TELEFY : Worlds First Credit Score Oriented Multi Chain DEFI Solution

TELEFY : Worlds First Credit Score Oriented Multi Chain DEFI Solution

DEFI is an emerging, seamlessly working technology for many financial solutions and of course significantly helps to get rid of third parties and brokerages involved in the legacy models. However, its observed lack of knowledge in gathering the credit worthiness of the users using this platform potentially leads the end users paying up inappropriate interest rates. Telefy solves many problems involved in crypto industry.

TeleFy Platform

TELE is an authenticated governance token that will be used in Telefy when users of this platform want to participate in polling for the implementation of any changes or additions to the protocols being used in the platform. Users can participate in voting for any changes or new additions to the protocol.

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TeleFy in a nutshell brings in a way to associate trustless tele score i.e. credit score for every wallet. The Tele-Score services come along with the Telefy platform determines the credit worthiness of each wallet and produces most appropriate interest rates for the users who are availing the benefits of lending pool. Based on the holds in the wallet and the transactions performed by the users the Tele-Score gets impacted and so at any point in time users could pay the interest that suits most for the lending they opted in.

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Tele-Score will be published as a micro service which is an open-source and can be leveraged by any exchanges or users who are interested to consume this service. Tele Score can be a transformational service that can change the way of most of the DEFI solutions that are in the market today, by distinguishing users into multiple categories based on their date of joining to the DEFI chain and other credentials. Again, re-iterating the point that Telefy is going to be a one-stop solution for multiple block chains including but not limited to DEX, Lending, Launch PAD and NFT.

TELE STAKING : Users are provisioned to stake TEL-LP tokens to earn TELE coins. Interest percentage will get calculated based on the liquidity pool.

TELE Swap : Objective is to make the Swap protocol eventually available in multiple block chains. However, to begin with, TELE Swap beta is currently available on Ethereum Smart Chain and development is in progress for making the TELE Swap available on Binance Smart Chain. Enabling TELE Swap protocol on more block chains such as Cardano, Matic and PolkaDot are on our charter for this year, to ensure Telefy sticks to its offer of launching a one-stop solution and benefits the customers.

TELE PAD : Tele launch PAD will be available in Telefy to run any IDOs. This launch PAD is a multi-cross chain and hence users who stake TELE coins can participate in IDO. IDO launch PAD projects will be evaluated strictly based on different parameters and by Telefy team. Tele PAD will run the IDO launches in Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana etc.

TELE NFT : Telefy will launch its own NFT marketplace where users can buy or sell NFT. Tele Score will be calculated for the traders who trade in Tele NFT platform as well. Tele NFT protocol charges 0.27% fees which will be distributed to the users who staked TELE coins NFT marketplace will be available in TeleFy in multiple block chain which includes Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana etc.

Telefy Features

TELE SWAP : Tele Swap is a multi-chain protocol that allows users to swap coins adding liquidity using Automated Market Maker.

TELE LEND : Tele Lend is a multi-chain and automated lending protocol that allows users to lend or borrow using Tele Score.

TELE SCORE : Tele Score is a multi-chain programmable protocol for effectively calculating the credit worthiness of users, based on their holdings, transaction history and few other relevant parameters.

TELE PAD : Tele Pad is multi-chain model supports initial DEX offering for the users who have Tele Coin stake.

TELE NFT : Tele NFT is multi-chain NFT marketplace where you can buy or sell NFT. Tele NFT protocol fees will be distributed to the users who staked TELE.

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