THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 3 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 3 Part .

Нisᴛᴏry ᴏf Мᴀrхisʍ - Lᴇninisʍ in Lifᴇ 3

Special Folder of the 📁 Chekist 

             Open Part 3

Mackay, Lord, of Clasfern - Lord Mackay of Clasfern

 Mackay-Tallack, Sir Hugh - Sir Mackay-Tallack Hugh

 Mackinder, Halford - Mackinder Halford

 MacMillan, Harold - MacMillan Harold

 Matheson, Jardine - Matheson Jardine - (one of the masters of the "Silk Road" to China).

 Mazzini, Gueseppi - Mazzini Giuseppe

 McClaughlin, W. E. - McLaughlin W. E.

 McCloy, John J. - Macloy John J.

 McFadyean, Sir Andrew - Sir McFadyean Andrew

 McGhee, George - McGhee George

 Mellon, Andrew - Mellon Andrew

 Mellon, William Larimer or Family Designate - Mellon William Larimer or family representative

 Meyer, Frank - Meyer Frank

 Michener, Roland - Michener Roland

 Mikoyan, Anastas - Anastas "Ivanovich" Mikoyan

 Milner, Lord Alfred - Lord Milner Alfred

 Mitterand, Francois - Mitterrand Francois

 Monett, Jean - Monet Jean

 Montague, Samuel - Montague Samuel

 Montefiore, Lord Sebag or Bishop Hugh - Lord Montefiore Zebag or Bishop New

 Morgan, John P. - Morgan John P.

 Mott, Stewart - Mott Stewart

 Mountain, Sir Brian Edward - Sir Mountain Brian Edward

 Mountain, Sir Dennis - Sir Mountain Dennis

 Mountbatten, Lord Louis - Lord Mountbatten Louis

 Munthe, A., or family designate - Munthe A., or family representative

 Naisbitt, John - Naisbitt John

 Neeman, Yuval - Naaman Yuval

 Newbigging, David - Newbigging David

 Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal - Lord Nicholas Nicholas Bethal

 Norman, Montague - Norman Montague (representative of the private Bank of England, and Hitler's 1st Treasury Secretary).

 O'Brien of Lotherby, Lord - Lord O'Brien Lotherby

 Ogilvie, Angus - Ogilvie Angus

 Okita, Saburo - Okita Saburo

 Oldfield, Sir Morris - Sir Oldfield Morris

 Oppenheimer, Sir Earnest, and successor, Harry - Sir Oppenheimer Ernest and his heir Harry

 Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech) - Ormsby Gore David (Lord Harlech)

 Orsini, Franco Bonacassi - Orsini Franco Bonacassi

 Ortolani, Umberto - Ortolani Umberto

 Ostiguy, J.P.W - Ostiguy J.P.W.

 Paley, William S. - Paley William S.

 Pallavacini - Palavacini

 Palme, Olaf - Palme Olaf

 Palmerston - Palmerston

 Palmstierna, Jacob - Palmtierna Jacob

 Pao, Y.K. - Pao I.K.

 Pease, Richard T. - Pease Richard T.

 Peccei, Aurellio - Peccei Aurellio

 Peek, Sir Edmund - Sir Peak Edmund

 Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal - Cardinal Pellergeno Michael

 Perkins, Nelson - Perkins Nelson

 Pestel, Eduard - Pestel Eduard

 Peterson, Rudolph - Peterson Rudolph

 Petterson, Peter G. - Petterson Peter G.

 Petty, John R. - Petty John R.

 Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

 Piercy, George - Piercy George

 Pinchott, Gifford - Pinchott Gifford

 Pratt, Charles - Pratt Charles

 Price Waterhouse, Designate - Price Waterhouse, Representative

 Radziwall - Radziwall

 Ranier, Prince - Prince Rainer

 Raskob, John Jacob - Raskob John Jacob

 Recanati - Recanati

 Rees, John Rawlings - Rees John Rawlings

 Rees, John - Rees John

 Rennie, Sir John - Sir Rennie John

 Rettinger, Joseph - Rettinger Joseph

 Rhodes, Cecil John - Rhodes Cecil John

 Rockefeller, David - Rockefeller David

 Role, Lord Eric of Ipsden - Lord Rawle Eric Ipsden

 Rosenthal, Morton - Rosenthal Morton

 Rostow, Eugene - Rostow Eugene

 Rothmere, Lord - Lord Rotmer

 Rothschild Elie de or Edmon de and / or Baron Rothschild - Elie de Rothschild or Edmond de Rothschild

