Sweet Pussy Drink

Sweet Pussy Drink


Sweet Pussy Drink
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As is the case with many of the great drinks we get to try here, the origins of this wet pussy shot are not exactly known.
We do not know the exact creator of this particular drink, but man, is it good or what?
This is a drink that is not well known because of how embarrassing the name is to say. But if you can get by the embarrassment or laugh factor, this drink will become one of your old standbys .
There are a few wet pussy variations you can enjoy, too. They are fruity and dangerous so get ready to pace yourself (or not, depending on the occasion). If you want to party and have a good time, the wet pussy shot is the way to go. The pink color and fruity flavor make it cool to look at and fun to serve. Your guests will go nuts for it!
This is a shot that is filled with all the good stuff in life: Vodka, peach schnapps, gin, pineapple and cranberry juices, and of course coconut rum . You know, all the stuff you need to throw a party. You serve it in a shot glass, or even a jigger if you want a little something extra.
The sweetness is just so fantastic and makes you feel like you’re drinking fruit juice instead of a cocktail. This is also why you need to pace yourself, though. Don’t let it trick you! The color is pink, so it’s especially popular with the ladies. It makes a nice drink to serve at a bridal shower or birthday, but perhaps avoid saying the name out loud…or call it something silly like “ Pink Shot ” if you have to.
No matter what you prefer to call this thing, the taste is well-rounded and wonderful. It’s got so much sweetness to it, but you can still taste the little bit of alcohol mixed in there along with the kick of the pineapple juice .
This shot is pretty easy to make as all the ingredients are things that most bartenders have readily available. Your favorite bartender should be able to whip this one up quickly for you. Get a few for your friends if you’re feeling generous. You already know they are going to love it. But beware, people tend to get hooked on these particular shots.
You won’t need any fancy stuff to make this wet pussy shot happen. All you need is a shot glass or even a jigger if you want a bigger shot. You might also want to use a cocktail shaker, but most recipes just have you putting all the ingredients into a shot glass and then stirring it up.
It’s entirely up to you how you want to approach it. You don’t need to have a mixology degree or go to bartender school to mix up this tasty concoction. But it is advised to have somebody there to tell you to stop after you’ve had enough.
If you don’t know what a jigger glass is, it is a shot and a half. These are fantastic because making them means you get more of that good stuff we call liquor.
You can enjoy more of the great taste and fun from your favorite shots. And best of all, you can get jigger glasses anywhere. We noticed a few good ones on Amazon but check your favorite local retailer for these glasses.
The local liquor store might carry them also.
The same goes for a cool cocktail shaker . You can find one of these in just about any retail store, but you can always order one online if you cannot find it locally. We use a good stainless steel one that keeps the ingredients cold.
You can also get clear plastic ones that show you measurements and the like on the side, which makes it easier to measure everything. You can also see your colorful cocktail come to life in this sort of shaker. No matter what kind of stuff you get, just make sure its good quality so that you can make plenty of tasty drinks until the party stops.
We don’t know who created such a tasty shot, but according to one food blog the name derives from the fact that it is “pink, wet, and girls love it.” Okay then. Let’s just enjoy the drink for what it is. You can’t do that until you learn what the wet pussy ingredients are, so follow along!
In a shaker glass with ice, mix up vodka, gin, coconut rum, peach schnapps, pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Shake that bad boy up well!
Now strain it into a shot glass . Enjoy responsibly! This is one of those drinks that tastes sweet and refreshing like candy, so don’t blame us if you down six of these and wonder why you can’t get up!
This sweet and beautifully colored shot is popular with the younger crowd and is beloved all over the world, but mainly in Australia and some parts of the United States. The low alcohol content means you get more of the fruity and sweet flavor, so people just drink this one like water. If you go to any student-populated area, chances are they’re going to know what this particular shot is!
The variations of the wet pussy shot are pretty standard, but some are so different they turn into a whole new drink. See our slippery pussy drink for one example of this phenomenon. You will encounter a lot of sexual drinks because come on, it is a party atmosphere after all.
