THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 10 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 10 Part .

 __ ... My soul is with you, in hard labor in Siberia, and my body, unfortunately, is here in a hotel in Zurich. - (V.I. Lenin).

 __ Politics is the cancer of humanity. - (Henri de Montherland).

 __ It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they are fooled ... __ If you read the newspapers, you are misinformed. __ I have never allowed school to interfere with my education! - (Mark Twain).

 __ Whoever buys justice in bulk sells it at retail ... __ Whoever avoids the ["Big"] game loses it. __ I have never had any other enemies besides the enemies of the State. __ Whoever owns the information owns the world! __ Let time work, and in this expectation one should seek comfort. - (Duke (Cardinal) de Richelieu).

 __ Please allow me to introduce myself,

 I am a rich and tasteful man

 I've been around for years

 Got a lot of human souls and trust.

 Also I was close to Christ

 In the hour of his doubt and suffering.

 I made sure that Pilate

 He washed his hands and decided his sad fate.

 Nice to meet you!

 I hope you guessed my name

 I confused you, -

 This is the essence of my game.

 I stayed in St. Petersburg

 When I saw that it was time for a change

 Killed the king and his ministers

 Anastasia screamed in vain

 I took a ride on a tank

 Received the rank of general

 When the Blitzkrieg raged

 And the stench emanated from the corpses

 Nice to meet you!

 I hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

 I confused you, -

 This is the essence of my game, oh yeah

 (uuu, uuu ...) ....

 .................. (The cult British band The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil).

 __ Russian Tsar Nicholas II was intuitively perceived by many spiritual authorities of different faiths as the main obstacle to the path of evil, or, in the words of Righteous John of Kronstadt, the Russian Tsar, by virtue of his Anointing, was the Retainer, that is, he kept the world from falling into the abyss of apostasy.

 It should be said that the Russian monarchy played this role of the Retainer throughout its history. At the same time, the Russian tsars were fully aware of it. So, even the Emperor Alexander the Blessed wrote in a letter to Princess Meshcherskaya: “We are busy here with the most important concern, but also the most difficult one. It is about finding means against the dominion of evil, which spreads with speed with the help of all the secret forces that the satanic spirit controls them.

 <...> ... Previous authors (N.A.Sokolov, M.K.Diterikhs, R. Wilton, P. Paganutsi, P. Bulygin, V. Alexandrov, G.Z. Ioffe, Yu.A. Buranov and V.M. Khrustalev, V.I. Prishchep and A.N. Alexandrov, N. Ross, S.V. Fomin, O.A. Platonov, I.F. colossal [... !!! ], set their main task to prove the very fact of the murder of the Royal Family, as well as to restore the picture of the murder. Nicholas II.

 <...> The theme of the ritual murder of the Royal Family causes a feeling of rejection among many researchers, as well as among the inhabitants, although the very fact of the existence of ritual murders is recognized today by both law enforcement agencies and the public. <...> Professor Yu.V. Lomonosov, who during the war was a high railway official and part-time supporter of the revolution, wrote in his memoirs: “It is surprising that, as far as I heard, this discontent was directed almost exclusively against the Tsar and especially the Tsarina. In the headquarters and at Headquarters, the queen was scolded mercilessly, they talked not only about her imprisonment, but even about the deposition of Nicholas. They even talked about it at the general's tables. But always, with all conversations of this kind, the most probable outcome seemed to be a purely palace revolution, like the assassination of Paul. "

 Melgunov writes the same: "It was about a conspiracy in the style of a palace coup of the 18th century, which did not exclude the possibility of Regicide." <...> “As a result of a series of meetings of opposition figures organized by a single Masonic center,” writes V.S. Brachev, - a general plan was developed to capture the Tsar's train during one of Nicholas II's trips from St. Petersburg to Headquarters or back. Having arrested the Tsar, it was supposed to immediately force him to abdicate in favor of Tsarevich Alexei under the regency of Mikhail Alexandrovich and the introduction of a constitutional order in the country. "

 G.M. Katkov: "The preparation of a coup d'etat aimed at eliminating Nicholas II is the area in which the Freemasons played the most prominent role."

 A particular danger for the Emperor was the fact that since the middle of 1916 the Duma-Masonic conspirators have been establishing close ties with the highest generals of the Headquarters, in particular with Generals Alekseev, Brusilov and Krymov, and have involved the latter in their plans. However, the participation of some representatives of the generals in the Duma activity has been observed for a long time. “The connection between the Duma and the officers,” wrote General A.I. Denikin - existed for a long time. The work of the State Defense Commission during the period of the rebuilding of the fleet and the reorganization of the army after the Japanese war proceeded with the active tacit participation of the officer's youth. A.I. Guchkov formed a circle, which included Savich, Krupensky, Count Bobrinsky and representatives of the officers, headed by General Gurko. Apparently, General Polivanov also joined the circle, who later played such a major role in the collapse of the army. "

 One of the most important and active enemies of Emperor Nicholas II, A.I. Guchkov was well aware of the need to establish control over the army elite for the success of a coup d'etat. Guchkov openly stated this even before the war, during his stay in France: “In 1905,” he said, “the revolution failed because the army was for the Tsar ... In the event of a new revolution, it is necessary that the army be on our side ; therefore, I am exclusively engaged in military affairs and military affairs, wishing that, in case of need, the army would support us more than the Tsar's House. "

 Guchkov's words were not empty words. He and his like-minded people did a great job to involve the army elite in the anti-Tsar conspiracy. “Shortly before the February Revolution,” wrote N.V. Nekrasov in his testimony to the NKVD of the USSR, - began and grew ties with the military. A group of generals and officers opposed to the tsarist government, rallied around A.I. Guchkov (Krymov, Manikovsky and a number of others), and an organizational connection was established with her. "

