Symptoms and Causes of High Blood Pressure + Treatment Tips

Symptoms and Causes of High Blood Pressure + Treatment Tips

Horizon Clinics

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a blood pressure reading that’s higher than 130/80 mm of mercury (mm Hg). Having high blood pressure puts you at a higher risk of developing potentially life-threatening conditions like a heart attack. 

Furthermore, it’s also called the silent killer because it often doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms. That is why early detection of high blood pressure is important. 

Treatment for High blood pressure includes both prescription medication and healthy lifestyle changes.

However, if the condition isn’t treated accordingly, it could lead to health issues, including heart attack and stroke.

So, if you are someone suffering from high blood pressure, you must get yourself regularly checked to detect the symptoms early. 

Also, in this blog, we have discussed How to Lower Blood Pressure Instantly in an Emergency

Have a read to find out the symptoms, causes, and how to lower pressure immediately.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is generally a silent condition. Many people won’t even experience any symptoms. 

The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is by getting regular blood pressure readings and check-ups. 

Generally, it takes years or even decades for the condition to reach severe levels for symptoms to become obvious. 

Symptoms of high blood pressure can include:

  • headaches
  • shortness of breath
  • nosebleeds
  • flushing
  • dizziness
  • chest pain
  • visual changes
  • blood in the urine

These symptoms require immediate medical attention. 

However, they don’t appear in everyone with hypertension. Regardless, waiting for a symptom of this condition to appear could be fatal.

Causes of Sudden High Blood Pressure

There are two types of hypertension, primary hypertension and secondary hypertension, each having a different cause. 

#1. Primary Hypertension

This kind of hypertension develops over time with no identifiable cause and most people have this type of high blood pressure only.

A combination of factors can be responsible for its development. These factors include:

  • Genes: Some people are genetically susceptible to hypertension. This may be due to gene mutations or abnormalities inherited from your parents.
  • Physical Changes: If something in your body changes, you may begin experiencing issues throughout your body, and high blood pressure might be one of those issues. 
  • Environment: Unhealthy lifestyle decisions including a severe lack of physical activity and a poor diet can easily lead to weight gain. Thus, being overweight or obese can increase your risk of hypertension.

#2. Secondary Hypertension

Secondary hypertension often occurs swiftly and can be more severe than primary hypertension. 

Conditions that cause secondary hypertension include:

  • kidney disease
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • congenital heart defects
  • problems due to thyroid
  • side effects of medications
  • use of illegal drugs
  • alcohol abuse or chronic use
  • adrenal gland problems
  • certain endocrine tumors

In fact, pregnancy can also lead to high blood pressure. While high blood pressure is common in adults, children may also be vulnerable to the condition.

Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

The first thing to do is to call your doctor immediately and report him/her about the symptoms. 

Here’s what you can do if looking for an answer to “How to Lower Blood Pressure Immediately”:

  • Try to stay as calm as possible. This may not be as easy for you as it sounds when you are already worried. However, being calm can also reduce blood pressure. So, first, sit down and focus on your breathing. Take a few deep and long breaths and hold them for a few seconds before releasing them. 
  • Take your blood pressure medicine if your doctor has prescribed something for you.
  • A cup of hibiscus or chamomile tea can make you feel calmer and more relaxed. However, strictly avoid black tea or coffee at this time. 
  • You can also eat a piece of dark chocolate, if you have it, as it helps to release the endorphins that will calm you down.

You might also wonder: does cranberry juice lower blood pressure? Well, the evidence is mixed. 

Though, it doesn’t harm you to drink it as it has other health benefits. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor before making huge dietary changes.

The Bottom Line

The best way to manage high blood pressure is by taking small and consistent steps over time.

However, if you do find yourself in an emergency, just try to stay as calm as possible and follow the points mentioned above. 

Blood pressure is not a critical illness if controlled in the initial stages. Taking proper care in terms of lifestyle changes and consulting doctors regularly ensure that these lifestyle diseases are kept at bay.

So, here we put an end to our blog for Symptoms of High Blood Pressure. You can read more about healthy lifestyle tips on Horizon Clinics which has articles on fitness and lifestyle to guide you in your journey towards wellness.

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