 Runcie, Dr. Robert - Dr. Rancy Robert

 Russell, Lord John - Lord Russell John

 Russell, Sir Bertrand - Sir Russell Bertrand

 Saint Gouers, Jean - Saint Jour Jean

 The Salisbury, Lord - Lord Salisbury

 Samuel, Sir Marcus - Sir Samuel Marcus

 Sandberg, M. G. - Sandberg M. G.

 Sarnoff, Robert - Sarnoff Robert

 Schmidheiny, Stephan - Schmidheiny Stefan

 Schoenberg, Andrew - Schoenberg Andrew

 Schroeder - Schroeder

 Schultz, George - Schultz George

 Schwartzenburg E. - Schwarzenburg E.

 Shawcross, Sir Hartley - Sir Shawcross Hartley

 Sheridan, Walter - Sheridan Walter

 Shiloach, Rubin - Shiloach Rubin

 Silitoe, Sir Percy - Sir Silitoe Percy

 Simon, William - Simon William

 Sloan, Alfred P. - Sloan Alfred P.

 Smuts, Jan - Smuts Jan

 Spelman - Spelman

 Sproull, Robert - Sproull Robert

 Stals, Dr. C. - Dr. Stals S.

 Stamp, Lord Family designate - Lord Stump, family representative

 Steel, David - Steel David

 Stiger, George - Steiger George

 Strathmore, Lord - Lord Strathmoor

 Strong, Sir Kenneth - Sir Strong Kenneth

 Strong, Maurice - Strong Maurice

 Sutherland - Suzerland

 Swathling, Lord - Lord Swaitling

 Swire, J. K. - Swire J.K.

 Tasse, G. Or Family Designate - Tasse G., or family representative

 Temple, Sir R. - Sir Temple R.

 Thompson, William Boyce - Thompson William Boyce

 Thompson, Lord - Lord Thompson

 Thyssen-Bornamisza, Baron Hans Henrich - Baron Thyssen-Bornamisza Hans Heinrich

 Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey - Lord Trevelyn Humphrey

 Turner, Sir Mark - Sir Turner Mark

 Turner, Ted - Turner Ted

 Tyron, Lord - Lord Tyrone

 Urquidi, Victor - Urkidi Victor

 Van Den Broek, H. - Van Den Broek H.

 Vanderbilt - Vanderbilt

 Vance, Cyrus - Vance Cyrus

 Verity, William C. - Verity William C.

 Vesty, Lord Amuel - Lord Vesti Amuel

 Vickers, Sir Geoffrey - Sir Vickers Jeffrey

 Villiers, Gerald Hyde family alternate - Villiers Gerald Hyde, family representative

 Volpi, Count - Count Volpi - (Giuseppe Volpi - 1st Count of Misurata - and 2nd Minister of Finance of the fascist Musolinni, after the 1st - Guido Jung).

 von Finck, Baron August - Baron von Finck August

 von Hapsburg, Archduke Otto, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine - Grand Duke Otto von Hapsburg, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine

 Von Thurn and Taxis, Max - Von Thurn und Taxis Max

 Wallenberg, Peter or Family Designate - Peter Wallenberg or family representative

 Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr. - Dr. Wang Kwan Cheng

 Warburg, S. C. - S. S. Warburg

 Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara - Lady Ward Jackson Barbara

 Warner, Rawleigh - Warner Roleigh

 Warnke, Paul - Warnke Paul

 Warren, Earl - Warren Earl

 Watson, Thomas - Watson Thomas

 Webb, Sydney - Webb Sydney

 Weill, David - Weill David

 Weill, Dr. Andrew - Dr. Weil Andrew

 Weinberger, Sir Caspar - Sir Caspar Weinbergen

 Weizman, Chaim - Weizman Chaim

 Wells, H. G. - Wells G. G.

