Adrian Mario G.

THE STARRY SKY - 2013 (2012 scenario)


NOTE > AFTER SYNOPTICS THE H.Q. OF THE CONSPIRACY. (missing synoptic of the not casted, second, movie scenario.)


It was intended to have 2 parts but the producer refused to finance the secod. (nobody here wanted that on TV..) Hence I made a short version here > . I never get that translated but here is the synopsis:

The title is borrowed from Kant: "The ultimate truth is the STARRY SKY and the moral law inside us."

2013 part begins with the texts of the mason-alchemist Newton about the start-time of Apocalypse and Messiah coming. His texts point the coming of Messiah around 2030-2040. Until then ALL events in Apocalypse must occur . Hence Newton made the schedule of NWO. Also he made the absurd theory of gravity which leads over time to CERN-LC. He never explained the NATURE of gravity, only his calculus. Hence that lead straight to LHC, in order to discover the "gravity-particle". It was an alchemical PLOT. That's why he was a high-mason leader of the conspiracy. His apocalyptic texts are today in Tel-Aviv library. Bought by a friend of Einstein...

Also, Newton could calculate the path of asteroids which could hit the Earth... Hence 2012 was false so (today) 2020 is correct as 2012. It's about Gregorian-Julian calendars also shown in the movie. Pope Gregorius was a "Drako-ritter"... He "changed the times" as stated in jewish apocriphal txts and coptic Bible - "The Beast will change even the times!" / Rev.

Then, a comparison of Jewish myths (Bible) with Greek stories (Hesiod/Ovid especially). Because alchemy is related to both, as Apocalypse too. The birth from a maid (virgin) + Zeus-seed as "light/gold", was told 350-500 years earlier as Gospels, by the story of Danae giving birth to Perseus - the hero slaining the Hydra. Perseus the hero, will marry Andromeda - his name means "the leader of humanity". See the "bride of jesus" the Galilee wedding, in Gospels.... Andromeda is also a colluding galaxy with ours.. billion years later. 

Also the flood is in the Greek myths: Deucalion & Phyrra. Then Titanomachia/Hesiod . Where Olympians thrown the Titans in Tartar and RESHAPED THE UNIVERSE. See "the builders forgot the stone"... in Psalms. Is a similar story as Lucifer thrown in the bottomless pit. Might be the same story, in another culture (greek). Hesiod explains the speed of light! As some vedas too. Precision in the Vedas = 99,7%. 

Many other similar myths and also technology such as : doubling the sum (usury calculation), computer (Heron) photocopy with iron(III)-gall ink - naturally photosensitive recipe (Pergamon.. the recipe was copied by Daguerre from an Athos monastery..) etc. Everything known by Greeks and Gnostics from Alexandria + Pergamon. Including LHC blueprint = Cleopatras Chrisopoeia = the machine for "goldening a God" (Lucifer inside Earth) That blueprint is the "key to bottomless pit". The key given to Astera-Proinos (Wormwood=cursed in jewish), Jesus and Abbadon-Apollion, the destruction god which is by Indians, Shiva (present at CERN today) We would say today - a "black-hole"-key. The black-hole mechanics is explained in lay terms. 

Shiva-Abbadon-Apollion at CERN-LHC

The school of Pythagora was the forerunner of Masonry: secrecy and death-punishment for sharing secrets.. Pythagora learned in Egypt. The old Pythagora-Theory (at least 2600 years old) is shown as the basis of LHC-CERN via Cleopatras Chrisopoeia. There is a Universe and counter-Universe by Pythagora ( called Chton-Antichton) They are separated by Pyros the recreating fire of Zeus (Zeus reside in the 12th dimension). They have counter-times (that's pretty oficial today in some science-models..) Because they have reverse times, Chton-Antichton cannot interact! That is the secret wisdom.

We can count the rotation of Chton-Antichton on the precessional zodiac. This is the REVERSE movement of sky-constellations around Drako constellation! The exact Axis-Mundi of precessional rotation is on the Cat's Eye nebula.

When time and countertime (on precessional zodiac) show the SAME HOUR, the two worlds can INTERACT. That is twice at 25920 years = [6x6x6!] Once in Aquarius, once in Lion (when the pyramids were build). At those precessional hours is "time" to do Apocalypse! Both "hours" are described in Apocalypse. One now (Aquarius) one in the Lion where the big-masses "will be destroyed by fire from his breath". At "apocalypse time", you can "resurrect" a God from shattered human pieces. The light-grains. The two key moments have been known by stoics from Asia Minor (hence Pergamon) as Ekpyrosis (in Lion) and Apocatastasis (in Aquarius). Where in Aquarius was the GEAT - FLOOD caused by the fall of the Morning Star! See Rev 9/Wormwood. See also the Story of Phaeton in Ovidius Metamorphoses, books I-II ! 

