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The Disputed Center of the Universe An Ancient Struggle to Exalt the Earth

Einstein's Point of View The Struggle Lost, Einstein Pushes Further

The Moving Point of View Where “now” depends on how fast you're moving

Curving Space and Time Warping Slices of Reality

Geodesics The Straightest Lines in Curved Space & Time

The Warped Point of View Where “now” depends on how heavy you are

Compact Objects

The First Moments The Birth of the Universe

Exotic Possibilities Objects that physicists are just beginning to imagine

The Unknown Undiscovered marvels await

White Dwarfs The Oldest and Coldest of Stars

Neutron Stars and Pulsars The Beacons of the Universe

Black Holes The Very End of Space and Time

Compact Binaries Pairs of Stars Locked in a Mad, Whirling Dance

Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals An Elegant Pas de Deux

Collapsing Stars and Supernovae The Death Throes of Stars

Black Holes and Neutron Stars Matter meets vacuum in a most dramatic fashion

Einstein's Equations Describing How Mass Warps Spacetime

Why Numerical Relativity? Calculating Physics

Computer Simulations Giving the Problem to a Computer

Gravitational Lensing






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For a wave, the position of any particular feature of the wave.
For matter, a distinct form of a substance, such as solid, liquid, or vapor.

Binary black hole system with spin of 0.91 on the large hole and 0.3 on the small hole. The mass ratio is 6:1. Colors indicate the vorticity of the apparent horizon and arrows denote the spin directions. The large spin produces significant orbital precession. Movie rendered by Robert McGehee and Alex Streicher.
The spins of the black holes are transverse to the infall direction, anti-aligned and of magnitude 0.5. This simulation is descrbed in a publication Phys. Rev. D , also available at gr-qc/0907.0869 .
The spins have magnitude 0.95, are parallel to each other, but are anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum. This simulation is described in a publication in Phys. Rev. D. , in press. The paper can also be accessed at arXiv:1010.2777 .
Note that aside from corrections that become important only near the time of merger , the spin function χ and scalar curvature R should agree well with -2B nn and -2E nn , respectively, where B nn and E nn are the horizon vorticity and tendicity, respectively.
The spins of the black holes are anti-parallel, oriented in the orbital plane, and are of magnitude 0.5. In this configuration, the kick of the final black hole has been observed in simulations by Campanelli et al. to depend on the phase of the binary at the time of merger; more specifically, they found that the kick depended sinusoidally upon the angle between the initial momenta of the BHs and the spins. This simulation will be detailed a future publication in progress; it is discussed in a paper submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. , available at arXiv:1012.4869 .
The following movie is divided into two parts, each part showing a different numerical simulation, with brief captions that describe what is being shown. Part 1: Binary black holes orbit, lose energy because of gravitational radiation, and finally collide, forming a single black hole; gravitational waveform, spacetime curvature, and orbital trajectories are shown. Part 2: Event horizon and apparent horizons for the head-on collision of two black holes.
The upper movie shows in the upper half of the screen the orbits and the apparent horizons of the two holes, in the coordinate system used in the computation. The bottom half of the screen shows the spacetime geometry in the holes' orbital plane. The depth of the surface is proportional to the scalar curvature of space. (For the two-dimensional orbital plane the full spatial curvature is determined by the scalar curvature.) The colors encode the lapse function — the slowing of the rate of flow of time. The arrows show minus the shift — which can be thought of as the velocity of flow of space. The beginning of the inspiral is shown, and then the last several orbits, the merger of the two holes, and the vibrational ringdown .
The final hole does not look pefectly spherical because the computer code that created this movie chose spatial slices with a bit of crinkliness in them at the end. This simulation lasts for 16 inspiral orbits, followed by merger and ringdown, and it achieves a cumulative phase accuracy for the emitted gravitational waves of about 0.02 radians (out of roughly 200 radians, i.e. a fractional phase error of 1 part in 10,000).
Tehnical details of the simulation on which this movie is based can be found in a paper by the Caltech-Cornell group . Note that slightly different data is used in that paper; the spatial slices are chosen without the “crinkles”.
On the right side, this movie shows the gravitational waves emitted by a pair of black holes from large distance. The black holes themselves are in the center of the ball, too small to be seen. Toward the left of the ball showing gravitational waves, there is a little grey dot. The red line on the left side shows the gravitational wave strength which would be observed if a gravitational wave detector would have been at that place. If you look carefully, you'll notice that gravitational waves are emitted in all directions, but that the waves are strongest in the "upward direction", which is normal to the orbital plane of the holes. This is an older movie, which stops just before the black holes collide.
This movie shows a pair of black holes orbiting each other, giving off gravitational waves. The movie begins with a close-up view of the holes. We zoom out, to show some of the surrounding spacet
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