Sybil Fucked

Sybil Fucked


Sybil Fucked

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Preview — Sybil
by Flora Rheta Schreiber

Here is the unbelievable yet true story of Sybil Dorsett, a survivor of terrible childhood abuse who as an adult was a victim of sudden and mysterious blackouts. What happened during those blackouts has made Sybil's experience one of the most famous psychological cases in the world.
Here is the unbelievable yet true story of Sybil Dorsett, a survivor of terrible childhood abuse who as an adult was a victim of sudden and mysterious blackouts. What happened during those blackouts has made Sybil's experience one of the most famous psychological cases in the world.

May 25th 1989
by Grand Central Publishing

(first published 1973)

(ISBN13: 9780446359405 )

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Marisa Damiano

I most certainly would recommend it to anyone who has any type of interest in this subject. I just finished it about 30mins ago.

Alyssa Fontaine

I got the book from Barnes and Noble for around $10.


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This book is one of the most disgusting books ever written. For all of you about to read this book, thinking it's a true story, please read the following: This book was the brainchild of three women: Cornelia Wilbur, Shirley Mason, and Flora Schreiber. Shirley, or "Sybil" as she's known, did not suffer from DID. She actually had Pernicious Anemia. Extensive research has been done on Sybil's case, and it has been proven that the entire book was fictious. Shirley developed all of her "personalities"
This book is one of the most disgusting books ever written. For all of you about to read this book, thinking it's a true story, please read the following: This book was the brainchild of three women: Cornelia Wilbur, Shirley Mason, and Flora Schreiber. Shirley, or "Sybil" as she's known, did not suffer from DID. She actually had Pernicious Anemia. Extensive research has been done on Sybil's case, and it has been proven that the entire book was fictious. Shirley developed all of her "personalities" after working with Dr. Wilbur. In fact, when talking to another theripest, Shirley asked if he wanted her to "act like Marcia," and when he said no, she said, "Oh, Connie is always telling me to act like Peggy or Tim, or...." It is not entirely Dr. Wilburs fault however. Flora was doubting SHirley's story, and to make her stay with the project, Shirley gave her a journal from 1941, with proof that she had been switching personalities before meeting Connie. It was later proven to be written in 1945, because Shirley said she had been reading a book not published in 1941, and the journal was written in ballpoint...which didn't exist in 1941. Instead of reading Sybil, read Sybil Exposed. It's the true story, of the three womens lives, and is factual and much more interesting.


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Recommends it for:
anybody who is interested in the mysteries of the human mind

Another old book review from my blog: This was one seriously fucked up book. I have never seen the movie but, of course, knew what I was in for when I got the book. The name "Sybil" is very well known, and carries some stigma, in pop culture. However, I had no concept of the extent or the perversity of Sybil's mother's abuse which had been the prime instigation for Sybil's dissociations. When I was reading the sections describing what she had done to her daughter, I was literally beating my head
Another old book review from my blog: This was one seriously fucked up book. I have never seen the movie but, of course, knew what I was in for when I got the book. The name "Sybil" is very well known, and carries some stigma, in pop culture. However, I had no concept of the extent or the perversity of Sybil's mother's abuse which had been the prime instigation for Sybil's dissociations. When I was reading the sections describing what she had done to her daughter, I was literally beating my head with the book and saying "That's so fucked up!" out loud. (Good thing there was nobody around to hear me except for Magnum). As far as writing style, I wouldn't say it was the best. A little too clinical in the language, and a little lacking in the dramatic elements. I am sure this is mostly due to the fact that the author (Flora Rheta Schreiber) was a psychiatrist, and this was one of her first (only?) novels. Not to mention that most of the conversations in the book were probably transcribed from tapes. But despite slightly distracting writing quality imperfections, this book was completely absorbing. The more I got to know about Sybil and the strange ways her unconscious had devised to help her cope with her abusive childhood, the more I felt like I was losing my own mind. It was strange, to ponder upon the potential psychoses that our brains/minds are capable of. It seems that no matter how normal we might tell ourselves we are, there are so many things we can't many events in our childhoods that can only be known through other people telling's frightening to wonder where those memories are, and if there is some unconscious self lying beneath our conscious personality that is hoarding those memories from us, or, from a different perspective, is protecting those memories...and yet they are inaccessible to our waking self. These are the kind of things I found myself thinking about on the bus, or walking down the street, while reading this book. Also, it was my first step away from sci fi/fantasy in some time, and it opened my mind up to new knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis that I found fascinating and plenty of food for thought. I would recommend this book to anybody who is interested in the mysteries of the human mind.