That's why Apocalypse have a precise moment and is NOT (as Gospels states) unknown! We cannot know the HOUR exactly, but initiates can know the years and period precisely. Ad that is a high secret! As apocriph texts states, that period begins with a series of Red-Moon eclipses - That was the exact basis of Newtons calculations! PIN-POINT. Those occur in 2012 on the Julian old calender (coptic now) or 2020 on the Gregorian... + 10 years for the events themselves = 2030/NWO-UNO agenda. After, Messiah comes on earth for only 1000 years. Then another 25920 years/2 period until Lion.... 

I explain a bit the string-theory and show how the mass occurs until the 6th dimension. Those mass-particles are called Fermions (see: The math theory of strings show matter has a Coexter group order equal to 2 x [6x6x6!] = E6 group. [ that was my calculation stricty congruent with the official theory! Is unbelievable the 6x6x6! calc... but 100% scientifically correct] Above 7th dim. is energy/light with no mass = Bosons... and no DEATH!!! There is the ANGELS-WORLD (present in Aristotle De-Caelo too, as 9 crystal-spheres. (+3 dim =12 dim as in Pythagora..) The crystal-spheres (the throne-scene) are played there. In the 7th "energy-dimension" where John was "taken in the spirit". From that higher world we look as "Flatland" - See "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" by Edwin Abbott ( a high mason..)

Greek myths show a battle as David against Canaanites: The Olympians threw the titans in Tartarus - the bottomless pit in Apocalypse. Maybe the same scene as the battle between Lucifer and Michael? Here LHC science comes along - the construction of Cleopatras Chrisopoeia. To release maybe the "titans"?? It is related to the microchip. Just as with the Titans, the David-line want to send our souls in Tartarus. BC we (Goy) belong to Titans souls... not Morning Star. Greeks remember the Titans period as the Golden Age of Humanity. Before the fall of Lucifer/Phaeton... Titanomachia.

I explain the precessional sky (25920 years) having as Axis-Mundi a nebula - Cat's Eye (dragon's eye) inside the Dragon constellation. A revolution -compete- around that axis mundi is 6x6x6! = 25920 years as said. Is called the Great Platonic Year, and was known by Stoics + Pythagora. Stoics lived near Pergamon and 7 churches. Many exact astronomical data have 25920 as basis - everything material obeys that 6x6x6! rule.... 666+333=999. That is the maximal number in Isopsephy/Gematria = ϡ Ϙ θ > hence Alpha-Omega in the Apocalypse. 999+1=1k the full. THe material world made by Olympians = 666. Hence Lucifer-AsteraProinos = 333.. symbolic of masons. The rebuilders of Lucifer.

I speak also about the Dragon. Dragon = DRAKO in greek. DRAKEIN = "the well-seeing one". That is: Lucifer on the dollar bill. He is now in the worldwide cameras! The Dragon fell on earth in Transylvania (today Romania) - the Carpathian Mountains are similar to the picture of the dragon constellation . Dacians had the dragon flag.. Also the story of Dracula (see drako) comes from here. In the place where it fell, there are thousand tons of gold even today - Red Montana (Rosia Montana). That gold is UNTOUCHED by the conspiracy, even Soros interdicted the exploitation! The dragon constellation + axis mundi (nebula Cat's Eye) looks like a mirror of Carpathians + gold-place. Herschel discovered that Cat's Eye. It has a green fingerprint. In contrast to "the beast" having a purple color. But purple don't exist. Is imaginary between UV +IR! 

I detailed the construction of the computer - was invented at John's times (year 50-100 AD) by Heron of Alexandria and was known in Pergamon science center/Library. With punch-card memory for a mechanical organon. Another Greek computer was found: is Antikythera. Hence the Greeks from Asia-Minor knew computers! A jesuit / Kircher revived that punch-card computer around 1700 / Musurgia-Universalis. [he found the texts in the secret Vatican Lib.] This is the basis of Hollerich machine - the census machine invented in USA/1925 and used at Auschwitz (Rev 14:1-8 "first fruit"). Hollerich machine was the BASIS OF IBM (eye-bee-mark). Next-step: the microchip. This microchip is tied to LHC via www, in order to send people-souls to Hell /Tartarus. The link is made via WWW, again invented at CERN! Is an alchemical plot to send souls to Hell. Just as Olimpians did with the Titans. Or maybe David with Canaanites/Goliath. (CERN is a particle-slingshot, see David-Goliath) Is also the Nibelungen-Ring in Nordic stories. The same. 

