THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 4 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 4 Part .

Нisᴛᴏry ᴏf Мᴀrхisʍ - Lᴇninisʍ in Lifᴇ 4

Sᴩᴇᴄiᴀl Fᴏldᴇr ᴏf ᴛhᴇ 📁 Сhᴇᴋisᴛ 

             Оᴩᴇn Рᴀrᴛ 1

Economic Analysts Worried About Fiscal Cliff Coming. Their speculation is tantamount to Tea Legs Fortune telling, as America's Real Profit has long been Provided by Opaque Shadow Markets. Therefore, the apocalyptic Predictions of Lyndon LaRouche do not come true: The Derivatives Market collapsed, but the speculators were not left without pants. And capital flight from Egypt, and Optimization of the Transit of Drugs (Bucharest instead of Incirlik, or Ulyanovsk (!) Instead of Gwadar (!!! - Ay yes PU-shkin! Ah yes son of a bitch!)) Will support these pants for a long time.

 Another interesting thing is when the market of the closely intertwined Alternative Energy and the Networked Internet Economy collapses. At least For the reason that this Collapse will be Not only Economic, but also Ideological. It’s only when the Serial Bankruptcy of these sectors sweeps from New Jersey to California, and it’s every Dumb Ecological Chum that Climatic Theory Was a Bluff for the Gullible, and the Economic Basis for “Hope” Was a Props, like the magic door in the Pinocchio fairytale in the United States. States will happen what the victims of their Geopolitics - Troubles - have been longing for for a long time. - (K.A. Cheremnykh - "Clans of America. Experience of geopolitical operational analytics", 2016, + V. Polivanov's report - "Global warming is a myth, and glaciation is a reality", + comments by M.T. (Universities of Common Sense .)).

 Plan - Globalization in Chinese: "Community of the Common Destiny of Humanity" - Written down in the decision of the XVIII Congress of the CPC. It was officially announced by Xi Jinping (Shanghai Clan) at the UN, and at the Davos Forum (!), - and has been operating since 2017. Globalization in Chinese at the World Level Performed by ... London! This plan is called "Solomon's Plan". (He is about 3000 years old!). With this "Plan" any National States (as well as Nationally Oriented Policies) are prohibited! There is a globalization of the territory itself - the Earth (which God, as you know, no longer creates) - from sea to sea ...

 London is NOT the Anglo-Saxons, as is commonly thought, but private Banking Houses ... of a narrow circle of kindred families. (Venetian Black Aristocracy!).

 - At the same time, Brain Centers are NOT in China, but abroad!

 - Decent Place (in the World!) - Possibly! It must be found and occupied! Some Politicians Know How To Do It, But Nothing Changes From Knowledge alone. (No Movement and No Will!).

 - In the Family of Nations - all peoples are in Kinship Relations! - Our "Father" is Heaven, and "Mother" is the damp Earth. - ("School of Common Sense" - Nebopolitik A. Devyatov. Kazakhstan, change of power. Nazarbayev. - 20.03.2019; + A.I. Fursov, + comments by M.T. (University of Common Sense)).

 Any Social Object is the essence of the Empirical Object, and the essence is Multidimensional. __ The Evolution of Social Objects, even after a long negative impact of External Forces, has an inherent Ability for Regeneration - the Potential for the Development of large Social Societies. (the so-called Aggregate Phenomena of the Society of People of one Civilization are developed in a tough Competitive Struggle). The degree of predetermination of the Historical Process follows from the Objective Social Laws (The logical sequence of the Historical Process). This is how Historical, Sociological and Philosophical Concepts of the Evolution of Mankind arise.

  For the study of Empirical Social Objects (each Social Object has its own Special Features), only the Brain and Sense Organs of an individual Human are needed: The Ability for Logical Thinking of an individual Subject - Logical Sociology (Theoretical and Practical).

