Swallow The Whole World Novel

Swallow The Whole World Novel


Swallow The Whole World Novel

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It started pretty well, with quite intelligent and sympathetic protagonist. But then author has just started sadistically screw her over again and again so hard that I just have no heart to suffer through this. It's too cruel even for already quite cruel genre. Can't recommend.

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This is a pretty well-written novel but it makes me exhausted from reading it. We can’t seem to get a breather. Something is always happening. Even heartwarming scenes between Qin Yining and the people she loves aren’t stress-relievers because there’s always the undertone of tragedy or oncoming danger. To be honest, this entire novel reeks of tragedy. I don’t see how Qin Yining and Pang Xiao can be together. Nothing foreshadows this, it’s just a feeling. I feel that they met and fell in love at the wrong time; and ... more>> usually, when that happens, these types of couples never end up together. <> him toy with her, and the strength she shows when she's not with him was completely absent. She's always been totally ooc with him, in all honesty, but in this chapter her lack of will was just nauseating. She just folds, even when she has a genuine right to be angry. This novel sends a message that it's fine for a girl to be smart and brave as long as she's weak with her husband. Blech. <w< !!! With the exception of a few characters, almost every single character, main and supporting, is so complex. It makes you fall in love with them so much!
If I were to point out the biggest flaw, it would probably be the constant flip-flop the characters seem to use to justify the behavior of the MC. They go from, "Ahh! It's because her father's smart!" to "She's a barbarian because she grew up in the country!" back to "Wow, she's just like her father!". It's not a glaring flaw, and it does make sense in context, but it does feel a tiny bit forced. I can't rate this 4.7/5 so I'll just rate it a 5.
Overall, this is a really good story for anyone into the historical romance genre. You can definitely have too much romance, but this one is delightfully filling.

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It's a unique one. A good find! The story hooks you up and you'll find urself craving for more. The MC's personality is great! Beauty and brains.

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“If it’s a barbarian you want, then it’s a barbarian you’ll get!”
Reclaimed by her noble family after being swapped at birth, Qin Yining is bestowed a hellish family instead. Just as she turns her situation around and gains acceptance, her country is plunged into danger instead.
Shades of gray color the world. No side is completely good, and no side is completely evil. Refusing to be a trophy won by men, Qin Yining carves her own path instead. In this absolutely riveting and spellbinding tale, what does our MC do when an entire dynasty is at stake?
the MC was being punished by confinement to the family temple to copy scripts. During this time, one of her maids was framed for theft and in danger of being beaten to death. The MC heard about it and was going to leave the temple to go help her maid. She was stopped by one of the senior servants who warned her that if she left the temple before her punishment was complete she would lose what little foothold she had managed to gain in the family and even if she went there was still a strong possibility she wouldn't be able to save her maid causing her to look incompetent and foolish. The MC acknowledges that this is true, however she said that if she didn't try to save her maid just because doing nothing was better for her then that would be immoral: "Qin-mama, I would rather be someone incompetent than one lacking in morals."
The ML refuses. Even when some of his subordinates (and later on the emperor) call him s*upid and "soft as a woman" for doing so, the ML responds: "Soft as a woman? Maybe. The Yan government boasts that they have three hundred thousand troops defending Xihua. But in reality, they barely scr*pe thirty thousand, and only that if we count the kids just over ten. War is the business of men. What does it have to do with women, children, and the elderly? When chaos runs rampant under the heavens, it's the people who suffer! Those cries of ours when we raised our banner in rebellion, were they all false!? The hell is this order to slaughter helpless elders, women, and children?! Whoever the f*ck wants to be less than an animal can go do it! I'm not doing it!"
with the exception of the randomly stalkerish prince
Qin Yining is my role model for MCs done right. She always thinks of the lives of the people around her even when they offended her or schemed against her like Qin Huining and the late Sixth Qin Miss or the Old Dowager. She always gave them chances to redeem themselves.
If I'm asked to smack just one character then I'll choose Li Qitian. How dare he hurt my Yining and blackmail my Xiaoyao. I would smack the trampress and the old Dowager if only they're not women and the elderly. Also the decrepit emperor deserves more than a smack for purging the Sun's.
Songlan, why? Poor Bingtang and her family. The Suns are my greatest heartbreak, such a good family but they met tragedy due to that damnable emperial couple. And the Old Steward of Luminous Charm, such good and loyal man.
know how will she respond to every challenges without a cheat trick like a past-life knowledge or some hidden cheat system, etc. She was just solely relying on the knowledge that she acquired through a rough childhood. Aside from Qin Yining , I also love Pang Xiao.
He was not the typical love-at-first-sight kind of male protagonist. His character was well-balance, be it his domineering side or his gentle side. For me, their combination was a well-thought concept that complements each other's weaknesses and strengths so, I wanted to applaud the author for this birthing this great novel and to the translator, @ etvolare,
for giving us, readers, a chance to read this novel in the language that we understand.
despite having a mother that is pretty much unanimously hated by the audience because of her s*upidity, the MC doesn't push her away. (I'll be honest here and say that, while I also dislike the MC's mom, it's more forgivable. At least she's not suicidal-s*upid. It's only overly emotion-based thinking s*upid).