The idea of web + people HOOKING is present in Amos 4:2. Letter vav in hebrew is a hook. www=3hook. "Fishing of mens". The web is made by a spider. See the Arachne story by Greeks. The spider create a web , catch files, inject flies with a poison (VAX+CHIP) and DIGEST. Is the only animal digesting the prey externally. That is LHC+WWW - the technology of LUCIFER. Called today transhumanism. Lucifer is depicted as using spiders in the war with Helios, by Lucian of Samosata/True-story. Hence that's Lucifer tech known since legends-times!  

The aspect of Rev 13:16-18 mistranslation. Bouleu-Therion was the congregation of citizens in Pergamon. So mega-therion is the SUM of people. And sum = psephysos as in the apocaliptic txt. Is about a CENSUS there, made with machines > "who has he wisdom to count the sum of people" (beast/therion). Obviously the computer, known by John bc it was invented in Pergamon by Heron! Also TIER=Therion = beast in german/idish. But Tier 1 = the power of banking-capital and also a high internet provider... Do the math! By usury-money toward the end-war = charagma. 

Many earthly aspects collude with the apocalyptic text. The computer, the all-seeing eye, the barcode 666, the conspiracy: "all kings gives their power to the beast"/ Rev 17.. etc. The last part shows correspondences between the today situation and Bible cites. I pictured also the relation between health insurance and the microchip. You have no chip = no insurance.... The chip can explode at a HEMP pulse (Rev 16:2).... 

The collecting of energy (CHI). Life-energy in the old view was given by Helios or Sun. Stars don't suck energy but gives! Only Lucifer needs new energy, cause he has no light anymore as it is thrown in Tartarus. Calculation = if a soul has 21 gram (see 21 gr. experiment) at 7 billions you get by e=mc^2= 40k x the Tsar H-bomb. Enough energy to re-fire a star. (Remember the GNOSTICS used to believe the soul is light trapped in matter! THEY invented in fact e=mc^2 not Einstein!) Hence that's why they grew the population upto a certain number: 7 bil. The calculus show only that Lucifer can be re-fired by a certain sum of people: 7 billions.

Rev 14:14 = time of "goldening" (not wrath!!) at the harvest! Because kriseos (wrath) or chrisos (goldening) are homonimous - similar words. Hence mass-kiling scene in Rev 14:14. We are the "grains of light" Lucifer eats in order to shine again as ..well, Christ. Conversely, if the microchip tech is used, you are eaten by Yabbadoh, the masonic-transhumanist Christ... Is a battle on light-food.

Greeks have the LAMB story as Hermes version! = Hermes Kriophoros! As child, Hermes stole the cattle of Helios. (make connection with Phaeton fall + father Helios!!) In translation Helios / Sun gives our energy then Lucifer steal at once that energy. That's the greek secret. Hence Hermes is also the god of thieves. "I come like a thief"??? Ops! The result of mixed txts at Nicaea. Before Jesus the greek initiates (Masons called "chtonic mysteries") had a Trinity as Hermes Trismegistos (Yabbadoh??)> Then the religions were mixed at Nicaea... 

"The Sacrified Lamb at the beginning of the world" had many names; Orpic Dyonisus (Dion-Isus !!) Isis-Osiris, etc. Is the "fallen Star". Shattered in pieces = our souls sourced in the "Alchemical Stone" inside HOLLOW (not FLAT) Earth. The hollow earth was a high secret of VRIL/NAZI. In alchemy is called V.I.T.R.I.O.L. = "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem". The famous "Secret stone" of alchemists allowing IMMORTALITY. Is inside earth! And also mentioned in Apocalypse 2:17 : "And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no one knows" + Ap 19:12: He had a name written which no one knows but he himself." Simple symbolic encryption. Is not a revealing, but a ... conspiracy.  

