Svengali Mcstories.Com

Svengali Mcstories.Com


Svengali Mcstories.Com
From the spectacular 1931 film “Svengali”
“Svengali will go to London himself! Where he will be all alone
on a platform. And Princesses. And Countesses. And serene Highness’s
will fling him their jewels, and applaud, and invite him to their
palaces. And he will take you with him. I never look at them. Ah, we
could be so happy. Look at me, in the eyes. Open your eyes.”
I have three obsessions. One is acquiring power. I craved
power in all its forms and over the years I have accumulated vast
amounts of that all important commodity. And I was ceaselessly
reaching for and grasping more.
The second obsession is the 1931 version of Svengali. Of all the
movies in my collection that feature mind control of a hypnotic or
magical nature, it is my hands down favorite. Sure I have the
standards owned by most hypnofetishists: The Devil Rides Out, The
Hypnotic Eye, etc. But the 1931 version of Svengali owns them all.
My third obsession is Marian Marsh. If you don’t know who that is
that’s okay. She was popular actress in the 1930’s and while I have
all of her films I only love one: Svengali. She played Trilby in the
film and her performance was pure magic. From the first sight of her
smoking while waiting at the apartment door of the Laird and Monsieur
Taffy, I was in lust with her and by the end of the film I was
obsessed with her.
I remember my first time seeing Svengali like it was 10 seconds ago
and not 10 years ago. Its the film that started me down this path. I
mean I had always liked movies with mind control elements, especially
hypnosis or psychic powers. Hell it was the only reason I spent even a
minute watching vampire movies because vampires movies are stupid as
fuck and nothing pisses me off more than sitting down to a vampire
movie and there is no mind control. Nowadays you pretty much have to
watch old school vampire flicks to get the mind control element.
Anyway, one day I am sitting around doing nothing. My buddy Ant
came over with pizza, snacks and beers because he was bored as hell
with his main girlfriend away. He also had one of his girl’s old
horror flicks. Like me she enjoyed old horror and fantasy flicks and
had a nice collection. My friend couldn’t stand them, preferring the
special effects of modern films. But he raved about this one which
said something. I was familiar with the 1954 version, but hadn’t known
it was a remake. 1954’s Svengali was nothing special and figured this
one was about the same, my friend was probably drunk as hell when he
watched it. He was already feeling no pain as it was. But mind control
is mind control even in a bad film and if I could suffer the pain of
watching The Hypnotic Eye a dozen times some obscure 1931 flick would
be a breeze because no mind control flick in existence is as bad as
that camp classic.
I was wrong about the film. It wasn’t a breeze but a hurricane!
1,000 mile an hour winds that blew my brains right out the back of my
head! Everything about it was on the mark. The extraordinary sets. The
dark moodiness of the camerawork. Archie Mayo’s brilliant
direction. John Barrymore’s sublime performance as the sinister
hypnotist. And of course, Marian Marsh, ethereal as beautiful, sexy,
doomed Trilby O’Farrell. A Masterpiece in the truest sense of the
The movie ended and I sat there in a stupor, stunned at what I had
seen, wanting to see it again, wanting to live it. Needing to live it!
But before I could get too far into my reverie, my friend drunkenly
broke in on my thoughts.
“What I tell you nigga? I told you this movie was a muthafucka,
didn’t I? Didn’t I?”
“Damn you ain’t gonna show a nigga some love? I bring you grub and
brew an’ one of these pussy ass old movies you love so much and that’s
all you can say is I was right?”
I looked at Ant and for maybe the one hundred thousandth time
wondered why I wasted time hanging with him. He was probably the most
worthless human being in the Western Hemisphere. So annoying I often
wished he was an ant so I could stomp his bitchass. He brings me a
movie and wants praise. Fine. I gave it to him the way I just gave it
to you...only it would piss him off and drive him out.
“Ant, I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you thought to bring
me this seminal classic in the horror genre! I don’t know how I missed
this masterpiece of cinema! The sets were darkly majestic, the
direction taut brilliance, John Barrymore was sublime as the title
character and Marian Marsh was ethereal as Trilby! One wonders how
this movie was lost in the shuffle until you realize that 1931 was the
year of Dracula and Frankenstein, a year that began Universal’s total
dominance in the horror genre, a dominance would last some 20
years. Still this film is truly remarkable and deserves to be
mentioned in the pantheon of classic films that marked horror and
fantasy during the decade of the 30’s.”
