


The name Susie is girl's name meaning "lily".
In the 1950s and 60s, the name every little girl wanted for her very own.
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Susie is beautiful and intelligent girl with a great personality and huge booty. She is funny and sweet and did I mention gorgeous? Every guy wants her but she only belongs to one guy .
One of the coolest girls alive. Always fun to be around. Make great sisters and friends. Susies are usually funny, smart, nice and energetic . Crazy at times. Throws great parties and is overall one of the best. If you know one or have one as a sister consider yourself lucky!
Jimmy: Who's that awesome girl ?
Fred : I don't know, she must be a susie .
Susies are simply sweet. Girls with this name are classy, intelligent, adventurous , dreamers, hard working, selfless , driven, romantic and funny. Susies make the best guests because they're respectful of other peoples space.
mother to son : Your new girlfriend is really lovely. She even helped me cook dinner . She must be a Susie.
by ispeakthetruth3.14 February 11, 2012
Susie is one of the most kindest friends you’d ever meet, she is always funny and makes my negatives fly away . Whenever you need to cry on someone’s shoulder, susie will be there. Susie will make you happy, and she will comfort you. Susie will calm you down, relax you, make you laugh, and you’ll be fine . After you’ve had a bad day , go to susie, she’s your helper in hand. Having someone like susie is a dream come true. Susie is a great friend x
Susie is your cleaner to your sad thoughts , she blows them away, and replaces them with happiness.
Susie is a nickname for a girl. This girl usally is hot as hell and a farmers daughter . She is a very religious person with an amazing personality. She works hard, but plays harder. She's the life of the party. She's also a total country girl. She loves getting dirty and shooting targets. She can shoot better then most guys can! Susies get called hicks, rednecks, etc. all the time. She's very kind hearted, but can talk a little dirty around her friends;) she is overall an amazing beautiful country girl!
by Jonathan.hannah December 12, 2012
A cheap date . A disgrace to Radford's mission statement. Freqent man straddler on the bar. Frequent dotcomrader. Master ghetto linguist. Tanorexic. Compulsive hair dyer. My other half. :)
" Yo B have you seen that sexy Susie running around the bar arresting people lately?

"You know Susie, the girl that can only handle 2 drinks and she's 3 sheets to the wind . Oh shit son ."
Did you see how many times that susie slept with that guy?

a female given name, form of Susanna or Susannah .
Should you take this quiz on “shall” versus “should”? It should prove to be a quick challenge!
Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention? Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
The Sunbridge Girls at Six Star Ranch | Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman) Porter
My wife ( Susie Hariet) was pregnant with our second child (they have two children, daughter Willow, 4, and son Aubrey, 2).
And above all, what I'm thinking of at the moment is his amazing wife Susie and their four beautiful young children.
She is the co-founder and editor in chief of Susie B. Magazine, a website for young women by young women.
Renowned sexpert Susie Bright consulted the actors on lesbian sex and helped choreograph the scene to get it just right.
What he wants to talk about today are Susie and Jane—who, Susie reports back, is “fine” with the sweater-jeans ensemble.
"It's too bad," murmured Susie sympathetically, as she passed a wet cloth back and forth over the girl's face.
Susie Billings, minus her khaki and cartridges, looked the picture of demureness in white muslin and baby-blue ribbons.
Chub's sister Susie was standing by the gate and seemed to be considerably excited.
Chub was already on his way to the front door, and Susie and Matt followed him from the kitchen.
Welcome swung his stick over his shoulder and stepped forward to shake hands with Susie .

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Secretary Susie Susanna Familia Haltmann
Unknown, but same as President Haltmann
Susie fires explosive screwdriver tips.
Susie launches a volley of explosives into the air.
Kirby Star Allies Wave 3 Update - Susie Suits Up!
Valentine's Day artwork from the official Kirby Twitter (2017)
Artwork from the official Kirby Twitter
Valentines Day artwork from official Kirby Twitter (2018)
Artwork from the official Kirby Twitter
Kirby Star Allies ( Celebration Picture )
Kirby Star Allies (Celebration Picture)
Susie explains about the Mechanizing Occupation Project.
President Haltmann creates gold Susie robots.
Stone 's Susie and Ribbon Statue Transformation ( Kirby Star Allies )
Kirby Star Allies (Dream Friend, Business Suits)
Kirby: Planet Robobot (Business Suit)
Kirby: Planet Robobot (Golden Robot)


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Susie is a character in the Kirby series , debuting as the secondary antagonist of Kirby: Planet Robobot , but would later become an ally. She is the current president and CEO (formerly the executive assistant and secretary) of the Haltmann Works Company , and the daughter of President Haltmann .

Susie has a small body with a large round head that floats, because she has no neck. She has a white face with big blue eyes, eyelashes, pink blush, and no mouth or nose. She has straight magenta hair that falls on her back, as well as long bangs, one held back by a golden hair clip. Susie wears a light gray business suit made of the metal Haltonium that wraps around her head almost like a hood. Two blade-like objects with red tips and orange screws connect to the side of the "hood"; these blade-like objects are apparently part of the visor-helmet that Susie wears when piloting her Business Suit mech (or when she steals Star Dream's controller). Susie wears a dark gray pencil skirt with no feet or legs. She has disconnected, floating hands, much like Magolor and Taranza have. She wears yellow-orange gloves that connect to metal cuffs with magenta buttons. Susie's hips are slightly wider than the rest of her body.

