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Look at our sweet Hannah, from our Love A Child Children’s Home, working in the kitchen. Hannah is such a sweet and gentle young lady who will do anything and everything! Hannah, along with several of our older girls, wakes up at 4:00 a.m. to start helping the cooks make breakfast for the rest of the children. Hannah is a big help around the house and is a great role model for all of the younger children. We love her so much! Love, Kaeli

Love A Child, Inc. has discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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Being Reminded Everyday,What Love Is All About. My Sweet Hannah And MaryGrace. I hope you enjoy!

Go Hannah! BTW, loved your 100 list. Now I know that much more about you:0) We have to get together soon. Hope all is well! XOXO

There's something about redheads and the musical Annie!

At least she doesn't call you 'Cruella'! :)

too funny. . .if my colin had been a girl he would have been my Hannah. . .thanks for the comment on my blog. . .i'd blogroll you if i knew how. . .sigh. . .but i will be adding your blog to my favorites!!! THANKS

annie was my favourite when i was little! i remember getting the 'record' and singing to it non stop!!

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