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pseudoscience ,
hateful ,
no-longer-own ,

A nasty piece of work. What's worse is it's a fraud. "Sibyl's" doctor manipulated her with drug dependency and emotional blackmail into agreeing with the doctor's pet theories about multiple personalities, which had catastrophic effects on psychology for decades. It's like reading a transcript of a witch trial confession. This book does a serious disservice to abuse victims.
A nasty piece of work. What's worse is it's a fraud. "Sibyl's" doctor manipulated her with drug dependency and emotional blackmail into agreeing with the doctor's pet theories about multiple personalities, which had catastrophic effects on psychology for decades. It's like reading a transcript of a witch trial confession. This book does a serious disservice to abuse victims.


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Jun 13, 2015


rated it
it was amazing

I had to read this in high school for my Psychology class. I'd never heard of Sybil or multiple personalities. I was so skeptical about all of it that when I read the book I had a hard time stopping with the class. We weren't allowed to read ahead and I was chomping at the bit to read the ending. Great book and side note... the movie is just as good. Sally Field was superb in it.
I had to read this in high school for my Psychology class. I'd never heard of Sybil or multiple personalities. I was so skeptical about all of it that when I read the book I had a hard time stopping with the class. We weren't allowed to read ahead and I was chomping at the bit to read the ending. Great book and side note... the movie is just as good. Sally Field was superb in it.


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non-fiction ,

This was a very fascinating and at times very disturbing book. I probably would have given it 4 stars, but I made the mistake of looking up details about this woman online prior to finishing the book which really changed my feelings about the actual author and doctor involved. Apparently this woman's story is very controversial in the mental health field. Had I known that, I would have finished the book prior to looking up details online (more on this under "spoiler"), and I would suggest that i
This was a very fascinating and at times very disturbing book. I probably would have given it 4 stars, but I made the mistake of looking up details about this woman online prior to finishing the book which really changed my feelings about the actual author and doctor involved. Apparently this woman's story is very controversial in the mental health field. Had I known that, I would have finished the book prior to looking up details online (more on this under "spoiler"), and I would suggest that if you read this book, don't look up stuff online until you finish it. ***SPOILER*** Ok, this spoiler isn't really about things in the book itself, but about the book's publication. Apparently it's not really clear if this woman actually had multiple personalities. Supposedly another doctor was asked if he wanted to be involved in this book, and he said no because he did not consider Sybil a multiple personality - he thought Sybil's main doctor led Sybil to believe she had multiple personalities. The author supposedly stated that the publisher wanted a book about a multiple personality, so they had to write it that way. Regardless of what is true, it really changed my perception of the book. What started out as fascinating to me suddenly looked like it was exploiting this poor, sick woman. It's even in the book that Sybil's main doctor introduces her to the author, and it seems like they wanted to write a book about Sybil before they even consulted her. By the end, I just felt like the doctor and author were trying to make a quick buck off of Sybil which was really sad because she trusted them (the profits of the book were apparently split three ways amongst the doctor, author and patient). In addition, the book has a "happy ending" finish, but that's not really how things turned out (although, in defense of the author, things may have been really good when the book was published - Sybil lived about another 25 years, so the sadder things I read about her may have occurred after the book came out).


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As a YA librarian I get tons upon tons of requests for A Child Called It, a fantastically horrible memoir about a childhood spent living with an abusive mother. I frequently get questions from other librarians that go something like "why do teens like to read that junk?" Well, it wasn't that long ago that adults all over the country were caught up in Sybil, a book that is the grandfather of the tragic childhood memoir. When Sybil came to Dr. Wilbur for analysis, there wasn't a lot of material on
As a YA librarian I get tons upon tons of requests for A Child Called It, a fantastically horrible memoir about a childhood spent living with an abusive mother. I frequently get questions from other librarians that go something like "why do teens like to read that junk?" Well, it wasn't that long ago that adults all over the country were caught up in Sybil, a book that is the grandfather of the tragic childhood memoir. When Sybil came to Dr. Wilbur for analysis, there wasn't a lot of material on multiple personalities (now called dissociative identity disorder). Part of the way through the process of analysis, the doctor invited a writer to come and document the case since it was both rare and scarcely written about in the literature. The result is this book. Schreiber does a so-so job of elucidating the psychoanalytic process between Wilber and Sybil for the reader. You get to hear about the details of Sybil's childhood including some pretty nasty bits about her abusive mother and absent father. Meeting all sixteen of her personalities and learning about the doctor's various hypotheses about their emergence is pretty interesting too. However the process of Sybil's integration will seem dated to today's reader. Dr. Wilbur's has a Freudian approach to psychoanalysis, which finds her focusing mostly on events in Sybil's childhood that she comes to believe are responsible for personality splits that began as early as age 2 1/2. Finally, it's only with hypnosis that the doctor is able to achieve any semblance of integration. One of the weirdest aspects of the book are the passages in which the author refers to herself in the third person. During the course of writing the book, Schreiber, like Dr. Wilber, became friendly with her subject. While it's probably natural to become close to a subject during the course of what were probably intense interviews, it does through a certain light on the written material presented in the book. I would recommend this book to people with a penchant for reading memoirs or for those that like to read about abnormal psychology. As a case study, Sybil remains one of the most controversial written accounts. It will probably remain controversial, as it is unlikely that her psychiatric files will be released and, I think, people will always be reluctant to believe that parents are capable of doing great harm to their own children if so inclined.


