Pfizer's patent application was approved on August 31, 2021, and it is the very first patent to appear on a list of more than 18,500 for remote contact tracing of all vaccinated people around the world who will be or are already connected to a common "server" (via microwave frequencies).


"System and methods of anonymous selection of subjects for the treatment of infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices containing instructions for generating an identifier, and when another such electronic device is nearby, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the identifier to or from another electronic device. The score is then generated based on a plurality of such derived identifiers.

In addition, based on the information received from the server, the subjects are shown appropriate treatment instructions based on the information received and the assessment. The server contains instructions for sending to a plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed, with appropriate treatment instructions. Additionally, the server and/or electronic devices comprise instructions for predicting the likelihood of transmission of a pathogen by a subject based on the subject's assessment."

The CDC in the summer of 2021 recalled the noble invention of the world's chief virologist Richard the lionheart 💔 Rothschild and his PCR tests from 2015-2016 registered 19 patents of tracking through mobile 📲 as unreliable. 

19 Patents by inventor Richard A. de ROTHSCHILD

Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

1- System and Method analysis COVID-19 Publication number: 20200279585 Summary: A method of obtaining and transmitting biometric data (e.g. vital indicators) of the user, in which the data is analyzed to determine whether the user suffers from a viral infection such as Covid-19. The method includes a pulsoxymeter to measure at least the heart rate and percentage of oxygenation that is transmitted to the smartphone wirelessly. To speed up the accuracy of the data, the smartphone uses an alleurometer to measure the movement of the olertonium movement After receiving accurate data they are loaded into the cloud (or on the host), where the data is used (separately or jointly by other vital functions) to determine Whether the user suffers (or probably suffers from a viral infection like Covid-19. from specific data, their change and/or task one to alert medical staff to the health of the ttiness: Application filed: May 17, 2020 Publish Date: September 3, 2020 Inventor: Richard A. De Rothschild

2- System and advertising method to the beneficiary of the web page Patent Number: 10719857 Rezmer Patent: 10719857System and a way to send less advertising to the recipient of the web page data and provide greater data transfer in response to the recipient's interaction with advertising. The device's sender includes access to an ad that runs an app on a website where a website or has access to a variety of advertisements, including at least one message. In one version of this invention, the sender manages ads that are delivered to you to the recipient, allowing the sender to remove (or delete) the ad from either at least one ad or from multiple advertisements. If you have an interactive advertising poster, and that the ad uses with an advertising request, provide the recipient with other communication data, providing the network device with a URL for which the data can be found. Type: Grant filed: June 12, 2017 Patent Date: July 21, 2020 Inventor: Richard Rothschild

3- System and method of providing advertising for the receiving device Patent Number: 10643255 Summary: The system and method for sending at least one ad to the receiving device and providing more data to the recipient who uses the ad. In one version of this invention, the website's data provider has control over advertisements that allow you to view the site's data, allowing the sender to remove (or remove) the ad from the available ads. If an interactive advertising poster and advertisement is used with an advertising request to provide the recipient with an additional date, send a request for data, the advertising provider, with the request being provided by the ad provider and redirected to the advertiser's website by providing the advertiser's URL to the receiving device. Type: Grant filed: June 11, 2018 Patent Date: May 5, 2020 Inventor: Richard Rothschild

4- System and Use Method, Biometric Data Mapping and Processing Publication Number: 20200126593 Summary: How video, user data is identified and displayed, separately or in conjunction with other data, such as biometric data obtained during the period during which video data was captured/received. The method involves storing biometric data separately from video data, allowing you to quickly search for biometric data to identify at least one value (e.g. values corresponding to at least one biometric event value). At least one biometric time mark. - a frame that is a conspirator to read data from a video, alone or with biometric data, starting at a certain point in time (for example, at the time when it happened, shortly before the event occurred, etc.). Type: Application filed: 5 December 2019 Publish Date: April 23, 2020 Inventors: Richard A. De Rothschild, Dan McLean, Robin S. Slomkowski, Tasca Harnishfeger

5- System and way to use, process and display biometric data Number pate8m18 Reyumer pate8m18 The way video, user data is identified and displayed, separately or in conjunction (synchronously) with other data, such as biometric data obtained during the period during which the video data was captured/received. The method involves storing biometric data separately from video data, allowing you to quickly search for biometric data to identify at least one value (e.g. values corresponding to at least one biometric event value). At least one biometric time mark. - a frame that is a conspirator to read data from a video, alone or with biometric data, starting at a certain point in time (for example, at the time when it happened, shortly before the event occurred, etc.). Type: Grant filed: February 11, 2019 Patent Issuance Date: December 31, 2019 Inventors: Richard Rothschild, Dan McLean, Robin S. Slomkowski, Tasca Harnishfeger

