Swelling After Sex

Swelling After Sex


Swelling After Sex
By Esha Iyer July 27, 2020 Posted July 27, 2020
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Vaginal health is an important thing to think about, especially after intercourse. And a swollen vagina might be warning you that something is wrong.
It's not as if you need to know the benefits of intercourse to enjoy a good tumble. In any case, it does release a lot of stress. And once it's done, rolling over to catch your breath and cool down can be just as relaxing. But then you feel like there's something wrong and there's plumpness you feel in your vagina. Looking down, it seems red, swollen and causes irritation. Is it supposed to be that way?
Not exactly. There are many causes for vaginal swelling after intercourse. Some might be nothing to worry about while some might warrant medical intervention. If you feel uncomfortable, visiting a doctor to clear up your doubts is advisable.
However, here are a few reasons why you might be experiencing swelling and redness down there:
If you find that accompanying your swollen vagina is a rash, then it could be that you are sensitive to something that comes in contact with your vagina. For example, you might be allergic to a brand of condoms or in some cases, even sperm. In order to find out what is causing the reaction, try eliminating some of the items you are using during intimacy and make note of how your body responds to it.
According to Medical News Today , intercourse can cause the vagina to swell but if the act takes places when the vagina is not lubricated enough, the friction can cause minor tears in the vaginal walls. This can lead to pain during intercourse which can also cause extra swelling later. Due to the minor tears, it also leaves you more vulnerable to infection.
Healthline states that your vagina requires a proper balance of good bacteria in the vagina to protect it. Those bacteria can battle bad bacteria and make sure your vagina is healthy. However, sometimes the bad bacteria can outnumber the good bacteria and cause a vaginal infection known as bacterial vaginosis. Of the symptoms that appear, swelling, redness, itchiness and a fishy odor from the vagina are some of them.
The most common symptom of a yeast infection is extreme itchiness in and around the vagina, according to the Office of Women's Health . As per Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist in New York, the infection can give you redness and swelling that can make your vagina look "beefy, inflamed, and blistered," according to Women's Health Magazine .
Vaginal dryness starts to occur as you grow older. "The issue could be the result of not enough foreplay, but low estrogen levels due to menopause, perimenopause, lactation, or birth control can also cause vaginal dryness and atrophy [thinning, drying, inflammation of the vaginal wall]," says Dr. Dweck. This can also cause your vagina to feel thin or inelastic. This may lead to rough intercourse which could also cause the swelling.
In more severe cases, your vaginal swelling could be caused by an STD like chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes or gonorrhea. A reddened, swollen vulva can also lead to bleeding after being physically intimate, irritation, odor, and be a sign of an STD says the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) . If you notice this happening, you need to visit a doctor immediately to have it treated.Β 
Though you may be facing menopause or may have already gone through it, a swollen vagina after intercourse may also be a sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, increased blood flow and pressure from the uterus can increase the swelling in the vagina, according to the Office of Women's Health.
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By BABYGURL69699534 | 63 posts, last post over a year ago

Dr. Judith Mairs-Levy
answered this
Vulvovaginitis: Causes Of Severely Swollen, Painful, Inflamed And Itchy Vulva And Vaginal Area

I just got home from my boyfriends house and we had sex. We always have sex. But this time about 15 min into it the intercouse was uncomfortable so i told him to stop and he did. I noticed discomfort in my vagina then i realized IT WAS EXTREMELY SWOLLEN im freaked out. I cant walk right im scared. I had minor swelling b4 but years ago weve had rough sex and this has never happened b4. some ONE PLZ HELP

ok that problem has happened to me alot, like where it is swollen, and you feel really heavy and a lot of pressure down there where like something is going to fall out? what i think it is from is having intercourse too frequently in a small time frame, or it can also be from not being lubricated enough or even like half way through you just lost it and werent that turned on anymore, so i dont think it is anything major to worry about, i even talked to my doctor about it when i had my well woman exam but nothing was wrong! so good luck and hope that helps

Did you find out what the cause of this was? Or what it was at all?
I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the same thing.

i had that same issue the other night. Did you ever figure out what triggered it.

The same thing just happened to me, i just came home from my boyfriends house and we had sex, like always, and it hurt for a while and i didnt tell him to stop until 15 mins in, my vagina is very swollen and i tried to pee and it was very very painful.

I think im getting the same thing too
me and my boyfriend have alot of sex and sometimes my vagina gets sore but its still swollen after a couple of days.
my vagina feels really hard insidee and it is making sex uncomfortablee
does anyone else have this problem and is it normal?

okay, if anyone could help i would apreciate it.
me and my boyfriend have sex alot but a couple nights ago
we had some HARD rough sex, a litle while after i was having pains
in my lower stomach and then the next day i could feel that the outside
of my vagina was swollen.. and so was the inside, idk what to do.. and i dont know whats wrong. its been 3 days now and he outside swelling and pain has gone away but the inside is still swollen :-(

I have exactly the same problems ..
It first started happening about 5-6 months ago, maybe? I was secretly with two guys at the same time, so this meant ALOT of sex ... eventually I got my karma, and I had actually burned skin off due to friction, (like carpet burn). And I wasn't having sex for at least two weeks. During those two weeks, I couldn't walk, sit, lay, or urinate without having pains. I had to run out of class to the toilets once because the pain was just too much.

