Swimsuit Piss

Swimsuit Piss


Swimsuit Piss
Just curious, I was wondering how do girls actually pee/poop when they are in their 1-piece swimsuit. It looks so tight, so I was wondering if they actually have to remove the entire suit and put it back on each time they visit the washroom. I think 2-piece swimsuit and bikini is easier since they can just remove the bottoms, but what about one-piece swimsuits such as those competitive ones?
How do girls actually pee/poop when they are in their 1-piece swimsuit?
When I was younger, like before 12 years old, I used to pee through my swimsuits. But now I would just pull the crotch part to one side and pee, since peeing through the swimsuit a lot would leave a yellowish stain on the inside. As for pooping, I would always do my best to hold it after I could take off the swimsuits and change back to my regular clothes. Only once, I was a bit of sick and had to use the bathroom for number two before finishing swimming. I took the whole thing off and pulled it down to my knees when I was in the cubicle.
so there's a flap around the butthole that they can actually open while the swimsuit is still on and... like seriously, how many possible answers r there to the question?
So 60+ Percent of you are cool with Unisex public restrooms. Can we assume that Unisex locker/changing rooms are fine too?
You just pull the whole thing down. It's not that hard to do, really. It's more of a challenge to pee when you're wearing a long dress with a puffy skirt, like a wedding dress or something. You need help with that, lol.
You gotta peel that shit off bro. Its a bitch to get back on!!!
We need to pull it down off our bodies. Straps off the shoulders, then push it down to the knees so it doesn't get pooped or peed on. Fortunately we're in a toilet stall & a women's locker room or restroom, so it's OK.
We have to strip. It's annoying. And then we've got to pull the damn thing back up -and shimmying into a wet article of skin-tight clothing is NOT fun.
Yes.. now just imagine at the pool... and the stalls filled with wet, naked girls.
You take it off. Eww. I know some people just slide their suit to the side when having to pee, but I'd honestly just take the whole thing off.
i pee in mine if im in the pool and no ones near me if not i go to the bathroom and just pee though my suit cuz its to much of a pain to take off. also maybe its just me but the sensation of peeing though the fabric of my bathing suit feels good
We usually take a pair of scissors and cut a hole in the bottom.
I wear one prices and I just take the whole thing off
Yes... they have to remove the entire thing. As is today with the jumpsuits and playsuits.
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And then sew a tail on over that to cover our asses.

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My favorite thing to watch is swimsuit peeing. The first time I even saw someone do this was my neighbor. I dared her to pee in her swimsuit. She got out of pool and peed with no problem. It was great. Did this happen to anyone else? I also have some more stories
i love watching a girl pee through a swimsuit, especially if the suit it wet as it is hard to tell if it is pee or water
i spent the summer in Greece and this year it was very hot... we were staying in an hotel with all greek clientel , not a tourist resort but a part of the coast besides Patra.... the hotel had a beautiful swimming pool and it was surrounded by green lawns and olive trees ... their loungers , were those one which are a kind of nylon mesh... so i spent the summer ..reading under the olive trees and pissing through my swimsuit while reclining on the lounger... knowing it would run out thru the mesh and into the grass,,, it was great fun and horny too... :p
All throughout college I lived on a lake in SC. We had lots of people at the house on the weekends, and peeing in swimsuits was common especially with the girls which several of us thought was cool. The guys didn't care and just whipped it out, though.
That's cool...
Once a funny thing happened to me. I was on holiday in a camp and there was a swimming pool, of course. Me and some friends of mine were cooling ourselves in it because of the terrible heat and suddenly the water started to turn red. The camp-keeper made us leave because it was a chemical that changes color when someone pees in the water. We didn't think it woul be there because the pool just looked a bit too poor to contain this...
I haven't found out who it had been, unfortunately :-(
my ex-girlfriend once peed her swimsuit sitting on my tummy. I got rock-hard and fucked her from behind right there.

It was a fantastic day at the beach (needless to say...)
I have also seen a girl pee through her swimsuit bottoms.
It is amazingly hot, but I'd prefer if she wasn't wearing anything at all.
I always pee in my swimsuit. I know a couple friends who do it all the time, too.
My girlfriend did that once at the beach. She was in the water and said she had to go. Then I told her to walk up on the beach and it. It was amazing!!
The nice thing about owning a pool is you can put your bathing suit on and pee anywhere.. even public places. Has anyone but me actually tried this?

