Suzy Berhow Leaked

Suzy Berhow Leaked


Suzy Berhow Leaked

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 On 3/11/2018 at 4:34 AM, Qedrian41 said:

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Guest poorp, March 8, 2018 in Your Stories

For sale is a REAL blue morpho butterfly wing preserved in a glass and metal locket on a stainless steel or silver-plated necklace 18” chain! Your choice of chain material. Chain may vary in design!

Price: $100.00 “Brother. Take a gander at this!” Frod Revenge, waved his lanky fingers forth, beckoning for his brother to share the same sight he is. Smod Revenge, Frod’s brother, stepped over. He takes one slurp from his silly straw connected to a mug full of coffee before opening his slack jaw, “Is this-?”
“Yes. A Youtuber scamming her fans. A common and fowl offense.” A smile crossed Frod’s lips, “It is no ordinary Youtuber. Look who it is!” Smod’s eyes scanned over the screen and stopped when his eyes spotted the name of the shop owner, ‘Suzy Berhow’. A quick google search lead the two further into Suzy’s misdeeds. Smod’s eyes scanned the information, picking up details of false advertisement, trickery, greed, and downright laziness on Suzy’s end and how she’s making a quick buck off the unsuspecting fans. Frod and Smod scrolled down the page and were met with a barrage of details on how Suzy had crafted cheap materials into low-quality fashion accessories and sold them for four hundred percent of the normal price.

The two stumbled upon a forum where a war of words were exchanged with the anonymous.

Le epic upboat white knight comment

All on Reddit no less! The front page of the internet! The fans demanded an apology to which Suzy half-heartedly responded before retreating to a place where the fandom wouldn’t dare trek: Real Life. “I cannot believe my eyes, brother,” Frod paused with his hand gestured to the bullshit on screen, “How does one who already makes so much money from Youtube take so much from her fans?” Smod finished his coffee and threw the mug elsewhere, “It’s a sad gullible virtual age we live in. These kids are foolish and wealthy. The perfect prey for scammers like her. We’ve got to do something about this.”

Meanwhile, on a Reddit thread. Leave Suzy Alone! She’s under a lot of pressure!!!
Guys don’t be dicks.
We forgive you, Suzy.
It’s okay we all make mistakes.
We will love you no matter what.
“Aw. Thank you. Those poor things fight so hard for me.” Suzy’s expression read as anything, but sympathetic towards those whose money only made her wallet bigger. A few pecks on the keyboard typed up another lackluster apology to Twitter. Her loyal followers ate it up like Thanksgiving dinner seconds later.
The “girl gamer” opened the Paypal till of her Etsy store. To her surprise, the numbers were still counting upward into the hundreds of thousands she made with minimum effort. Even with that one reddit user doing internet detective work by exposing Suzy’s misdeeds, the followers simply don’t pay any mind. Suzy continued to chortle at their actions, “And people are still actually buying this stuff. OMG!”

Suzy plopped her fingers over the large number displayed on the cell phone screen. Someday, she’d have to make a thank you video for all those hardworking white knights for making things a little too easy.

Suzy’s phone transitioned to a text where an unlisted number messaged her the following:

Suzy, rolled her eyes, “Ugh. This must be one of those stupid surveys. Well. Can’t hurt to play along.”



“Your results will arrive shortly? What does that mean?” The sound of knuckles rapping on the front door promptly answered Suzy’s question. She opened the door and met an average looking man holding onto a dolly stacked with large cardboard boxes labeled IN-N-OUT burger with two more people carrying the same right behind him. “Excuse me, uh, is this…Suzy Berhow’s residence?” He asked, peeking down at the address label on the box.

Suzy felt a little hesitant to answer. A lie almost became her next words, yet the truth came out instead, “Y-yes.”

He turned back to his co-workers, “In here fellas.”

Suzy stepped away from the quick action of three people wheeling in dollies carrying cardboard boxes packed full of fresh IN-N-OUT burger. The interior of the living room grew heavy with the scent of fresh meaty burgers, salted fries straight out of the fryer, and plenty of animal sauce. “Woah! Woah! What are you guys doing?!?”