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Swallow Me Whole
Nate Powell € 25,94

----Swallow Me Whole is the first graphic novel since 1992’s Maus to be nominated for this prize in any category.
"Nate Powell’s Swallow Me Whole, a disturbed, haunting book, is impossible to describe... It’s not an easy book, but its dark brilliance marks its creator as a writer-artist of genius." --Neel Mukherjee, The Times (UK)
"Scaldingly dark ... Powell’s flowing, impressionistic artwork, with its ravenous expanses of negative space, swirls the reader’s perspective through his characters’ perceptions and back out again." --Douglas Wolk, The New York Times
"Honest and lovingly portrayed. Every word in this graphic novel is carefully chosen, dialogue is realistic, and background "noise" masterfully done. Powell’s detailed pen-and-ink drawings are well executed with lettering and images so brilliantly intertwined that they are one and the same." --Lara McAllister, School Library Journal
"His layouts, his touch with shadow and darkness, the way he brings you close enough to Ruth that you can watch her sleep without disturbing her dreams, all that stuff is amazing. ... Nate Powell can do it all. In his hands, even the high-school parking lots and the booths at the local diner are equal parts hope and foreboding." -- Steve Duin, The Oregonian
"[Swallow Me Whole] achieves some stunning effects with the art and the lettering ... Powell has a look halfway between Charles Burns and Craig Thompson, and at times, Swallow Me Whole enters that rarified sphere of art comics where the page design alone achieves the mood and meaning that that the artist is shooting for... Swallow Me Whole captures the desperation of the clinically obsessed, and how from the right angle, it can look like genius." --The AV Club
"Both provocative and thoughtful ... not since Robert Altman's Images has a medium so perfectly conveyed the experience of schizophrenia ... It's the best graphic novel since Craig Thompson's Blankets." --Chris DeVito, CD Syndicated
Swallow Me Whole is a love story carried by rolling fog, terminal illness, hallucination, apophenia, insect armies, secrets held, unshakeable faith, and the search for a master pattern to make sense of one’s unraveling.
In his most ambitious book to date, Nate Powell quietly explores the dark corners of adolescence — not the clichéd melodramatic outbursts of rebellion, but the countless tiny moments of madness, the vague relief of medication, and mixed blessing of family ties. As the story unfolds, two stepsiblings hold together amidst schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, family breakdown, animal telepathy, misguided love, and the tiniest hope that everything will someday make sense.
Deliberately paced, delicately drawn, and drenched in shadows, Swallow Me Whole is a landmark achievement for Nate Powell and a suburban ghost story that will haunt readers long after its final pages. -- 216-Page deluxe HARDCOVER

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Swallow the Whole World, Tun Xia Yige Xiuxian Shijie, Пожиратель Улиня, 吞下一个修仙世界
Sepuluh ribu tahun yang lalu, Xiao Tiandi, orang pertama di Alam Ilahi Kuartet, tetapi dia dikhianati oleh saudaranya, dan meninggal karena pengorbanan hidup. Sepuluh ribu tahun kemudian, Xiao Fan terlahir kembali dengan tubuhnya. Darah dewanya telah diambil, Tiangong telah berpindah tangan, dan istri tercintanya sudah tidak ada. Kemarahan yang mengamuk membakar hatinya. Dalam kehidupan ini, saya akan kembali ke alam ilahi, memotong kepalamu, dan mengambil hidupmu!, Saya memiliki mulut penuh Hanhai Dantian, aku telah menelan langit, menelan bumi, menelan matahari, menelan bulan! Tunggu saja pembalasanku!

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