 It is no coincidence that the February revolution is sometimes called the "revolution of the adjutant generals", hinting at the decisive role played by the generals in the coup d'etat of the winter of 1917. Admiral Bubnov wrote: “The high command undoubtedly knew about the growing revolutionary mood in the capital. He was constantly informed about this by alarming reports from the Security Department, which directly stated that a revolution was approaching. The fact that General Alekseev did not foresee such an obvious danger as the revolution, which threatened his operational plan, and did not take appropriate measures against this, significantly diminishes his military leadership abilities and lies with his responsibility. "

 The Entente ruling circles actually supported this united conspiracy. In May 1916, a Russian parliamentary delegation headed by Milyukov visited Europe. Gendarme general A.I. Spiridovich reported that he received operational information that "during a visit to some countries, some of the deputies received guidelines from the Masonic center with the promise of moral support in the fight against the government." This, according to Spiridovich, determined the beginning of an active struggle against him by the Left Opposition at the end of 1916.

 Starting from the end of December 1916, the Emperor learns more and more about the support of the ruling circles of England and France for the Duma and grand-ducal oppositionists.

 Speaking about the participation of the West in the overthrow of the monarchy in Russia, it would be wrong to represent it as a result of the activities of the national governments of England, France and the United States. Although the representatives of these governments took a lively part in organizing the coup d'etat, they primarily represented not the interests of their countries, but the interests of international financial groups. The headquarters of these financial groups was in the United States of America.

 The main residence of this center was in New York at 120 Broadway, in a 35-story skyscraper. [... !!!] By the way, William Schacht, the father of the future chief financier of Adolf Hitler, Hjalmar Horace Schacht, took part in the construction of this skyscraper. The 35th floor housed the Bankers' Club, where Morgan, Schiff, Baruch, Loeb and other "whales" of the American financial world gathered. The same building housed the offices and directors of the US Federal Reserve System, headed by the banker Warburg, a relative of Jacob Schiff. In addition, the skyscraper housed the American International Corporation office. The main shareholder of this company was the bank of the same Schiff "Kuhn and Loeb". At 120 Broadway was the office of John McGregor Grant, who represented the Petrograd banker D.G. Rubinstein. [... !!! ] US Military Intelligence Grant has been listed as a suspect. Grant, in turn, was closely associated with the banker "Grand Trust" banker Morgan. All these organizations took an active part in the February, and then in the Bolshevik revolutions. [.... !!! ]

 In the same Broadway building, there were always persons closely associated with the future leaders of the revolutionary governments. On Broadway 120 was the bank office of Veniamin Sverdlov, the brother of the Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov. [... !!! ] The famous English agent Sidney Reilly (Solomon Rosenblum), the main link between Trotsky, Sverdlov and American financial groups, also settled in the skyscraper. [!!!] Reilly was in close friendly relations with the banker Abram Zhivotovsky, the uncle of Leon Trotsky. [!!!] Alexander Weinstein, also a good friend of Reilly, was running his business on 120 Broadway. Weinstein's brother, Grigory Weinstein, was the owner of the Novy Mir newspaper. The composition of the editorial board of this newspaper is interesting: Bukharin, Volodarsky, Chudnovsky, Uritsky, Kollontai - all the future leaders of the Bolshevik government. [!!!]

 Another regular at the bankers' club was Sidney Reilly, the resident of the British intelligence officer William Weisman. It was through Reilly that Weissman reached out to the gray cardinal of American politics, Colonel House. [!!!] House long before Zbigniew Brzezinski expressed the idea that “the rest of the world will live more calmly if instead of huge Russia there are four Russia in the world. One is Siberia, and the rest is the divided European part of the country. " Weissman began to transmit information received from House to his immediate superiors in London, bypassing the British ambassador.

 Soon British politicians were actively involved in the preparation of a conspiracy against Emperor Nicholas II. First of all, these are Lord Alfred Milner [!!!], British Prime Minister D. Lloyd George [!!!] and the British Ambassador to Petrograd, Sir George Buchanan. [!!!] Milner maintained close ties with Weissman, and hence with American bankers, inhabitants of Broadway-120.

 What united such different people as the British lords, American financiers, Russian revolutionaries and British intelligence officers? Upon careful study of these people, it turns out that they were involved in secret societies, whose members were often consanguineous to each other.

 In 1891, a secret society called the Round Table was created in London. [... !!! ] This society has become one of the most influential forces in the formation and implementation of British imperial and foreign policy of the early twentieth century. Among the founding members of the society were, for example, Stead, Lord Asher, Lord Alfred Milner, Lord Rothschild, Lord Arthur Balfour and Sir George Buchanan, the future English ambassador to Russia. [... !!!] The main task of the group was to spread the British rule [!!!] to the whole world, as well as to introduce English as a world language, to create a single world government. [!!!]

 In 1904, Alfred Milner became the head of the Round Table. [... !!! ] He established the Rhodes Fellowship, which enabled select students from all over the world to study at Oxford University. Each of these students, in the most receptive period of his life, was inspired by the dream of the founder - One World Government.

