Sybian Stories

Sybian Stories


Sybian Stories

Sybian Confessions
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I was and am and will be embarressed. I don't know what to do or think. My mom and her younger fiance gave me a sybian for Christmas. WTF I wasn't even sure what it was. Luckly I left it boxed and muscled it to my room where I had to look it up on the internet. It just so happened about a month ago my mom caught me playing with myself and commented I needed a toy and went on to tell me to be aware of lies from guys and blah blah blah. But a sybian at 13 when I am not even sure how to use a vibrator? My mom is sex crazy. Turned it on and quickly turned it off. The thing is quite noisy. I returned to our Christmas party and they ask how I like it. What am I supposed to say? I said it's new so I'm not sure. Almost simutaneously they both said "you'll love it". I turned beet red. At least it was boxed and I doubt my brothers know what my gift was. I'm surprised they didn't get blowup dolls. Now I am back to figuring out what to do with it. And when can I try it without my mom, stepdad, and two brothers hearing it and knowing what I am trying to do? I'm too young? I think the machine will sit in my closet and collect dust.
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An Unexpected Reaction To an unacceptable situation.
What You're Doing Wife betrays husband in real time.
Let's Zoom And ambush her cheating ass.
The Truth after Seven Years Pt. 01 Mike's wife left him for worst enemy-strange revenge.
Independence Day He made his own declaration.
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My wife Becky was looking me straight in the eyes via the Facebook Live feed on my iPad while I was out of town on a trip. She was riding a Sybian as she did. You know, one of those vibrating sex machines for women? The ones with the variety of dildos and clitoral stimulators? The ones that sound like slightly quieter lawn mowers while they bring the girl off, or like a motorboat that never goes any further away? Those ones.
And there I was thinking that she hated the perverted thing, which was certainly what she said in those exact words. I remember the conversation well because she was unhappy to receive it last Valentine's Day. She got a box of chocolates, too. And a nice dinner. But no, it was all about the Sybian when we got back home after dinner, and she finally saw it.
I thought it would unlock an untapped well of repressed female sexuality. I could hope. The sexuality certainly had gotten repressed. I was desperate to unlock it some way. I would have tried a crowbar, if I had thought that might have worked.
Instead, she called me a sex fiend who somehow had gotten all weird about his bedroom preferences. I slept in the guest room that night, which I found annoying because the damned machine costs well over $2,000 if you get all the bells and whistles (figuratively speaking), including the G-Egg vibrator, the fluid-proof cover, and the lifetime warranty. (You really need the warranty. It's not like you can take the thing to a regular repair shop if something goes wrong. Not without having to lend it out to the guy who's fixing it for a couple of weeks. Who knows what his friends are like? And if you want to ship it back to the company for them to fix it, the weight of it alone if going to make that expensive. Just get the warranty.)
But somewhere along the line Becky had obviously changed her mind, which was a surprise. As was the fact that she had shaved off all her pubic hair. On the morning that I flew out of town, as I saw her getting out of the shower, she still had a substantial bush.
Yet, there she was, gently rocking up and down on the thing, roughly pinching the nipple on one of her ample breasts while leaning back, abdomen flexing, moaning, as her eyes looked away from the camera and rolled back into her head, and her face locked into a rictus of pleasure as she shot through a continuous series of orgasms. Of course, to get it to do that, you had to kick it up to 11 (figuratively speaking again), which made it sound even more like a belt sander. At least to me. Maybe a slightly quieter jackhammer was more accurate, but I'm not a tool guy. All I know is that I would never have bought it, if we had lived in an apartment. The neighbors would have bitched.
The noise was my major gripe with it although I was willing to do whatever it took to get her back to what she was like when we were dating and could not keep our hands off each other.
She had to be using her phone to capture the scene. It was picking up every detail of her tight naked body. She always had porn-quality looks, rounded in all the right places, none of them silicone-enhanced, not too tall but not too short, and with pouty lips and naughty eyes. Those naughty eyes rolled back into her head again as she rode up to the crest of another series of orgasms. Now, she was screaming with the intensity of her internal explosions, which had all apparently merged together into one giant cum. She threw her head back and howled, then doubled forward, shoulder-length brown hair flipping up over her head and down in front of her face until she lifted back up again with her eyes wide and her mouth re-opened in a silent scream of ecstasy. She finally locked rigidly upright in the saddle, threw her head up at the ceiling, and began yelling, sort of like an evangelical Christian speaking in tongues. Except naked and not in a television church.
"Oh, God! Tony! Oh, God! I wish it was your big cock doing this to me, fucking me senseless. But you're out of town on that fucking trip this weekend, you selfish fuck, Tony! You left me desperate like this! This is the best fucking I am going to be able to get until I can see you again, you fucker. Fuck! I'M THERE! TONY! OH, SWEET TONY! MY LOVE! I'M THERE! FILL ME UP! FUCK ME! KNOCK ME UP! OH, I'M YOURS! FOREVER! FUUUUCCCCK!"
