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A group of swingers have given a rare and honest insight into the inner workings of the taboo lifestyle, revealing the truth behind people’s common misconceptions.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “You Can’t Ask That” features different groups of Australians and asks them questions that people want to know the answer to but wouldn’t bring up in a regular situation.
Some of the past participants include former cult members, drag queens, transgender people, strippers and, in the latest episode, swingers.
The participants start off by addressing some of the myths around swinging and swingers parties.
There’s a common misconception that at these parties partners get chosen by everyone putting their car keys in a bowl. Whoever’s keys you pick out is then your partner for the night.
But according to the participants, this rarely, if ever, happens. More often than not partners are chosen on a preferential basis.
“I would much rather have sex with a couple that we have talked with over drinks for an hour than be forced into a bedroom with another person,” Sally from Melbourne said.
Megan, a single woman who is involved in the Brisbane swinger scene, said: “That would terrify me because you don’t really have a choice about who you’re going home with or who you’re hooking up with.”
Megan is known as a “unicorn” in the swinging community because of her single status and said that a lot of couples often look to incorporate another woman in their sex lives.
She said that many people believe women are forced into the swinging scene by their husbands or boyfriends and that the community is just full of “sleazy, old, fat men.”
“The thing is that can be true sometimes because all types of people like to swing,” Megan said. “(It’s) people wanting to explore their sexuality with each other in a couple situation.”
For the people being interviewed the decision to get into swinging was very much a mutual decision between both partners.
Husband and wife Andrew and Sally first got into the scene shortly after their engagement.
“I was only 18 when I met Andrew. He was pretty much one of my first sexual partners,” Sally said.
“As the wedding date slowly crept up on us, I sort of felt the pressure of, ‘I haven’t had any other sexual experiences, I haven’t played with anyone else.’”
She said it was a co-worker that first suggested that just because they were getting married didn’t mean they had to be monogamous.
The couple now regularly attend swingers events together, naming “jelly wrestling” and “the raw lust of it” as some of the most exciting aspects.
Interviewees answered a range of questions like “What are the best sex tips you have learned?” and “What is it like to lose your swinging virginity?” but one of the big ones asked was what it was like to see their partner with someone else.
Jess from Sydney said jealousy is definitely a factor, particularly in the beginning.
“I’m not going to say I don’t get jealous, especially in the early days … because, you know, I compared myself to that girl and I was like, ‘How did she do that?’” she said.
“(But) I think just being able to communicate that with Lawrence has taught me … I don’t have to be jealous. I can just appreciate and love him and love her for what they’re doing. And do it better sometimes.”
Most of the couples agreed that communication between couples was key and a lot of the time seeing their partner with someone else was part of the thrill.
All of the interviewees were very forthcoming with information and the episode didn’t really leave much to the imagination.
While some viewers praised the show as “wonderfully honest” and “very eye-opening,” others weren’t so impressed.
“While I’m cool with people enjoying whatever they like, I actually felt like I was tricked into listening to porn without my consent,” one person wrote on social media.
“Bit ironic really when they were talking up the understanding of consent within the swinging community.”
Another said, “Now I am very broad minded but that needed some serious warnings before it was on. Bit OTT. Love the concept in the right situation.”
“Bit verbally graphic for 9 pm my adult kids. Walked out! … not a prude just saying,” one person wrote.

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I received a text to ask to pick up the kids. I was heading that way anyway so was happy to help. He texted back something funny which I found quite random and funny. This reserved dude was actually quite entertaining. A side I wanted to see a bit more of.
He text me again and I answered. This lasted during the night, not at all what i was expecting. I figured he was on the juice as it was golf night. The next day i received a morning text from him, I didn’t reply straight away but he kept texting until I replied. We texted all day and again through the night. I was actually in bed when I told him I was watching TV. I wasn’t but wanted to see if he would come around.
I was dressed in my favourite attire – my dressing gown and passion killer PJs.
It was actually quite late but he made the effort to come over so I offered him a beer. We chatted for ages and I cant recall ever watching the TV. I may have looked at the TV but I was nervous.