 Modern Man is a SIGN figure (Material Signs and Signity appeared with the Development of Language - Signed Creativity - Signed culture (In Economics, Politics, Religion (until the 17th century, there were NO signs in religion (S.A. Sall)) and this is Manifested in Behavior people: Ritual, Etiquette, Discipline ... What Indicates: Biological development of the apparatus of Human Consciousness - the Brain and the Nervous System - Completed.

 The progress of human Consciousness is limited by artificially created Signs. The brain of a modern Man is sufficient to Satisfy the Need for Intelligence. Only the Aggregate Intelligence accumulated by many generations develops ...

 The Deepest Secrets of Significant Multidimensional Social Objects are not hidden in the Deep Basements of the Society Building, Secret Institutions (and Private Family and Clan Safes), but lie in plain sight - Obvious Historical Facts that people do not see, since their Brains Are Turned WRONG - Lack of Ability to See Reality.

 The quality of the Object and its History are always in sight: Hence the ease of forecasting the Future of any Social Objects (the SYSTEM bankers from the City of London, including - by the external Signs of the Subjective Image, by the Method of Logical Sequence (Logical Operator) built into the Objective) and Social Phenomena, - without Indication of the Causes of their Generation.

 At the same time, Confusion is Usual in the Practice of Cognition (Strictly Distinguish - Difficulty): Objectification of the Subjective and Subjectification of the Objective are common essence even within the framework of the Present official Science ...

  In Logical Sociology, the Methodological Technique is important (the essence of the Logical Methodology is the ways, methods, approaches and strategies used in the Study) and the methods and ways of its application in the study of Complex Human Unions (Complex Social Objects) - it is necessary to Find and Select the Simplest Objects (Social "atoms ") - a combination (and the evolution of these combinations) and form the Large Objects We Study: Everything Complex in the World consists of a combination (heap, interaction) of the simple, - from the Simple to the Complex - Social Combinatorics.

 The Ability for Thinking, Sanity and Open-mindedness of Mind - the Basis of the Scientific Approach in the study of the Changeable Reality - in the SEARCH FOR TRUTH. - (Sociological Theory - A.A. Zinoviev; Logical Sociology and Methodology of Logical Sequence in the Study of Complex Empirical Dynamic System (Objects) - M. Taramov).

 The Monkey's brain is not able to understand what is good or bad for the forest. (What a human being ... and a super-society). The Monkey's brain is only able to understand what is good for itself - its belly. (Pure Darwinism). And burn the whole forest with waste - the main thing is that she remains well-fed and contented, sitting on her tree. (Post Psychobiology is higher than Social Biology). And the mirror of all the dogmas will not be enough for her to admire herself and show her "great importance" and "reverence" to the whole world. The worldview, especially the Global one, is beyond her power. (Consciousness is the level of the plinth). The material, with her, will always be higher than the Spiritual. (hidden satanism). The animal world, in general, has its own limited framework. As comrade. F. Nietzsche: To teach a fool is only to spoil. Better to let it remain unspoiled. (according to Bulgakov - "Heart of a Dog"). Then, there would be no one to build us Yesterday for Tomorrow's money all the time. Conclusion: "Forest" should be - by itself, and Civilization - by itself ... (and the Monkey - a tree) and these three Objects should not be combined - neither in space nor in time: The red suit has its own quirks, the black one - her own, and the white has special ones. And nature does not mix these three colors.

 Strange affair! At all times, the Scoundrels tried to mask their vile deeds with devotion to the interests of Religion, Morality and love for the Fatherland. - (Heinrich Heine).

 In the era of stagnation, we had a popular anecdote about three precious cigarette cases, which Nixon, Giscard d'Estaing and Brezhnev opened in turn. On Nixon's cigarette holder it was written "From the American people", on Giscard d'Estaing - "From French women", and on the most weighty and inlaid accessory of Leonid Ilyich (../Yuri Vladimirovich / Mikhail Sergeevich / Boris Nikolaevich ... etc. .) the inscription "To Count Orlov from Count Sheremetev" was different.