6- SYSTEM AND SOURCE, 20190 AND 700: 20190Er Publishing14; 20190Er Publish: 20190Erppublicatz14: 20190 Video Identification, User Data, Identity, User Data, Separately or In sync (synchronously) with other data, as biometric data obtained over the period of such data was captured/ The method involves storing biometric data separately from video data, allowing you to quickly search for biometric data to identify at least one value (e.g. values corresponding to at least one biometric event value). At least one biometric time mark. - a frame that is a conspirator to read data from a video, alone or with biometric data, starting at a certain point in time (for example, at the time when it happened, shortly before the event occurred, etc.). Type: Applied: February 11, 2019 Publish Date: 24 October 2019 Inventors: Richard A. De Rothschild, Dan McLean, Robin S. Slomkowski, Tasca Harnishfeger

7- The system and methods of using social networks to target people who can synthdibiticoticichitochichi kotiba can synthdibitichikibitichifichitobitibs can synthibibotibitibibics Patent Number: 10360596 Summary: System and method of adding ads to digital communication. The generator, which is in the host network, receives digital messages from participants and allows participants to choose. These digital messages can be sent to recipients or posted on the website. Using personal data related to the speaker and recipient of a digital message, the ad generator suggests that ads be included in digital messages based on their contextual relevance. If the co-author's chosen ad is provided by a third-party advertiser, the co-author's message, and the publication of the message of the local message to send it to at least the recipient of the message or publish it on the website. Type: Grant filed: July 18, 2013 Patent date: July 23, 2019 Inventor: Anthony Richard Rothschild

8- System and use method, display of biometric data and processing Patent number: 10242713 Summary: How to process and display the user's biometric data, separately or together with others (in sync with other data, like user's video data, during the time when biometric data was received. , discrete, etc.), as well as the storage of video data, so that they are associated with the time mark, the same time (e.g. , biometric data can be (or in sync with video data, or delayed) in sync with the video data, and biometric data can be searched to identify at least one biometric event indicator.or at least one biometric user indicator during biometric donsbybytin. Type: Grant filed: April 24, 2017 Patent Date: 26 March 2019 Inventors: Richard Rothschild, Dan, McLean S. S.

9- System and method of adding advertising for personal messages Publication number: 20190043097 Summary: System and method for adding at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If you have an interactive advertising poster, and that provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that can be understood by the network recipient. Type: Application filed: June 11, 2018 Publish Date: February 7, 2019 Inventor: Richard A. De Rothschild

10- System and way to add advertising for personal communication Patent Number: 10198754 Summary: System and method for adding at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If an interactive advertising poster, and what to provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that can be understood by the network recipient. Type: Grant filed: April 4, 2015 Patent Issue Date: February 5, 2019 Inventor: Richard Rothschild

11- System and way to add advertising for personal communication Patent Number: 9904942 Summary: System and method for adding at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with the advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If there is an interactive advertising poster, and that provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that may be understandable by the network recipient. Type: Grant filed: January 6, 2014 Patent Issue Date: February 27, 2018 Inventor: Richard A. De Rothschild

12- System and method of adding ads for personal messages Publication number: 20170287017 Summary: System and method for adding at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If you have an interactive advertising poster, and that provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that may be understandable by the network recipient. Type: Application filed: June 12, 2017 Publish Date: 5 Oct 2017 Inventor: Richard A. De Rothschild

13- System and method of use, Displaying Biometric Data and Biometrics Publication Number: 20170229149 Summary: How to process and display a user's biometric data, alone or together with others (in sync with other data, like user video data, during the time when biometric data was received. , sampling, etc.), and video data storage, so that they are associated with a time pointer, one time mark (e.g. time, start) , biometric data can be (or in sync with video data, or delayed) in sync with the video data, and biometric data can be searched to identify at least one biometric event indicator.or at least one biometric user indicator during biometric donsbybybytin. Type: Filed: April 24, 2017 Publish Date: August 10, 2017 Inventors: Richard A. De Rothschild, Dan McLean, Robin S. S. , Taska Harnishfeger

14- System and Method of Optimization Preference Optimization Number Of Publication: 20170068994 Summary: A system and method of using a person's biometric data is provided to determine at least one person's emotional, physical or mental state that is used, separately or together with other data, in order to provide a person with the source of the data on the network. In one version of this invention, the web host exchanges data with at least one network device, where each network device is controlled by a person and configured to transmit biometric data from person to person, the site host. The host of the site then adjusts to the use of biometric data to determine the extreme extreme edge of the extreme state definition separately or in combination with other data (e.g. data interests), then used to provide a person with certain contentType: Application filed: September 3, 2016 Publish Date: March 9, 2017 Inventors: Robin S. Slomkowski, A Richard De Rothschild