Then she collapsed forward, and desperately leaned in front of her to grab the control box to turn it off. She had perched the control unit on the handy bench that was included in the purchase price. I could see she had used both the rotation and vibration features. No wonder she came so hard. She gasped for breath as she slowly got herself recombobulated, leaning on her arms, which were stretched across the bench for support.
She finally sat upright, looked into the camera again, and said, "Tony, please hurry back to me. I miss you so much. That was a little message for you to see how much I want you and need you, my one and only true love."
Any man would be proud to be the subject of such strong passion. Me, too, if I were Tony. But I am Tom. Tom and Becky. Cute, right? That's what everyone said. Don't know who Tony is. Yet.
The dumb bitch had messed up the live stream privacy settings again. She could never learn, no matter how many times I showed her. She set this video to "public." Sometimes, it was really hard to believe that she had a master's degree.
This video is going to make things awkward for the next couple of weeks back in the old neighborhood. And at church. And the store. And at the office. And at the Jesuit Catholic high school for boys where she teaches freshman English. Maybe someone would call her soon, and she would fix the privacy settings, if she could figure them out. Maybe not quite most of the people in our social network would have seen it by now. Maybe not.
But they would. And soon. I was glad that I had my phone nearby when the show started. There I was, bored after a day of meetings, missing my wife of five years, aching with longing the same as I did every time we were forced to be apart. Not that the longing was often relieved physically when we got back together, not lately. At least I had some idea why now.
But I did love her. Up until about ten minutes ago. That was when I had been scrolling through various social media apps, looking for something interesting. I certainly accomplished my goal. I am no longer bored.
Honestly, I had just been looking for some silly cat videos. Instead, I found cheating pussy. I know. Lame. But I'm trying to make the best of this.
One good thing I realized is that the way these phones and tablets work now, you still get amazing clarity taking video of a video. After a quick quality control check, I liked what I saw on my phone. A sexual act of this caliber is close to being a work of art. It needs to be shared. Broadly. Like on my own Facebook account. And set for public viewing there, too.
As I posted, I commented, "Why Tom and @Becky are getting divorced as soon as I get home. Yo, @Tony, now you have to pay for whatever the slut wants. Have fun with that!"
I noticed that as I was editing the post to tag the name "Tony," a full name popped up: Tony Bassi. Such a lovely search algorithm. I suddenly remembered that Becky had mentioned him once or twice about six months ago when he started working in her office, but then I never heard about him again. As the police might say, I think we have a "person of interest." And look at that. He's married. That's a shame. According to Facebook, his wife is named Jill. None of these people use privacy settings. Unwise.
I added, "Hey, @Jill. Want to go halfsies on a divorce lawyer? If we share, we should at least be able to get a discount. DM me."
I also wrote, "Hey, Internet: divorce lawyer recommendations appreciated!"
True, I might be wrong. Maybe it was the wrong Tony. Maybe this guy would sue me for libel. Guess I could always apologize and blame Facebook for the tagging error, if it came to that. I'll worry about that tomorrow.
I suppose Facebook could kick me off for my post, but maybe not Twitter. They seemed to have no standards. Might as well post there, too. In any case, I am feeling far less social now than I was 15 minutes ago and don't care if they all kick me off. I could always just e-mail a link around, if the need arises, and I wanted to flame her the old-school way.
Oh, look! No one has reserved the "sybiansluts" web address. Until right now, that is. Cheap for $50. It's not necessary to post anything there at the moment. I need to think. Can I monetize this? I obviously was not the author of the work, so maybe I do not have the copyright. On the other hand, it certainly is a work of significant public interest. Sort of an inquiry into the intersection of law and technology. And sex. I'll have to find a divorce lawyer who has a partner who does intellectual property law. That way I can spend down fast whatever common property we might have to split in the end. Half of zero is zero, after all. Maybe the slut could claim the cost of some of the legal fees as a business expense for her new online porn career. After all, she might not be teaching much longer. I'd be happy to help set her up in business, if it would keep the alimony under control. Guess I'll need to talk to a tax lawyer, too.
The phone rang. It's the slut. I let it go to voice mail and turned the phone off. What was she going to say that was of interest? "Oh, Tony is the name of the Sybian." Right. No, let her go to voice mail.
Of course, she still might not even be aware what she did. Guess that's possible. Now that would be funny. But either way, I've run out of bullshit and wouldn't be able to fake it through a phone call with her anymore.
Better unplug the jack to the hotel phone. Who the hell uses them these days? But I am not going to take a chance the slut will wake me up in the middle of the night with that damned ringing.
Besides, if she gets desperate enough, I might get a full confession out of her, neatly recorded on voice mail, which might help increase the pain later. Maybe I can post the voice mails online, too, if my social media accounts are still up. I could certainly use them in the divorce.
I wonder: would it be wrong of me to post her cell phone number with the video and say that she has rape fantasies? Eh. Hard to say these days. Maybe the Internet really has killed private life.
Wonder what else is on the web tonight.
Another very good quickie, watch a woman on one of those sybian things is kind of stimulating while being a little scary and maybe even a bit embarrassed. Depends on your mood I guess. Very amusing story once again. I wonder how many cheaters have been outed by their own hand cause they couldn't handle technology better?