 Wheetman, Pearson (Lord Cowdray) - Whitman Pearson (Lord Cowdray)

 White, Sir Dick Goldsmith - Sir White Dick Goldsmith

 Whitney, Straight - Whitney Straight

 Wiseman, Sir William - Sir William Weissman

 Wittelsbach - Wittelsbach

 Wolfson, Sir Isaac - Sir Wolfson Isaac

 Wood, Charles - Wood Charles

 Young, Owen - Young Owen ...

 - The Committee of 300 is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world, superior to all governments and individuals, no matter how strong and protected they may feel. It covers finance, defense, and political parties of all colors and types.

 - (From the book by J. Coleman - "The Committee of 300").

The Khazar Kaganate today is both Europe and America, and its leaders include the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kennedy, Bushes, Windsor, as well as the Habsburgs (also often referred to by M. Bigent, R. Lee and G. Lincoln as "Merovingians") , several "Ashkenazi" families and structures subordinate to them - from the Bilderberg Club and the US Federal Reserve to the British Institute of International Relations. <...> The spread of substituted and fake genealogies of the tsarist clan does not coincide with the intensified introduction of the global structures of the West into the Caucasus and with the growth of "Caucasian terrorism", and today already with attempts to separate the Caucasus from Russia. <...> Nikolai Kozlov interprets it this way: "The secret of the" special relationship "between the leaders of the Khazar-Jewish mafia is that the Rothschilds finance the Chechen war at the expense of profits from oil production in the Caucasus in exchange for the supply of the main" energy carrier "<. ..> "red oil" or ritual Christian blood ”. Of course, the "Babylonian circle" needs here the figure of a "stabilizer", a "manager", quite possibly even under the guise of a legal, preferably "constitutional monarch". <...> At the same time, everything that is somehow connected with the "Babylonian circle" is unambiguously introduced into the public consciousness in inextricable (right?) Connection with the problems of the monarchy, the Merovingians and the "Priory of Zion" (in its "Merovingian" - Baygent interpretation). Here is just one of many examples: “The list of the thirteen most powerful Illuminati includes the families Astor, Bundy, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Lee (of Chinese origin, claiming to be descended from Lao Tzu. - V.K.), Onassis , Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duny (?) And Merovingian. In this case, the Merovingians mean all European royal families (emphasized by us. - V.K.). Four more families are closely related to this - Reynolds, Disney, Croup and MacDonald. All of these leading clans are detailed in Fritz Spingmeyer's book, The Illuminati Families. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to create a unified world government and a new world order. In this they are extremely close to the influential American-British society "The Committee of 300", which, most likely, should be perceived as an integral part of the broader Illuminati system. The conserved Masonic elite, as well as the Priory of Zion, which is under the control of the Merovingians, should be taken as a part of this.

 But, as we have already found out, "all European royal families" have nothing to do with the Merovingians, and the Merovingians do not have (or have only a very indirect relationship) to the "Priory of Zion"! - (V. I. Karpets - "De Aenigmate / On the Secret". Chapter IV. WHO? The problem of the subject).

 __ "There is only one Power (!) In Europe, and that is the Rothschilds." - (Professor Werner Sombart, "Jews and Modern Capitalism"). - (From the book of AI Cherep-Spiridovich - "The Hidden Hand. The Cry of the Soul of the Tsar's General").

 - Two sons of General A.I. Skull-Spiridovich was shot by Marxists-Chekists in 1918, and his third son was killed in the Gulag a little later ... Therefore, in 1925 his Book was published - the cry of his Soul ...:

 - A whole library of lies has been written and is being written now about Bolshevism, who put on the mask of communism, but in reality is the agency of the Satanic "Hidden Hand" and strives for the only goal - bleeding, deprivation of Faith and Enslavement first of Russia, then the USA, England, etc. ... Thus, it would be folly to think that the Bolsheviks failed in Russia. No! They rather Succeeded, because most of the True Christians there are Destroyed ... (ibid.).

 __ The roots of the "Bolshevik Program" should be found in the "Protocols of the Sages of Zion" ... - The methods are simple: Slander, Corruption and Terror. - (Nesta H. Webster - "World Revolution". - Ch. 10. Revolution of 1917).

