in a difficult situation. " Well, this was not even close there. It was just the opposite - everyone, all the people, was set up for slaughter. And their promises were just demagoguery, cheap pseudo-religious populism and dirty political games - to deceive your vigilance: they themselves DO NOT live according to the Koran: - "And be true to your promises, for for promises you will be called to account." - (Surah 17, ayah 34).

 - "One of the main actors in the development of diamond traffic by international terrorism was the colonel of the General Intelligence Service of Saudi Arabia, Aziz bin Said Ben Ali al-Ghamdi, who later became known in the press as Abu al-Walid." - (see A.I. Fursov - "De Conspiratione / On the Conspiracy". P. 192. - M. TNI KMK. 2014. 2nd edition. 522 p.).

 It is worth recalling that it is in the same state of Texas that another well-known security officer and markSISt, long-term assistant to the chairman of the KGB, Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman and adviser to the secretary general M.S. Gorbachev, as well as, along with the British Lord Solomon Zuckerman (baron Solly Zuckerman; 1904-1993)), one of the main creators of IIASA-1972) D.M. Gvishiani, whose father, being the head of the security of the People's Commissar L. Beria, burned more than 700 people alive. (including women and children) during the Deportation of 1944 (see O. Grechenevsky - "The origins of our democratic regime"). Another member of the team of the Beria-Andropov part of the KGB, an honorary citizen, only of the neighboring state of California, is the third-generation security officer SISт E.T. Gaidar (Chabad) - the political "father" of D.M. Dudayev, as well as a colleague (who recently asked for political asylum there (in Los Angeles)) of the famous Yeltsin-era figure - K.N. Borovoy. Many former Chekists-Marxists and communists gathered in Los Angeles, Florida and Texas - the former mayor of Moscow G. Popov, also there (Los Angeles). Former Secretary General M.S. Gorbachev is a hidden Chekist mark SISт: in the early 1970s, he almost became the deputy chairman of the KGB - also there, in San Francisco, California ... But it is not customary to advertise all this. - As you know, an apple does not fall far from an apple tree ... (see The new version of the murder of Paul Khlebnikov., September 27, 2005).

 (Let me remind you: the US Treasury Department is now headed by a protege of the Chabad sect, Stephen Mnuchin. Until recently, the FBI was headed by another of their representatives, James Comey. sects - admirers of the Nazi V. Canaris (Abwehr) ... who, as you know, worked for British intelligence, for which he was hanged by the Germans in 1945 (see A.I. Fursov). closely related to Victor Rothschild (Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild; b.1910-y. 1990; father of Jacob Rothschild, and grandfather of Nathaniel (Nat) - friend and partner of Deripaska and Abramovich (both from Chabad)) as well as with his friend Arnold Toynbee (born 1889 - 1975), curator of all British intelligence services during World War II. The chief rabbi of the KGB and the Kremlin is still the same Chabadian Berl Lazar. - see "Mafia Goldman Sachs is moving towards absolute control over America ". - Valentin Katasonov, from 14.07.2017;" British f ashism ". A.I. Fursov. Article. 2015).

 The well-known aluminum corporation "RUSAL", which is managed by O.V. Deripaska (Chabad sect) - only 2% belongs to Russia, 98% belongs to the West ... - V.M. Simchera. The same statistics in proportions and for most other "Russian" companies, corporations and banks.

 As the character of the series "Liquidation" David Markovich Gotsman used to say: - "Oil painting. Everyone is free."

 __ Reference: Professional actor and 40th President of the United States (1981 - 1989) R. Reagan (D. Bush (Art.) Was his Vice President - the next President of the United States 1989 - 1993) is also known for the fact that 1st appointed Alan Greenspan as head of the US Federal Reserve Bank. President from 1993 to 2001 B. Clinton (who is also a friend of "Bill" of the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family) extended A. Greenspan's powers, and appointed Robert Ruben from Goldman Sachs as finance minister, who was later replaced by the notorious in Russia (the "privatization of MI-6" of the early 1990s) Lawrence Summers (also from Chabad). Putin's friend G. Bush (Jr.) (President in 2001-2009) also left A. Greenspan as the head of the US Federal Reserve. Then came the global economic crisis of 2008, which the financiers had been preparing for a long time and persistently ... (green greed without borders), and which began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. In reality, there were more culprits - just in this bank, all its sister banks-brothers collected all their toxic assets, thereby clearing themselves, but they decided to "drain" it, that is. it had to be publicly bankrupt ... Not everyone drowns ... (see V.Yu. Katasonov, A.I. Fursov). The fact that the bankers' games undermined the economies of many countries and peoples by tens of trillions of US dollars was of little concern to them (Finintern) at all times, not only this time.

