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Those days have shown that the medical leading research-staff is made from paranoid idiots. They are not able to make symptomatic research as in the old times, are not able to make cross-linkings. They are only able to read digital tests.

Concerning their paranoia, is the Nietzche-Mengele-Paranoid-Syndrome (NMPS). By position, expensive bills, and the fact they decide about life-death often, they developed the same psychiatrical syndrome as Mengele.

Many medics of today are not physicians but masons. Idiots with scientific degrees. Over 30% are masons: their main feature is OBEDIENCE (masonic oath overrides the Hippocratic one). And, as seen newly, they are repurposed to choreography + tyranny. NMPS medical treatment today

NMPS is valid for Genentech inclusive! Especially for that! See "transhumanism"

NPMS doctors are ruled by three psychotic non-doctors: Bill Gates (vax-depopulation psychotic "angel #4 of Apocalypse 8:12"), A. Fauci (Jesuit), Tedros/WHO (former bolshevik). And many others behind the scenes. This is #PLANDEMIC + worldwide KZ/GULAG. The world runs now by Milgram+Stanford experiment "level 33".

Video: where Kill-Gates explains: "The vaccine is the FINAL SOLUTION!" Right! Heil! And compulsive-psychotic balancing... And the obsession: "we're injecting them in little kids' arms, we just shoot 'em right into the vein!"

The vax and ANY medical measures are indemnified; they are not responsible for consequences.... That is; if you transform into a zombie after mRNA vax. they have no liability. Just as in software....

Who makes the placebo-propaganda against vit. C +HCQ? Of course, the foundation of Bill Gates.

And of course CENSORSHIP on youtube, FB, Twitter, anywhere. I smell millions of rats. That can be only masonic, no other org can do that. Any serious doctor is banned! Only NPMS syndrome allowed. Essentially like in nazi+kgb times, cubed. Look at honest doctors on Bitchute. Or on Twitter. Many others exist! Just search for them... as they are censored

Meanwhile, OCHR accuse officially and legally the madness of those NPMS doctors! Legal investigations follow, in 50 states. Only the beginning!



..he is viral, damn viral. - humanity ends his Great Platonic Year cycle of 25920 years (= 6x6x6!) in full madness and lies...


The final step of this wrong auto-centric science is madness, falsity, and destruction. There was a plot. Apriori denial of God. The best verification is this: try to sustain in any university His existence. You'll lose your university degrees. See why and how, HERE.(important link!)

Who the fuck are those scientists, ruling newly the world instead of people? Those are the Science Conspiracy from Satan.

“[...] For your merchants were the greatest in the world, and you deceived the nations with your sorceries.Rev. 18:23

Since Acts 19:19, bio-sorcery with FARMAKON (GMO) has been forbidden by Christians/Byzantine Empire. in the 5-th century, they fled to Persia. They triggered the first big pandemic - Justinian Plague. They came back via Templars> Rosicrucians> Masons.> Transhumanists => Apokalypse.

Pharma. Pharmakon [Acts19:19] + pharmakeia [Rev 18:12] are the original words in koine-Greek used to point bio-manipulation via dark-alchemy, see here.

Madness in science is inherent because it's the main tool of Devil in order to "rise again"... and the maddest guys have been protected; aftermath the worst war-criminal was one of the few protected; whereas many nazis were hanged at Nuremberg, Mengele fled to Argentina and lived happily...


COVID_MANIA = MSbP > (Factitious disorder imposed on another) That is precisely what you see today on TV, laws, enforcement, etc. Called also:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy - A MENTAL ILLNESS (paranoia) where a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person..... Or in the WHOLE WORLD.

