TDLib 1.5.0

TDLib 1.5.0


Changes in 1.5.0:

  • Changed authorization workflow:

-Added the state authorizationStateWaitRegistration, which will be received after authorizationStateWaitCode for users who are not registered yet.

-Added the method registerUser, which must be used in the authorizationStateWaitRegistration state to finish registration of the user.

-Removed the fields is_registered and terms_of_service from the class authorizationStateWaitCode.

-Removed the parameters first_name and last_name from the method checkAuthenticationCode.

  • Added support for messages with an unknown sender (zero sender_user_id) in private chats, basic groups and supergroups. Currently, the sender is unknown for posts in channels and for channel posts automatically forwarded to the discussion group.
  • Added support for the new permission system for non-administrator users in groups:

-Added the class chatPermissions containing all supported permissions, including new permissions  can_send_polls,  can_change_infocan_invite_users  and  can_pin_messages.

-Added the field permissions to the class chat, describing actions that non-administrator chat members are allowed to take in the chat.

-Added the update updateChatPermissions.

-Added the method setChatPermissions for changing chat permissions.

-Added the class chatEventPermissionsChanged representing a change of chat permissions in the chat event log.

-Replaced the fields  can_send_messagescan_send_media_messagescan_send_other_messages, can_add_web_page_previews in the class chatMemberStatusRestricted with the field permissions of the type chatPermissions.

-Removed the field everyone_is_administrator from the basicGroup class in favor of the field permissions of the class chat.

-Removed the field anyone_can_invite from the supergroup class in favor of the field permissions of the class chat.

-Removed the method toggleBasicGroupAdministrators in favor of setChatPermissions.

-Removed the method toggleSupergroupInvites in favor of setChatPermissions.

-Renamed the field anyone_can_invite to can_invite_users in the class chatEventInvitesToggled.

-The permissions  can_send_other_messages and  can_add_web_page_previews now imply only can_send_messages instead of can_send_media_messages.

-Allowed administrators in basic groups to use the method generateChatInviteLink.

  • Added out of the box OpenBSD and NetBSD operating systems support.
  • Added possibility to use LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL to build TDLib.
  • Added instructions for building TDLib on Debian 10OpenBSD and NetBSD to the TDLib build instructions generator.
  • Added support for Backgrounds 2.0:

-Added the classes  BackgroundTypebackgroundbackgrounds  and InputBackground.

-Added the method getBackground returning the list of backgrounds installed by the user.

-Added the method setBackground for changing the background selected by the user.

-Added the update updateSelectedBackground, which is sent right after a successful initialization and whenever the selected background changes.

-Added the method removeBackground for removing a background from the list of installed backgrounds.

-Added the method resetBackgrounds for restoring the default list of installed backgrounds.

-Added the method searchBackground returning a background by its name.

-Added the method getBackgroundUrl returning a persistent URL for a background.

-Removed the getWallpapers method.

-Removed the wallpaper and the wallpapers classes.

-The class fileTypeWallpaper can be used for remote file identifiers of both old wallpapers and new backgrounds.

  • Added support for descriptions in basic groups:

-Added the field description to the class basicGroupFullInfo.

-Replaced the method setSupergroupDescription  with  setChatDescription  which can be used for any chat type.

  • Added support for emoji suggestions:

-Added the method searchEmojis for searching emojis by keywords.

-Added the method getEmojiSuggestionsUrl, which can be used to automatically log in to the translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements.

-Renamed the class stickerEmojis to emojis.

  • Changed type of the fields old_photo and new_photo in the class chatEventPhotoChanged from chatPhoto to photo.
  • Changed recommended size for inputThumbnail from 90x90 to 320x320.
  • Combined all supported settings for phone number authentication:

-Added the class phoneNumberAuthenticationSettings which contains all the settings.

-Replaced the parameters is_current_phone_number and allow_flash_call in the methods  setAuthenticationPhoneNumbersendPhoneNumberConfirmationCodesendPhoneNumberVerificationCode  and  changePhoneNumber with the parameter settings of the type phoneNumberAuthenticationSettings.

-Added support for automatic SMS code verification for official applications via the new field allow_app_hash in the class phoneNumberAuthenticationSettings.

  • Added support for auto-download settings presets.

-Added the classes autoDownloadSettings and autoDownloadSettingsPresets.

-Added the method getAutoDownloadSettingsPresets for getting the settings.

-Added the method setAutoDownloadSettings, which needs to be called whenever the user changes the settings.

  • Added support for minithumbnails - thumbnail images of a very poor quality and low resolution:

-Added the class minithumbnail.

-Added the field  minithumbnail  to  animation,  documentphoto,  video  and videoNote classes.

-Added the field audio_cover_minithumbnail to the class audio.

  • Added support for resending messages which failed to send:

-Added the fields error_codeerror_messagecan_retry and retry_after to the messageSendingStateFailed object.

-Added the method resendMessages.

  • Added the field is_animated to the  sticker,  stickerSet  and stickerSetInfo classes. Animated stickers can be received anywhere where non-animated stickers can appear.
  • Added the parameters send_copy and remove_caption to the  forwardMessages method to allow forwarding of messages without links to the originals.
  • Added the fields  send_copy  and  remove_caption  to  inputMessageForwarded method to allow forwarding of a message without link to the original message.
  • Added the method getMessageLinkInfo for getting information about a link to a message in a chat.
  • Added the class userPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto for managing visibility of the user's profile photo.
  • Added the class userPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages for managing whether a link to the user's account is included with forwarded messages.
  • Added the field thumbnail to the classes stickerSet and stickerSetInfo, containing a thumbnail for the sticker set.
  • Added the field is_scam to the classes user and supergroup.
  • Added a new kind of inline keyboard button inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl, which for the moment must be processed in the same way as an inlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl.
  • Added the new class supergroupMembersFilterContacts, allowing to only search for contacts in getSupergroupMembers.
  • Added the new class chatMembersFilterContacts, allowing to only search for contacts in searchChatMembers.
  • Added the class chatEventPollStopped representing the closing of a poll in a message in the chat event log.
  • Added ability to specify the exact types of problems with a call in the method sendCallRating and the new class CallProblem.
  • Changes in tdweb:

-Supported non-zero offset and limit in readFilePart.

08 September 2019

ℹ️ @KeralagramChannel

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