
This isn't just about Brendin, but every single white farmer killed by these savages. Enough is fucking enough.

A young farmer, Brendin Horner, was tortured and murdered on his farm. His body, strung up against a pole for his father and girlfriend to find. This type of thing is very common in South Africa.

Some time later 2 of the 5 suspects are arrested.It turns out they are police officers from that area.

Local farmers finally say "enough is enough"And go to the court house demanding justice. Tensions run high. The police agitate them. The farmers storm the courthouse. The police fire warning shots but, the Boers are unfazed. THE BOERS DID NOT FIRE A SINGLE SHOT BTW.

Police reinforcements show up in an armoured vehicle and drive through the crowd at high speed, nearly injuring a woman and her children, who were tackled out of the way by a vigilant Boer.

The cops load up their colleagues and the suspects and start driving away but, the Boers hold their vehicle back BY SHEAR man power.

The cops throw flashbangs and make their escape.

Subsequently one of the Boers got arrested for his part in getting people riled up at the court house. They send no less than 7 cop cars full of men to arrest him. And then charge him with: public violence, attempted murder and TERRORISM among other things. Of course these charges are ridiculous and meant to make an example of him.

Many Boers are very excited by this point and social media groups start forming rapidly. Many Boers (Boer actually means farmer, in Afrikaans) pledge to no longer sell their goods to the large chain stores but, only to the public directly. Thereby serving only those they choose to. Of course this poses a massive threat to national food security.

Many lawyers among the Boers offer their services pro bono, to any Boer who faces legal troubles with regards to the uprising.

On Friday coming, thousands of Boers plan on returning to Senekal as a show of force. This time, the EFF (controlled and bankrolled "opposition" of the ruling ANC government) have announced they will face off with the Boers there. Many of them uploading videos of themselves firing AK 47s on social media and making all kinds of inflammatory statements.

ALSO attendance will be the SA Police, who are looking for any excuse to arrest Boers.

And, I might ad, have done NOTHING about the EFFs flagrant disregard for firearms laws OR the many BLM style riots they've had over the years.

ALSO in attendance will be "umkhonto we siswe", the supposedly disbanded, former military wing of the ANC. Trained by the commies in the 80's they were responsible for many terror attacks during the previous regime.

ALSO in attendance will be the SA army. Called in to "maintain peace" but we all know where their guns will be pointed.

In come the fucking politicians and "leaders"🤦🏻‍♂ Many of the prominent so-called leaders seem to have a vested interest in preserving the status quo. Instead of taking advantage of this momentous groundswell of national impetus and encouraging our men to go and take a stand on Friday, most of these cancerous leeches make statements discouraging the Boers from going.

They have press conferences and hand-shake-opportunities with the president, the minister of police, the murdered man's former employer, with each other, with celebrities etc etc

The list of PR events these duplicitous cunts hold is as long as my arm.

But they all come to the same conclusion: 

Don't go on Friday.

The time is not yet right.

Our time will come.

The Lord doesn't will it yet.

Blah blah blah...

As if each and every one of these self-proclaimed leaders has a direct line to Jesus himself.

There are, of course, brave men that say we MUST go to Senekel as a show of force for our people, our culture, our language, our nation, and our Freedom, come what may.

Men like Boer Jack and Komando Corps General Franz Jooste.

Sadly they do not have as large a platform as the entrenched celebs of Afrikaanerdom and could be viewed as dissidents.

Although, there are thousands who share their views.

Credit to - criticalhappenstance

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