Now, ever since then, during and after sex, my vagina becomes frequently swollen. And, even though I am with only one partner now, it happens quite often. My recent experience was just a few days ago, and it was also my most TERRIBLE experience. My vagina had swollen to what looked like 3-4 times its normal size, this was because I ignored the pain so my boyfriend could get his happy ending. My vaginal lips were also extremely hard, and urinating was PAINFUL!!

The next day the swelling had reduced but not completely, and for about 2-3 days after that it had returned to its normal size but urinating was still mildly painful and my inner vagina was still tender.

I've never seen a doctor about these problems ..

So what I'm saying is; after hearing this and everyone else's stories (one of my friends has had the same problem, too) swelling after sex may be completely normal. Just the duration, how rough and how often you have sex may affect your vagina. That's my conclusion, anyways ...


I just had the same problem i mean it has happened to me before but it is quite bad this time! its very uncomfortable!
i was just wondering would to do when this happens is there any sort of treatment?
But i feel it is definitely because of rough sex and not using lubricant!

i have just recently been having sex with my boyfriend, and we've had sex a lot (its been about three weeks) and we had sex about 5 days ago... and then i was a bit sore but it wasnt really that bad - my vagina is really sensitive so im used to it hurting after sex. anyway, i had sex with him again 2 days ago even though it was still a little bit painful from the last time... and then it really hurt to put his penis in me but once we got going it was alright... but then afterwards it hurt so much... but then we had sex again twice more in that same day it was pretty much hurting the whole time but i didnt say anything... and then about 8 hours afterwards my vagina became really swollen and it hurts so much to walk... and it hurts so much i feel like throwing up... i cant wear tight underwear because if it rides up a bit it just way too painful.. and it feels like im cut inside... i dont know if hes scratched me with his fingers or something cos it feels like im cut. there has been no blood... but i have this weird discharge that comes out constantly... and its been 2 days!! the discharge isnt a weird colour... its just clear wetness like when you get turned on... and i have to change underwear every 5 hours because they just get too wet!! ive never had this before and i dont know whats going on?? i thought that maybe im allergic to my boyfriends soap - and it got my cuts infected... or maybe i have that "carpet burn" thing like the other girl said... has this happened to anyone before??? and does it go away!!!??? its not itchy or anything so i dont think its herpes or thrush... and ive had thrush before and when i get thrush its itchy... but this is just the most intense pain ever!!!!! do you think my vagina is overused???

im 8 months pregnate and when this started is when i was like
5 months pregnate.. i havnt had sex n a while and than me and
my boyfriend got together and had some crazy sex and the end my
vagina was swollen and i had really bad pain it felt like the inside of
me was coming out... i dnt kno this was happing because of my
pregnacy and my first time having sex again when im pregnate o
wat.. but than we had some more sex and it happend again
but the pain wasnt that bad.. i want to ask my doctor but im scared
i dnt kno if this was normal o if i had something..
but reading yalls storys is makin me think its normal
so im gonna ask mi doctor and hopefully be less embarrassed about it

thank u 4 sharing

Hey Ladies
I used to have this problem with my boyfriend at first i thought it was an STD and was terrified but after going to the doctor she told me it could be an allergic reation of some sort or just to much irritation to this area. The doctor told me to go home and take a bath with baking soda in it and after the bath to ice it for about 20 min. periods i did that a few times and by the morning the swelling was almost gone and it didn't hurt as much to urinate i really hope this helps all of you guys. It definately helped me!

Hey there, what would the ratio be of water to baking soda if that's what the treatment is? Can you let them know so that everyone can self-treat and feel better? Thanks very much :-)

Hiya, i am having this same problem right now. i went out in town last night & went back to a male friends house, we had hard, rough sex & pretty much through out the night to morning having about an hours sleep, then when we woke up we were obv. lying in bed together & men have a tendancy to get "morning glory".. so this meaning we both wanted a bit more. & i this was wen i noticed my vagina wasnt as wet as it should normally be during intercourse & it hurt a little putting it in, but wasnt an excrutiating pain, it was a bareable nice sorta pain. ( no pain no gain huh? lol ) & ive had this maybe 3 times in my life so far after having an all night of really rough, hard & fast sex, then going again all morning. its because without sounding to bad, if your having rough sex, its probably because hes smashed his rock solid penis into you for quite a while & thats why. it'll be okay in a couple of days, all i use is a lil bit of either sudocreme (cream in a grey pot, for babies with nappy rash etc) or jus a normal good moisturising cream. its nothing to worry about. :)


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