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library-books ,

10/8 - I have been wanting to read this for nearly two decades, since I first heard about the 'case' when I was 12 or 13. In those intervening 18 years I've seen the Sally Field movie and learned the truth behind this story, but I'm still fascinated by the idea of true DID and even if I have to treat it as a fictional account of DID I'm excited to start reading it tonight. To be continued... Later - The fraudulent nature of this book aside, the writing is annoying the hell out of me - it's way to
10/8 - I have been wanting to read this for nearly two decades, since I first heard about the 'case' when I was 12 or 13. In those intervening 18 years I've seen the Sally Field movie and learned the truth behind this story, but I'm still fascinated by the idea of true DID and even if I have to treat it as a fictional account of DID I'm excited to start reading it tonight. To be continued... Later - The fraudulent nature of this book aside, the writing is annoying the hell out of me - it's way too flowery . In the preface Schreiber talks about her other publications, most of which are psychiatry journal articles (and the like), and it's plain to see that this was her first full length novel. She knows she needs to engage the reading public, who aren't her normal audience of fellow doctors, and she knows she can't do that with the dry language of a medical journal. Unfortunately she goes way too far in her attempt to not be dry. Sentences like "The key to room 1113 was the engine that drove her, the motor on which her panic turned." and She was ready to go wherever the bus would take her, anywhere, everywhere, world beyond, world without end - anywhere." smack of trying too hard. I mean what on earth does " beyond, world without end..." mean in he context of the situation Sybil has found herself in (she's 'woken up' in an unknown city with no idea how she got there, she walks for ages through deserted streets till finally finding a bus which she gets on figuring it'll take her towards civilisation)? I can suspend my sense of injustice at what the patient was coerced into believing, but I'm not sure I can suspend my annoyance with the writing at the same time. As I said before, I've wanted to read this for ages and it's a gigantic disappointment to be feeling this negatively verbose only nine pages in (not counting numerous pages of preface). I feel like this is where Multiple Personality Disorder, now Dissociative Identity Disorder, became known to the wider public. Despite being revealed to be fake this book brought a real, though in truth very rare, disorder out of the stuff of myths and legends, something of a silver lining (in that despite none of this book being true, the disorder was no longer completely unheard of) for real suffers. To be continued... 12/8 - On page 45 - Why do we care that her bra is tiny? And if there's a good reason for knowing this inconsequential fact, why isn't it followed up with more information relating to the size of her bra? I don't know, I just found the fact that Schreiber took the time to comment on such a silly little thing strange. 13/8 - This book seems to have a DID of its own. The first chapter was the immature child who tried too hard for affection (using stupid, nonsensical, flowery phrases in a medical true story, pseudo or not, doesn't endear the reading public), but from the second chapter on (where Schreiber begins to detail Sybil's experience with Dr Wilbur from the beginning) we've been reading from a much more assured and confident writer. The idea that you could experience an emotional moment at the funeral of a loved one, and then wake up at school two years later is terrifying. I can't imagine what that would have been like for a sufferer who actually went through something similar. I don't know how anyone could go through that alone without any understanding of what was happening, without believing that they had truly gone crazy. To be continued... 14/8 - The atrocities that are described here, that were perpetrated on Sybil, are beyond belief, beyond my imagining. The description of the cold water enema was very disturbing. If you haven't got a strong tolerance for unsanitised descriptions of extreme child (and I mean toddler) abuse there are a couple of chapters you should definitely skip - 14 and 15 will not be good for your mental health. All I can say is I hope to God Wilbur didn't hypnotise 'Sybil' into believing this happened to her (if indeed, none of this story is true. The thought that
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