I moved closer to him. I’ve never made the first move EVER and I didnt know how this would be received. Hmmm he noticed but still nothing. I didn’t know whether he felt the same thing. I knew he had slept with another person so I initially thought that I wasn’t his type or was too ugly for him.
However I did know we were comfortable talking to each other. Time was getting on and he said he should get going. I actually was secretly gutted and thought it was now or never. He was by the door and I leaned in and kissed him.
Oh my fucking god, it wasn’t returned. I had never felt such embarrassment in my life.
I felt my face flush and sat on the couch. He came in and I asked him to leave. I asked him to leave a few times and he just stood there. My world got soooo small I wanted to crawl into a little hole and die.
He came over to me and tried to talk to me, thank fuck it was dark, my face was burning with embarrassment.
He came over to me and said are you sure you know what you are getting yourself into. I said I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t know what I was getting into. He stood me up, my face was looking at the ground. He lifted my chin and my eyes met his he leaned into me and kissed me. I returned the kiss, his lips were full and he kissed with passion. The feeling of rejection miles away but the thought of him just doing it to please me still lingered. We kissed for a while and his hands wandered through my body.
I knew my PJ’s were soaked from my juices flowing.
He knew what he was doing, his hands and lips touching and caressing every part of me. He fondled my nipples. I found it quite pleasurable considering i thought i had no sexual feeling in them anymore. He took me places i hadn’t felt in a while and he hadn’t even touched me there yet.
He pulled down my pants and felt the wetness, again I was embarrassed. My scent was strong. He spread my legs apart and through the matted bush he found my clit, his head went in exploring my sensitive bits. He was only there for a short period as I knew I was about to come and I needed him inside me….
I came…..
My body was sooooo sensitive that I couldn’t let him touch me. He probably thought I was weird. My body still convulsing, he is looking confused, he didn’t do anything wrong, he did everything right.
I calmed down and was able to clearly see his body, I wanted to touch all of him – I did…..
His body was beautiful, from his head down. He was circumcised as well. My hands ran down his body, he was hard. I fondled his nipples and he sighed, yusss I knew he had a sensitive spot. My hands went further down his body.
We were on the couch and he put his cock inside me. He was strong and gave me his all. I loved every stroke he gave me. I moved my body with his, enveloping his cock. He had already made me cum and my juices were still flowing. He picked me up and turned me around and took me from behind.
My initial thought was “he doesn’t want to see me when he cums” I don’t think that was the case. He held my hips as he was pumping in and out. His hand reaching around and fondling me. I was blown away and thankful the kids didn’t come into the lounge. Was pretty freakn risky but it only felt like we were the only ones around and nothing else mattered.
He lifted me up, turned me around and kissed me, he then held me. I loved the fact that he spread his legs wide so i didn’t have to stand on tippy toes to cuddle him. I found him to be quite sensitive to the detail that I like. We dressed and he left.
I had no idea what just happened but it felt good. I wondered if he would talk to me the next day……
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CRUISE ships are hotbeds of sex and scandal, say three crew members who have revealed the X-rated details of what really happens at sea.
CRUISES were once the holiday choice of senior citizens spending their pensions seeing the world.
But now they are a hotbed of sex and scandal, with 80 per cent of passengers admitting to getting frisky on board and one in five cheating on their partners, The Sun reports.
Here, a former cruise ship worker reveals what life at sea is really like.
Threesomes, orgies and partner-swapping — it’s all going on, while passengers get frisky with each other at every opportunity and even get the crew to join in.
Jane Thomas, 26, from London, worked on board as a singer in the entertainment team.
“Once people get on a ship it’s like getting away from everything. People feel they can get away with anything,” she said.
“They take risks they wouldn’t in the real world. I can only compare it to [British television series] Love Island . You’re in a weird bubble.
“The number of people who use it to cheat is amazing. And they’re so obvious. I remember one guy saying, ‘I bring my girlfriends on here when my wife thinks I’m away for work’.”
Thomas said passengers on the cruise would “tell us everything” — and it seems they saw a lot, too.
“There are lots of swingers too — keys in a bowl, that sort of thing,” she said.
“You would see a woman with her husband, then a different man another night. His hand would be up her skirt. Anything goes when everyone is on board.”