 Back in 1982, the administration of President R. Reagan stopped regulating savings and loan companies, allowing them to make risky investments using depositors' money. (What started happening today in Norway). It all ended quickly and deplorably ... It was called the biggest banking scam of the time! The depositors' money disappeared - $ 124 billion. (see the case of Charles Keating - "Lincoln Savings and Loans" - the future head of the US Federal Reserve, the same A. Greenspan, worked for him in 1985).

 The FRS is the private property of 8 families, 7 of which (except for the Rockefeller group) are closely related to the Rothschild Mafia Cluster.

 Professor V.Yu. Katasonov, one of the few who believes that the Central Bank of Russia is working in the interests of the FRS (+ the Kremlin sells all Russia's resources in the West, and buys American securities for all currency - Treasuries ... and + invests rubles in US dollars, for maintaining the liquidity of the latter! In general, everything remains there - nothing is returned back - no money, no resources). Therefore V.Yu. Katasonov believes: the nationalization of the Central Bank of Russia is needed ... As well as the nationalization of Chechen oil ... will invariably lead to the same military situation fraught with great blood: terrorist attacks and coups, as the attempt to nationalize Iranian oil by the Mossadegh government (1951) at the present British BP corporation (see historian D. Ganzer, A. I. Fursov) - On December 27, 2002, in the city of Grozny, the entire government of the Chechen Republic was blown up - they wanted to kill everyone at once (72 killed out of 640 people who were hospitalized and injured), which was just about to stop the plundering of Chechen oil (see ROSNEFT - former GROZNEFT) and its owners from "BP" - Dudley, Schroeders, Warnigs, Glasenbergs, Rudloffs, Quintero, etc.) as well as to restore the oil refining industry in the republic ... A truck full of explosives (about 1 ton!) complex of government buildings (through three security cordons! each of which has its own pass system and its own password!) and blew up all at once. Responsibility (as always) was taken by the well-known Wahhabite terrorists - Basayev with Abu al Walid ... After this terrorist attack, the then leader of the republic A. million tons per year. - this is 49% of the oil produced (- according to the charter of ROSNEFTI - for some reason 49% belongs to the Chechen Republic, and 51% belongs to them - but they export all 100%). Often speaking on Russian TV, Kadyrov (Art.) Pointed to the criminal component in the transfer of Chechen oil to this company (both under the Russian Constitution and under international law), and demanded at least to revise this percentage ... After 1.5 years (May 9 2004), another terrorist attack took place during the celebration of Victory Day over Hitler's Nazism in Grozny, which claimed the lives of several more people from the leadership of the republic ... including A. (Kh.). Kadyrov (Art.).

 Bottom line: To date (2019), the oil refining industry has not yet been restored - and all oil is freely exported by the owners of ROSNEFT ... while the annual reports of the Russian government do not indicate the amount of oil produced and exported ... as if it does not exist ... (see Academician S. N. Khadzhiev, Professor R. I. Khasbulatov, + J. Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Murderer", + V. Yu. Katasonov). The price of the issue is approx. 4 - 4.5 million tons of oil annually - at the then price per barrel - it was approx. 4 - US $ 4.5 billion of annual profit from crude (not refined) oil, or approx. $ 7-8 billion from processed (in the form of sold products) with at least partially restored oil complex and a well-thought-out production strategy! (For 17 years, from the date of the terrorist attack in 2002 and until 2019, this is about 104 - 136 billion US dollars!). For the republic, destroyed to the ground by 2 wars, this would be a significant help, since annual federal subsidies are +/- approx. US $ 1 billion. On this (+ production) the whole republic lives - approx. 1.4 million people. Annual GRP (Gross Regional Product) - for 2016 is indicated at 160 billion rubles. - OK. US $ 2.5 billion. For example: Estonia, a similarly populated Baltic country (1.3 million people), has a GDP (Gross Domestic Product (nominal)) of more than US $ 31 billion per year, and is considered a European country with a weak (poor) economy! The difference can be recognized by comparison: the Chechen people survive on only (+/-) $ 2 billion a year. Hence a bunch of internal economic / political problems: an artificially created conflict of production forces and production relations ... (according to Marx). There is something to shake the hidden enemies and enemies of the Chechen people. (All figures (from open sources) are indicated with some tolerance (+/-) sufficient for figurativeness).