 With the Round Table [... !!! ] was closely associated with Colonel Mandel House, he knew Milner well. Collaborated with the Round Table and Lloyd George. [!!!] Subsequently, during the Versailles Conference, Lloyd George's closest advisors were members of the Round Table. Through Rothschild, the Roundtable has ties in the United States with the Schiff, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller and Carnegie families. [!!!] Schiff, Warburgs, Aschberg generously financed Kaiser's Germany in its subversive activities directed against Russia. Beginning in 1914, the Germans subsidized the Russian Revolution through the International Warburg Bank [see. Siemens] in Hamburg. This bank provided money to revolutionaries in Russia through its representative offices in Sweden. [!!!] With the same money, German agents organized strikes and riots in Russia in 1915 and 1916. By the way, the main enemy of Russia in the German leadership was Chancellor Theobald Bethmann-Hollweg [!], Who was distantly related to Jacob Schiff. [!!!] It was Bethmann-Hollweg, without informing Wilhelm II, who gave the consent of the German government to Lenin's passage [!] Through Germany in the spring of 1917.

 <...> When it comes to the participation of secret organizations in the preparation and murder of the Royal Family, usually the nature of these organizations is defined by the following concepts: "world Freemasonry", "world Jewry" and "international financial capital". In fact, these are extremely simplified and, in their simplicity, very dangerous explanations of the problem. Dangerous primarily because they lead us away from the true culprits of unheard-of atrocities. Yes, among those who secretly decided the fate of the Royal Family were Masons, Jews and international oligarchs, but their participation does not explain the essence of the powerful force of which they were a part. Moreover, it seems that the true organizers of the Yekaterinburg atrocity were precisely interested in seeing this force, which they represented, either as Masons, or as Jews, or as financial oligarchs. In fact, these organizers just knew that their circle includes English lords, and German magnates, and American-Jewish bankers, and officers of all kinds of special services and intelligence services, but in fact all these lords, magnates, bankers and intelligence officers are not represent neither the interests of any people, nor the interests of any traditional religion, nor the interests of any national government.

 Speaking about the murder of the Royal Family, it is impossible to pass by a very strange group of people, representatives of certain circles in the United States. It was the United States that by the beginning of the twentieth century became the main center of the occult and sectarian world. And this is no coincidence. America emerged as a state of sects and secret organizations. Until now, the United States is a citadel of Mormons (their capital is Salt Lake City), Freemasonry (the main temple in Charleston), the Jewish secret order "B'nai Brit" (founded in New York), the Church of Scientology (center in Los Angeles), the so-called "Boston Church of Christ" (founded in Boston), the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (founded in New York) and many others. But the main secret order, which plays an extremely important role [!] In the life of the United States and other countries, is the so-called Order of the Illuminati. [!!!] The name of this community is conditional, and, most likely, we are talking about several different groups [!] And trends, united by the main strategic goal: the creation of a world government.

 The name "Illuminati" comes from the secret anti-Christian order of the Bavarian Illuminati, which arose on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt (Bavaria). But in fact, the ideology, symbolism and structure of the Bavarian Illuminati go back to the ancient magical communities of Ancient Egypt. In 1787, the Bavarian Illuminati Order, which in less than 10 years became a powerful organization, which included representatives of the nobility and the intellectual elite, was banned by the Bavarian authorities. But by this time, the order had spread to different states of Germany and even Europe. The Prussian king Frederick William I anxiously wrote to the Elector of Saxony Frederick Augustus: “I have now learned from a reliable source that one of the Masonic sects calling itself the Illuminati, after it was expelled from Bavaria, spread with incredible speed throughout Germany and in neighboring states. The basic rules of this sect are extremely dangerous, because they want nothing more or less than:

 1. To destroy not only Christianity, but also all religion.

 2. To release the subjects from the oath of allegiance to the monarch that they have taken.

 3. To instill, under the name of "human rights", their followers extravagant teachings that run counter to the legal order that exists in every state to preserve public peace and well-being; thereby inflame their imaginations, painting them a seductive picture of widespread anarchy, so that, under the pretext of overthrowing the tyrant's yoke, they refuse to fulfill the legitimate demands of the government.

 4. Allow themselves to use the most outrageous means to achieve their goal.

 Therefore, I consider it my duty to secretly notify the Saxon Court of this in order to persuade him to establish strict supervision over the Masonic lodges, especially since this brat will not fail to fan the flames of the uprising, which is now devastating France, everywhere. "

 The Prussian king knew what he was writing about. The Illuminati played a major role in the 1789 French Revolution and the Jacobin Terror. [!] By that time, the North American United States became the center of the Illuminati. Many Germanic Illuminati hastened to leave Europe and move to the British colonies in America. By the way, the German language could well become the state language of the United States of America. The German magazine Deutschland wrote: “German almost became the national language of the United States - so high was the percentage of immigrants from Germany. Between 1815 and 1914 alone, approximately 5.5 million Germans emigrated to the United States. Their influence was very significant for a long time: in 1890, almost 800 German newspapers were published in the USA and Canada. No other country in the world except the United States has so many German-language newspapers with more than a century of history - even in Germany itself ... ”.

 The German Illuminati initially played a leading role in the American state. A close secret bond continued to exist between the American Illuminati and the German Illuminati.

 The modern state symbols of the United States include Illuminati attributes. Suffice it to say that the US government seal depicts a truncated pyramid with an all-seeing eye (the symbol of the Illuminati). On the base of the pyramid, the date of the foundation of the Bavarian Illuminati Order is inscribed in Roman numerals: May 1, 1776. (It seems that this is where the May Day holiday comes from.)

 In addition, the state emblem and seal include the number 13, also one of the main numbers of the Illuminati symbolism (thirteen leaves on a branch in the eagle's right paw and thirteen arrows on the left, thirteen letters on the ribbon in the eagle's beak, thirteen steps of the pyramid, and so on. ). Above the pyramid is a slogan with the main goal of the Illuminati: "New World Order". [!!!]

 - (Petr Valentinovich Multatuli. "The road to Golgotha. Bearing witness of Christ to death ...". 2009).