15- System and method of adding ads for personal messages Publication Number: 20150213517 Summary: System and method for adding at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If you have an interactive promotional poster, and that provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that may be understandable by the network recipient. Type: Application filed: April 4, 2015 Publish Date: July 30, 2015 Inventor: Richard A. De Rothschild

16- SYSTEM AND THE WAY FOR THE NEW FOR THE NEW REPORT Publication number: 20150193834 Abstract: System and way to add at least one advertisement to ensure the transfer of more data to the recipient who uses with advertising. The device's sender contacts the ad that runs the app on the website to create a personal message containing at least one of the ads where at least one ad is selected from a range of ads. In one version of the implementation of this invention, the sender has control over advertisements that allow in person, allowing the sender (or delete) the ad, either from at least one advertisement, or from a range of advertisements. If an interactive advertising poster, and what to provide the recipient with other communications data in a format that may be understood by the network recipient. Type: Application filed: January 6, 2014 Publish Date: July 9, 2015 Inventor: Richard A. de ROTHSCHILD

17- System and method of adding ads for personal messages Publication number: 20140025501 Summary: System and method of adding ads to digital message. The generator, which is in the host network, receives digital messages from participants and allows participants to choose. These digital messages can be sent to recipients or posted on the website. Using personal data related to the speaker and recipient of a digital message, the ad generator suggests that ads be included in digital messages based on their contextual relevance. If the co-author's selected ad is provided by a third-party advertiser, the co-author's message, and the publication of the message of the local message to send it to at least the recipient of the message or published it on the website. Type: Application filed: July 18, 2013 Publish Date: January 23, 2014 Inventor: Anthony Richard Rothschild

18- System and way of adding advertisements for personal communication Patent number: 8527345 Summary: Syst'me et m'thode pour ajouter une annonce un message num'rique et en fournissant plus de la communication de donn'es q un destinataire qui intera avegitc la publicit' quel soit le r'eau, appareil du destinataire est utilisant. Une publicité générateur résidant sur un réseau hôte accepte les messages numériques par les collaborateurs et permet aux contributeurs pour sélectionner une publicité est affichée avec leurs contribué messages. Ces messages numériques peuvent être envoyés à des destinataires ou publiés sur un site Web. À l’aide de données personnelles associées à l’intervenant et le destinataire d’un message numérique, outre le contenu du message lui-même, l’annonce générateur suggère des publicités à être inclus avec le numérique messages en fonction de leur pertinence contextuelle. En zchange, y compris une annonce avec un message num'rique, un contributeur est compens'e.type: Grant filed: October 31, 2007 Patent date: September 3, 2013 Inventors: Anthony Richard Rothschild, Robin Star Morton Slomkowski

19- SYSTEM AND THE WAY FOR FOR THE NEW REPORT Publishing number: 20090030774 Abstract: System and way to add advertising to a digital message. The generator, which is in the host network, receives digital messages from participants and allows participants to choose. These digital messages can be sent to recipients or posted on the website. Using personal data related to the speaker and recipient of a digital message, the ad generator suggests that ads be included in digital messages based on their contextual relevance. In exchange, including advertisements with a digital message, the participant receives compensation. Type: Application filed: October 31, 2007 Publish Date: January 29, 2009 Inventors: Anthony Richard Rothschild, Robin Star Slomkowski

International Criminal Court, international law rules and documents

The London Statute, Article 6: "Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices involved in the drafting or implementation of a general plan or conspiracy to commit any of the aforementioned crimes are responsible for all acts committed by any person in order to carry out such a plan"; 

Statute of the Tokyo Tribunal, Article 5: "Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices who have participated in the development or implementation of a joint plan or conspiracy involving any of the aforementioned crimes are responsible for all acts committed by any person in the implementation of such plans." Nuremberg Principles, Principle VII. Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Humanity 1954, paragraph 13 (iii). Draft Code of Crimes Against The Peace and Security of Humanity 1996, Article 2 (3). ICTY Charter, Article 7 (1); The STATUTE of the ICTR, Article 6 (1) and the Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Article 6 (1) contains almost identical texts: "A person who planned, incited, ordered, committed or otherwise facilitated or incited the planning, preparation or commission of a crime specified in Articles 2-5 (2-5) of this Charter is personally liable for this crime." Similar language is contained in Article 29 of the Emergency Chambers Act in the Cambodian Courts to deal with crimes committed during the existence of Democratic Kampuchea. Cm. the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article III(e).