“Here’s your results from the survey. The one about whether you liked McDonalds or IN-N-OUT. You answered. We delivered.” The man tilted his cap and headed toward the door, “Good day.”

OH SHIT. Why the hell did I even answer to it?

Suzy quickly trotted after him, “Look, uh, I-uh, t-thanks I guess. I’ll be sure to do with it what I can. Perhaps keep it in the fridge?” He turned with a frown, “Ma’am, no. This fine cuisine must be eaten fresh. Many minimum wage employees worked their fingers to the bone to get this order made in a timely fashion.”

“But I didn’t…I mean the survey didn’t say anything about-“

“Well, someone reached out to you about what you thought was better and got what you wanted,” The man interjected then handed Suzy a receipt, “Oh, and by the way your bank account was electronically charged. Have a good day.” The one man exited with the others walking behind him. Before closing the door, he turned and made one final statement, “And if I were you Ma’am I’d get all this eaten ASAP. Old INNOUT can attracted unsavory folks, critters, and worst of all,” the man shudders, “Foodies [JG1] .”

Suzy placed her hands on her hips, that upsettingly felt a little too soft, "Okay, Fine!" She then slammed the door closed. That obnoxious eighteen-wheeler parked out front made its way through the neighborhood. Probably stopping at some other unexpecting suckers house.

The smell of IN-N-OUT burger plagued the room like an overbearing scented candle. Suzy took one box of four off the dolly and opened it. A fresh waft of California made fast food billowed outward. The fresh burgers, fries, and ice-cold milkshakes were all well packaged amongst each other, “I’ll just finish one and throw the rest out. That guy is beyond full of shit.”

Suzy held one burger in her hand. It is still warm, very fresh even given by the soft bun, melted cheese, and animal sauce squishing from underneath the top bun. In public, Suzy would’ve taken a small, yet hearty bite from it to savor. In private however, Suzy fit as much as she could and greedily tore right into it. A mix of medium well meat, melted American cheese, ripe tomato, crisp lettuce, and crunchy onion filled her mouth. The tangy animal sauce complimented every aspect of the burger. From the texture, down to the presentation.

From that first simple bite, Suzy unwillingly signed away her self-control. Akin to driving without brakes, Suzy’s eating velocity increased rapidly. The previous intention of just stopping at one had completely vanished. Tearing burgers apart with her teeth and slurping down chocolate milkshakes in seconds. Her actions of shoveling fries into her mouth and licking off the salt particles left behind demonstrated that very well.

All throughout the house loud muffled chewing and slurping can be heard coming from the living room. Splatters of fry bits, sauce, and milkshake decorated her green shirt and black pants as they all died with valor.

Control over herself came back the moment a loud belch erupted from her mouth. She looked around to witness a most unbelievable sight. Every box those men wheeled in lay empty about the room, “The absolute fu-MY STOMACH!”

Thanks to her gorging, Suzy’s small muffin top had inflated into a beach ball sized sphere filled with fried starches, greasy meat, ice cream, and plenty of belly bloating carbs. The gamer girl slumped down on the couch and rubbed her stomach to soothe the oncoming aching. In doing so, Suzy lulled herself to sleep. A gentle fast food induced sleep.

Frod and Smod stood by at the ready. The camera panned toward the front door of Suzy’s home. “Quite on set everybody,” Frod whispered, cueing Smod to count down with his long lanky fingers, “Three, two, one and…” He pointed at the door, signaling the crew to act, “Send in the personal trainer.”

A pleasant harmonious trio of flutes fluttered as shadow crept along the door accompanied by knocking from a hand off-screen. The sudden sound scared Suzy awake and to her feed. She immediately experienced an alien buoyancy on from her middle, "The hell?” Suzy reached down and cradled her belly, “When did I get so-urp-chubby?” Suzy primarily noticed her muffin top, once thought to be concealable, grew thrice in size and protruded over the waistband of her black pants. A big, pale orb of a belly is left exposed for the world to see.