 - It is worth saying that this Cigarette Holder (Tradition-Custom) is Passed by Inheritance - from the old first person to the new first! - until now - the Chekists-granddaughters, the traditions of their grandfathers-Marxists DO NOT change, although they began to walk publicly - with cameras! to temples ... - (From the book of K.A. Cheremnykh - "Clans of America. Experience of geopolitical operational analytics", + comments by M.T. (University of Common Mind.)).

Ignorance of the True History, Bad Memory for Historical Facts and Inability to Compare Them, Invisibility of Global Historical Processes and Inability to Analyze them. Lack of a Complete and Independent Worldview and the ability to Create (Formulate) and combine common Strategic Goals. Lack of a Conceptual Apparatus (Your Brain Center / or several). Inability to isolate and designate the Present and Future Environmental Factors. Lack of Knowledge about neighboring Civilizations, and their analysis, study of trends. The absence, both, in fact, of the Management Structure itself, and of Its Management Concept, and hence the absence of its powerful and full-fledged Egregor.

These are the Forces that always remain in the shadow of history ("Committee-300" - according to J. Coleman; or 300 members of the "Hidden Hand" - according to AI Cherep-Spiridovich; Global Predictor - World Mafia - according to K.P. Petrov; Masters of World Money - according to V.Yu. Katasonov), and their secret and numerous representatives in the Russian Power (Lubyanka and the Kremlin) - controlled and coordinated from abroad (Rhodes-Milner Round Table), Guilty of Negative Selection indigenous peoples of Russia: their Methods - their Bloody deeds - their Ideology - their Black Soul ... ... and these Inhumans who seized all power in Russia in 1801, through the murder of Paul I, and everywhere (obeying their "Black Pope "- first to A. Weishaupt, and from 1880 - to Leopold Engel and Theodor Reuss (Dresden Illuminati - see N.H. Webster)), appointed (and still appoint!) the Worst as the new" elite ".

 It is the Elite that forms the Cultural component. - (V.M. Zaznobin - 07.23.1997 - Seminar: men, women and children).

 - The conclusion suggests itself: What is the new (artificial) elite - such is the Future Cultural SOS of the new generation - of the new generation: what you sow, you reap ... or, more precisely: Whoever sows, THAT (one of the ancient Egyptian gods) will reap. ..

  - If only dwarfs, freaks, morons, etc. will be selected for a certain set of people, will you be able to find at least one giant, handsome, clever guy in this set?

 When an individual close to the average level is found among them, he seems to us a giant and a genius ...

 - The lion cannot be the leader of the rats. The leader of rats can only be a rat. - (Sociologists and philosopher AA Zinoviev - from the book "Yawning Heights").

 - If they had arranged a Competition of Liars, then only the one who spoke the truth would have been able to win. - (In the meantime, in the Contest of life (ie Truth), only Liars win. - (Radiography of World Politics and the Elite)).

  - "Lies are the lot of slaves, free people must speak the truth." - Michel de Montaigne. - Conclusion Itself suggests itself: It turns out that everywhere there are only slaves of Power ...! 

 A person's tongue is small, and how many lives he has broken. - (Omar Khayyam).

 - Life, gentlemen of the jury, is a complicated thing, but gentlemen of the jury, this thing opens just like a box. You just need to be able to open it. He who cannot open disappears. (- "Long live our court, the most humane court in the world!").

 - Oh, you thought? So you sometimes think? You are a thinker. What's your name, thinker? Spinoza? Jean-Jacques Rousseau? Marcus Aurelius? (- The Combinator's hitting the Intelligentsia - Which Marxist Lenin in 1917 demanded to be called NOT the brain of the Nation, but crap. And in return, to all the proletarian masses who agreed, He promised to install Golden Toilet Bowls ... - Do not listen to the rotten intelligentsia, - he said, - listen to me, - and in return promised everyone Golden Faucets ... (Plagiarism! - but, in the Chekist hands, it still works) - In both cases, as you understand, the delivery times, with the people, not negotiated!).