If you know geometry, to switch from flat-earth to spherical-hollow is a matter of "sphere-inversion". Translate cartezian to polar coordinates - That's all !!! Is the scene of "rolling sky" in Apocalypse.... The projection of sphere on a flat surface and so achieve the 4th dimension is the STEREOGRAPHIC SPHERE (Riemann Sphere 19 century is identical only with added i number) but known in antiquity and called "Arachne"!!! Source : Vitruvius- De Arhitectura... Again Arachne the spider...

 "The sheep spend his entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd". That's BIBLE. 

The second part (not made) was intended to connect all those aspects. But the producer refused... Was never made. Hence I did that short movie >

Dazzling details (with precise txt cites) at . Written in micro-txt. Zoom the bitmaps! Those links contains the precise txt references + the tech behind, known in the antiquity. 


That is a conspiracy theory constructed by Masons in order to discredit conspiracy theorists as IDIOTS. They almost did. Flatearth is for cave-man . CERN (copied from Pythagora) works in 11 dimensions. End of story. For a mathematician to switch from flat to sphere is as simple as switch from cartezian to polar coordinates. Stereographic called by Vitruvius - Arachne. The spider.

I insist in the original hebrew txt is NOT flat! Is a "sphere" with same name/word as "circle", in old hebrew. God had the below and above "waters" (waves) and "put together" the dry-land. Hence he made a SPHERE. That s putting together a 3d thing. Case closed. The mistranslated Bible say "circle".. But the world in Old Hebrew means both circle or sphere. Hebrew is mathematically exact > as a sphere = a 3d circle. :) HEAVY MISTRANSLATIONS. Is full of them. We know Genesis part is an older txt as the rest of Bible bc we have the clay-tablets of a previous civilisation as the jewish. Is a double mistranslation.

The dubious orgs behind Flatearth are listed in Wikipedia. Charles K. Johnson, Universal Zetetic Society and other hidden masons. So: for a geometer flat or sphere is secondary - a simple cartesian-2-polar coordinates switch. One is called "sphere inversion". The flattening by projection is "stereographic known in antiquity as "Arachne" (see Vitruvius). The sphere inversion is described in Apocalypse as "the rolling sky". Today earth is spherical but hollow bc the cartesian-to-polar coordinates transformation. At the great battle of Titanomachia. And so the whole Universe. 

Corolary the model of Aristotle in De-Caelo might be more appropiate as we use to think..:)

Replace Flat-earth with "Hollow earth" and you get a working "sphere inversion" but also the alchemists, NAZI or masons V.I.T.R.I.O.L.... here is the secret key. The "alchemical stone". A trans-time crystal where souls reside and also "Lucifer". And it resides inside earth/black-hole see Rev 9.


This second part was not cast, the producer refused (bc of dangers, masonic intervention, or ran out of money, don't know the real reason). A very short synopsys>

A. The Fallen Star, Phaeton and Wormwood (cursed) is the same with JESUS from Revelation. The "David Bloodline". Is also the same with Abbadon/Shiva. He and his fallen angels (true jews = Rev 2:9 + 3:9) made a plot howto rise again on the costs of existing humans on earth (Goy). They will be used as "combustible" to re-fire the star, eventually. "Theoreo Satan" from gospels is just that. Refusing that world is the same. A former lower quality of the same person. It's like Anaken being the same with Dart Vader. (that's why the movie.... see the bronze feets + firing eyes, descript. in Rev 1-3) The humanity was played by a propaganda. called "religion". All abrahamic religions + the Egyptian one. And also any death+rebirth god. Then many other forms of propaganda including "anti-religion." They did all that.

One explaining some secrets was Ovidius in "Metamorphoses". That is: the metamorphing of (in fact) the same shit... Was punished by the roman masons with exile weeks after his publication (with other charges of course). The other story explaining details is the True-Story/Lucian.

B. The whole Bible is just about that. We know people were here from hundred thousand years ago. But they count the existence only since 12960/2=6480 (because of counter-vectorial time-addition of the 2 countertimes) since their fall. The "nephilims". That caused the flood as Rev. explains! At that moment appears JHWH replacing ELI....