Anthony looked at me like I suddenly had two heads.
“Damn Nick! You dropped outta high school nigga, just like me, so
why you always gotta talk like a white boy? Why cain’t you just talk
like a real nigga? I cain’t understand you when you spit like
Ant angrily drained the rest of his beer and stood up.
“I’m out. Call me when you decide you ain’t ashamed of bein’ a
I watch as Ant storms out and slams the door. I watch through the
window as he drunkenly opens his car door and burns rubber when he
leaves. I turn away smirking and spy the dvd box for Svengali. My
smirk becomes a full fledged grin. Not only had I gotten rid of Ant
but he left the movie behind. I sit and grabbing a slice of pizza, I
start the movie again.
I sit staring a at the screen after watching the film a third
straight time. Thoughts that I had always brushed away before now
swirled around my mind like a maelstrom. The idea that I could become
as powerful as Svengali just wouldn’t leave me alone. The idea that I
could master women by just gazing into their eyes....
I woke up early the next morning, having fallen asleep during my
fifth viewing of the movie. I’d dreamed of being Svengali, a brown
skinned Svengali and stealing the mind of Trilby. I had this dream
several times always slightly different but the result was always the
same: Trilby on her knees before her new Dark Master. I sat there
thinking of how I could make it happen. I stood and stretched. I
showered. Fixed myself breakfast. Cleaned up the living room. The
entire time I thought of being an irresistible master hypnotist with a
harem of hypnotized slaves at my command. I looked at the time. It was
still early. My dead end job didn’t start for another two hours.
I sat down and started the movie again.
From then on, I was obsessed with the idea of being a powerful
hypnotist dominating any woman I desired. I researched and
researched. I read and watched everything I could get my hands on
about hypnosis. I had little money so it was the internet and library
for me, which was fine because from what I could find, it wasn’t what
I was looking for. It was all standard hypnosis for stage and therapy
with the ever present caveat that you couldn’t make someone do
something they wouldn’t normally do. Somehow I knew it was bullshit. I
looked further, deeper, beyond conventional ideas of hypnosis.
And it was easy to find. There were many old books on the subject,
from Experiments in Mental Suggestion to India’s Hood Unveiled to
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism there was a plethora of ancient
information on methods of mesmerism and fascination. And more modern
works on what is now called “Remote Influence”. I was stunned at the
number of books and papers on the subject that were scientifically
validated. I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t being used. Perhaps
because it was bullshit? But that negative thought evaporated like a
fart in a windstorm. Somehow I knew this was real. I only needed to do
the exercises provided, stick with them and I would become the Dark
Svengali I dreamed of becoming. Enough reading. It was time to
Every spare moment was spent doing mental exercises to strengthen
my concentration and will power, internal exercises to build my chi
(my research convinced me that the animal magnetism Mesmer spoke of
was what the Chinese called chi) and physical exercises to better
access and use my nerve force. I was more disciplined than I had ever
been in my life. My practice was relentless and one by one my old
friends dropped off, tired of me no longer being willing to hang out
or always having an excuse not to party. Only Ant remained. But a
different Ant than I had always known. He would do favors and run
errands for me always covering any costs involved. He no longer got
angry at me when I spoke ten dollar words at him. He would merely ask
me to speak english and talk slower. After a couple months of him
being little more than my errand boy, I finally asked him why he was
willing to do all of this for me.
“Because you finally doing somethin’ nigga. I always wondered why
you wasn’t amountin’ to shit. I mean you coulda got one of dem
scholarships for bein’ smart but you dropped out when I did. You work
at shitty jobs and live in this shitty apartment. But you smart enough
to do anythin’ you want, always have been. But you just never done
nuthin’ with yo brain. But now, its different. You on fire nigga, its
so hot I start sweatin’ every time I’m around you. Somethin’ big is
happenin’. You gonna make somethin’ big happen. And when it does, I
aim to benefit. All them otha niggas done fell off because they ain’t
smart enough to see it like I can. You ‘bout to blow up nigga and I
know you won’t forget yo boy when that happens.”
I stared at him for a full minute after he stopped talking, the
gears in my head working overdrive. Ant becomes uncomfortable under my
intense gaze, already more powerful due to my exercises.
I didn’t see before me my longtime friend and foil Anthony “Ant”
Avery. Instead I saw the image of Louis Alberni, who played Gecko,
Svengali’s lackey in the film. Anthony really starts to chafe under my
gaze, hiding his fear with a burst of anger.