 __ And what is the "Lenin Guard" ...! ?? - These are the Corruptors. - (Professor A.I. Fursov).

 __ Political Murder - There is a Secret of the successful implementation of the revolution, - Garibaldi borrowed this phrase almost word for word from the head of the Illuminati A. Weishaupt ... <...> Decembrism is the direct brainchild of the Illuminati ... - (Academician O.A. Platonov - "The Crown of Thorns of Russia." Ch. 39).

  "In 1790, Bonaparte achieved his appointment as deputy battalion commander using methods that even at that time could not be called worthy." (Fisher).

 “Augustine Robespierre, the dictator's younger brother, met Bonaparte during the capture of Toulon (1793). There is no doubt that Napoleon became close friends with Augustine, who was just as cruel as his older brother. " (Charles McFarline, The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, p. 28).

  Robespierres, according to Louis Marchand, were Jewish immigrants from Alsace.

 They were probably the "messengers" of Amschel. Similarly, the Trotskys and Zinovievs were sent to Russia in 1917 by Paul Warburg, one of the members of the Hidden Hand. In any case, the reputation of a ruthless man helped Napoleon subsequently to be elected by Amschel.

 Do not many Jewish authors call Trotsky "Napoleon"?

 For the murders he committed, Trotsky was raised to the 33rd stage by a Freemason.

 Napoleon's "ruthlessness" made him a Masonic idol.

 “Bonaparte was too smart not to show his cards.

 However, he said enough to convince me that the fate of France is in his hands. " (Fouche, p. 51).

 If the most informed and cleverest of the detectives, faced with the "mystery", being aware of the current events, it was only because the "means to an end" were transferred to Napoleon by Amschel through Talleyrand and free Masons, "the war was the only one for Napoleon" and Bonaparte could destroy the church.

 Paris, Lyon and Avignon were the main centers of Free Masons.

 <...> Napoleon received this post in the same way as the Jew Gambetta in 1870, Kerensky (Kirbis) and Trotsky (Bronstein) in 1917 (as L.P. Beria-Kaganovich in 1939, N. S. Khrushchev-Perlmutter in 1953, Yu.V. Andropov-Lieberman in 1967, M.S.Gorbachev in 1985, the Yeltsin-Berezovsky-Gaidar-Dudaev family in 1991, V.V. Putin -Shalomov and A.S. Voloshin / A.B. Chubais in 2000 - as the British Decembrist Freemason A.P. Ermolov in 1816 (protege of A.A. Arakcheev, P.M. Volkonsky, M.S. Vorontsov (the latter two are associated with the "Southern Society", and both received the British (!) Order of the Bath in 1819) - "The overwhelming majority" of votes was paid for by Rothschild. - (From the book of A. I. Cherep-Spiridovich - "The hidden hand. The cry of the soul of the tsarist general"; + comments by M.T. (see L. LaRouche, S.A. Sall, E. Khodos, A.P. Shevyakin, R.I. Khasbulatov , O. A. Platonov, O. Grechenevsky, K. Myalo, A. I. Fursov)).

The essence of the "revolution" of 1917 remained NOT expressed by many historians and publicists. The key concept of that "revolution" is hushed up - and this is the GENOCIDE of the Russian (noun) people!

 The destruction and extermination of the Russian (noun) people (as well as the other indigenous peoples of Russia!) Was laid down long before the "revolution" in the Communist Programs by the classics of MarkSism-Leninism: MARX, ENGELS and LENIN. And we were forced to pray for the portraits of these Three Haters of the Russian people, for these Three Russophobes who organized the Massive long-term Terror.

 Lenin (as the founder of the Cheka and the Gulag) considered Terror as the Main Means of the struggle for power in Russia, wrote and demanded: That real, nationwide, really renewing the Country of Terror, which the Great French Revolution glorified itself with ...

 - (As you know, for the French "revolution" of 1789 - which was, in fact, a Masonic coup, like the Russian 1917 - the British Parliament, as Pitt Jr. wrote, allocated a huge, at that time, amount of 25 million pounds sterling).

 It was Lenin and Trotsky who created the Cheka and the Concentration Camps (Gulag) - which he himself wrote about.