Well, all degenerates, it is important to sit in the national administrations of the capitals of the world, begin extremely difficult times. Now all this moronic span will have to be caught by the forces of national officers and each state will have to transfer to each state its national members of the international organized crime group, consisting mainly of Jewish fascists-globalists in the hands of national and international justice. Now it is necessary for everyone to take measures to neutralize the national state gangs of officials. Accept various methods of detention, neutralization of criminals committing a particularly serious crime - by any forces and means that an officer and a citizen have at hand. Accomplices also include all those involved in the 5G project. This group of 5G international terrorists is also subject to arrest as is the Covid-19 gang! . De facto, it is one and the same personal composition of the state gang. In connection with the mass death of injected, a huge number of applications of citizens, the UK police conduct operational search activities and ask to cooperate and report cases of death and damage from injections.

The Medicines and Health Commodities Regulatory Agency (MHRA) warned in advance of the expected large number of adverse reactions prior to deployment, confirming the intentional nature of the crime and public health offenses then and now. The site lists 1,011 side effects that vaccines carry, including death.


Related crimes and threats to public health, manslaughter by gross negligence and misconduct in public office.

Another 18 crimes were also mentioned, including murder, fraud and numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. We can now confirm intelligence and defense depopulation documents from 2017 showing the planned murder of more than 55 million people in the United Kingdom by 2025 using these biochemical weapons. Do you have any information that could help?


Have you lost a loved one to the vaccine? Do you suffer from headaches, blood clots, blindness, heart problems, strokes or myocarditis after vaccination against COVID19 ? Have you lost peace and sleep 🛏, appetite? We would also like to hear from those who are unlawfully threatened with "denial of employment, dismissal".

Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law - 

On July 21, 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that, as of December 31, 2021, it would withdraw its recommendation to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding "emergency authorization" (EUA) for "Real-Time RT-PCR" tests.

After December 31, 2021, cdc

will withdraw a request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use (EUA) of CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) real-time RT-PCR diagnostic tests, first introduced in February 2020 only to detect SARS-CoV-2. The CDC provides this advance notice to clinical laboratories to have sufficient time to select and implement one of the many FDA-approved alternatives.



"The use of PCR tests from Richard Rothschild 2015-2016 to diagnose the non-existent disease covid is a global international war crime of national administrations and a scientific fraud, since no PCR tool can give quantitative results that could indicate a specific viral load. The U.S. state will be responsible for the lawsuits 🇺🇸 and individuals of U.S. officials 🇺🇸, as a false protocol approved by the CDC for testing was used to create the illusion of "casedemic" that produced results that hundreds of millions of people around the world were infected with covid.  All of this was an elaborate special operation by state biological terrorists and a scientific hoax, and anyone familiar with PCR technology knew this from the start. The FDA's position on PCR and from a false study, thanks to this lie, PCR has become a "diagnostic" test and a 100% lie to increase the wig of the U.S. population 🇺🇸 and the world.

PCR testing, approved by the CDC to diagnose covid, was conducted by prior conspiracy in the fraudulent way of the greatest deception from day one! 

The tools of false PCR are not quantitative tools. They can't tell you how much of something is present in a given sample. Every laboratory scientist familiar with PCR instruments knows this. Yet they continue to follow the global terrorist plan and diagnose positive cases through false PCR tests. All the lies of the coronavirus pandemic are a special operation on total lies and are based on fraudulent PCR testing schemes. The CDC, a participant in this special operation pinned to the wall, announced that they were canceling the most commonly used test, apparently in an attempt to replace the trial with another fraudulent protocol that could be monitored by health authorities to worsen the "pandemic" on demand (or perhaps covid claims were eliminated and declared victory). From the very beginning, this whole false pandemic is nothing but a globally coordinated information biological attack on nation-states and the world as a whole. Global and brazen fraud with PCR testing. Thermo-Fischer sales representatives admitted privately that PCR devices cannot quantify quantitative results. They don't use quantitative instrument calibration curves or quantitative external covid standards. This means that PCR tools do not play a legitimate role in diagnosing any person with a disease or covid infection. The mere presence of a single viral fragment multiplied trillions of times by PCR cycling does not indicate anything, has no scientific or diagnostic significance.

The Portuguese Court of Appeal ruled: PCR tests are unreliable, quarantine people based only on the PCR test is illegal.