“Hungry. Run out and get us some barbecue. Go to that new joint, I
hear they have a dry rub that’s out of sight. Get plenty because I’m
hungry as hell and today is my cheat day.” Ant relaxes.
“The usual, but make sure there is plenty of barbecue. I want ribs
and chicken.”
“You talkin’ now! I’ll be right back!”
I watch through the window as Ant hops into the car and does his
trademark burning rubber exit. But still I saw Gecko, Svengali’s
loyal, hapless, devoted, cowardly, less than intelligent servant. Ant
would be my Gecko. But Ant wasn’t hapless or cowardly, and his little
speech showed me he was smarter than I had thought. Gecko 2.0 if you
like. Ant would do. Yes, he would do nicely. I turned away from the
window and turned on the movie. The only movie I ever watched
anymore. Svengali.
Six months passed and I began to test my skills on people. I was
able to trance anyone who looked me in the eyes, but getting them to
do what I wanted was more difficult if they were normally opposed to
it. My skills of remote influence were solid if I wanted someone to
contact me, but beyond that, the results were spotty at best. I was
unable to affect people’s reality as I wanted and knew I needed more
work, more time. It was Ant who provided a solution. He had sussed out
what I was doing and while I was frustrated by my slow progress, he
was astounded and encouraged.
“Don’t worry Nick. Just quit yo’ job and use the extra time to get
yo’ skills up to snuff.”
“That’s a great idea Ant! Say, do you happen to have a shopping
cart and a large cardboard box? I’ll need a place to sleep and keep my
Ant liked that and laughed out loud, his white teeth gleaming.
“Relax Nick! You know you my nigga! Ain’t I got yo’ back?” He
tosses me something and I instinctively catch it. Its a wad of money
that could choke a horse. I look at him in surprise.
“Anything you need Nick. Anything you want. Hell you can call me
Gecko if you want to. I’m here fo’ you and when you ready, you’ll be
there fo’ me. Now you go in tomorrow and tell Apu you quit his shitty
fuckin’ job and someone else can wait on the Simpsons.”
Ant having this kind of money was no surprise. Between selling
weed to select clientele, hustling the well to do at the more upscale
pool halls and the string of stripper girlfriends whom he routinely
macked out of their pole earnings, Ant was always papered up. And now
I could take my practice to the next level. An extra 10 hours a day to
train. It was important that didn’t change.
“What? Nigga is you crazy? You know how much paper that brings
“Yes I do. Make it up by getting your stripper sluts to shake
their asses harder. Spend more time fleecing those Fast Eddie Felson
wannabes. You’re backing me financially now Ant and I can’t afford for
you to take one of your “vacations” right now.”
“Nick I got this shit on lock! My system is fool-proof!
Fool-proof! I only sell to a few steady niggas and its always done so
the cops don’t catch wind.”
“Nothing is fool-proof Ant. The police can get lucky. Or a client
can get stupid. Or it can just be a bad day at the office. Anything
can and will happen in that business Ant. I need you to protect me by
protecting yourself. The weed goes away.”
“Ant, see the big picture. After all, the big picture is why you
have been running around for me all these months isn’t it? The big
picture is why you are willing to pay the bills isn’t it? You say
you’ll be my Gecko? Then serve me as Gecko served Svengali and reap
the rewards. This piddly sum you are giving up is nothing compared to
whats coming. Serve me and ensure my success and you will make money
beyond all your dreams of avarice.”
I watch as Ant licked his lips in that way that said he was
thinking about pussy or money and I knew he was now an ex-dealer.
“Yeah that’s me. A’ight Nick. I done seen what you can do already
so I know its coming. I’ll stop sellin’ weed.”
“Excellent! Lets celebrate. Chinese. Go to that joint over on
Southwest I pointed out to you the other day. They make a beef in
oyster sauce that will take you to China! And their General’s Chicken?
Like putting spicy embers in your mouth.”
Ant hops up and heads for the door and stops, his hand on the
“Hey Nick, I gotta stop smokin’ weed too?” I smile.
“You go pretty light on it usually so no, you don’t have to stop,
just make sure you stay out of trouble.”
“You got it Nick! You want barbecue pork too?”
“And fried shrimp. Lots of fried shrimp. Its a cheat day.”