If this was 5000 pages long, with 10 million words in it, you would still get dimwits saying "it's too short, it's not finished". When the writing stops, that's the end. Deal with it.
Carioca_Man, the genie was in a different story, "Doing 2 Chicks at the Same Time."
FUCK!!! LOL!!!! This trip was crazy and funny!!!
The human head is something, fuck, unpredictable.
I've been reading LW for some time, and I thought I'd "seen it all" in terms of imagination... Until I came across this job.
In addition to the revenge, which was very funny, the dialogue with the genie and the "specs" during the conversation were very interesting.
The autruism of the protagonist, towards the genie, since he knew that he could not free him, granting the genie some benefits, is also priceless.
I will be reading the other works. And keep writing. Lately LW has been getting a swarm of cum-eating cucks that make me nauseous. But to each his own.
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Megan's boss signs her up for training - Sybian Training
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Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.
I'd like to thank Erika for the editing and Georg for creating the PAMagazine universe.
Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started going wrong when my old boss (and I do mean 'old'), Mr. Schmidt, took a leave of absence due to health reasons. He was old, but he was also a secretary's dream boss. Okay, he was a little wrinkly and a little smelly, which made it no fun going down on him, but on the bright side, I only had to go down on him once . . . maybe twice a week. He would even ask my opinion on things and pretty much let me take care of most of his assignments without a lot of interference. And a woman being able to work without a lot of interference has been a rare thing ever since President Ashcroft repealed all the women's suffrage laws and replaced them with women's suffering laws.
Anyway, it turned out that Mr. Schmidt had anMegan and he would be out of the office indefinitely. I was hoping I would be able to continue doing my job, you know- without the blowjobs and all.
Alas, it was not to be. Just my luck, they replaced Mr. Schmidt with Mark Henderson. I loathed him and his smug cocky expression at first sight. He was a fresh graduate that was rumored to have taken a number of New Men's Study classes in order to rise quickly through the company chain of command.
The first thing he did was have me stand in front of him with my skirt raised for a panty check, threatening to spank me if they were damp. I promised him they were not, but he was resolute, piercing me with his smug gaze and fondling my pussy until he was satisfied that I was as dry as I claimed.
I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment and I wanted to crawl under the desk and die. Sure, I understand the boss has the right privilege to check, but Mr. Schmidt never did. I mean, I did everything by the book. I dotted every 'I' and crossed every "T". Heck, even my skirt met the requirement of being 5 inches above my knee, but I made sure that they were not an inch shorter. And really, I had always went out of my way not to be like some of the, how should I say, 'looser' secretaries that I worked with.
But my humiliation didn't end there. With my dry pussy thoroughly mauled and my pride all but erased from my psyche- he ordered me to suck his cock.
I knelt down in front of Mark, proceeded unzip his pants, and fished around for his cock. This I expected. I've worked for several men during my career as a secretary, and never had one yet who didn't want to test out the skills of his secretary . . .even my beloved old fuddy duddy Mr. Schmidt. But, what I didn't expect was the monster I freed from his pants. Dear God, it was the biggest I'd ever seen. I couldn't even close my fist around it. No way would I be able to fit it in my mouth! I licked along its mighty shaft, while jacking it off with my hand. I prayed that he would cum quickly, but it wasn't to be.
"Suck it slut," he said, grabbing the back of my head and forcing me to take it in my mouth. "Don't just play with it."
Frustrated tears welled in the corner of my eyes as I struggled to stretch my lips around his enormous head.
"Jesus, shit," he murmered. "What are you useless? You act like you've never sucked a cock before."
The cocky shit had the nerve- to ridicule and analyze my performance! Kneeling there; choking and gagging on his cock, I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes. Who did he think he was? He was just a temporary, and I had been doing the job by myself before he came along.
The bastard met my gaze, his eyes gleaming evilly. He chuckled, grabbed the back of my head, and thrust his hips twice, jamming his cock down my throat for a moment. I was choking and unable to breath. I could just see the headlines, secretary found dead in office after giving head.
Thankfully, he pulled out of my throat and began to thrust in and out with shallow strokes. It was still big enough that it banged against the back of my throat, but at least I could breathe. He tilted my chin up so that I was forced to meet his eyes. Like a dog trainer breaking in a new pup, he smiled as I glanced back down docilely, my hateful stare a distant memory. My first day with my new boss and there I was, on all fours between his legs, communicating my dependence the only way I could in this position, slobbering and sucking on his monstrous phallus.
"That's my girl," he said. "At least you aren't untrainable."
My tears fell faster and my mouth grew tired and raw as I tried to pleasure him-tried to get him to cum so that he would stop his oral assault. Finally, he began to thrust faster. "Oh God, here it comes!" he gasped.
Finally! With an aching jaw and chapped lips, I was never so glad as to feel hot cum shooting into my mouth. At last . . . it was over. . .
I could barely endure my first day working with my new boss, Mark Henderson, but was a walk in the park compared to today. Today, when I walked into the office, I could tell immediately something was up. Every secretary, PA, and receptionist stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I walked to my desk. I could almost hear their whispers, but I had no idea what they were saying, I only knew tha
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