The court said the reliability of the test depends on the number of cycles used and the presence of viral load. With reference to Jaafar et al.:

"If someone is tested positive for PCR using a threshold of 35 cycles or higher (usually in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that this person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that the specified result is false positive is 97%." Similarly, an Austrian court ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for diagnosing COVID-19 and that the blockage has no legal or scientific basis. The court pointed out that "the PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis and therefore in itself does not say anything about a person's disease or infection." PCR analysts and lab technicians are complicit in global fraud with covid testing . The entire covid pandemic is a terrorist farce and an attack on the world's civilian population and businesses, all based on a well-planned terrorist plan, and fraudulent PCR testing is just one of the important components of the population's panic. PCR specialists and analysts have known this since the beginning – spring 2020. Everyone who has taken part in this are war criminals under the global scheme of destroying human lives and crushing the world economy, and all these freaks are well and fully aware that the limitations of their own tools mean: diagnoses of "positive" covid status based on PCR nonsense, this is absolute meaningless nonsense. I manage several mass spec instruments in my private lab, including QQQ and ICP-MS instruments. I am one of the developers of two quantitative methods that have been carefully developed to quantify glyphosate molecules in food and the concentration of cannabinoids in hemp extracts. I am very familiar with instrument calibration, external standards, curve fitting equations, and quantitative analysis. PCR devices are not capable of this. They are useless for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, since they cannot obtain the results of the concentration of viral load from this sample. If you want to know how much of something is present in a given sample, you should use much more sophisticated instruments, such as triple quad-core mass spectrometers (which I use to test products for glyphosate contamination, among other things).

Zero Hedge. Dahle Dr. Menge Fauci admitted quietly: PCR testing is essentially a scam when it comes to diagnosing covid. Tony Menge Fauci in mid-November 2020 : 

"What is now kind of evolving into something of a standard ... if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more... the chances that he will be confident in replication are negligible... It's very frustrating for both patients and doctors: someone comes in and they repeat their PCR, and it's like the threshold of cycle 37, but you can almost never cultivate the virus from the 37th threshold cycle. ... So I think if someone comes in with 37, 38, even 36, you have to say it's just dead nucleotides, period."

Just as doctors, nurses and pharmacists are involved in the global criminal terrorist scam of false covid, technicians and owners of PCR labs are happily engaging in the same fraud for paying for their wait. They make huge profits from conducting fraudulent PCR tests that will never pass the test of any legitimate scientific test for accuracy or accuracy.

PCR tests are neither accurate nor inaccurate. The concept of "accuracy" is paramount in quantitative laboratory analysis involving pesticides, heavy metals, etc. There is no such thing as accuracy when you multiply genetic material in the sample itself. This process, by definition, destroys any meaningful knowledge of the mass or concentration in the original sample. If the same approach were used in breathalyzers for possible drunk drivers, then every living person would be arrested for drunk driving, since at least one molecule of alcohol circulates in the blood of each person. Has the CDC withdrawn this PCR method? Yes I revoked. They are well aware that the test cannot withstand reasonable scientific verification. They tried to hide their traces and a hole in the memory of a fraudulent test that was made a long time ago, put in different years 2017-2018-2019 in different trance worlds international hospital 🏥 bank 🏦 and used to launch a terrorist, informational, biological attack on the world's population, under the guise of a threat to health and death. The sale and trade of the fear of death for the people of the world was ought by the national administrations of the world and the media. The CDC is a criminal cover for the vaccine industry, the CDC has no scientific credibility or authority at all when it comes to legitimate testing of infectious diseases. The CDC, FDA, and EMA are simply corrupt war criminals and Pharmaceutical Cartel mafia officers who have no scientific validity or authority in diagnosing infectious diseases. PCR tests fake and mega scale fraud wrapped in a pseudoscientific mantle.  We know too much and have done a lot to have the right to present these opinions of tracked medical specialists based on our knowledge of the special operation corona. We do not claim to be the author of the author of the publication, and our opinion may not coincide with someone's opinion.  But we from this possible non-coincidence of someone's opinion with ours, absolutely smooth and purple. We will put several tens of thousands of criminals on the bench of national and international courts and do not even doubt it! 

The Hague Court of Coronopandemia, Vaccination ruled on 15.01.22

The court's verdict sentences seventy-five people to life in prison, confiscates their assets and liquidates their corporations, and legally prohibits the continued production, sale or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder." After a four-month trial convened under international law, the judges of the International Court of Common Law (ICLCJ) today delivered their historic verdict and verdict, as well as arrest and expropriation warrants against the accused. 


U.S. Food and Drug Administration 🇺🇸: Can you tell us about the undisclosed ingredient of the COVID19 vaccine that is edited in Table 2?

Report Page