CARE-GIVER suffer on NMPS = Nietzche-Mengele Paranoia Syndrome. From here it goes complex: Munchausen Syndrome imposed by NMPS (Nietzche-Mengele paranoia syndrome) coupled with Stockholm syndrome, Milgram experiment and Stanford experiment.


mRNA is a RNA . DARPA stuff - the lab from Hell. It can and will modify your DNA, and you cannot verify what's inside. If you shot an mRNA VAX into YOUR DNA this can secret continuously some enzymes, for example, this vit. D blocking NAGALESE. Or LUCIFERASE in order that a chipcan remote-control you. (insects with modified luciferase-nerves, already remote-controlled)

Cca 40 ethical doctors have been killed for finding this truth inside all vaxes! ZOMBIE_SHOT?


Regarding the disease. Attention: the disease, not the "virus". (see Pasteur vs. Bechamp 4 the perplexed) Stating "a virus" is a pre-made, "junk-food" diagnosis. Stating in advance a diagnosis is idiotic. Not science! Reading only tests made by machines is idiotic. Presuming in advance a diagnostic and a disease-source is idiotic. The PCR test does not analyze RNA (virus-specific) but only DNA (animals, humans, and bacteria-specific). No clinical observations and no correlations. ROBOTIC IDIOCRACY.


What we have today in reality?

  1. A 95% "supportable" flu-like Corona (there are many). Any PCR test yields a positive for MANY Corona because PCR analyzes YOUR DNA - few specs. about corona-strains inside. Especially if you already made a flu-shot, containing corona-strains, you can get "a false positive", of course! Hence "wow, great pandemics"!
  2. And a 0,5-2,5% SEVERE version, often deadly. It's the same, or it's the result of a disease-complication? A co-disease, symbiote, or even GMO-mixed new organism.
  3. Observation > other real pandemics had much higher mortality: Spanish flu 21-72% (wikipedia source) and Anthrax (Black-Death) 80-90% (if no tetracycline / antibiotics -in the Middle-age, for common people).
  4. The statistics are heavily manipulated, see here. Disraeli: "there are lies, big lies and statistics". In a typical year, there are between 37,000 and 60,000 deaths from the flu in the USA. Mortality rate near flu, under 50 age. Is that really a pandemic that justifies social lock?
  5. The tests collect DNA as the PCR machine can only multiply DNA and not a virus RNA (for ID-2020?)... The inventor of PCR (no conspirator, died last year..) stated EXPRESSLY, the PCR should NOT be used for disease-tests. Tests are made near the pituitary-pineal system, the "center of the soul" accordingly Descartes... why?

From clinical experience, we know it can be treated with malaria-drugs. It shows blood-complications (coagulatory and oxygen-transport) like malaria. Malaria is not a virus but a parasite. This would be an essential observation for ANY CLASSIC alchemist.

Malaria drugs include nicotine, quinine (hydroxychloroquine is the synthetic equivalent), thujone. And 2 are approved for COVID. Curiously all the natural ones are interdicted in the last years... And the main producer of the synthetic HCQ was murdered last year with his wife (Canada).

Any classic alchemist and medic would say, based on symptoms (not robo-tests), it's malaria derived stuff. Or the virus is a symbiote of malaria-derived disease. Or the virus has some "features" borrowed from malaria see β-hematin problems. Malaria is a PLASMODIUM, that is a sort of bacteria infesting the blood. Hence the depriving of oxygen in the red-cells, if disease is GMO-MUTATED slightly. This theory newly backed by a big Italian pharmacologist.

WHO is frightened by "herbal medications" (It destroys their NWO-plot)> The Madagascar cure is based on thujone, a known antimalaria remedy. IT WORKS!


Oxygen deprivation might be accelerated by the microwave of 5 mm, known as 5G. The disease is not determined (else all would catch the severe form) but maybe accelerated toward severe form. Logically - this is the wavelength of oxygen absorption.


If the severe cases are a malaria-derived plasmodium, and not the virus itself, the exosomes theory(weird for now), can be interesting. Weird but sustained at least partially by big names 4 ex. one MIT-scientist, as a working hypothesis. Simply the exosomes try to excrete the poisons from GMO-malaria, and warn the other cells!

