Swan Lake USA: Does Texas want to separate itself from the US?

Swan Lake USA: Does Texas want to separate itself from the US?


Secessionists are fairly strong in Texas politics. They're essentially a strong interest group applying pressure to current tensions. This does not mean Texas is facing the entire United States, the current Texan Alliance encompasses the majority of US states already. One should not miss the forest for the trees during what is perhaps the greatest Nullification Crisis since the American Civil War.

The Standoff at Eagle Pass

Immigration is seen as the top issue facing America by the majority of the Nation. The sovereignty of every State is the crux of Nullification. That being the right of a State to Nullify Federal laws, it deems as unconstitutional. In this case, the main immediate dispute consists of which authorities, being State or Federal, hold jurisdiction over the illegal border crossing through Eagle Pass, setting the precedent for the future of border security as a whole. In the longer term, what may have begun as discourse for Texas Secession can quickly escalate and blossom into a complete succession of the American form of government.

In recent times, the Federal government directed the Border Patrol to allow millions of illegal immigrants through illegitimate border crossings. The particular crossing in this stand-off is called Eagle Pass. Eventually, the state of Texas grew tired of how porous and dangerous the border has become. The Governor of Texas decided to seize back a small section and installed a barrier of concertina wire obstacles to prevent further crossings at Eagle Pass; the rest of the border is fully open. This barrier is manned by the Texas National Guard, being State troops, rather than the Federal Border Patrol, which is beholden to orders from Washington D.C., despite the rank & file being friendly towards the plight of Texas. Indeed, the Border Patrol Union has explicitly stated their distrust in Biden's handling of the border.

The Federal government didn't like this one bit. Suddenly, a State government removed the area of responsibility, the international border, from Federal authorities. Even though it was the Federal government allowing millions of illegals to cross through this area in the first place. Even so, the Federal government demanded that Texas remove their razor wire barriers and recall the Texas National Guard manning them, otherwise, the Federal government could "Federalize '' the Texas National Guard essentially seizing State personnel and placing them under direct control of the President, rather than the state Governor of Texas. In this instance, it is not unprecedented. The Arkansas National Guard was previously placed under Federal Authority during the forced integration of southern schoolchildren into a liberal system at gun-point by Airborne paratroopers to invalidate their freedom of association. The Executive Order issued in 1957 for this specific seizure of State troops has not been revoked.

So far, Texans have remained steadfast. The Governor refused to remove the barriers at the border; The State of Texas has challenged the Supreme Court ruling against them, which stated that the US Border Patrol can take down razor wire Texas set up along portions of the US border with Mexico. Texans are not following orders from the Federal government, it remains to be seen if they ignore any potential seizure of their State troops. Regardless of whether this is a mere political circus, it is not Texas vs. the entire United States. A majority of State Governors, 26 out of 50, notably all Republican Governors, have announced their full support for Texas. Ten states have deployed their respective components of the National Guard along with State police to support Texas. Fourteen states have already committed troops & assets to participate in Texas' border operations, known collectively as Operation Lone Star. Currently, additional States have announced they will also send their National Guard troops and State police to bolster the forces in Texas. The Federal government, in response, has sanctioned the Texan Alliance a day after they showed solidarity with Texas.

Biden Sanctions Texan Alliance

President Biden halted the approval of new licenses to export US liquefied natural gas along with the construction of new natural gas export terminals. The Biden administration framed their terminal restrictions as a social cause against racist climate change. They would sooner accuse the weather itself of being racist than admit to their suspiciously timed action against the Texan Alliance. These LNG projects also just happen to be in Texas or within states supporting Texas. Gas, which was strategically purposed to support the industrial base of European allies after Russian gas was cut. Not only is gas situated in the Texan Alliance, but so is the entire U.S. ICBM force, almost the entire nuclear bomber force and SSBN force. Lima Army Plant in Ohio is the only place making tanks. Holston Army Ammunition Plant in Tennessee is the only place for RDX.