Sex with passengers is a sackable offence but Thomas was constantly propositioned by guests. She always declined.
“They would say, ‘Do you want to come back to my suite later?’ I’d always tell them we’re not allowed,” she said.
“However, my female friend had a threesome with two male guests. She had a boyfriend at home and was so innocent when she arrived. Fast-forward three months and she’s having a threesome. We were shocked.
“Being on the ship completely changed her personality. She just said, ‘I don’t care, I’m not going to see them again’.”
Thomas also revealed one male colleague donned a disguise to avoid being caught by security cameras for a night of passion in a female guest’s cabin.
“He disguised himself wearing different people’s clothes and borrowed a wig from the costume department. It was pretty extreme lengths to go to,” she said.
Sex at sea among the crew is even naughtier, with competitions staged for the most conquests and even a points system broken down by department.
“They have a ranking system and people are ‘worth’ different amounts,” Thomas said.
“If you sleep with someone who worked in the spa, they are higher.”
A male crew member, 28, who wished to remain anonymous, added: “People who work in the spa have higher privileges, so they would be three points, for example.
“Someone who works in hospitality would be two points and a cleaner would be one point.”
Partner-swapping was rife among the crew, the male crew member said. “You might be with someone one week, then someone else the next. There were always little parties happening in the crew areas.
“I once walked into a crew cabin and there were six people in the room. There were two on the bunk bed having sex, two in another bunk bed naked, a person waiting to have sex and one person just sat on their phone. The door was open. Another time, two guests invited my friend for a threesome. They were a couple in their thirties. He went in their cabin and they just started taking their clothes off.
“Whatever the guests want, the guests get.”
Another former cruise worker, Laura (not her real name), 27, was invited for sex just seconds after boarding ship on her first contract.
“A barman held my hand, welcomed me to the ship and surreptitiously passed me a bit of paper with his cabin number on it,” Laura said.
“It was an invite to meet him later. Suffice to say I didn’t take him up on his offer. That was my first introduction to the below decks shenanigans.
“I later found out when new crew sign on it can be called ‘going fishing’ — more fish in the sea to get their hooks into, that sort of thing.”
Laura, who worked for several years on the entertainment production team after graduating from university, slept with six people on her first six-month contract.
“That isn’t too bad, but that’s considering I’m normally quite reserved,” she said.
The cramped conditions crew share force some to get creative in search of a private spot for sex.
“The backstage area of the theatre was always a keen choice,” Laura said.
“Often there was some sort of bed or sofa and security didn’t tend to prowl through very often. You could always tell who had been having a cheeky one on the floor of their cabin, as the carpets were so rough the girls would have carpet burn on their knees.
“It was a sign they couldn’t fit in the bunk beds — and were lucky enough to have the cabin to themselves.”
With all the bedhopping going on, it is little surprise that some crew ended up with an STI to go with the sun and the sea.
Laura, now married with a young child, said: “I’m ashamed to say I did get an STI. There were always lots of crew at the doctor on board, waiting to have an STI test.”
While cruises can be a great way to meet new people, not everyone is looking for a night of passion.
Adam Coulter, managing editor of Cruise Critic, the world’s largest cruise review and planning site, told The Sun : “Cruising has never been such a hot holiday choice for younger travellers.
“It’s understandable why more millennials are tempted to try a cruise for the first time.
“First of all, there’s more on offer for younger holiday-makers than ever. Cruise lines are bringing what people want on board their ships or taking people to exactly what they want to see.”
The Sun recently reported revellers will be flocking to join the world’s most outrageous sex ship, Couples Cruise’s Naughty Los Angeles .
The four-day trip sets sail from Los Angeles in October and will feature outrageous on-deck action including naked bodypainting, kinky sex toys and 24-hour nudity.
Jane, meanwhile, has returned to life on dry land after finishing her contract in November last year.
“I met my boyfriend on the ship and I needed to know if our relationship would work out or not,” she said.
“Our big dream is to work in the West End or on TV but you can get sucked into ship life. I know people on their seventh contract.
“I needed to live in the real world. It’s too crazy on the waves.”
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission.
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