Enveloped viruses and exosomes look similar under the electronic microscope. According to this exotic theory, a virus can attack only if he enters the bloodstream. That can happen via micro-wounds in the respiratory tract.


Is this gene-manipulated? All tools for a malaria-manipulation and even for virus manipulation are here. CRISPR CAS9 + CAS13+ CARVER +...etc. A parasite is much easier to manipulate (CRISPR CAS9 only is needed).

Judi Mirkovits - tandem is possible. (but another scheme)

We are pretty sure that the "Spanish Flu" was caused by a vaccine made by Rockefeller Foundation + Frederik-Gates. A bacterial vaccine, not a virus! The autopsy of the 1918 fever-victims, shown a mortality of 92% caused by a BACTERIA, not the flu-virus. Countries with no F.Gates vax-shot had few Spanish-Flu cases (see Romania, where Cantacuzino made local vaccines, nothing imported!)! If the same pattern is here, we deal with the same sort of combination: a generic flu-virus with a pinpointed bacterial complication. A TANDEM, a symbiote.

Sequences of HIV and malaria genome are identified by Luc Montaigner too, inside the virus! Of course, the Nobel-Prize winner is today discredited by mainstream NMPS, as Luc observed the shit is gene-manipulated. Which it is.

So I stay with my modest alchemical observations along with a Nobel-Prize guy. That's the diff. between NMPS and honest methods. Quod erat demonstrandum. Malaria is an old Toy of Kill-Gates, probably well studied by his lab-bulldogs.

Clinical proof? The best treatment known is synthetic quinine + an antibiotic. Quinine (HCQ) is statistically tested and works. Now, approved in USA


Malaria being a "blood-disease" with coagulation-altering mechanism (β-hematin, thrombosis, etc), the excretion is crucial and so the ones with kidney or pancreas problems are victims. See Krebs-cycle and oxygenation. Because oxygenation is here attacked, the strong-reductors such as green tea, essential oils, ANY strong reductor (incl silver-ions) helps greatly. Including vit. C and D.

A study on D3 levels related to COVID severity shows a clear relationship. So you need fish-oil+D3+SUN. Sun contains UV which cleans microbes - underlined newly by Prof. dr. Karin Mölling, if not by Trump itself. What do they recommend? Stay inside! Murderous, in order to fit the curve imposed by WHO-NWO. So much about doctors.

Other studies show a 35% increase of complications if you took the flu-shot. By crosslinking. What are the recommendations on TV? "Make your flu-shot."

The lowest death-rate is.. in Sweden, where it was no Lockdown. (of course, because there, 99% transactions are already digital. Most "punished" are Christians like Spain or Italy opposing #666. Or monastery-places like Bukowina/Ro where the army took-over... preventive; what if some monks understand, it is the time of #666?)

Wearing masks continuously reduces oxygen intake, increase carbon-dioxide + microbes micro-environment. What is the law? Wear masks!, sorry! Wear "slave-muzzles". Check this against this. An exercise of willingly slavagist submission.

And of course, for NMPS the best virus-cure is a kind of chemical castration...

Any classic alchemists observe correlate and make a treatment based on WORKING MEDICATION not "premade virus models". Here the medication is the one effective for malaria. So is a malaria-derived GMO - it's the cause of the severe form, for any classic alchemist/physician.

Another hint it's a parasite - the approved use of Ivermectin - an anti-parasite drug, a sort of parasite-antibiotics (strong, used for animals normally). Malaria is a parasite of blood.

Other drugs are used for both HIV+malaria: Astragalus, Artemisia.


Several antivirals are tested by Chelsea and Westminster team especially HCQ and favipiravir (antimycobacterial, antifungal). The same direction as supposed...


Any plasm-disease with pathogens has a tremendous betterment by ozone-therapy! This ozone therapy can be paired with D3 and UV - both inside and outside.

The epithelial exposure of blood to SUN-UV releases over 300 antimicrobial substances.