 __ Reference: During the so-called "restoration of constitutional order" (Behind the Yeltsin-Berezovsky Family), the Kremlin appointed Stanislav Ilyasov (born 1953), a former party functionary and telecommunications engineer from the city of Kizlyar ("Dagenergo"), as chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic , who served as general director of ZAO Energoperetok, and was vice president of RAO UES of Russia. Prior to his appointment in the Chechen Republic, since 1997 he was the head of the government of the Stavropol Territory. According to the lists of the SPS and the Unity political movement, he was nominated for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory ... but lost to a competitor.

 - "SPS" is, in fact, the party of Gaidar-Chubais-Nemtsov and Tatyana Yeltsina. And the movement "Unity" is Berezovsky with Abramovich and ... the same T. Yeltsin. Well, and where B. Berezovsky is, there is his criminal roof - "Lazanskaya Mafia" - it is also D. Dudaev's "External Intelligence" ("DGB", where "GB" is still the key). Those. In no case did the puppeteer masters of Dzhukhur Dudayev let go of the power in the Chechen Republic - only people from their team were always in power.

 The head of the government S.V. Ilyasov stayed until November 6, 2002, did not work ... (There is an opinion that at that time (2001-2004) Academician S.N. people in the government of the Chechen Republic, as opposed to the Berezovsky-Abramovich-Yeltsin team ... who also had their own people there, and have been engaged since 1991 (see the Israeli film "Oligarchs"; and an interview with the first foreign minister of "Ichkeria" Sh.A Beno) export of Chechen crude oil to Europe through the Novorossiysk port (since 1995 everything has been registered with ROSNEFT, which was created on the basis of GROZNEFT). corrupt ...).

 As many as 26 ministries and committees were involved in restoring the destroyed (economy and social sphere of the Chechen Republic) ... whose work was not coordinated, and each department had to have its own special approach. Was it on purpose ...? - Hard to say! In general: two bears in one den did not get along. November 7, 2002 Ilyasov - appointed Minister for Coordination of the Activities of Federal Executive Bodies in the Chechen Republic instead of Vladimir Elagin. What is fundamentally important is that in his position S. Ilyasov was put much higher than the head of the republic, Kadyrov (Art.). (Izvestia.Ru, 2002). But that didn't help either. In 2004 he was transferred to a new job in the government of M.M. Kasyanov. And in November 2002 he was replaced by M.V. Babich (born 1969), a former captain of the Airborne Forces, who simultaneously served in the KGB troops ... and then was a major entrepreneur. Son - according to one version - a paratrooper officer, according to another - a KGB colonel. (see "Belarusian partisan", dated 08.24.2018). Having managed to be both unemployed and the head of large associations, he was vice-president of Rosmyasomoltorg OJSC and the head of Antey Corporation CJSC. For some time he worked in the Government of the Moscow Region, and at that time, according to some researchers, he had contacts with the team of B.A. Berezovsky. (see "Russian Crime", March 14, 2011). He was removed from office by the order of the Governor of the Moscow Region, General B.V. Gromov with the wording "for a single gross violation of labor duties and in connection with the termination of access to state secrets." Guta-bank was implicated in the scandal - whose connections lead to one of B.N. Yeltsin. ( dated 11/10/2018). Through the court, he was restored (he was fully acquitted by the Bauman court), but did not go to his previous job. Since March 2001 - Deputy Head of the Ivanovo Region Administration. And in November (from 13.11.2002) he was appointed head of the government of the Chechen Republic. ("The government of Chechnya was headed by the" butcher "Mikhail Babich,, November 14, 2002). Where he worked until February 2003 - about 4 months. Had a conflict with the head of the Chechen administration A. (X). Kadyrov (Art.) due to the fact that the latter himself appointed a new minister of finance ... (SB Abramov (formerly an adviser to the president of Russian Railways, appointed as finance minister of the Chechen Republic in March 2001) was dismissed).