And given that many of the drinkers of these beverages are young college students who still find these sorts of expressions funny, well, it’s just bound to happen. And even though the variations are pretty good, it doesn’t mean they are as great as the original shot . The best thing to do is make sure you try all the varieties and see which one works the best for you.
One of these variants is making the wet pussy shot without the rum and the gin, which is thought of as the American version of this drink.
Meanwhile, the Australian version , which we have detailed below, uses only four ingredients: lime juice, cranberry juice, peach schnapps and whatever vodka you find tastiest. We personally think Absolut worked best, but Stoli would also be fine.
And in one extreme version, I saw someone using amaretto in place of the cranberry juice. I will be honest, we did NOT test out the use of amaretto in place of the cranberry. You should try it out if you are a fan of amaretto and see what it tastes like. We think it would mess with the other flavors, but who are we to judge?
You might also use a different type of schnapps in place of the peach if you are not a fan of the flavor. You could even use watermelon liqueur or even Midori melon if you wanted.
We did try the watermelon liqueur as we had some left over from a previous recipe, and we felt that it tasted great. However, this is best left up to the individual. If you’re making this stuff for a party, stick with the original because you want to keep your guests happy and feeling good. Too strong of a drink and your guests will just be falling over!
Here is one variation we found of the drink. You can use this to make four shots and serve them up to all your friends…or just have them all to yourself.
Special Note : We did not have the fresh lime juice on hand, so we used the ones that come in those plastic lime-shaped bottles. It tasted great, but we always advise you to stick with the recipe for maximum flavor.
This variation is similar to another shot called the “ BJ shot ” and people order it mostly because it tastes fantastic and has somewhat of a funny and dirty name. It definitely gets people’s attention.
This is why you find it mostly in the younger bars, because everybody’s just having a good time. This is not one of the “classy” shots or one of the legendary ones, but then again the goal of this particular drink is to attract young and inexperienced drinkers.
You find this variation at bar crawls, places where students congregate, house parties filled with college students , and of course bachelorette parties or hen nights.
The name for this variation is a lot like the original one – it gets its name because it is pink, very wet (the ice waters down the drink a bit, therefore making it even more wet) and because women absolutely love it. The cranberry juice adds a nice flavor to the shot, but it is mostly used because it gives the shot a pretty color.
This drink is not comparable to other shooters. It’s rather weak in terms of alcohol content . You dilute the already low liquor content by shaking it over ice and mix it with two types of fruit juices which even further weakens the drink.
Wet pussy shot with vodka proportions change depending on who is making up this drink. More often than not you can add less cranberry and lime juice.
To keep it simple, we just kept our proportions equal because people mostly just want a well-balanced drink . And besides, everybody mostly cares about the fact that it is sweet and tasty as well as colorful!
Depending on where you order a Wet Pussy shot, you will get ingredients that vary. Bartenders in Australia make the drink differently than bartenders in the United States. Some American mixologists make this drink a little spicier by adding gin and coconut rum into the mix, which is what our first recipe entailed.
Another variant that tastes smooth and sweet going down is called the Slippery Pussy Shot . Here is a recipe that will help you serve up to four people the sweet and tasty Slippery Pussy Shot.
We tested this one out with some friends that came over for poker. Some of the guys groaned about having a “lady drink” because they mostly like to shoot whisky or have gin and tonics, but they were good sports about it and enjoyed the smooth and sweet flavor. The Butterscotch schnapps really adds a nice dimension of flavor to the drink, making it warm and buttery.
Meanwhile, Bailey’s Irish cream is a sweet and smooth liquor, and with the kick of the tequila rose it all rounds out. I would recommend this shot to anybody who seeks a fun and easy way to make a warmer version of the standard tropical Wet Pussy shot.
The Wet Pussy cocktail is made long and is poured into a champagne saucer or coupe. The name comes with the fact that it is pink and popular with the ladies.