I perform my ritual of watching Ant’s tires burn rubber and
smile. It was all coming together, getting better and better. Then her
image came to me. I sit down and turn on Svengali. I never bothered
taking it out of the dvd player anymore. Only I didn’t start the
movie. I go to scene selection and find my second favorite part:
(Svengali opens towering double doors and enters a luxurious
suite. Trilby is shown on a bed, asleep. Svengali, looking old and
worn, watches her for a moment then approaches the bed. Sitting beside
her, he runs his fingers across her brow. Trilby awakens, stretches
slightly and smiles)
“Oh, I seem to have been asleep for ages!”
“Haven’t I been good to you Trilby? When you were ill, who...who
gave you back your life?”
“You did. I’ve done everything I repay you.”
“Ya....except love me. And oh liebchen I do love you so.”
(Svengali leans down intending to kiss her. Trilby brings up both
hands and holds him off)
“Ya, ya, ya, ya. But you know very well why you can’t. It is the
magnificent young Englander. Head of the purity brigade. Sir
Galahad. Hmph. The stiff necked little Billie. What is he liebchen?
With his silly paints in one hand and his twiddling brushes of pig’s
bristles in the other. What does he amount to? Compared to Svengali?
Ah, he paints his silly pictures and sends them to London where they
hang up on the dead soldiers on parade. And the people
pass in a long procession and yawn.”
I lean forward now, eager for the best moment of the scene, my
cock already hard:
“Svengali will go to London himself!”
Where he will be all alone on a platform. And Princesses. And
Countesses. And serene Highnesses will fling him their jewels and
applaud, and invite him to their palaces.”
“And he will take you with him. I never look at them. Da, we could
be so happy.”
“No. Nor anything else that other women like. Except the little
(Roughly grabs Trilby’s shoulders in anger and raises her up)
(Trilby looks Svengali in the eyes for a few seconds then her eyes
close. He lays her back down and leans over her)
(Trilby opens her eyes and smiles happily)
They kiss and I pause it, my cock a bar of titanium steel. The
need to cum was almost overwhelming. It had been months since I had
been with a woman, my obsession blotting out making the effort, even
when I practiced on a female, it was just practice. But now, suddenly,
jacking off was unacceptable. I needed to cum in some bitch’s hole,
any bitch would do.
I get up and storm out of the apartment, leaving the door open
behind me. I walk briskly down the courtyard sidewalk to where Eileen
the manager lived, an attractive, curvy blonde woman of 48. I bang on
her door, ignoring the doorbell.
The door snaps open as I pound it again.
“Nick?!? What do you want? Is something wrong?”
I don’t answer. Instead I push her away from the door and slam it
behind me.
“Nick, what do you think you’re doing? Explain yourself right
In front of me wasn’t my pretty middle aged apartment manager. It
was young, beautiful, fresh, Marian Marsh who was just 17 when she
made Svengali.
“Nick, are you drunk? Get out, get out right now or I will call the
I didn’t hear Eileen threatening me with the police. No, what I
heard was Trilby O’Farrell telling me she had done all she could to
repay me.
“That’s it Nick, I’m calling the police!”
In a flash, before she could turn away, I had Trilby’s
shoulders. She would repay me now the way I wanted. I felt a power
welling up in me now. A power that I had spent the last six months
reaching for but had always been just out of my grasp. But now it came
up of its own according. I felt it slam into my brain and pool in my
“In the eyes! Look me in the eyes!”
“Are you crazy?!? Let me go!” She struggles ferociously, her head
whipping back and forth, her eyes never making contact with mine.
Trilby, telling me she didn’t like palaces. I feel the power
increase, the excess pooling in my throat.
The power that boosted my voice made Trilby pause and look at
me. As if trapped by the most powerful magnet, her eyes locked on mine
and she froze, unable to look away or move.
I release her shoulders and she slowly sinks to her knees. I
quickly unbutton and unzip my pants and pull out my cock, insanely
rampant after months of denial.
Trilby takes my cock in her mouth and and works her tongue with
divine skill. I wouldn’t last long.
Looking up at me with those angelic brown eyes, Trilby complies
and seconds later I cum like a geyser in her mouth. Automatically,
with skill that can only be borne of long practice, she swallowed
every drop. When she finishes, she pulls back and my cock pops free. I
stagger back and settle on the arm of her loveseat, breathing hard. I
was thinking clearly again. It was Eileen and not Trilby who sucked me
off. I watch as Eileen continues to kneel, staring off into space,
still under my power.
I stand and pulling up my pants and putting my satisfied cock
away, I walk around her, disturbed by my loss of control. I’d gone
crazy, completely crazy! But that craziness h
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