 __ “Presidents are a creature of Freemasonry.

 ... we replaced the ruler with a caricature of the government - a president taken ... from among our creatures, our slaves.

 This was the foundation of the mine we planted under the goy people, or rather, under the goy people. " (Minutes No. 10).

 <...> The monetary contribution of Russian industrialists (Morozov, Schmidt) cannot be compared with the monetary “contributions” to the revolution in Russia of the Jewish bankers of the USA, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Sweden - Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Paul, Felix and Max Warburgs, Judas Magnes, Otto Kahn, Jacob H. Rubin, Jerome Hanauer, Max Brightung, Isaac Seligman, Olof Ashberg, Abram Zhivotovsky, the American banking house "Kuhn, Loeb and Co" and others.

 <...> Yakov Schiff did not even hide the fact that through him funds for the revolutionary movement came to Russia ...

 - (Eduard Khodos. "Jewish tornado or Ukrainian ransom in thirty pieces of silver". 2007).

 __ On Ilyinka, in the building of the former General Department of the CPSU Central Committee, where the residence of a then new organization for Aerospace Monitoring and Control (space disarmament), headed by the Secretary of the Russian Security Council O.I. Lobov, where the guards were almost like in the Kremlin (since there was a repository of Done Secret Documents), there was also the office of the Goldman Sachs bankers ...!

 - Passing along the corridor, I read the sign on their door: "Goldman Sachs - Advisers to the President of the Russian Federation BN Yeltsin."

 Today, the fifth column in the passport (nationality), which has been canceled, is (!) The main pass to power: first go to Paris, or London, - and there, if you pass an interview, only after that you will receive an appointment to the post of deputy minister, or by anyone else. in Russia. [The St. Petersburg historian A.V. Ostrovsky - appointment of markSISta in the 3rd generation E.T. Gaidar for the post of Prime Minister of Russia happened after his secret trip to the City of London].

 Here is the real SIS theme of the RF today. This is what we have become.

 The intellectual and moral level of people in power was extremely low. For example: In 1996 Yeltsin B.N. summoned Rem Vyakhirev to his office (in 1992 - 2001 he was the chairman of the board of OAO Gazprom. He had a nickname - the "gas king" of Russia ...) and told him: chairman ... So, if you don't pay me $ 1 billion within a week, then you can forget about the position. "

 After this conversation, R. Vyakhirev urgently sent his representative to Paris to meet with the banker Rothschild, who personally came to Moscow to positively resolve this issue.

 Hence the conclusion: The link between Russian oligarchs and Western global bankers is straightforward. It is not for nothing that all of them, under the chairman of the KGB, Yu.V. Andropov (Lieberman), taught at a joint (London-Kremlin) institute with an office in Austria - IIASA-1972. Those. all of them since that time have been involved in the world (global) corruption SIS topic.

In 1995, the well-known financier of terrorists and mafia B.A. Berezovsky in The Wall Street Journal openly published his famous interview, in which he bluntly said: We are seven bankers who own 60% of Russia's national wealth. But we do not have all the political levers, so we set the task of taking absolutely all political levers in Russia under our control. For these purposes, the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) was created in 1996. And in all these "newfangled" undertakings, the leading role, not really advertising itself, was played by the State Security Committee (KGB of the USSR). [This was written by the historian A.P. Shevyakin - "KGB against the USSR"; and researcher O. Grechenevsky - "The origins of our" democratic "regime.]

 Reference: the RJC Presidium includes:

 Mikhail Fridman (Co-owner and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Alfa Group consortium, member of the Supervisory Board of VimpelCom Ltd., member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, founder and member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the 2006 Public Chamber of Convocation, National Council for corporate governance, the International Advisory Council on Foreign Relations (USA), in 1995-1998 he was a member of the board of directors of the Russian Public Television (ORT) association, as well as the board of directors of SIDANCO Oil Company and Perekrestok Trading House .. In November 2002, the Liberian tanker Prestige, carrying 77,000 tons of Russian fuel oil and owned by Friedman's Alpha Group Crown Resources, sank off the coast of Galicia, causing an environmental disaster off the coast of Spain. disaster Spanish newspaper El Mundo called Friedman "Dirty Mikhail" analogies with "Dirty Harry". The total damage was estimated at one and a half billion euros, but no culprit was identified.In 2017, the investment company LetterOne, of which Mikhail Fridman is one of the founders, acquired a 29% stake in the Spanish supermarket chain Dia, which has 8,000 stores.

 Has a gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (July 25, 1996) - for active participation in organizing and conducting the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation (Boris Yeltsin) in 1996. An Israeli citizen, permanently residing in London (RBK, dated April 14, 2017), a close friend of B. Berezovsky and V. Surkov. In 2019, the Friedman-controlled DEA (headquarters in Hamburg) invested more than € 2 billion in oil and gas production in Norway. The German oil and gas company Wintershall (part of the BASF concern) completed the merger with DEA ​​(Deutsche Erdoel AG), which is controlled by the LetterOne group (L1, manages the assets of the Alfa Group owners headed by Mikhail Fridman ...);

 Leonard Blavatnik (Arthur Andersen & Co., Macy's Department Stores, General Atlantic Partners, TNK-BP, Deeside Aluminum, Access Industries (Abramovich's partner in the Skolkovo project, and Chubais (RAO EEC ”), in May 2011“ Access Industries ”acquired the record company“ Warner Music Group ”for 3.3 billion dollars),“ EnergiBolaget i Sverige AB. ”June 17, 2017 Queen Elizabeth II was admitted to the honorary knights of Britain - has the title of Knight Bachelor with the title "sir.");