 We, Lenin wrote, under the guise of soldiers returning from the fronts (World War I) - whom HE called "Greens" - would go 10-20 miles and hang the priests, kulaks, landowners - and then blame everything on the "Greens". .. At the same time, Lenin announced a Prize for Everyone hanged. Also, it was Lenin who created (from the Chekists) Barrage Detachments in the civil war (massacre!) - which were then used by the Chekists (Beria and Izrailovich) during the 2nd World War (V.O.). - (see Lenin. PSS. T.51, T.39, T.45).

 To name them by name - revealing the fake names that all the Executioners had - it is necessary to Open every single page of the Archives!

 Now in power in Russia, the Descendants of the Executioners of the Russian people.

 - And today THESE TIMES ARE RETURNING ... !!! - (From the speech of Boris Sergeevich Mironov at a meeting in the Russian State Library dedicated to the centenary of the October Revolution - November 9, 2017 + (A.I. Fursov), + M.T.).

 __ And if the whole world has become vicious,

 That was the only reason

 The man himself: only he is the source of troubles,

 He is the only creator of his sorrows.

 (Dante Alighieri). ______

 - On June 6, 1910, Professor of Lviv University Mikhail Sergeevich Hrushevsky (creator of the Ukrainian language - see Count A. Sheptytsky) made a short entry in his diary, which had a fateful significance not only for the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian empires, but also for the inhabitants of the modern Ukraine:

 "Kost Levitsky recalled his conversation with Erental, who said that the crown is interested in the Ukrainian issue." - ( - Articles. + M.T.).

 __ The Engine of the Historical Process is NOT the masses, as is commonly believed among the Marxists, but the Elite. - "Without a party of Professional Revolutionaries, the masses are not capable of anything" - asserted the same V.I. Lenin-Blank. - “Cadres decide everything,” - (not the masses), - a similar statement by I. Stalin. - The concept of the elite sociologist V. Pareto was used by the Soviet Cominternist (Gorbachev's "father") O. Kuusinen. - (School of Analytics A.I. Fursov - dated October 10, 2017, dedicated to the centenary of the Great October).

 __ (Pay special attention!) - The international criminal aspect of the British elite. - Its heart (since the 16th century) is the City. (Where the families of the Gorbachevs, Yeltsin-Berezovsky ... and other Terrorists and Executioners of the KGB ... and others like them celebrate). - The political structure of Great Britain dates back to the London Corporation (City), and not vice versa. - The main role is played NOT by parliament, but by the Privy Council! - Great Britain (North Atlantic entity) from the very beginning (Orange dynasty / German princes) was a shell for Closed Supranational Structures. (since the 1770s, the American part of this complex Subject, for a number of reasons, split from the Main / Basic). - Here (!) Arose a Group - (existed for some time) - the Illuminati, who formed the Agenda, under which they would support, both the Left (Trotsky-Lenin and other Marxists) Globalists, and the right-wing Globalists (Rothschilds-Warburgs).

 - Masonic Bourgeois Revolution of 1789-1848 - As a result, the Freemasons with their Tricolor, practically all over Europe, came to Power! Freemasonry was nationalized. - The Triumph of Financial Capital Everywhere. First of all (besides other Groups) these are the Rothschilds.

 - Since the 1820s. there was a coupling of all Western Dominant Groups: the Union of Great Britain (as the Hegemon), + Closed Supranational Structures, + Financial Capital (led by the Rothschilds), + Freemasons, - against Russia. - (Hence the roots of the Caucasian War - 1817-1864, + Civil massacre of 1917-1925), + Repressions from 1917-1939, + 2nd World (V.O.) War of 1939-1945. , + Deportation in 1944, + 2nd last wars in the Caucasus (Chechenia / Dagestan) - 1995-2004. ). - (From a lecture by A.I. Fursov: "The dominant groups of Western Europe and Russia, Russia, the USSR in the long term."