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More stories to check out before you go
A woman has gone viral after finding out in the most “embarrassing” way that her new swimmers have an infuriating flaw.
Going for a dip shouldn’t be anything like a wet T-shirt competition.
But when Emily Charlton-Smith stepped into a pool in a white bikini, that’s pretty much what happened.
The 25-year-old from London took to social media recently to share the cringe-worthy details of a recent trip to a swimming pool that left her “mortified”.
Rocking a white bandeau strapless bikini when from Pretty Little Thing she couldn’t believe it when the swimmers became completely see-through as soon as it touched the water.
Confused and embarrassed after giving her friends an eyeful, she contacted the online fashion brand who asked for video evidence the $30 swimmers — called the Bow Bikini — were faulty.
Emily sent photographs, which she modelled against her hand, both dry and wet to show the difference.
But while the representative then apologised for the confusion, Emily was told this “can happen with white items if made wet” — especially with bikinis advertised for “poolside posing,” meaning that they are not meant to go into the water.
Hey @OfficialPLT , really not cool to ask for a video, even less cool that bikinis are for “pool side posing” only?? Lemme grab a dictionary real quick... #prettylittlething #plt #consumerrightsact2015 #notimpressed pic.twitter.com/TcSYrmzGWr
“The best and most mortifying part is that they said bikinis are for ‘poolside posing,’” she told Fox News . “I’d understand if it was a glittery, jewelled bikini, but it’s so basic.”
Emily shared her ordeal online, where she said she had “so many people express their frustrations for me and some have similar experiences”.
The only reason Emily purchased the white bikini was because she already had it in black and thought it was great.
“The fit was great and the quality was thick enough,” she told the publication of the black version, adding that she assumed the white version was equally an good standard.
“Also, the white bikini was more expensive, which I assumed was due to the material being thicker to avoid this situation,” she added. The black version currently sells for $25.
Despite accidentally giving her friends and other pool goers an X-rated flash of her flesh, Emily can see the funny side, posting photos of her with hilarious captions during her trip to Spain.
“You have to laugh,” she said, adding that her tweet to PrettyLittleThing branding the situation “not cool” had gone viral.
Since sharing news of her transparent bikini online, Emily said the store had apologised and offered her a refund.
But sadly, it’s not the first time this brand has made global headlines for catching out unsuspecting beach and pool goers with its “poolside posing only” small print.
In May, a 22-year-old woman from Wales in the UK was left with the shock of her life when she went for a dip and turned “blue like a smurf”.
Alisha purchased a $110 teal swimsuit from Pretty Little Thing, but when she wore it at a spa, she ended up covered in blue dye .
The surprised Brit told BuzzFeed she had worn it in the shower at her gym. When she then entered the sauna, she saw “dye running down my legs”.
“I was stained blue, and it destroyed my towel,” she explained.
However, when she contacted the budget fashion retailer, she was told “on the website it does say that the set shouldn’t be worn in water”.
The customer service rep also pointed out that this bikini’s official designation is “for poolside posing only”.
“Be cautious when buying SWIMwear from @OfficialPLT,” she wrote on Twitter. “Because it’s only for ‘poolside posing’ and they’ll still charge you, absolutely laughable.”
Be cautious when buying SWIMwear from @OfficialPLT this summer because it’s only for “poolside posing” and they’ll still charge you £60 a set, absolutely laughable pic.twitter.com/yHUT9WEvYu
Her tweet blew up fast, receiving over 79,000 likes and 25,00 retweets, mostly from outraged shoppers who branded the bikini a “nightmare”.
How are you supposed to wash it 😂😂 such a waste of money
Had the exact same issue, atleast you didn't look like you wet yourself in the middle of Marbella 👏🏻😭😭😭I want compensation too pic.twitter.com/qKLVhR0Mnl
The online debacle caught the attention of Pretty Little Thing, and the company later refunded Alisha for the “faulty” bikini — but people still couldn’t get over the “poolside posing” only listing.
As some pointed out, how do you wash it? The mind boggles.
This isn’t the first time a bikini has suffered a major problem, with social media users pointing out a “painful” issue with the duct tape bikini trend in March.
While the barely-there design has been a huge trend for 2019, many questioned how on earth you’d go to the bathroom when wearing one.
The “naked bra” trend was also recently slammed online, as no one could figure out how to get into it .
Would you risk wearing any of these trendy swimwear pieces or do you think they’re just ridiculous? Let us know in the comments below. You can also continue the conversation @RebekahScanlan | rebekah.scanlan@news.com.au
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The Australian snow fields have become an unofficial runway, with these Princess Diana-inspired looks trending this season.
Domenica Calarco has caused a frenzy after she partnered with Aussie activewear brand STAX and shoppers went wild.
The fashion designer has stepped out in Melbourne flaunting her toned figure in a revealing sheer top and matching black pants.

