TENKETEM's Alpha-Bank Product Portfolio
Tenketem Technologies
During the design of the product, much more focus was done on.
Customer Registration
Customer Registration Module (KYC) – Know your Customer – allow capture of Customer bio data, social economic data and any other important information about the Customer. Including Customer’s beneficiaries, bank details and identification documents
Customer Personal Account
This module manages all Customers transactions related to Accounting, Payments and Receipts.
It provides a means of processing and extraction of the information relating to Customers transactions in a precise, accurate and effective manner of extracting and displaying or printing the same for analysis and decision making process.
Customer’s payments can be received against
1 Deposits
2 Interest
3 Loan principal.
4 Share capital
5 Lump sum charges
6 Loan clearance charges
7 Loan application charges
8 Insurance fee
9 Entrance fee
10 Loan scheduling fees
11 Others
Loan Processing Transactions
This module integrates seamlessly with other modules in the system
1 It is possible through this module to receive, apply, appraise, endorse, track, monitor and evaluate
Customer’s transactions, and connect to the DMS source of documents.
2 It’s able to generate loans guaranteed by the applicant and their statuses.
3 It also generates number of loans guaranteed by guarantors and their statuses.
4 The system also generates a loan application number in a specified format
5 The module can generate an automated electable SMS/email alert as the loan is processed.
6 When an application is received inform the borrower and the timelines expected.
7 Inform the guarantors to a loan of the extent of their guarantee.
8 Inform the borrower when the loan is approved and any fees payable before disbursement.
9 Inform the borrower when funds are disbursed.
10 The system provides for a maker, checker and approver in all loan processes. The person who appraises may not approve. – Committee approval where a loan has to be approved by specified persons.
11 The system allow for a full loan approval up to payment through the system. Once a loan is fully approved the system notifies accounts department of pending payments from loans department.
1 The system allows for an online approval (by loans committee) and disbursement of funds (by authorized signatories).
The system generates the following reports:
1 Total loans collected in a period.
2 The loans projected/actual report.
3 The system generates defaulters report in periods/ days/ months.
4 Loan ageing Report
5 Loan portfolio at Risk
6 Loans cleared report.
7 Loan repayment schedule.
8 Loans due for payment on a given date.
9 Loans balances as per Customer and per loan at a given date.
10 Relevant reports can bear makers/checkers/approvers/authoriz ers/signatories, times and dates.
11 The system generates an appraisal report.
12 Loans rejected/deferred citing reason for such.
13 Loans issued/pending (full/partial) in a particular period.
14 Loans approved in a particular period and the amount approved.
15 Loans applied in a particular period.
16 The system allows addition/modification of new loan products/parameters.
17 The system allows an authorized user to make exemptions on some loan parameter using marker checker principle
1 The system can automatically lock the appraisal report for further modification once the loan is disbursed.
2 The system supports direct loan fund transfer to recipient bank once the loan has been approved.
3 The System supports early repayment and lump sum loan repayment.
4 The system calculates interest charged on loans products on either daily or monthly basis and allow for user to select a particular method. – reducing balance, Straight-line/ Flat, microfinance, & custom methods as well.
5 The system supports loan rescheduling based on Credit policy.
6 The system can generate an appraisal report clearly summarizing the entire appraisal requirement and their statuses for ease of approval.
7 The system allow for adjustments on loans balances such as;
1 Transfers
2 Write-offs
3 Offset
4 Waiver of partial/full interest
5 Discontinue loading of interest /interest freezing.
Risk Management/Guarantor Security Management
Guarantors Management
1 Tracking of guarantors, the loaned and the amount they have guaranteed is as critical as approving the loans.
2 The system allows a Customer to guarantee a specified maximum number of loans.
3 The system allows for release and replacement of a loan guarantee.
4 System can utilize an algorithm of managing liability a Customer can have as stipulated by the Microfinance to avoid over guaranteeing.
5 The system can be set to only allow a subsequent guarantee if the guarantor loan account or any of the previous accounts guaranteed are not in arrears.
6 The system can notify the guarantors any moment their shares are tied to guaranteeing a loan via Email/ SMS.
7 The System can provide a method of calculating defaulted loans charges, offsetting from loaner account and apportioning any balance to guarantors in ratio of their guarantee and recover.
8 System can generate demand notices in the following order
9 1st demand notice when an account falls in arrears of over 30 days (1 month)
10 2nd demand notice when an account falls due for over 60 days (2 months) and copied to guarantors. A notice to offset an overdue account from the loaner deposits account copied to guarantors.
1 3rd notice offsetting own deposits account and giving guarantors notice of offset from their own accounts of any loan balance after 21 days.
2 4th notice offsetting guarantors and notice to sue for the outstanding balance.
3 System can generate Special notice to management when an existing loan secured by guarantors becomes exposed due to;
1 Death of the guarantor
2 Guarantor losing his/her deposits
3 Guarantor deposits become attached.
The system keeps records and gives reminders when notices given on accounts in arrears expire.
Securities /Collateral Management
The system manages securities.