This is here the case, instead of the ventilation which damages the lungs by pressure. They need oxygen, not pressure. In the USA COVID hospitals, about 85% of the ventilated patients died. In some places, over 90%. quite inutile ventilation, statistically.


The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, invented in 1985 by Kary B. Mullis was never intended to test disease, but to trace DNA. The inventor expressly warned to be not used for testing in vivo - too many false-positives; a virus has RNA not DNA, and the test only confirm some few markers, present in others corona too; only 7 labs WW can test the full genome (OMS data).

In Tanzania, a papaya, quail and goat test positive for coronavirus by this RT-PCR :) Now, THAT is science wthf!

And indeed the PCR tests are used behind doors to trace your DNA. That is accurate. Wil be sequenced and digitized for ID-2020. "DNA will be your ID". DNA theft.


How the fraud works:

  • The temperature-police with IR. If you have some temperature (there are hundreds of reasons) you fucked your fortune! The PAPAYA-TEST (PCR - DNA collection) comes.
  • PCR has an error of false positives of 80% for disease-testing in vivo. Especially if you got the flu-shot. See the Tanzanian papaya...:)
  • You are old and got gratis the flu shot (Italy). This increase the cases by 35%. There is a worldwide 33-level "order" to catalog any death "tested positive" as being dead from COVID. Also "do not resuscitate". Those masonic orders are bound in the official "executive orders" 4 COVID. Search those orders!
  • In SUA the hospitals gain some 13k $ for any COVID patient and 34k $ if they use the VENTILATOR (which anyhow destroys lungs by 90% death-rate, see New-York). Their gain is huge - that's why they dance...
  • If you look at statistics nobody dies from other diseases... than COVID. Yet despite this fraud, the median death-rate from respiratory diseases is not visible higher than in other years.
  • As Disraeli said; "There are lies, big lies and statistics" We add here PCR...
  • The Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) of 1968, killed 1 million worldwide, and 100,000 in the US, most excess deaths being in people 65+ (via the CDC). Nothing changed economically, nothing closed, no social distancing, no masks. No one was considered selfish then. IS onlt a PLANdemics GMO, for NWO-33 agenda.


"Spain’s oldest woman Maria Branyas, 113, beats coronavirus infection" c'mon idiots! That's "pandemics?"

How to fuck your fortune? >>

1. You need some temperature. IR-measured else cannot shop, etc.

2. Papaya test. 80% error pozitive. Here become serius.

3. Jailed in some KZs named "hospitals for light cases".

4. Once in KZ, Mengele! DNA-harvesting, forced.


This is an NWO plot and has nothing to do with "natural stuff". In nature can be local epidemics but no global pandemic besides artificial ones. (see below why). The plot is tied to a 250 years conspira-sci, from Lunar-Society upwards. Sinovac Biotech Ltd (Chinese shit) has a vax and that is related to Bill-Gates and Event201 directly. Of course the vax was already in place BEFORE the outbreak. Mandatory vax in China, and soon overall. That is the ultimate Nietzche-Mengele Paranoia Syndrome.

The medical NMPS staff is the one that destroys humanity - the ultimate tool of Satan besides informatics. Here the details. Even WHO Polit bureau-scientists see the vax as dangerous. Bill Gates wants "indemnification" for his vax. That is: to be not responsible for consequences. The same monster paralyzed 1/2 million children with his polio vaccine. The actual vaxes are not tested by double-blind, and many are indemnified too. The germs theory is either wrong or at least hyped. Any known old medicine relies NOT 100% on external factors as disease triggers. And today's vaccines ane nothing like the initial ones. They are "another virus" (that is: RNA) injected into cells. Nobody can VERIFY what is inside...


A GMO, manipulated virus-spike (see  Nature , May-2019), with no visible extra-high death-rate.

Based on clinical observations, all malaria drugs are effective, any strong reductor (vit C, D, zinc, etc); to be tested - ozone therapy (which cleans the blood) +UV/SUN might be much better as ventilation . SUN+UV + cod-liver oil.