 Leonid Melamed (2006-2008 - President, member of the Board of Directors of MTS OJSC, 2008-2011 - President of AFK Sistema. 2011-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema. 2010-2012 - Chairman of the Board directors of OAO RussNeft, since 2012 - founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Team Drive (specializing in the management of large projects and venture capital funds), member of the Board of Directors of RusnanoMedInvest and NovaMedica, member of the Government Commission for the Coordination of Activities Of the Open Government, member of the Expert Council under the Government (Open Government), member of the Governmental Commission on Competition and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, member of the Council on Public-Private Partnership under the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, member of the Council on Special Chemistry and New Materials under the Military Industrial Commission, head of the working group on mechanical engineering, technology and new materials at the Military Pro thought commission ...);

 Boris Mints (Chubais Bank - Otkritie Financial Corporation (sanitized by the Putin-Medvedev government). From 1994 to 1996 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation, from 1996 to 2000 - Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on Local Self-Government Issues, Secretary of the Council for local self-government in the Russian Federation, chaired by the President of the Russian Federation, Boris N. Yeltsin. From 2001 to 2003 - General Director of LLC Media-Holding REN TV, which headed at the suggestion of Anatoly Chubais. Since 2000, a member of the executive committee of the Gaidar Party SPS. In 2004, he founded the investment company O1 Group. He is a full-time state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class, founder and chairman of the board of the Yegor Gaidar International Fund and Prize, member of the Board of Governors of Tel Aviv University, vice-president of the International Jewish Congress. works of artists of the late XIX - early XX century, patron ... Now (cf. one of the other Kremlin-Lubyanka celestials) lives in London.);

 German Zakharyaev (born in 1971, Krasnaya Sloboda, Azerbaijan SSR - famous businessman, vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress, president of the international charitable foundation of mountain Jews STMEGI, in May 2019 was awarded the Order of Friendship (Russia));

 Andrey Rappoport (1991-1996 - Chairman of the Board of CIB "Alfa-Bank", 1997-1998 - First Vice President of the united company "Yukos-Rosprom", 1998-2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC RAO "UES of Russia", 2004-2008 - Member of the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia, 2002-2009 - Chairman of the Management Board of FGC UES, 2011-2016 - President of the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, 2012-2013 - First Deputy and Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of Rusnano, since September 2016 - Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, while working at RAO UES of Russia, he was responsible for the most conflict-prone regions - the North Caucasus and the Far East in the energy concern. them, accompanied by two companies of the FSB with machine guns "...

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2009 in the field of science and technology.);

 David Yakobashvili (In 1992, one of the founders (+ S.A. Plastinin, M. Dubinin) of Wimm-Bill-Dann. In 2002, the company conducted an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange, becoming the first Russian food company, At the same time, without hiding information about the conviction of the company's shareholder Gavriil Yushvaev, he founded the Trinity auto show with D. Yakobashvili in 1989. In 1993, together with the Swedish company B. Lindvalla and the Olby concern, owned by the entrepreneur Oleg Boyko, rebuilt the largest gambling complex in the capital and opened the Cherry casino and the Metelitsa night club on Novy Arbat. own parking at Sheremetyevo airport Owner of RusAgroProject holding In 2018 - together with businessmen I. Nakaidze (director of Petrocas Energy Group) and A. Japaridze owned a controlling stake (51%) of Petrocas Energy Group. Yes, Rosneft and Petrocas Energy Limited have announced the creation of a joint venture in the field of logistics and retail sales in the Caucasus. Rosneft acquired 49% of Petrocas. In 2017, Yakobashvili, together with partners, began buying and selling gold, tin, tantalum, cobalt and other raw materials from Africa - he has stakes in two companies in Africa: Tams (Rwanda) and Coproco (Democratic Republic of the Congo). In 1999 he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Agrocomplex Gorki-2 (in 2009 he left management). In 2005, he became a member of the board of directors of ZAO 4th Moscow Melkombinat (sold in February 2014). In 2010-2011, he was a member of the Board of Directors of ANK Bashneft OJSC (transferred to the state in 2014). In 2011, he was elected an independent member of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema. Since 2011, Yakobashvili has invested in real estate, construction and renovation of Monaco, two Monegasque companies S.A.R.L SERBAT and DIMIL are registered on Yakobashvili. Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (The first president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (from 1990 to 2005) was A. Volsky (assistant to the chairman of the KGB V.Yu. Andropov-Lieberman). Currently (since 2005) - A. Shokhin (since 1987) - Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, then - Head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Communist. Was Deputy Chairman of the Political Council "Our Home - Russia", in 2002-2005 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the investment group "Renaissance Capital". Since February 2003 - Chairman of the Expert Council at the Federal Commission for the Securities Market (FCSM of Russia). Since 2004 - Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party)).

 Yakobashvili - Chairman of the Committee for Corporate Social Responsibility and Demographic Policy of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Chairman of the Joint Ethics Commission at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. President of the Research and Production Group "InOil". Chairman of the Board of Directors of NP "Commonwealth of Manufacturers of Branded Trademarks" Rusbrand. Head of the Russian-American Council of Business Cooperation. Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction and Utilities of the Russian Federation. Member of the General Council of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia". Member of the World Economic Forum in Davos and Business Twenty (B20). Independent member of the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC. Member of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association. Member of the Presidential International Council of New York University (NYU). Member of the Board of Trustees: Higher School of Economics; Business Schools Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; French University College in Russia; Mstislav Rostropovich Scholarship Fund, State Hermitage Museum, All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, Russian Military Historical Society ... 2018). but a good deed ”, a state award (2017). Order of Merit for the Italian Republic, Officer's degree (2016). Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation (May 2015). The best independent director in the TOP-1000 Russian Managers-2015 Rating. Kommersant Prize in the Success and Choice of Hall nominations (2012). Commemorative award of the Association of Independent Directors "Best Chairman of the Board of Directors-2008". Commemorative sign "For works in charity" of the first degree of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate (2005). Certificate of Appreciation from the Government of the Russian Federation for active participation in the implementation of the tasks of modernizing the economy (2003). Council of Europe Medal of Merit "Pro Merito Medal-2003". "Entrepreneur of the Year 2003" (Ernst & Young). Person of the Year 2002 (RBC). Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" (1997) ...;