1 The system automatically alerts on expiry of insurance policy for motor vehicles.
2 The system provides a way of the Microfinance paying insurance premiums on expired and non-renewed policies and debiting the Customer loan account.
3 The system can have a provision for renewing land rates and rent as applicable on loans secured with title deeds.
4 The system can prompt for a biannual census of all securities held and confirm their applicability on a taker-confirmer basis. System allows for release of security on loan completion.
1 The system can generate a report of all loans secured by securities, their performance, the value of the securities and relevant journal notes/memos.
Loan recovery management
1 The system has a loan recovery management method.
2 It indicates the due dates for all loans.
3 The system has a memo of indicating all actions taken on due loan accounts and by who on individual loan accounts and en mass.
4 The system allow for select of preferred mode of payment and date for a Customer loan.
5 It can link to DMS with loan repayment details and other correspondence with the Customer on his/her loan account.
6 A journal of actions taken can be there and visible.
7 It can link to the loaner Customer physical addressees.
8 It can generate and send alerts to individual or bulk or selected Customers with available templates for:
1 Due accounts.
2 Overdue accounts.
3 Defaulted accounts
General Ledger
1 Chart accounts with level of account hierarchy collapsible and expandable.
2 Ability to add, modify by an authorized user.
1 General Ledger settings allows linking of default account to regulatory reports, standard operation procedure as per the organization
2 Integrate seamlessly with other modules and capture details of all transactions, making it possible to drill to sub ledgers and source documents.
3 Account codes make it easy to identify account group, sub ledger account etc
Online Banking/ Web Portal/ Customers Dashboard
1 System allow some level of service delivery online such as Customers statements,
2 loan applications, loan eligibility and self-appraisal, guarantor-ship
3 Submission and approval and communication with the organization
4 Allow Customer to update personal details
5 Can be used for an online registration of Customers.
6 The dashboard securely delivers accurate and real time Customer data.
After the period transactions are carried out various reports are then available from the system.
System produces report that are printable, exportable to excel and PDF
System reports include date range provision.
Reports have relevant generation fields like by branch, by loan officer, by Customer, by account, by External ID (Customer Card Number)
Reports include:
Financial related reports
1 Balance sheet
2 Income Statement
3 Trial balance
4 Reconciliations
5 General ledger vs. Actual balances (Customers listing) report
6 Journal report passed in the system
7 Fixed asset register and movement report
8 Debtors /creditors schedule and age analysis
9 Budget vs. Actual analysis report
10 Interest charged and interest refund report
11 Over-payment refund report
12 Dividend /interest processing report
13 Month and close of yearend report
Registry – Customer data/ Accounts
1 Customer register by category, date opened, status, ( customized to give Customer register by key fields like ID, gender, station, employer
2 Dormant Customer Accounts
3 Deceased Customer Accounts
4 Closed Customer Accounts
5 Duplicate Account reports
6 Customer withdrawal report
7 User activity log on Customer records i.e. record user name, Record date and time of creation / modification of Customer record
File management system
1 Customer file movement Deposits/ Savings
2 Deposit / saving balances by category, amount
3 Deposit refund report
4 Deposit used to offset loans report
5 Deposit /savings refund report
6 Saving s account report by category and amount
7 Closed and Dormant Account
8 Flagged accounts report
9 Negative balances (only If OD is allowed)
10 Fixed deposit report (matured accounts report etc)
Teller / Cashier and others
1 Teller cash report
2 Cash excess and shortage report
3 End of day report
4 Cash summary report
5 Treasury report
6 Mobile reports
7 Cheques cleared and unpresented reports
8 ATM and ABC banking report(balance inquiry, withdrawal, deposit, declined transaction
9 Bankers cheque reports
10 Authorization report
11 Standing order reports by date, department/category-
12 Failed standing orders
13 Loans without standing order
14 Expired standing order
1 Loan application report
2 Loan approved report
3 Approved loans but pending disbursement
4 Rejected loan report
5 Disbursed loan report- able to show loan disbursed partly
6 Repayment schedule of all loans (whether paid/not paid)
7 Loan delinquency report ( ability to give reports based on time/period , employers, station e.tc
8 Loan underpayment report
9 Negative loan balances / overpaid loan reports
10 Customer loan listing – detailed and summary and be categorized by employer, station, period
11 Loan movement schedule
12 Loan issued beyond the appraisal parameters
13 Guarantors report
14 Notification/flagging of defaulted loans not transferred to guarantors on stipulated time.
15 The system can provide a drop down menu where one can be able to select/tick the type of loan
Customization/ Support & Enhancement
1 System is customizable to Customers’ preferences
2 System supports Customer driven enhancement and customization of the system
3 Provides ability of Customer to create applications and integrate with the core.
4 A well-documented API to be provided for customer driven system customization.
1 System is integrate-able with other systems, Mobile Money, SMS gateway, etc
2 System is integrated with international SMS gateways, mobile money services, banking platforms.
3 Advance Customization and System enhancement may be billed separately.
End User System Requirement
Any PC or Phone with Standard Web Browser and has access the system.
For any inquiry contact:
info@tenketem.org / tenketemtechnologies@gmail.com
+270 (0) 790 305727