Susie is a sophisticated secretary who works hard at her goals and takes her tasks very seriously, to the point of completing them perfectly. Being more technologically advanced than the natives of Planet Popstar , she feels intellectually superior, being very prideful and egotistical, and hating when she loses. Though she uses etiquette when speaking, her ego occasionally shines through. Although she works hard at her job, Susie neglects things outside of work. She respects physical strength, especially when it works for her cause. She demonstrates "girly" tendencies at times, such as giggling or singing " The Noble Haltmann " out loud when no one is around. Her voice is similar to President Haltmann's in that she has a normal human voice albeit intentionally bitcrushed to get a slightly computerized effect. Similarly, when speaking in text, the letters make beeps as they appear.

Her favorite food is ice cream, to an extent that she begged for the ice cream factory in Overload Ocean to be built. Her hobbies include singing karaoke and playing the piano. She also makes sure to wear her treasure, a golden hair clip with an H written on it, every day. [1] Additionally, Shinya Kumazaki revealed in an interview that her special talent is being able to get dressed five minutes after waking up. [2]

Her Guest Star description in Kirby Star Allies states that she is cool and collected, similarly to Francisca , and that she is all about business.

Susie has a low opinion of Kirby throughout the game, referring to him simply as "native." As a denizen of Dream Land , Kirby is considered unintelligent by the secretary. However, when Star Dream turns sentient and heads into space to eradicate all life, Susie understands that Kirby is incredibly powerful and becomes an ally, giving him an Invader Armor in order to destroy the hostile machine. She also now refers to Kirby with her new nickname, "Pinky." Since then, the two have been on better terms.

In the Kirby of the Stars - Sparkling★Pupupu World Yonkoma manga , Susie's relationship with Kirby is complicated; she's antagonistic towards Kirby, but also appears to have a secret fondness for him, often eating with him or trying to impress him.

After Access Ark shoots down the Halberd , it crashes between two cliffs directly beneath the Haltmann Works Company's mothership. Meta Knight is then captured. [3] Susie has few on-screen interactions with Meta Knight, though she finds his swordplay and might impressive. Remembering that Susie mechanized him, Meta Knight seems to fear her and runs away when she interacts with him, as shown in the title, file select, and menu screens in Kirby Star Allies . Susie appears interested in mechanizing Meta Knight again, or at least doing some sort of experimenting with him, as well as Dark Meta Knight . For this reason, Dark Meta Knight shares his counterpart's apparent fear. As a result, it can be assumed that Meta Knight is still on bad terms with her.

Susie is President Haltmann's daughter and secretary. Despite betraying Haltmann and attempting to sell the Mother Computer’s database, Susie still deeply cares for her father, as she says she did her actions in order to “teach the old man a lesson.” In Japanese, she also mentions wanting to make him pay, and make him come to his senses, [4] suggesting that she was hurt he no longer recognized her as his daughter, and wanted him to see her as such again. President Haltmann loved his daughter and was desperate to see her again. His frequent use of Star Dream's head-mounted controller gradually caused him to lose his memories. When Susie returned as an adult, he did not recognize her as his daughter. However, feeling she was somehow familiar, he appointed her as his secretary. [5]

Susie wholeheartedly trusts in the Mother Computer's judgment and programs—that is, until Kirby defeats Mecha Knight and Mecha Knight+, both of which shake her faith in the computer. However, this is all a facade, as she secretly planned to sell Star Dream to a start-up company for a huge profit. After it becomes self-aware and poses a threat to the universe, she sides with Kirby.

Before the events of Kirby: Planet Robobot , Susie was with her father, President Haltmann, who had recently begun performing tests on a machine he reactivated known as Star Dream . During one of these tests, presumably one for Star Dream's Space-Time Transport program, a terrible accident occurred, in which Susie was warped into Another Dimension . During her time spent there, she gathered data on the native Sphere Doomers , which she would later use for the Holo Defense API .

Susie eventually somehow returned from Another Dimension after growing up, aiming to be hired by the Haltmann Works Company, and easily passed their difficult exam, all while having no known resume. [6] However, President Haltmann no longer recognized her as his daughter due to losing his memories from the excessive use of an incomplete Star Dream in an attempt to bring her back to life after he thought she died in the incident. Nonetheless, he felt that she was somewhat familiar, and thus hired her as the secretary and executive assistant of his company, making her the only organic life form apart from Haltmann himself to hold a position of power in the company. Susie would later become the overseer of the company's Mechanizing Occupation Project, leading to the events of Kirby: Planet Robobot .

Susie holds Dedede Clone's capsule.
Detecting a large amount of unused energy and uncivilized natives, the Haltmann Works Company made Planet Popstar the next target of its Mechanizing Occupation Project, easily destroying Castle Dedede and blasting down the Halberd in the process of the invasion, leaving Kirby to go on a quest to restore his home to normal.

Kirby would not encounter Susie herself until Overload Ocean . There, Susie formally introduces herself to Kirby. Remarking her surprise to see a native out there, she explains the cause for the invasion and berates the natives of Popstar for taking its resources for granted, before exclaiming that Kirby must be destroyed. She summons her Business Suit and hops in before doing battle with Kirby in an attempt to eradicate him. Kirby prevails, destroying her Business Suit. After dusting herself off, Susie then calls a Transporter, which lifts her away as she laughs wickedly.

Making his way through Gigabyte Grounds , Kirby encounters Susie again, finding her singing the company's theme song, " The Noble Haltmann ," out loud. She notices Kirby, introduces herself once more, and proceeds to tell him a story of when she met a powerful knight. It turns out that Susie had encountered Meta Knight , successfully captured him, and mechanized him into a cyborg security guard for the company, known as Mecha Knight . Susie calls down Mecha Knight, activates him, and uses her Transporter to fly away, leaving him to deal with Kirby.

At Rhythm Route , Kirby crosses paths with Susie yet again. She emerges from the floor, singing "The Noble Haltmann" out loud again, before turning to Kirby's direction. She introduces herself another time, and congratulates Kirby on defeating Mech
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