 Evgenia Albats (journalist, political scientist, public figure and writer. Editor-in-chief of The New Times magazine. Presenter of the author's program on the radio station Echo of Moscow "Full Albats", as well as a regular guest of the "Minority opinion" program. Grandfather Efraim Mikhailovich Albats was a member of the Bund and in 1915 he returned from Switzerland to make a revolution in Russia ... From 1986 to 1992 she worked as a columnist for the newspaper “Moscow News.” In 1989, Albats received the main prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR “Golden Pen.” In 1990 - Alfred's scholarship Friendly Press Fellowship (Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship), which allowed journalists from developing countries to gain experience in American publications; in the same year, Albats temporarily collaborated with the Chicago Tribune.From 1993 to 2000 - a member of the Pardon Commission under the President of the Russian Federation - Yeltsin B N. In 2004, she completed her doctorate at Harvard University, where she received her Ph.D. degree in political science, defended her his thesis on the topic "Bureaucracy and Russian Transformation: the Politics of Adjustment." Taught at Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Chicago Universities, Pennsylvania State University, Duke University. Until January 2011, she was a professor at the Higher School of Economics, taught at the Department of General Political Science of the Faculty of Applied Political Science. In 2010, she signed an appeal by the Russian opposition "Putin must leave" ...);

 Julius Gusman (Founder and artistic director of the first National Prize of the Russian Academy of Cinematic Arts - Nika Prize, permanent member of the KVN jury, member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. Order of Friendship (May 20, 2004, Russia) - for many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and Art Order "Glory" (November 15, 2013, Azerbaijan) - for services in strengthening mutual cultural ties between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation. Order "Friendship" (August 1, 2018, Azerbaijan) - for many years of fruitful work in the development of cultural ties between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation (September 27, 1993) - for services in the field of cinematography. People's Artist of Azerbaijan (March 9, 2002) - for services in the development of the cinematography of Azerbaijan. Honored Art Worker of Azerbaijan. Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation Federation (11 July 1996 ) - for active participation in the organization and conduct of the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. in 1996);

 Berl Lazar (born in 1964 in Italy (the Jewish community of Milan). In 1978, after graduating from a general Jewish school, he entered the rabbinical college of New Jersey (USA). Then, in 1982, he continued his studies at the yeshiva "Tomhei Tmimim" in New York and graduated from it in 1988 with a diploma of a rabbi with the rank of dayan.In 1991 (according to other sources since 1989) he became the rabbi of the Moscow synagogue in Maryina Roshcha.In the early 1990s he participated in the activities of the Congress of Jewish Religious organizations and communities of Russia (KEROOR); one of the active participants in the founding congress of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (April 30, 2014) - for the achieved labor success, a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, merits in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the rule of law and law and order, long-term conscientious work, active legislative and public activities Order of Friendship (March 30, 2004) - for merits in development and spiritual culture and strengthening friendship between peoples. December 1, 2004 was awarded the public order of Minin and Pozharsky. On September 5, 2005, he was awarded the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree. Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (2006). Medal “Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 200 years. " (2002). On May 31, 2005 in Moscow, at the 19th meeting of the Russian organizing committee "Victory", the Chief Rabbi of Russia was awarded a commemorative medal "60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". The diploma attached to the medal and signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin says that "the medal was awarded for active participation in the patriotic education of citizens and a great contribution to the preparation of the Victory anniversary."

 The Chabad sect generally considers the Nazi and General of the 3rd Reich V. Kanaris (chief of the Abwehr) - "the righteous of the peoples of the world" ... !!! (NOT at least Marshal G.K. Zhukov ...!). Nickname - "personal rabbi of the Kremlin and the KGB".);

 Henry Reznik (In 1962-1966 - Investigator of the Investigative Department of the District Internal Affairs Directorate in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata). In 1969-1982 he worked at the All-Union Institute for the Study of the Causes and Development of Crime Prevention Measures of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. In 1982-1985 - Head of the Laboratory of the All-Union Institute for the Improvement of Workers Since 1989 - a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group. Since 1996 - a member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. Since November 2005 - a member of the Public Chamber. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (1998). Vice-President of the Moscow Bar Association. December 3, 2018. Council under the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin) on the development of civil society and human rights ... Member of the Presidium of the National Anti-Corruption Committee ...);

 Gennady Khazanov (Soviet and Russian pop artist, theater and film actor, worked at the Mosconcert since 1971, later directed the Moscow Variety Theater. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996). Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit before the Fatherland. "Member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. In April 1993, during the constitutional crisis in Russia, he supported Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin in his confrontation with the Supreme Soviet (October 1993), taking part in the pro-presidential campaign" Yes —Yes — no — yes ", timed to coincide with the referendum on April 25, 1993. In the 1996 elections, he was a confidant of Boris Yeltsin.