 There is an opinion of some researchers that there were ambitions of a certain hidden group to control all cash flows of the republic and distribute budget money - the post of Minister of Finance was a key one. Because of what it didn't work. ("Captain Babich, who is not destined to become a major." Stringer, 19.04.2005). Immediately appointed Assistant to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation - G. Gref. (Secrets of M. Babich's supercarrier, "Our version", 03/20/2006; Former Chechen Prime Minister Mikhail Babich became German Gref's assistant,, 07/11/2003). And since December 2003 he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Ivanovo region. Repeatedly a deputy since 2007. But since 2008 he will head the public reception of Prime Minister V.V. On December 15, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1626, he was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District. Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus since 2018. Now he is still tipped, either as an ambassador to Turkey, or as the head of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). PhD in Economics. Has 13 medals and orders. Friends with A.E. Khinshtein. I had a conflict with General G.I. Shpak, singer I. Kobzon, and Deputy Minister V. Rushailo, General A. Orlov. Member of the ruling party, created on the basis of the Unity party, the well-known political crook B.A. Berezovsky - "United Russia". —  (see Mikhail Vinogradov, Vladimir Rudakov. Who were the founders of the Unity movement, from which the United Russia party grew? And why do the EP not like to remember this? Profile. 05.10.2009 Call of ancestors).

_ "Where did you get it, Chubais, in the London bank HSBC there is 35 billion US $ in the account ...! ?? We know all the transactions." - Professor V.M. Simchera

 __ "I gave birth to you. - I will have a lot of you!" - with such a talking poster of B.A. Berezovsky was standing in the center of London ... (It remains only to add: Whenever I want.). (Paul Klebnikov - "Godfather of the Kremlin: Boris Berezovsky and the Looting of Russia". 2000).

 What is significant! To arrest Khodorkovsky, Putin sent special forces of the FSB (KGB), but not after Berezovsky!

 __ It should be noted that insufficient financial circulation (saturation of the economy with money) is observed throughout Russia, not only in the Caucasus. (see V.Yu. Katasonov - At the same time, according to the professor, the Russian budget has a surplus, not a deficit). In many provinces and regions of vast Russia, the state of affairs is even worse! But this is not advertised ... (see R.I.Khasbulatov).

 - "The financial sector - Wall Street, due to its influence, lobby and huge financial resources, gradually subordinated to itself the entire political SIS theme of the United States - both its Democratic and Republican wings." - NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini. - (see "Inside Job". 2010).

 One of the main reasons for the global economic crises is the suspension of the Steagall-Glass Act (1933) - a ban for commercial banks to simultaneously engage in lending operations and investing in companies, while compulsory insurance of bank deposits ... (see L. LaRouche ( b.1922 - u.2019)).

 __ The derivatives market was already overheated by 1999 - it was more than $ 50 trillion. And since 2001, it has begun to grow actively!

 Before that, back in 1998, L. Summers, notorious in Russia, and A. Greenspan both actively opposed the regulation of the derivatives market ... and persuaded everyone to do so. (see Inside Job. - 2010). After that, it all started. Although the US financial market in 2001 was outwardly stable, filled as never before, and profitable ... for the players, the "bomb" clockwork was already on.

