Michael Korda,
THE "Chicago School" of Poetry has been the most influential movement in American poetry since the rise of postwar American poetry. It is a movement that has had an enormous impact on virtually all of the American poets who have come after it: the poets of the Beats, of Jackson Mac Low, of Richard Eberhart, of Robert Creeley, of Elizabeth Bishop, of Allen Ginsberg, of William Carlos Williams, and of many others.
Chicago School" of poetry is a group of poets who were influenced by the Chicago school of painting, including the works of Mark Rothko, Paul Klee and Kandinsky. The Chicago school was a movement in painting that developed in the 1920s and 1930s in Chicago. It is most famous for the use of bright colors and the abstracted shapes that were painted, but it also included a large number of other artists as well.

The Chicago School of Poetry is an open-ended, non-academic collective of poets and literary artists, whose goal is to promote and support the work of the many poets who are contributing to the art of poetry in our city. We would like to see poetry become more widely known, more read, and more appreciated for its powerful and original expression of human experience.
The Chicago School of Poetry

Chic" is often used as a synonym for "hip" or "cool" when applied to music. But "chic" also refers to the style of clothing, and in the case of poetry, it refers to a style of writing that is "in" with the hipsters of today. The Chicago school of poetry was a movement that arose in the mid-1980s in the city of Chicago, Illinois. This school was very much influenced by the works of the Beat Generation poets, such as Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, William S. Burroughs, and Jack Kerouac.

Poetry, like art, is a journey. It is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. The journey through language is the experience of the reader and that is what poetry is all about. Poems are journeys and we are all on them at some time of our lives. The "Chicago School of Poetry" is a collection of poems that explore this journey in a variety of ways.
The Chicago School" of poetry is a term used to describe a body of American poetry that emerged in the mid-1930s. It was an idea, not a school, and it was not an organization. Rather, it was a loose-knit group of poets whose primary connection was that they were all Chicagoans.

A.S. Byatt
Byatt, A.S.,
The Chicago School of Poetry,
(London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1974)
ISBN: 0-500-01837-0
Page: 188

Poetry is defined as the creative or imaginative use of language. The Chicago School of Poetry, in its founding year of 1958, was founded by the poet Robert Duncan and the artist, William Carlos Williams. It was a radical attempt to revive a poetry that had been lost, to introduce a new poetic sensibility to America. The school was based on an aesthetic conception of poetry as a kind of visual art, and was intended to produce poets who would write poems that were physically and mentally visible.
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
~ Oscar Wilde
The Chicago School of Poetry is a movement formed in Chicago in 1980 by a group of poets who had come together in an effort to preserve and promote poetry in the city. The movement was named for the city of Chicago, where many of the founders of the school lived and worked.

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