This particular drink uses some pretty fancy ingredients and will make anyone drinking it feel like they are a queen in their own right. Even though this drink may have something of a tasteless name, the liquors it uses are absolutely out of this world.
It uses great ingredients like Chambord raspberry liqueur , a shot of amaretto, and a shot of cream. You can add a cherry for a garnish. These liquors are so warm and tasty that this one makes a nice winter alternative to the summer oriented original Wet Pussy shot. You can enjoy sipping on this in any kind of weather, however.
And of course, get yourself a cool drink sword and spear a maraschino cherry on it for a garnish. It looks super cool and will get all the guests talking about how wonderful it is.
We made up a few of these to serve as a dessert after having a nice dinner out. My partner and I enjoyed sitting on the patio in the crisp fall air with a drink in our hands. The sun was going down and these drinks made us feel warm and fuzzy. These are going to be a hit, we promise! Go get the ingredients and get ready to mix them up yourself.
Not at all! You can enjoy pretty much any fruit juice you want in this cocktail. I think it might be a little weird to use stuff like apple juice , for instance, but other juices can be used with no worries. For instance, orange juice would work nicely in the original shot, although it sorts of clouds up the liquid if you have pulp.
That might be a little unappetizing to some drinkers but still satisfactory. You can also use the many types of cranberry juice you find in the grocery stores. Cran-grape, cran-mango, and cran-apple are just some of the great varieties I have seen.
And of course, you can use lime juice as shown in the Aussie version of this drink. The sky is really the limit when it comes to choosing what fruit juice you want.
Then again if you want to put some hair on your chest you can also use liquor in place of the juice. There’s one guy who used amaretto instead of cranberry for instance. Just use your imagination and find what works for you after you have mastered the basic wet pussy shot .
Once again this is a creative venture that you can undertake once you have the basic recipe down. The main recipe uses a maraschino cherry as the primary fruit, but you can choose what works for you.
Some popular variations of fruit that go nicely in the shot are pineapple, pomegranate arils, or even an orange slice to garnish the top of the glass. I have even seen one instance in which cranberries were added to the drink.
It makes a nice garnish if nothing else!
You can’t go wrong adding in fresh fruits of any variety, but keep in mind that your audience is probably not going to be the sort that cares whether or not there is a fruit at the bottom or as a garnish.
But if you are in the market to make a nice presentation, this is going to be the way to do it. Even a small piece of grapefruit would accent the pretty pink color of the shot and win you some oohs and ahhs from the people you serve.
Well, it is hard to say. Our research has shown us that this particular wet pussy alcoholic drink is popular with younger people, especially in college towns in the United States and in Australia.
Personally, I have never seen anybody ordering a drink by this name, although I’m sure this is out of embarrassment over the silly name instead of the taste. Then again, it’s been a few years since I went to my old college bar , as we tend to mix our drinks at home now. Ha ha!
Chances are this drink is very popular, but people probably just tell the bartender what goes into it or hold up their phone up sheepishly with the drink name. After all it has some old favorites in it, especially if you opt for the American version. Can’t beat the taste of that great coconut rum !
There has never been a better time to order up your own wet pussy. It is pink, pretty, tastes great, and is so fruity and good. You can make your own tasty variants with a few tweaks to get the flavor just how you want it.
You can even make your own wet pussy shot in one of two ways, and either will be surefire hits at your next party. Add in the fact that you can substitute liquor or delicious fresh fruit as you see fit, and you have a winner. So, get yourself some glasses, grab that mixer and get to work on this shot. Your friends will thank you.
Peter's path through the culinary world has taken a number of unexpected turns. After starting out as a waiter at the age of 16, he was inspired to go to culinary school and learn the tricks of the trade. As he delved deeper, however, his career took a sudden turn when a family friend needed someone to help manage his business. Peter now scratches his culinary itch on the internet by blogging, sharing recipes, and socializing with food enthusiasts worldwide.