 Then the rules of the game in the financial market were dictated by 5 large investment banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns), 2 financial conglomerates (Citigroup, JP Morgan), 3 insurance companies (AIG, MBIA, AMBAC), and three rating agencies (MOODY'S, STANDARD POOR'S, FITCH) - they changed the rules of the game and began selling mortgages, cars, credit card debts, student and other loans to investment banks ... and those - to large and medium investors, each raising interest rates - thereby inflating the financial bubble ... investment banks simultaneously paid credit rating agencies for CDO (Secured Debt Obligations) ratings and they awarded many (no audits) a top AAA rating. The market is the market: paid - received. Wealthy pension funds, which are obliged to buy securities only with a AAA rating, also actively joined this pyramid ... At the same time, no one was responsible - they themselves came up with new rules of the game - they believed in them (and forced others) - they played themselves. .. At the same time, the major players-organizers were initially in the black, while the newcomers who came to the game - large, medium and small players - were in the red. Someone had to pay the bills at the end of the game !? Nature abhors a vacuum.

 Back in 1999, at the insistence of L. Summers and R. Ruben, the US Congress for some reason (possibly lobbying!) Passed a law abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 - The Gramm-Leach-Bliley –Leach – Bliley Act (GLBA)). That’s how it started. Everything is simple, as in Yeltsin's Russia, where Summers in the early 1990s, together with Gaidar and Chubais, successfully carried out the "privatization of MI-6" so that the entire economy of the USSR / Russia went to only a narrow circle of pre-selected individuals - the "chosen ones" (KGB + MI-6): The law is the taiga, and the prosecutor is the bear ... but, in this (American) case, the Wall Street Charging Bull. Whoever sold it on time is "welded". And who bought ... - received a Lesson. - The market is based on "suckers" and "terpila" ... They are the main value of the Western market! (see V.Yu. Katasonov).

 In general, the result is not comforting: the Deep State, which the patriotic forces of the United States spoke about (see L. LaRouche), and which the current US President D. Trump calls the "Swamp", which he was going to dry up (see V.Yu. Katasonov), still manages not only the economies of different, seemingly "independent" countries, but also the political SIS themes of many countries of the world ... including Russia (since October 1993, Russia has been ruled by the colonial administration (see V.Yu. Katasonov) - beginning: Shooting of the Parliament of Russia. - see A.V. Ostrovsky). Note that on July 4, Americans celebrate Independence Day from the British Empire - not the Day of Sovereignty ... - which was announced by the founding fathers of the United States, led by J. Washington - see the US Declaration of Independence of the "Committee of Five" led by Thomas Jefferson ( + Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Robert R. Livingston) in 1776 (originally 13 British colonies). - (Documentary "Inside Job". 2010). - The big world game (in the construction of the "Green Empire" of the founder of MI-6 John Dee) in the 21st century continues with the same forces as in the 16th century.

 In general, let's summarize a little: - "Since that time (early 1990s), cheap gangster methods (insolent deception and chronic robbery) have prevailed in the Russian government." - V.M. Simchera. - ("ZAUGLOM" from 25.07.2019).

 Those. Since the early 1990s, the indigenous peoples of Russia have been subjected to both economic and political genocide ... while traitor assistants (accomplices of the Genocide) are actively recruited from the indigenous peoples of Russia themselves ... under the patronage and lists of the KGB. And the brain center of this sophisticated long-term (and centuries-old) Genocide is located in the very center of London - aka the Crown of Britain - City of London. Which embody the barbaric plans of John Dee - "Green Empire". Let me remind you that these plans were helped to implement the British Decembrist Masons, headed by the Anglophile Earl S.R. Vorontsov (1744-1832), and his son Prince-Anglomaniac M.S. Vorontsov (1782-1856). Decembrist Mason A.P. Ermolov, a dirty bloody provocateur, their protege. They were replaced by Marxist Masons in 1917 - Red Star, Sickle, and Hammer are all Masonic signs. Their grandchildren in 1985 - 2019. built for themselves the highest stage of the very communism that their grandfathers and fathers talked about in 1917-1937.

 "Now the grandchildren of those same Chekists-Marxists who seized power in 1917 are in power in Russia." - B.S. Mironov

 __ While in the Chechen itself, as well as in the Russian (noun) peoples there are accomplices (brainless "dregs of society") of those Vorontsovs and Yermolovs, introduced ("old bookmarks") by the British developers of their long-term plans in the old days, our peoples for a long time will be pitted against each other and destroyed. And our territories, resources and economy, as well as national culture, traditions and customs of our ancestors, are barbarously plundered. (City of London - World Capital of the Barbarians).