 __ Two serious researchers - Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams investigated the history of World War II (V.O.) , special services ... In which, without advertising themselves, industrial tycoons also actively participated, managing gigantic human and financial resources, in addition, shamelessly making fabulous fortunes in that war - that is, on the grief and suffering of millions of people in many countries of the world, but first of all, in Russia, and in Germany itself. The hidden result of the Genocide of some nations: at the end of that war, the instigators of the tragedies of entire nations and their leader simply fled - avoiding the Nuremberg trials - "Now we are sure of a terrible fact: at the end of World War II, Adolf Hitler, the greatest villain in history, fled Germany and spent the rest of his life in Argentina, his right-hand man, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, and Heinrich Müller, a key figure in the development of the Nazi plan for a “final solution to the Jewish question,” also escaped punishment and joined their Fuehrer in Argentina. Britain was instrumental in the escape of hundreds of other former Nazis such as Wernher von Braun, a rocket scientist, and Klaus Barbie, an SS sadist known as the Butcher of Lyons.

 - (A well-known similar villain of our time, on whose conscience thousands of ruined lives (only about 40,000 children were killed (half of them are Russian (noun), half are Chechen)) Mountain Jew Juhur Dudayev (see E. Khodos, A. P. Shevyakin, O. A. Platonov, I. V. Tataev, A. A. Kelimatov, R. I. Khasbulatov, N. A. Narochnitskaya) disappeared in the same way, in a similar way ... promoted by misleading people, thereby helping him quietly hide and evade responsibility).

 - “Stalin never believed in the death of Hitler. At the Potsdam Conference on July 17, 1945, he insisted that the Fuehrer had gone into hiding - perhaps "in Spain or Argentina." On August 6 of the same year, Marshal Georgy Zhukov said: "We did not find the identified Hitler's corpse."

 On October 12, 1945, General Dwight Eisenhower publicly stated: "There is every reason to believe that Hitler is dead, but there is not the slightest direct proof of this fact." - see the book by Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams - "The Gray Wolf. The Flight of Adolf Hitler". 2011 r.

 __ Today the Main Installation of the Global Elites is the Absolute Dismantling of the National State! - (About the Games in "Independence", "Sovereignties" in Chechnya ...! And not only). - And the Maximum (90%) Reduction of the entire Population of the Earth. - (Desperately Needed - Wars / Hunger / Vaccination). - All Globally Important Decisions are Taken NOT by official (State) visible Institutions, but by Secret Councils ...! - (O. Chetverikova - "Point of View" - Mortal combat of the World "elite" - Black aristocracy in the battle for world power).

 __ Western Europe and Central Europe are Puppets of the British Empire. There are practically NO National States. (As well as National Politicians). Sovereignty - NO. There is a SYSTEM. And this SIS theme is coming from London! And the rule of the British Empire over Western Europe and the United States means that the Fatal End is practically INEVITABLE. And this will continue as long as the Transatlantic SYSTEM exists. The Euro is a SIS theme of suicide and genocide. This is a very Effective Genocide. They Are Going To Reduce The Population Of The Earth From 7 Billion. up to 1.1 billion people. This is the Policy of Intentional Genocide. Britain and its puppets have signed this Policy and Endorse it. In fact, all the necessary Politicians (in All Countries!) Buy (and Appoint to High Positions!) On Drug Money! (Turnover - approx. $ 3 trillion per year!). Goal One - Genocide of half of the population of the United States and Western Europe! The only Solution is to Accept the Glass-Steagall Law - which stems from the thinking of Nicolaus Krebs - Columbus was one of his adherents.

 - The Venetian Party (!) Destroyed the Massachusetts Colony and even Britain itself - with its system of slavery! After the Civil War of 1861-1965. (and the Murders of A. Lincoln!) we (USA) became a British colony. It was the Britons who killed Roosevelt for his national and peaceful policy. Churchill deliberately delayed hostilities during World War II. (Extra sacrifices!). Truman was a British puppet.

 - There are also Cosmic Threats to Humanity - for which it is necessary to prepare using New Technologies (Cold Thermonuclear Fusion). - (Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019). - International Schiller Institute - ACHIEVING FREEDOM THROUGH A CONSCIOUS NEED FOR THE LAST CHANCE OF HUMANITY - Conference on April 13-14, 2013, FRANKFURT, Germany; + N.I. Senchenko - "Venetian Black Aristocracy Ways to World Domination ", + V. Osievsky, + MT).

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