Syntax and semantics of verbals in English

Syntax and semantics of verbals in English


and German.
We describe the present and historical development of the verbals system of English and the verb system of German. We start by describing the theoretical background of our work. Then, we demonstrate the syntactic and semantic features of the verbs in the two languages. Finally, we present an inventory of verbs with a verb-like structure in both languages and compare their grammatical properties.
The syntax of verbals was investigated by testing the ability of English speakers to understand and produce sentences containing verbals like "he ate", "she saw", and "they went", in a serial order-of-words paradigm. Sentences were presented with a fixed order of words, and participants were asked to generate alternative syntactically correct sentences in response to each sentence. A total of 18 English speakers participated in the study.
and Spanish.
This study compared the syntax and semantics of verbs in two languages (English and Spanish) using a lexical decision task. The results showed that verbs in both languages were processed in a similar way as nouns and adjectives, but with the exception of a few differences that can be explained by different word order usage in the two languages.
and French: a comparison of the processing of animate and inanimate verbs.

This paper deals with the syntax and semantics of the verbals, which are a class of words that are used to express a state of being or a state that is being changed in time. The main task is to analyze the syntactic and semantic relationships between verbs and their subject and object.
A comparison with verbs in French.

an event-related potential study.

The relation between syntactic and semantic properties of verbs has been investigated by means of a corpus study of the verbs in a variety of genres. The results of this study show that grammatical categories such as subject, object, and verbal predicate are related to semantic categories such as function and action. Verbals form a single category in the corpus, but in different genres they are associated with different semantic categories.
French and Spanish.

and Chinese: A case study of verbalization processes.

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