
My dearest readers, I promise you today’s article will be interesting, entertaining and investment information driven and no doubt in my mind, I believed after reading, you will make a wise decision about this project, it's a project of international interest. This project doesn't constrain to a specific people, region or nations as we have found in certain projects. This exceptional project is called DRIFE.

What is DRIFE?

DRIFE is a decentralized ride-hailing platform powered by blockchain payment with the aim of enabling value creators and extractors within our ecosystem , these include the drivers, Commuters, and developers network. DRIFE plans to disrupt the current business model and eradicate the activities of third parties in the transactions. 

Why Decentralized Platform?

Decentralization intend at moving the concentration from a central authority to the driver partners. With the help of the Blockchain payment, the DRIFE platform strives to bring a new concept to the ride-sharing situation and tackle most of issues that have arise from the existing model of centralized business. The developments of the platform adds to the objective of DRIFE as well as facilitate the general value provided to all the stakeholders concerned like driver's income, rider's fare, cyber-security and transparent governance.

Sustainable Driver Income

DRIFE intend to eradicate excessive transaction fees, decrease censorship (reduce interference from DRIFE side) and bring back value to community, improve transparency and restored back governance responsibilities back to the community.

The DRIFE platform was developed with the aims of unraveling the existing problems in the driver’s community, and also improving the quality of rides for the users. Drivers are offered some incentives to introduced new drivers to the DRIFE platform; which will thus aid to form a social network of drivers, owned by the drivers themselves. The outcome is a disintermediation of payment to any third parties between the driver and the client. This will inspired the new drivers to recommend other drivers until a basic number of drivers as defined by the system are available on the DRIFE platform.

Drivers utilizing the DRIFE platform will be capable of growing and foster the development of their own fleet of drivers. This encourage all drivers on DRIFE to begin another business for themselves, as businessmen by turning into a DRIFE partner earning individual income, without giving up any profit as commission.


Blockchain execution creates a completely auditable and correct ledger of transactions that is permanent and unforgettable. With an easy to understand interface to access the same, transparency in payments and fair calculations can be achieved. DRIFE will store information on EOS Blockchain, which will include all the data about the Journey, Each and every commuters reviews and feedback will be stored on the distributed ledger, Commuters will be able to see all the data of drivers.

Badge of Honor

DRIFE introduced a new system and comprehensive way to evaluate the services provided by drivers and reward them as needs be. 

Architecture: The GET model

Developed on EOS blockchain, architecture banks on three extraordinary features of the parent chain:

Decentralized Payment and Economics

Staking Economic Model

Speed and High Performance

The GET model will guarantee that community is well motivated to develop the ecosystem for the next generation ride-hailing platform.


DRIFE has faith in a democratic vote based mechanism based upon the amount of tokens staked right then and there. The more the tokens staked, higher is the weighting of voting. The vote casting should not be influenced by any campaigning-like activities for a decision, violating the constitution's laws.


Financial interest would keep the drivers active at all time. For a driver, the incentives (in DRF token) are extra to the fair- per-ride. On the opposite side, the rider will pay the fair either in DRF token or other token/cash. In the event the fair-payment is done in DRF token, at that point the incentive (in DRF token) is compensated based on the rider's conduct for that ride. DRIFE-Economics has token-allocation program to rewards the discussion among the drivers and commuters on social platform for lifetime. This would enhance the growth of the platform through identifying the flaws and finding a lasting solution.


Blockchain is the medium to actualized decentralization on DRIFE platform. All types of request are executed through various contracts like payment, ride-acess. As the platform scales among users in the market, there will be large amount of information created, stored on EOS. The need of recommendation would develop quickly which can be dealt with easily utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) models. In the long run, DRIFE would be an amalgamation of Blockchain and AI technologies. 


A 3-Way Incentive Ecosystem

Drivers: It enables the drivers in ecosystem to received full fare paid by the commuters in view of no commission.

• Stable and reasonable Income

• No Commission pay-out

• Network Building and passive income earn.

Commuters: It enables the rider via dApp to have the best experience per ride both in terms of platform different option features and during their journey.

• Economical Fares

• Safety

• A list of Drivers

• Community Support

Developers: It rewards developers to designed helpful tools and features to grow the platform's economy.

• Bug and security bounties incentives.


Drife token, DRF is a utility token that will be use as a currency within the platform. It will be utilized to execute ride payments, access to loyalty rewards and staking capacities on our platform.

• Blockchain type: EOS

• Token Type: ERC-20

• Token Symbol: DRF

• Total supply: 325 Million DRF tokens

• Economic model: 1-3% yearly Inflation (relies upon decision-making by the community)

• Whitelist: Yes

• KYC: Yes

DRF tokens will be pegged at the value of $0.25 USD

• 50% of token supply in ICO available to be purchased: 162,500,000 DRF

• Soft cap: 32,500,000 DRF (20%).

• Hard cap: 162,500,000 DRF (100%)


By and large, 325,000,000 tokens will be released. The hard cap of the tokens available for sale is 50%. The remaining 50% of total mined tokens will be divided among:

Fund Distribution



Firdosh Sheikh: Co-Founder & CEO

Surya Ranjith: Co-Founder & CFO

Abhijit Roy: CTO & Architect

Mario Pacudan: Chief Marketing Officer

Arpit Sharma: Chief Operating Officer

Andrew Willis: Chief Strategy Officer

Debraj Ghosh: IT Infra Consultant

Mudit Marda: Lead Blockchain Developer

Abhilash Verkey: Marketing & Research

Emmanuele: Content & PR

Syed Adil Nawaz: Product Designer

Samarth jain: Legal & Compliance

Useful links to DRIFE Project









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Eth Address: 0xf8c20030A71708E73D58Ab3900629F17B8875da5

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