A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
A woman has gone viral after finding out in the most “embarrassing” way that her new swimmers have an infuriating flaw.
Going for a dip shouldn’t be anything like a wet T-shirt competition.
But when Emily Charlton-Smith stepped into a pool in a white bikini, that’s pretty much what happened.
The 25-year-old from London took to social media recently to share the cringe-worthy details of a recent trip to a swimming pool that left her “mortified”.
Rocking a white bandeau strapless bikini when from Pretty Little Thing she couldn’t believe it when the swimmers became completely see-through as soon as it touched the water.
Confused and embarrassed after giving her friends an eyeful, she contacted the online fashion brand who asked for video evidence the $30 swimmers — called the Bow Bikini — were faulty.
Emily sent photographs, which she modelled against her hand, both dry and wet to show the difference.
But while the representative then apologised for the confusion, Emily was told this “can happen with white items if made wet” — especially with bikinis advertised for “poolside posing,” meaning that they are not meant to go into the water.
Hey @OfficialPLT , really not cool to ask for a video, even less cool that bikinis are for “pool side posing” only?? Lemme grab a dictionary real quick... #prettylittlething #plt #consumerrightsact2015 #notimpressed pic.twitter.com/TcSYrmzGWr
“The best and most mortifying part is that they said bikinis are for ‘poolside posing,’” she told Fox News . “I’d understand if it was a glittery, jewelled bikini, but it’s so basic.”
Emily shared her ordeal online, where she said she had “so many people express their frustrations for me and some have similar experiences”.
The only reason Emily purchased the white bikini was because she already had it in black and thought it was great.
“The fit was great and the quality was thick enough,” she told the publication of the black version, adding that she assumed the white version was equally an good standard.
“Also, the white bikini was more expensive, which I assumed was due to the material being thicker to avoid this situation,” she added. The black version currently sells for $25.
Despite accidentally giving her friends and other pool goers an X-rated flash of her flesh, Emily can see the funny side, posting photos of her with hilarious captions during her trip to Spain.
“You have to laugh,” she said, adding that her tweet to PrettyLittleThing branding the situation “not cool” had gone viral.
Since sharing news of her transparent bikini online, Emily said the store had apologised and offered her a refund.
But sadly, it’s not the first time this brand has made global headlines for catching out unsuspecting beach and pool goers with its “poolside posing only” small print.
In May, a 22-year-old woman from Wales in the UK was left with the shock of her life when she went for a dip and turned “blue like a smurf”.
Alisha purchased a $110 teal swimsuit from Pretty Little Thing, but when she wore it at a spa, she ended up covered in blue dye .
The surprised Brit told BuzzFeed she had worn it in the shower at her gym. When she then entered the sauna, she saw “dye running down my legs”.
“I was stained blue, and it destroyed my towel,” she explained.
However, when she contacted the budget fashion retailer, she was told “on the website it does say that the set shouldn’t be worn in water”.
The customer service rep also pointed out that this bikini’s official designation is “for poolside posing only”.
“Be cautious when buying SWIMwear from @OfficialPLT,” she wrote on Twitter. “Because it’s only for ‘poolside posing’ and they’ll still charge you, absolutely laughable.”
Be cautious when buying SWIMwear from @OfficialPLT this summer because it’s only for “poolside posing” and they’ll still charge you £60 a set, absolutely laughable pic.twitter.com/yHUT9WEvYu
Her tweet blew up fast, receiving over 79,000 likes and 25,00 retweets, mostly from outraged shoppers who branded the bikini a “nightmare”.
How are you supposed to wash it 😂😂 such a waste of money
Had the exact same issue, atleast you didn't look like you wet yourself in the middle of Marbella 👏🏻😭😭😭I want compensation too pic.twitter.com/qKLVhR0Mnl
The online debacle caught the attention of Pretty Little Thing, and the company later refunded Alisha for the “faulty” bikini — but people still couldn’t get over the “poolside posing” only listing.
As some pointed out, how do you wash it? The mind boggles.
This isn’t the first time a bikini has suffered a major problem, with social media users pointing out a “painful” issue with the duct tape bikini trend in March.
While the barely-there design has been a huge trend for 2019, many questioned how on earth you’d go to the bathroom when wearing one.
The “naked bra” trend was also recently slammed online, as no one could figure out how to get into it .
Would you risk wearing any of these trendy swimwear pieces or do you think they’re just ridiculous? Let us know in the comments below. You can also continue the conversation @RebekahScanlan | rebekah.scanlan@news.com.au
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The Australian snow fields have become an unofficial runway, with these Princess Diana-inspired looks trending this season.
Domenica Calarco has caused a frenzy after she partnered with Aussie activewear brand STAX and shoppers went wild.
The fashion designer has stepped out in Melbourne flaunting her toned figure in a revealing sheer top and matching black pants.

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