 Total: DEPOSITS of Russian citizens FOLLOWED in the early 1990s and LEAVED IN BRITISH OFFSHORE (this is about 800 billion US dollars, excluding %% over 30 years) WILL NOT BE GIVEN ... Conclusion V.M. Simchera. - YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY FROM THE MAFIA CAN BE TAKEN ONLY BY FORCE.

 __ "There has been a complete merging of our government with the usurers-bankers. And I can prove it 1001 times! Therefore, what" our "government prepares what proposals, is, in fact, voicing what the usurers are preparing ... And the government itself does not even think about what it says! We have 3,000 pawnshops in the register of the Central Bank of Russia today ... At the same time, there are 2 times less employees in banking supervision! And, the most tragic part, the population is actively carrying heirlooms to pawnshops ... Which indicates to the last stage of survival! And the pawnshops are packed to capacity ". - V.Yu. Katasonov, I. Boschenko. "Neuromir TV". July 31, 2019

 MAFIA-STATE, created by the Gorbachev-Kryuchkov "perestroika KGB" and the Yeltsin-Gaidar "privatization of MI-6" as a BRITISH MAFIA-IMPERIUM Branch, thrives on the joint (Kremlin-London) CRIMINAL. - GAZPROM is the property of the WEST (Rothschild-Mellons + British Petrolium), as well as ROSNEFT (formerly GROZNEFT) and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. - THE RESULTS of the 30-year-old co-op of the Club of London-Kremlin Neo-Nazi-MarkSIS = NEP-2. - Statistics of RIPE and economic GENOCIDE - see Professor V.M. Simchera.

 - What do we (the indigenous peoples of Russia) constantly lose sight of! ?? - Right: New Environment Factor! - Ie. URGENTLY need your own Brain Center (of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia), and your own Academy of Sciences of the Rus (see Yu.S. Rybnikov), as well as your own, and Psychohistorical weapons (the real course of history), and your Orgo weapons (real accurate, complete and comprehensive knowledge of this world).

 - (E.L. Imenitov ("Chamber of Lawyers" of Moscow), I. Boschenko. Neuromir TV. "Conspiracy of bankers-2". 07/10/2019; Comments and algorithm of M.T.).

 __ “Dostoevsky knew a lot, but not everything. For example, he thought that if you kill a person, you will become Raskolnikov. And now we know that you can kill five, ten, one hundred people and go to the theater in the evening. " - Anna Akhmatova (1936).

 __ Russia is for the communists no more than a springboard for the spread of the revolution throughout the world. It is a fortified camp for revolutionary forays into other countries. For them, it is like a haystack or a barrel of ointment to ignite the world fire.

 Russia is for them a means, not an end - a tool that is left to perish in the struggle of the communists for world power and which should not be regretted. Soviet power does not serve Russia, does not care about it, does not protect its culture: it destroys its ancient wondrous temples, it suppresses free science and free art in it, it tortures its nationally thinking intelligentsia, destroys its most able-bodied peasant forces and exposes it to the working class such a sweatshop system that no bourgeois state had ever heard of.

 It needs Russian territory, it needs Russian raw materials, it needs Russian technology, it needs a Russian army - for its own purposes, special, not Russian, non-Russian, "international", revolutionary. It is on these foundations that the Soviet school is being built: so that children from young nails prepare for participation in foreign revolutions. On the same foundations the Soviet army is being built - this steam roller of the world revolution, Soviet industry - this communist arsenal against the foreign bourgeoisie, Soviet science is the enslaved nest of economic materialism and military chemistry. On the same basis, communist-enslaved "workers' unions", counterfeit "cooperatives", the Soviet budget, raped literature, servile art, shameless press and, recently, a falsified church are being built in the Soviet Union. The whole monstrous mechanism of the Soviet police, whatever it is called - the Cheka, the GPU, the NKVD, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the MGB - and, finally, the martyr's concentration camps scattered throughout the country ... - (Ivan Ilyin. "The Soviet Union is not Russia" . Article. 1947).



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