Sweetchastity Com

Sweetchastity Com


Sweetchastity Com
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I Got Up Today

I got up today, same way I get up everyday
A normal day, no work, no school, no alarm.
The sun was shining in my window,
I have to finish painting them, get some real curtains up.

I got up today, same way I get up everyday
But then it came crashing down on me like a tidal wave.
Nothing started it but like a flash flood it would not stop
Until it ran its course, run rough housed over my soul.

I got up today, same way I get up everyday.
Mother nature woke me, I had to oblige her.
Nothing out of the ordinary, barely awake to be honest.
Yet I got up today and my whole world died around me.

I got up and remembered that
Searching for You

My day is happy as I see your smiling face
We laugh together and talk together much like we used to
We do the normal things friends do when they visit with each other
We exchange news about our lives, we share pictures we’ve taken recently
We shop and eat lunch and gossip just like old times
But these aren’t old times nor even new ones
They’re an illusion and suddenly you disappear and I wonder where you are.

I look for you but can’t find where you’ve gone
Something’s different about the world now, something not right
I know in my heart what it is yet I still search for you
Knowing wh

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Alien Animal Cyborg God/Eternal Human Infection Mutant Other Radiation Robot

Penthouse Comix #25 - SWEET CHASTITY

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Sweet Chastity appears in 14 issues .

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JULY ART Milo Manara ( Barbarella ), Alan Hunter ( Science Fantasy ), Jordi Bernet ( Clara de Noche ), Fokker Studios ( vintage aircraft prints ), Panini Original Art ( Panini Stickers Original Art (motorbikes) ), Dan Escott ( Warriors ), Paulo Serpieri ( The White Stallion ), Romero ( AXA; Modesty Blaise ), Moebius & Geof Darrow ( City of Fire ), Romero ( AXA; Modesty Blaise ), Moebius ( Blueberry; Starwatcher )
The Book Palace The Illustration Art Gallery Jubilee House Warehouse Bedwardine Road Crystal Palace London SE19 3AP United Kingdom © 2001 - 2022 The Book Palace
The Book Palace | Artists E-F | Ron Embleton | Sweet Chastity (Ron Embleton)
The Book Palace | Artists E-F | Ron Embleton | Sweet Chastity (Ron Embleton)
The Illustration Art Gallery The Book Palace established 1977 info@bookpalace.com 020 8768 0022 (+44 20 8768 0022)

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