 On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for a third term. Member of the Public Council under the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

1996 - Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation (July 11, 1996) - for active participation in organizing and conducting the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996. In 2000 - Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree (November 29, 2000) - for a great contribution to the development of Russian pop art. 2005 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (December 1, 2005) - for his great contribution to the development of theatrical art and many years of creative activity. 2005 - National Prize "Russian of the Year" in the nomination "Art and Culture" - for many years of talented service to art, an outstanding contribution to the development of Russian theater. 2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (December 1, 2010) - for an outstanding contribution to the development of Russian pop art and many years of creative activity. 2015 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (December 1, 2015) - for great services in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity);

 Mikhail Chlenov (Soviet and Russian ethnographer, orientalist and public figure. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology (Judaism and Hebraic Studies) of the Maimonides State Classical Jewish Academy in Moscow; Deputy Director of the Center for Judaism and Jewish Civilization at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov. Member of the Presidium of the World Zionist Organization, member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Agency "Sokhnut", Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. In 1971 he began to study Hebrew, has been teaching this language since 1972. In 1981 he created the Jewish Historical and Ethnographic Commission.

 Mikhail Berger (journalist, teacher and radio host, economic observer. Since 2009, General Director of the United Media holding. At various times he was the editor-in-chief of the Internet edition "Daily Journal", the magazine "Business Chronicle", the newspaper "Segodnya". Since 2006 also General Director of the Rumedia media holding (owner VS Lisin) Member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2016 in the field of mass media (December 3, 2016) - for the creation of a unique format of the first business radio and its sustainable dynamic development. Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of mass media (January 13, 2017));

 Mikhail Zhvanetsky (1978-1991 - member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. 1990 - present time - President of the World Club of Odessa residents. 1994 - Knight of the Order of Friendship of Peoples (February 28, 1994) - for merits in the field of pop art. 1994 - Laureate of the non-state Russian prize " Triumph "for 1993. (Founder of the" Triumph "prize - the" Triumph-Logovaz "Foundation (created by Boris Berezovsky)) 1994 - laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup, international festival" MORE SMEHA ", Riga. 1994/1997 - honorary citizen Odessa 1999 - honorary title "People's Artist of Ukraine" (September 8, 1999). 2001 - honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" (September 24, 2001). 2002 - Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art 2001 of the year (January 30, 2002). 2002 - the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea." 2006 - Mikhail Zhvanetsky's program "Duty in the Country" became a laureate of the Russian national television award and "TEFI-2006" in the category "Professions" in the category "Entertainment program: humor". 2009 - Commander of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (March 6, 2009) - for his great contribution to the development of literature and pop art. 2009 - By the decision of the session of the Odessa City Council on April 5, 2009, Art Boulevard (former Komsomolsky Boulevard) in the city of Odessa was renamed into Mikhail Zhvanetsky Boulevard in honor of the 75th anniversary of the birth of the satirist writer. 2012 - the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" (March 21, 2012) - for great services in the field of cinematographic, musical, theatrical, choreographic and circus arts. 2019 - Commander of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (February 27, 2019) - for his great contribution to the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity. Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

 Grigory Kroshner (Major General of Justice, Advisor to the Prosecutor General of Russia, Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia, awarded the Orders of Honor and the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces", as well as 28 medals, including foreign ones, and the highest award of the Ministry Justice - the Medal of Anatoly Koni, twice awarded with personalized firearms by the Minister of Defense and the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the badge of honor "For Service in the Military Prosecutor's Office No. 1" ... Vice-President of the Russian Jewish Congress);

 Andrey Kozyrev (First Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from October 11, 1990 to January 5, 1996. Deputy of the State Duma of the 1st and 2nd convocations. Member of the RJC. In 1974 - graduated from MGIMO of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international relations. He worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in various positions.Member of the CPSU since 1973. After leaving government posts (1996) - a businessman ... In December 1991, he participated in the preparation of the Belovezhsky agreement on the termination of the existence of the USSR and on the creation of the CIS.October 20, 1993 By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was appointed a member of the Security Council of Russia. From December 1993 to January 2000 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 1st and 2nd convocations. Elected in the 116th single-mandate constituency of the Murmansk region. "Russia's Choice." In the State Duma of the 1st convocation - a member of the Committee on International Affairs and a member of the Subcommittee on International Cultural, Scientific and Humanities cooperation. In the State Duma of the II convocation - a member of the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance (until March 12, 1997) and a member of the Committee on North Problems (since March 12, 1997). He actively participated in operations on the GKO market, where speculations, according to the former Prosecutor General Yu. Skuratov, became one of the reasons for the default in August 1998. In January 1998, he was elected a member of the board of directors of the American corporation ICN Pharmaceuticals. Since January 2000 - Vice President of the International Pharmaceutical Corporation ICN - General Director of the Corporation for Eastern Europe. 2007-2012 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC AKB Investtorgbank. Since May 2001 - Member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. He lives with his family in Miami (USA) ... Nickname - "Dudayev's Foreign Intelligence Advisor" - she is "Lazanskaya Mafia" - BA's criminal "roof" Berezovsky / Abramovich);

 Andrei Makarevich (Soviet, Russian and Israeli musician, singer, poet, bard, composer, producer, TV presenter, leader and member of the Time Machine rock group. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). Member of the public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress His maternal grandfather, Mark (Mordukh) Elievich Shmuylovich (d. 1951) - originally from the village of Pustoshki, was a shoemaker, a member of the Bund (Marxist-Leninists). His maternal grandmother Maria Moiseevna (Merisya Moishevna) Blyakhman (1902-1978), also a native of Vitebsk, was a forensic expert and pathologist of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MUR) Great-grandfather Moisey (Moisha-Shmul) Blyakhman was a shoikhet (reznik) at one of the synagogues in Vitebsk.