The deprivation of oxygen in the blood equals a strong oxidative state just as by carbon-monoxide. ANY strong reductor can improve the situation. Also being inside the blood is another clue for malaria-like stuff.

If correct, NO vaccine would fully work.  The only approved malaria-vaccine is RTS,S (Mosquirix). It requires four injections, and has low efficacy. COVID vaccine would never work; might actually create MORE new viruses through recombination in human hosts.

Classic antimalaria drugs: quinine (or synthetic), nicotine, thujone. Secondary or in tests: cinnamon, ginger, basil, astragalus. Ayurvedic malaria remedy Ayush-64. Brahmi. Giloy herb, Crinum and Magnolia extracts. Traditional herbal medicines for malaria - NCBI

The whole rainbow of antioxidants.

Natural anti-inflammatory but not corticoids (sweet-wood, not!) > ginger, curcumin, aspirin, devil's claws and paracetamol (synthetic). Of course, any similar-working synthetic medication but no corticoid-similar!

The derived or GMO malaria-tandem is a working hypothesis, for me, 95% possible. Especially when we have a precedent (of a tandem) see Spanish Flu. Focused research is needed, in those severe cases!


Thrombosis and coagulopathy = main problem in COVID, main problem in malaria.

Strain GMO-conjecture. ++ 3 antimalaria drugs working

Search NCBI > "β-hematin thrombosis":

Coagulopathy in malaria - Thrombosis Research

Alterations of blood coagulation in controlled human malaria ...

Blood Coagulation, Inflammation and Malaria - NCBI - NIH

Emerging roles for hemostatic dysfunction in malaria ...


By two reasons: incapacity + the masonic order 33, ww. Destroying the disease mortality by medications destroys Kill-Gates compulsory vaccine-agenda. And the vax-agenda is tightly coupled with NWO money system (MS pat-nr 2020060606 from 23 mar. 2020)as in Rev. 13:16. That's why no tests are made in this direction.

Anything planned and simulated in advance. Event-201 , with Kill-Gates Foundation and the boss of Chinese microbiology, October 2019:

...and a bit "predictive programming" NLP from 1993:

Corona story in several predictive ...Simpsons episodes

The plot was straightforward:

  1. The Rockefeller "Lockstep" simulation 2010-- to be made via disease and masonic-medical NMPS => WW-KZ. = Lockdown.
  2. As CRISPR CAS9+13 exists, a GMO disease can be "designed"> see Event201 Oct 2019 + WUHAN lab GMO. In fact not one... but many can be "designed"!
  3. DNA collection via PCR "tests" => "DNA will be your ID" + ID2020.
  4. DNA-ID is tied to the microchip implant with blockchain+"proof-of-worship", WIPO Pat. #2020/060606. As the economy is destroyed by lockdown, it is the best opportunity to introduce a new money system. Rev 13:16.
  5. Observe: Lockstep was published just after the 2009 crisis, and so the blockchain money too. Anonymous Satoshi with "proof-of-work" just upgraded the "work" to human bio-activity: "proof-of-worship". => Satoshi = Kill-Gates. Pat. "proof-of-worship" > execute bio-task (corporeal), read vector, if ok, reward money. No task accomplished, no money. Just as described in the Bible.
  6. Accordingly Lockstep 2010, 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony Anticipates Pandemic including scenes of Medicos Dancing 
  7. Finally, the compulsory vaccine ( NAZI-like > unconsented, forced "treatment" was condemned by the Nuremberg Code as war-crime) It has a precise purpose inside the microchipping and total surveillance plot. See In this manner, NMPS doctors are the worst demons on earth, as Mengele was the worst in KZ. Here is shown how many vaxes a child receive.
  8. Bill Gates (the forefront of Conspira-Sci) prepare both the DNA-computing RNA VAX, and the patented mark of the beast (WIPO Pat#2020060606 with "proof-of-worship"). He prepares tube-meat too: cells growing rapidly and infinite - that is cancer. It is supposed you eat that beef-cancer. Also he prepares the shutdown of sunlight as per Revelation 8:12 (4th trumpet) required.