 “Abroad is a myth about the afterlife. Whoever gets there does not return. (- The same Famous in the West I. Solonevich wrote: Europe is a cemetery of peoples ... And the Famous A.A.Zinoviev, together with A.I.Fursov and N.I.Senchenko, explained the Structure and Essence ... about I am completely silent on ideology - see O. Chetverikova, A. Devyatov, O. A. Platonov, K. P. Petrov).

 - Earlier in science fiction (in Soviet times) the main thing was Radio ... ("Voice of America" ​​/ "Freedom") ... Under it, the Happiness of mankind was expected. But now (the "Iron Curtain" has opened ...) There is radio (!), But there is no happiness. (- As the Cheka was in power - and it remains - the result of the joint "restructuring" of the KGB and MI-6).

 - The door (to the West) opened. Ostap went into a room that could only be furnished by a creature with Woodpecker's imagination.

 (- Deceptive external Spirituality - Jurisprudence Instead of keeping the Commandments (and the Laws are not for everyone!), And Showy Ritualism instead of true Faith).

 - He is NOT a chess player who, having lost a game (in the Cold War), does not declare that he had a winning position. (- MarkSISty Andropov-Lieberman and Gorbachev-Garber - to the whole Soviet people ... - with greetings from sunny California).

 - And what, do I look like a person who can have relatives? (- overseas ... especially in California).

 - The Countess with a changed face runs to the pond. (- Saw, Shura !, saw, they are Golden!).

 - Pay for the kefir, Shura, then we'll count. - (Paris. Summer. Rothschild to Trotsky).

 - Alexander ibn Ivanovich, if in two days we do not get decent food, I will revolt any tribes. Honestly! I will appoint myself the commissioner of the prophet and declare holy war, jihad. For example, Denmark. Why did the Danes torture their prince Hamlet? In the current political situation, even the League of Nations will be content with such a pretext for war. Honestly, I'll buy a million rifles from the British - they love to sell firearms to the tribes - and march to Denmark. Germany will let it go - at the expense of reparations. Fancy a tribal invasion of Copenhagen? Ahead of all, I am on a white camel. Oh! There is no Panikovsky! He would have a Danish goose! .. (- Berezovsky with Abramovich ... in a London court - Dreams of the past.).

 “Just don’t shoot at the chandelier, it’s unnecessary. (- "The KGB has always been considered a branch of MI6" - J. Coleman - "Committee-300").

 - Ivanych! This traffic police does not respect you at all, listen. And he took the car and the license. (- Once upon a time I remember Gaidar and Chubais announced as many as 2 "Volgas" (at least!) For every voucher, for every Veteran VOV (WWII) - So the KGB started the "privatization" operation. Lawrence Summers (State Department / Chabad sect / MI-6 / Harvard Project) was invited as an advisor to the Kremlin - As a result, No cars, No vouchers, No Lives ... No Faith in humanity ...! (- You can't play with our state gambling, he has the Whole Map Marked! - (Feature film "Genius", 1991)).

 - Give back the sausage, you fool! I will forgive everything! (- Dedicated to the Chief Shadow (!) Financiers of the World -S. - see S.P.Shashurin).

 - When I see This new life, These Shifts, I DO NOT want to smile, I want to pray! (- About the "Great Game" of Marxists in Liberal Democrats - A horse in a Leather Coat suddenly took it into his head to pretend to be a Singing and fluttering nightingale ... but, as you understand, they pull horseshoes ... otherwise he would sing ... as a nightingale) ...

 - Russia will not forget you! (- O. Bender assured everyone, a schemer, the son of a Turkish citizen, an Ideological Fighter for Money Signs, who died in the USSR, and was buried in Moscow, in the Vostryakovsky kl.).

 - Larisa Ivanovna, Valiko instructed to ask you which theater do you want to go to today ?!

 - And what is he, the Wizard? Can I get tickets to any theater?

 - Maybe.

 - And in the Bolshoi?

 - Of course.

 - And to Taganka?

 - Taganka !! ?? ... Taganka is (this is) a prison. Suren was sitting there! ...

 “I, of course, am not a Cherubim. I have no wings, But I Honor the Criminal Code. This is my weakness. (Life position! - NOT a life credo.).



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