C. The Apocalypse is not "the revealing of hidden secrets". Is the "occultation" of the same, bc only initiates can understand the manipulation there. By txt and style it was a Jewish text translated in Greek. About 70% is reference or even cites from the most obscure texts in the OT [ ]. Probably made as Satoshi paper (a collective of 0.666 cryptoanarchists) by a collective of kabbalists & masons. Then the "speaker John" was put as forefront. A masonic timetravel was probably involved - Rev 10. We know timetravel in the past is possible, and the uncle of Trump has Tesla's papers about. The "alchemical stone" is a trans-time quantum-crystal. V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

D. After setting the Gospels stories, and sacking the Roman empire by usury, counterfeit coins and plagues, the heads of the conspiracy arrived in ALP mountains. The lineage is that> Gnostics-Paulicians > Bogomils > Cathars > Bernhard de Clairvaux > Templars/ Crusades> Rosicrucians > English Masons. IN crussades they wiped out Byzantium and teh Pyramids inscriptions [via Salladin's-sohn, a friend] fulfilling the "memory-hole". They arrived in Alps as templars forming Swiss the first masonic headquarter. After taking papacy as hostage by the Swiss Guard, they moved their capital from Venice to London (fire+plague 1665-66) and conquest the world. London = the second headquarter.

Today in Alps/Swiss are: Sion (french for Zion, see "The Learned Elders of") CERN-LHC, all the WHO, ONU, UNESCO, WEF and other globalists headquarters. And the gold too, in bunkers. In London the Square-mile, the Second Capital market, the HeadQ of Scottish Rite Masons.

E. The final manipulation was the promise of "god-like" eternal life for ALL, first in form of Gospels, then in form of "transhumansm". This Transhumanism is THE SAME with gnostic/alchemical idea to made by tech "immortals". But, by the plot/manipulation of the "great deception" designed by Saul-Paul: all others beside "true jews" will be damned. That's all about! It's a "fallen-angels = true-jews" plot. Askenazi. Against Goy, using the Phaeton/Morning Star /Lucifer's tech of the web/WWW/hooks (see Lucian of Samosata + Amos 4:2). The so-called "tribulation" in fact the masonic destruction of the OTHERS. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. dissolve all others except GOLD (the gold-soul of conspiracy, see Plato's Republic "gold souls")


EPILOGUE TODAY > The exact schedule of the BEAST/CHARAGMA by NAZI-SOCIALISTS + NWO 2020-2030 Read more:

The 4th Industrial Revolution = digital totalitarism. It's like on  Facebook and Twitter: don't fully COMPLY, you are CUT-OUT! This time from living ressources (luxury like: food, cloths, shelter) You cannot move from your designated place: a drone will deliver ..if you comply. And no meat+fish, bc that make humans SMART. And combative. It's a digital Holodomor/Gulag worldwide [see that external post]. Imagined by Klaus Martin Schwab the dark-eminency of WEF. A NAZI mason, of THULE.... A Palpatine_Sidious of the NWO.

The digital money  QFS injected as microchip, will do the trick of 100% surveillance. Quantum-Charagma. The quantum chains are unbreakable. They will be probably tied to your DNA by quantum entanglement, hence definitely. DNA-ID. Is the perfect #1984. See the Quantum Financial System ++ XRP rolling on 2020.

Read this TWITTER ROLL about Quantum Financial System. This will be the financial basis for Schwabe imagined nightmare / 1984 . Also here as Adipix microtxt>

Watch the What If: Privacy Becomes a Luxury Good? session from the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017

This is NWO shedule 2030. As envisioned around 1870-80 by the Baha'i Faith: One Gov, police, tribunal, etc... worldwide. World Order of Baháʼu'lláh, was first published in 1938 - a world government as the "world's future super-state". Once that shedule fulfilled, go back to my movie and Newton conspirator prediction: after 2030.

The first step is: COVID SCAM DICTATORSHIP 2020. The vaccination with GMO 2021 will allow the first step > the new charagma money (QFS) = DNA ID /Rev 13:16.

See here (towards the end of the blogroll) how any step of the ww financial conspiracy in the last 2k years was made under plagues pressure, as instructed in Rev 11 or Moses. Charagma+Pharmakon.

Rev 19:20 : "And the megatherion [one chipped humanity] was captured, and with it the pseudoprophetes who poiēsas ta sēmeia enōpion [created the signs in his "dark-chamber/eye"] by which he deceived those who had lambanó [actively accepted] the charagma" - where the megatherion/ megabeast = the humanity in trashumanist capture via www=3hooks=Amos 4:2. See? It was a PLOT! All along. And you have to lambanó [actively accept] else no food. By Klaus Martin Schwab TM...

It's easy to see; the web+computer was made only for this far purpose: ww enslavement. Step-by-step = Heron(AD 100)-Kirchner(AD1680)-Hollerich(Ad1927)-IBM-WWW(AD1984)-WEB3(Ad2030). Just as explained above, in the movie....

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