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Tried this recipe? Mention @Drinklabdrinks or tag ##DrinkLab !
▢ 1 oz ( 28.35 ml ) Raspberry Liqueur ▢ 1 oz ( 28.35 ml ) Irish Cream ▢ 6 oz ( 170.1 ml ) Cream - or ▢ 6 oz ( 170.1 ml ) Milk
Pour the Raspberry Liqueur or Chambord , Irish Cream, and milk or cream into a shaker with ice.
Shake, strain and pour into a your glass.
Calories: 871 kcal | Carbohydrates: 29 g | Protein: 10 g | Fat: 72 g | Saturated Fat: 45 g | Cholesterol: 250 mg | Sodium: 140 mg | Potassium: 352 mg | Sugar: 24 g | Vitamin A: 2775 IU | Vitamin C: 1 mg | Calcium: 303 mg
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Copyright © 2002 - 2022 BOXA Network - All Rights Reserved
Website Design by BOXA Media

24 oz capacity & easy to separate parts Two silicone gaskets create a leak-proof seal Cap functions as jigger with measurement markings
Sweet, pink, and popular with the ladies
3/4 oz vodka 3/4 oz peach schnapps 3/4 oz cranberry juice 3/4 oz pineapple juice
Combine all ingredients into your shaking glass
Add ice and shake hard for about 20 seconds
Strain mixture into 4 shot glasses, then serve
Keyword Bachelorette Party Shots, Pink Drinks, Pink Shots, Wet Pussy Shot
Tried this recipe? Let us know how it was!

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There’s no denying that some drinks are more popular than they might normally be if not for the name.
When it comes to the wet pussy shot, I literally think it’s impossible to get the order out of my mouth out at the bar without an embarrassing laugh.
It’s funny to say without a doubt, but it’s also a pretty tasty shot that goes down real easy. So while this drink probably gets ordered more because of the funny name – it’s still a tasty and easy to drink shooter that will keep the party moving right along.
Compared to many of the shots out there that you could mix up, the wet pussy is definitely on the weaker side in terms of alcohol content. It’s also pretty sweet and can almost taste like a fruit juice depending on the portions you mix together.
It’s also has a bright pink coloration that makes it super popular for bachelorette parties and ladies outings. And with how easy it is to make you can also whip a few up easily for the beach or boat ride too.
I know you’re dying to know how this shot got it’s name. The truth is that nobody really knows the origins of how this concoction came to be called the wet pussy shot . The best explanation I can offer you is that it’s wet, pink, and popular with the ladies.
Just like many other fruity shots, the proportions of the wet pussy can change quite a bit depending on the preferences of your crowd. Like things sweeter? Add more cranberry and pineapple juice. Want a stronger drink and more alcohol content? Go with a harder hand on the vodka and/or peach schnapps.
The other common variations of this drink have to do with substitutes lime juice for pineapple juice in the recipe above. Substituting lime juice for pineapple will definitely affect the flavor of the shot – so it’s purely a preference thing if you’d rather use lime juice.
And last but not least, there’s a pretty popular variation of this drink out there that is much boozier and utilizes four different types of alcohol – so if our first recipe doesn’t do it for you then give this one a try. It will also make 4 shots.
Pour all of these ingredients into a shaking glass and add ice. Add ice and shake hard for about 20 seconds. From there, strain into 4 shot glasses and then serve and enjoy responsibly!
Emphasis on responsibility with this wet pussy variation – it’s still very sweet so even though it has a high alcohol content, it will go down easy.
There is! Ingredients wise it’s actually quite a bit different than the shot variation, although it’s still pink and popular amongst the ladies, albeit a little bit classier. The cocktail is made long and poured into a coupe glass – and here’s how you make it:
Combine ingredients into a shaking glass. Add ice and shake hard for about 20 seconds – then strain into a chilled coupe glass. Add garnish then serve and enjoy!
Where there are ladies, there’s a chance the wet pussy shot makes an appearance on the scene. Whether it’s a bachelore
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