Another knocking comes from the door, less patiently this time. “C-Coming!” Suzy rushes over to a full-sized mirror in the living room where she pulls down her shirt only for the bottom to fail at concealing her weight gain. She completely neglected the other aspects, such as the sleeves cutting into her fleshy upper arms or that her bra is digging into her soft back from the growth of her breasts or that her chunky thighs are pushing the limits of her jeans. There wasn’t even an attempt to mask the round cheeks and double chin.

Another knocking drew Suzy to the door. She rushed over with her stomach bobbed up and down along with her jiggling love handles, chunky legs, and heftier bust. Suzy opens the door to be greeted by the personal trainer who received Suzy’s appearance negatively, “Hi…there.”

Cue fifty-year-old pre-recorded laughter.

One quick transition later and we see Suzy alongside the trainer. Suzy, is dressed in an exercise uniform that fits her worse than the clothes she wore before. Each attempt to stretch causes her shirt to ride over her stomach which she quickly corrects. The audience finds her predicament entertaining.

The personal trainer, known as Betty stopped stretching, “Before we begin I have to ask? What’s your diet like? Let me guess. Big fan of IN-N-OUT?”

“I haven’t eaten THAT much...” Suzy retorted.

“Sure. Let’s start off with a little light exercise, okay?” Betty smiled, “That won’t be too much for you to handle will it.” Suzy bounced off the notion of that being an insult, “No way. I’ll handle it.” Another quick transition revealed that yes, a short jog was too much for Suzy to bare. Beads of sweat trickled down the woman’s rounded gut as she stood double over gasping for air.

“Huff. Can we-wheeze-take a break?”

From behind the personal trainer watched Suzy struggle to catch her breath. She imagined the moment Suzy was left alone, she’d stuff herself with two pounds worth of brownies then blame her weight gain on her thyroid issues. “Sure, take as long as you like,” Betty said, masking the hidden pleasure in her voice. Betty walked toward her gym bag where she pulled out a medium sized bottle and presented it to Suzy. “Or you could take the easy way out of this.”

“A bottle of Slim-U-Quick. One is just enough to make all the extra weight you have vanish into thin air. Made it myself.” Enticed, Suzy reached for the bottle only to have Betty pull it away, “It’ll cost some money I’m afraid.” The desperate “model” nodded and pulled out a check book from hammer space. “Here.”

An exchange of a check for the bottle was made. Suzy Berhow is now the proud owner of a bottle of Slim-U-Quick. With no care to ask for directions or nutritional information, Suzy tears off the cap and chugs the liquid until every drop is gone. The liquid tasted thick and creamy, heavily hinted by a sweet taste as well, “Mmm. Chocolate! I can’t thank you…”

But Betty is gone. Not even a trace of the woman remained. Even the bottle Suzy drank from vanished: no longer in her grasp.

“Weird. Better go home and start planning what to wear at the next con.”

One last quick transition placed the audience back to the interior of Suzy’s home. The door swings open for Suzy to walk through. Well, half of her at least. Betty neglected to include any truth about her work on the Slim-U-Quick. Nothing about the chemicals she surely outsourced or the half-assed research she put into creating such a thing. Betty just took the money and ran.

Now, who on earth would do such a thing?

Suzy pushes on the door frame, embarrassed that her quick, thoughtless decision cost her to suddenly gain a hundred pounds of bodyfat. Setting her further into the obese lifestyle. “Huff, huff, c’mon…I…” grunted the greedy gamer, planting both hands on each side of the doorframe. Suzy pushed and pushed, only to advance the amount of sweat pouring from her. Her thick arms provided no aid neither did her tree trunk thighs. On the other side, one would see Suzy’s big bulbous butt and chunky hips in exercise shorts wobble to and fro.

It wasn’t until Suzy accumulated enough sweat around her waist to free her from the doorframe’s grasp. She stumbled forth, landing belly down onto the couch, “I-I’m so tired. Exercise is evil!” Without the intent to, Suzy fell into a slumber.

A bunch of muddle voices hobbled into one sound. Few reaching over others with varying success. Before her eyes, Suzy saw the familiar themed booth decorated with her own “handmade” overpriced trinkets. She saw before her a magnificent expo. A collective herd of geeks and dorks romping about in their mediocre cosplays to show off their efforts and give hand compliments to others like Halloween candy.

