

The Global Property Register (GPR) is that the main all comprehensive land register that may be worldwide in nature, covering each created and making nations.

The Global Property Register stage will fill in as a worldwide advanced land commercial center to all market members and expository arrangements and apparatuses controlled by Artificial knowledge will be given to property proprietors empowering them settle on shrewd choices and projection.

One of the essential contact focuses in worldwide land markets is the unpredictable and extensive contract techniques that one must experience when a property changes hands. The current lawful structures that oversee land exchanges commonly imply that the exchange itself must be inspected and executed by a progression of go-between, for example, land specialists and attorneys that can not just translate and check the language of the authoritative records, yet in addition confirm that the foreordained conditions have been met. That procedure works, yet it includes extra layers of expenses and postponements to the exchange.

Worldwide Property Register is another age of the land showcase, utilizing present day innovations and devices, with which it will be conceivable not exclusively to fix each consequent property, yet in addition to buy it on a disentangled framework through the inside token stage.

Worldwide Property Register is another sort of officially old arrangement of the land showcase. Worldwide Property Register is capable not exclusively to survey land, yet in addition to control the whole rundown of vital records, legitimate endorsements and different references at the administrative dimension, so as to guarantee most extreme straightforwardness at all phases of the exchange, just as to wipe out different bureaucratic expenses.



Worldwide Property Register intends to accomplish A world wherein each mortgage holder can use the estimation of his or her land( house or land); Property reports are secure and effectively open; Land and property extortion is killed particularly in creating nations of Africa, Asia and South America.

This can be accomplished by:

Building a Global Property Register

Man-made reasoning controlled investigation to help property proprietors

Building a social stage to advance selection of cutting edge land arrangementsBuilding a blockchain property trade wherever people can buy and sell property

Worldwide Property Register Products

Worldwide Property Register aptitude lies in giving the best and solid blockchain based land items. Worldwide Property Register specialists fathom the unique prerequisites of customers and endeavor to give them the best arrangements. So that XRX is giving after Products.

XRX – Socio

Social Platform for property proprietors. Token reward framework.

XRX – Title

Blockchain register for property possession – Token reward.


Man-made reasoning for property proprietors.

XRX – Sale

Cryptographic money trade that empowers individuals to purchase and sell property

The Advantages

By keeping up a predictable record of proprietorship, cost and move, the blockchain can give certain data that gives a more elevated amount of trust and straightforwardness. This can enable every property to have its own numeric location, where all data identified with the item can be put away.

This will incorporate monetary data, lease, charges, charges, guarantees, comfort, building execution, physical qualities, and a past filled with exchanges identified with property, which conceivably kills the requirement for top to bottom and costly name look.

Note that all data about the dimension of property can be scrambled so that lone the individuals who, with the authorization of the property proprietor (or leaser specialist, on account of a home loan advance), can get to.Counteractive action of extortion – all exchanges that happen on the blockchain stage are cryptographically marked and checked.

Utilizing a timestamp with a predictable system on the blockchain anticipates various appointments/offers of a similar property unit, which is a typical issue when properties are enrolled by various dealers.

Worldwide Property Register Mobile APP

For the accommodation of doing exercises on the stage, a versatile application has been made. Anybody with a cell phone and a web association can utilize our answers and transfer his/her territory or property on our all inclusive blockchain register.

The easy to use application will be straightforward and surrenders you to the moment refreshes. Here is a short rundown of different advantages this application will give you.

a. Worldwide land search.

b. Land toolbar.

c. Examination dependent on man-made brainpower.

d. Enlistment of proprietorship in the register on the blockchain.

Token Details

Agreeable work inside the framework will be completed by an inner token – XRX, with which clients will be capable not exclusively to buy some land, yet in addition to pay for extra administrations for the enlistment of their property and considerably more. The token itself is created based on the Ethereum blockchain and fulfills the ERC20 guideline.

Altogether, for the improvement of its task, the designers will be discharged 5 billion coins with an underlying estimation of $0.005 US per 1XRX. As a major aspect of its ICO, the group expects to gather Hard Cap in the measure of 25 million us dollars. This sum ought to be sufficient to completely run your whole model and begin utilizing it sooner rather than later.

Token Name/Symbol: XRX

Stage: Ethereum

Token Standard: ERC20

All out Token Supply: 5,000,000,000

Coursing Supply: 2,500,000,000

Swapping scale: 1 XRX = 0.005 USD

Delicate Cap: 2,500,000

Hard Cap: 25,000,0000

Pre-ICO: Feb 2019

ICO: June 2019

Distribution of Tokens



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PROFILE LINK:;u=2521667

ETH ADDRESS : 0x0D61F0a2B168d38292a6E10d85A2f04b34D65A3A

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