...working hard to save lives and ordering you to stay home>

Dancing for NHS Non Disclosure Agreements

Dancing for your OWN Imprisonment

Dancing for NHS Collusion in false Death Certificates

Dancing for the triumph of Lies over Common Sense.


Meanwhile, scientists working on solutions (real solutions) are killed. The main HCQ producer from Canada was killed too with his wife, last year. Simply so! That is NKVD+SS politics.


First a GMO light corona, with low death-rate like a abit more aggressive flu. The trouble: they can release many GMO versions if the society don't obey. Those mutations cannot be natural as 99,9% of viruses tend to evolve to lighter forms, in order to cohabitate with the host. Genentech as a social-political weapon for ultimate dictatorship. Science is evil and was always (since the Rosicrucian manifesto) the tool for social destruction: Ordo ab Chaos> Novum Ordo Secvlorum (absolute slavery)

Yes, perhaps there are too many people on earth. The solution is the spontaneous lowering of birthrate. Most white people make 1,5-1,8 children/women, so the natural way is at work. What for example give the devil Kill-Gates; 4 children. What an asshole!

For the moment they test total obeisance with a light virus. that's all. The doctors/sci are at the forefront of humanity treason.

Imprisonment, muzzle-maulkorb-burqa-botnita. Raping of humans DNA.

Take example Romania. Who gives the orders? A masonic doctor, Sirian spy, with personal secret-service, Islamist closing the churches and forcing Christians to wear burka by military law.


The main vector was Anthrax. Alchemists knew howto collect Anthrax from dead animal carcasses. And knew 3 medications: tetracycline-beer, essential oils (thieves blend since Avicenna), and vaccine - since 1000 AD documented in China. Of course, the full Iatrochemy as described by Pliny, Dioscorides, Avicenna, etc.

#1. Anthrax - Justinian Plague around 540. The rise of Islam (that's why they cover the faces). Triggered by alchemists (gnostics) banned from the Byzantine empire to Egypt and Persia in the 5th century. Constantinople never recovered with a full population...

#2. Anthrax - Black Death 1320-1380 Eurasia, triggered in China after the fall of Templars 1318. Halving the Eurasian population. Triggered in order to crash Silkroad, at that time in the hands of Tatars. Had a death-rate of 50% bubonic and near 100% septicemic Halved Eurasian population. No general lockdown!

#3. Spanish Flu - triggered by a Rockefeller- F. Gates vaccine. 92% deaths by the bacteria, not the flu itself. Ceasing WWI fights and consolidate FED and BIS, also triggering NAZI. This pandemic had a death-rate of 2,5% (21-72% according to Wikipedia). No general lockdown!

#4. England won WWII with ..Anthrax. Churchill stockpiled 50k tons of Anthrax. If Hitler would conquest England, then spread over all Europe by bombers... England had penicillin and soon tetracycline in testing (the same old alchemical recipe, made public as "science"). Hitler didn't. The war was "premade".

#5. COVID stuff- triggering NWO and cashless society 666-Rev 13:16. Because CRISPR and DNA tests, upgrade to "viruses"? As long CRISPR CAS9 + CAS13 + CARVER +... exists, along with PCR and al Genentech, they can synthesize an INFINITE NUMBER of diseases, PLANdemics...


The madness with GMO, CRISPR, PCR, VAX and COVID shows why the witches' books shall be burned. In Acts, 19:19 witches books are called "Farmakon" - that is, pharmaceutic stuff. Like Genentech see here old dark-alchemical know-how.

About Ogynu's expertise: Chemistry mainstream research (BRD/Bayer), biochemistry DIY, 15 years alchemical studies on applied Iatrochemistry (no transcendental alchemical stuff but substances-practice). Alchemical history; two books published.

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