 After Vladimir Putin came to power, Makarevich repeatedly spoke generally positively about the President's activities, but he himself was not a member of any official organizations ... On May 24, 2003, at a Paul McCartney concert in Moscow, Makarevich sat next to President Putin. Later, recalling this story, he said that he did not see anything bad in communicating with the president, treated him with sympathy, moreover, he did not strive for Putin's box himself, but was invited there. This position for a certain part of the public was the reason to accuse Makarevich of "compromising with the authorities." Andrei, in particular, then said: "For many years the communist regime did not suit me. ... it burst. And what should I do the next day ... start fighting the new regime, right?" Makarevich said more than once that he was not ashamed of his speech in which he deliberately supported the coming to power of Dmitry Medvedev, for whom he himself voted and on whom he pinned certain hopes ... In 2010, he was one of those who held a warm welcome to President D. Medvedev (Meeting of rock musicians, among whom were the leaders of the groups: "Serga" - Sergei Galanin, "Aquarium" - Boris Grebenshchikov, "Accident" - Alexei Kortnev, "Time Machine" - Andrey Makarevich, "Bi-2" - Alexander Uman , "Chaif" - Vladimir Shakhrin, as well as the leader of the ex-group "Agatha Christie" Vadim Samoilov and the leader of the "Pilot" group Ilya Knabenghof, presented several surprises by performing both their own songs and foreign hits from rock classics). In 2010 he was nominated to the Board of Directors of Channel One (ORT). He was also a member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Arts ... On February 3, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation, oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov (President - Chairman of the Board of ONEXIM Bank. President of JSCB ROSBANK. General Director, Chairman of the Board of MMC " Norilsk Nickel. General Director of OJSC Polyus Gold ... Chief builder (together with Rusnano of Chubais) of the Optogan plant for the production of LED lamps, a project for the production of a hybrid Yo-mobile ... In 2004 he received the Order of Friendship (Russia). 2014 - received the Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st degree. In 2019, the Certificate of Merit of the President of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin) - for active charitable work). In 2013, Makarevich supported the candidacy of the well-known SISdark oppositionist (in 2010, on the recommendation of Garry Kasparov, Evgenia Albats (REC), Sergei Guriev, he underwent six months of training at Yale University under the Yale World Fellows program) Alexei Navalny in the mayoral elections in Moscow. Makarevich has a Letter of Commendation from the President of the Russian Federation (July 11, 1996) - “for active participation in organizing and conducting the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996”. Order of Honor (June 24, 1999) - "for services in the development of musical art" and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the group. Honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" (November 22, 1999) - for great services in the field of art. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (December 9, 2003) - "for a great contribution to the development of musical art" and in connection with his personal 50th birthday ... from V.V. Putin.);

 Yakov Urinson (Doctor of Economics. Professor Emeritus of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Jewish Congress (RJC). In 1972-1991 he worked in the Main Computing Center of the State Planning Committee of the USSR. In March 1997 - September 1998 - Minister of Economy of Russia. In March 1997 - April 1998 - Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. Since December 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Permenergo ". Since January 1999 - chief expert of RAO" UES of Russia ". Since January 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO" UES of Russia "Anatoly Chubais. Head of the Corporate Center of RAO" UES of Russia "November 6, 2008 - appointed member of the Management Board, Deputy General Director Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies. 2011-2016 - Chairman of the Board of Directors Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Strategy" (OJSC)).

 Since May 14, 2009, Yuri Kanner has been elected President of the RJC (In 1976, after graduating from the Saratov Institute of Economics, he was assigned to the village of Nizhnyaya Tavda in the Tyumen region, where he later became deputy chairman of the Bolshevik collective farm, one of the largest in Siberia. On September 2, 2009 in Moscow, the chairman of the Jewish Agency (Sokhnut), a former citizen of the USSR Natan Sharansky (holder of two highest American awards - the Gold Medal of the US Congress (1986; - from the 40th US President - R. Reagan) and the Presidential Medal Freedom (2006; - from the 43rd President of the United States - D. Bush (Jr.)), laureate of the Israel Prize (2016)) and President of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Yuri Kanner signed an agreement on strategic cooperation in the field of Jewish education in Russia. Kanner has been a member of the Public Council of the Moscow Jewish Film Festival since 2017. Has been living in Moscow since 1993. Candidate of Economic Sciences).

 - The biggest corrupt officials in the USSR, according to Matuzov, were the entire circle of M.S. Gorbachev. (A.V. Ostrovsky also writes about this).

 You will recall the meeting of the Politburo in 1985 at which it was decided to hold a Plenum in 1986 due to the blatant corruption in the upper ranks of power ... It was M. Gorbachev who canceled this Plenum and thereby gave all the levers of control into the hands of corrupt officials ... acted under false slogans ("perestroika") ... The KGB leaders, who were hiding behind all this, are to blame for everything, first of all - O. Kuusinen, General Yu. Andropov, General E.P. Pitovranov (after the assassination of Stalin, he left for the GDR, where he headed the entire residency in Europe), Bobkov, ... etc. They acted cunningly and imperceptibly through the communist movements - the French Communist Party ("Euro-Communists"), through the Portuguese, Italian, Czechoslovakian ... and other countries. Where Freemasons ruled everyone ... Although these words (Freemasons, Zionism, conspiracy theories) are forbidden to pronounce in Russia today! The West ("Masters of money" - see V.Yu. Katasonov) through them in every possible way supported the so-called "perestroika", headed by Andropov and Gorbachev ... They benefited from total corruption and rampant criminals: "fish are better caught in troubled waters" ... After 1982, after the death of L.I. Brezhnev, some people from the West began to come to the USSR abruptly. They were received ... Some kind of negotiations were going on behind closed doors! about which the Society knew nothing.

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