Biden has another issue, does he send in Federal troops, the military, to deal with this? Well, over 50% of military recruits come from Texan Alliance States; for the South alone it’s 40% as of 2018. To make matters worse, many are Neo-Confederate sympathizers. Attacking them only emboldens them. For years, Southern monuments have been destroyed in the name of progress, Sullying Southern heritage, erasing Southern history, ensuring it is left decrepit, shaming Southern pride out of spite against those they prescribe a new original sin against. Being the sons of the Confederacy. Leaving Southerners swooning for secession. The spirit of reconciliation was at peace for nearly a century. Disrespected by a scourge of blighters inviting the fiery passions of justice to be won. One could realistically expect troops not to remain loyal to the Federal government if they are asked to pick a side. And so here we are, the majority of US states support Texas in this dispute, and the majority of the US military rank & file supports Texas. The politicians in Washington D.C. are frightened by this. Because they do not have control of this situation and might very well lose in this Nullification standoff.

Enter Swan Lake USA

The regime’s media response is comparable to the broadcast of Swan Lake during the twilight days of the Soviet Union, when the culturally significant ballet was played on Television rather than the coverage of an immense event with stark political ramifications. Much like the late era Soviets, the average American is not being informed of a very serious situation in their country. Will we see an American counterpart to the Belavezha Accords? One can imagine something as so, "By the Lord's Divine Right, we proclaim the establishment of an American National State under the Confederation Charter. Henceforth, the Constitutional Federal Republic of the United States has been disbanded." As fantastical as that notion may be. Americans are simply more concerned about the moral integrity and social values of the United States than the form of government it practices, especially as their concern for mass immigration falls upon deaf ears.

However, the US is not playing cultural montages on repeat. The American media is simply carrying on like normal, issuing fluff pieces which speak to the viewer without saying anything of value. There is currently a complete media blackout in the US on the topic of the Texan alliance standoff with the Federal government. Mainstream US news media outlets completely ignored the subject for days. The silence is, shall we say, deafening. This is certainly odd because in previous years, after January 6th happened, the media burst with outcries towards regular Americans, labeling model citizens as terrorists on a daily basis for years. The leading opposition figure in the US, former-president Donald Trump, is being endlessly harassed with constant ballot removal attempts during the 2024 Presidential Election. This has not transpired since the 1860 election, leading to civil war less than two months after President Abraham Lincoln was elected. Nearly half of D.C. jurors, 48%, seek the death penalty for Trump's supporters that marched on Capitol Hill during January 6th, 2021. And now, suddenly, there is not a single complaint being voiced against typical White Americans. Naturally, there should be a flood of criticism beyond that of J6. Instead, the silence is telling, simply, that the Federal government is truly scared and feels weakened. Take, for example, the newly introduced sanctions against both Texas and Southern states that support the Texan Alliance. This action resembles a typical US government action against a hostile foreign government. The issue is that this is not a foreign government. These are American states. The US is sanctioning itself and shooting itself in the foot because the limbs no longer answer to signals from the brain.

Will Texas secede?

The prospects for secession are potentially at their greatest in a lifetime. Catalysts for such are more likely to be summoned by Federal stupidity than malicious intent. Secession would otherwise not be in the cards right now. It would be a result of the mishandling of this situation, especially when every state is now a border state afflicted by the same problems, for which barring selfish salvation of Texas, the solution must be applied to the whole of the United States. The spiritual being of the Southerner today exists solely for grievances as he is only fed transgressions. This can be sufficiently explained through the parallel in the ancestral British Isles. English men, as a rule, with unfortunate exception, think naught of spirit's past, they consider their co-ethnic neighbors as British kin. The so-called Northerner of the US, an identity actually projected through the minds of the South, which also doesn't hold sway in the North, considers both Southerners and themselves to be unitary Americans. It is the most vocal liberal elites within coastal cities that stir up trouble and keep the ghost of Sherman alive for all eternity through death, to perturb Dixiemen as a result. In actuality, this journalistic caste is universally hated by the general population, pitting folks against one another to safeguard their evil bands from direct punishment. For Americans, total victory would be revenge for Southerners and freedom for others. Only then can final reconciliation be assured. Where Southerners can be proud of who they are and also proud to be American. "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" - Ecclesiastes 1:9

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