Suzy felt right at home.
She, along with select others at the expo had her own booth in which to seller own crafted merchandise in. Gothic trinkets like skull rings, pendants, jeweled necklaces and so on were all displayed in such a fashion to catch the average consumers eye.
Suzy flipped the open sign, gathering the attention of one attendee who practically snapped their neck just to look. He came over, dressed in a Disney wizard hat and a black bedsheet as a robe. He fumbled with the pendants in his hand and smiled at Suzy, “I'll take two of these!”
“That’ll be three hundred dollars!”
He pursued his lips, giving her a surprised look, but reaches for his wallet anyways.

What was he going to do anyway? Deny himself a chance to wear pure excellence? Suzy secured the money in the till box with a sticker labeled 'NO REFUNDS' on the lid. The first few purchases brought more customers and following them, a small line.

Each purchase made filled Suzy’s money box closer to the brim. During this, a strange connection caused Suzy to gain a little weight. She tugged at her ‘kittykatgaming’ t-shirt and went right back to business.

It wasn’t much longer until the constant fixture of her shirt became impossible. Her slim stomach turned doughy, much too large for her shirt to cover. Then came another pestering occurrence around her hips. The chair she sat in became more and more inadequate. This didn’t really ride on her nerves until the chair made creaking sounds that filled her ears.

Suzy turned to the designated white knight who would do anything for brownie points, “White Knight! New chair!”

In the meantime, Suzy noticed two things. One, she snatched a large sized shirt from her own inventory to covering the growing adipose. Second, the crowd forming at her booth started throwing in more money. Suzy promptly retrieved a larger till box and placed it at the stand.

"I want this one!"
"How much is this one?"
"I love all your work, Suzy!"
Music to Suzy’s ears.

The fans continued to pour in money into the till box. Filling it to the brim.
"All this standing and taking money is tiring," When Suzy sat down she couldn't help, but to be incredibly bothered by the chair pinching her hips and buttocks.
She looked over to the Expo Staff member who's cosplayed like a knight with bright white armor. The front of the head of armor turned to Suzy, "Erm, excuse, I think you brought me a small chair. Can you get me a bigger one?"
"Of course!"
Not too long later, the white knight valiantly brought over a chair that compensated for Suzy’s need. Unlike the others provided by the expo, this one is crafted of wood. "Great! Thanks!" From the time it took the night to fetch the chair, Suzy bought out the surrounding stands for space, allowing her to display and sell more trinkets quicker at an inflated price too. The newfound popularity of Suzy’s trinkets triggered an exponential growth: Both in her brand and figure.

Suzy’s booth became the size of three booths, then the size of eight booths. After that it grew to the size of a storefront inside of the expo. Taking up about half of the available space. Similarly, Suzy outgrew the need for chairs and settled on requesting for large cushions to sit on while others did her work. More and more cushions were brought in as Suzy became bigger, larger, and fatter. As you guessed, Suzy now takes up the other half of the expo. Well, up until the point that Suzy’s head reached the ceiling and no white knight could find any more cushions.

“And you call yourselves loyal? Humph?” said Suzy. She craned her neck downwards, barely able to see those she belittled past her large breasts.

Another white knight took the chance to speak up, “M-my lady. There is a pressing matter.” Suzy rolled her eyes and picked up the man by the scruff of his shirt, “It better be important.”

“Some of the customers are questioning the quality of your products, what should we do?”

Few customers have begun to leak through the security running up to Suzy directly. They threw the products at Suzy’s globular stomach to which the trinkets just bounced right off.

 “You fat greedy pig! This wasn’t handmade!”

Soon a mighty mob of angry customers formed to confront the giant. The knights formed a gate around Suzy. They must protect her at all costs.

The knight’s sword slashed the comment in half, removing its purpose of creation. Around Suzy, the knights fought bravely against every rage-induced word the mob flung at Suzy. Deflecting them, dismantling them, and correcting their grammar with ease. The mountainous woman soft flab jostled as she chortled. Witnessing part of the mob fighting amongst themselves. Their anger redirected upon their own
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