Susan Sarandon Fake

Susan Sarandon Fake


Susan Sarandon Fake
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London, Oct 15 (ANI): Susan Sarandon has opened up about a 'disgusting' casting-couch experience that happened in her younger years. Talking to Elle magazine, the Oscar winner actress has revealed that as a young hopeful she was the victim of exploitation as she auditioned for a role. When asked if she had ever had a casting-couch experience, Sarandon said "It was not successful - for either of us." "I just went into a room, and a guy practically threw me on the desk. It was my early days in New York, and it was really disgusting. It wasn't like I gave it a second though, it was so badly done," the Daily mail quoted her as telling the magazine. But the actress did not give any details of which audition she was assaulted at. Sarandon had her first audition at 23 when she went to a casting call for the motion picture Joe, landing a major co-starring role in the film, which was released in 1970. Later the actress went on to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the 1995 film 'Dead Man Walking'. In her interview, as reported on Radar online, she also defended her romance with her much-younger boyfriend, ping-pong entrepreneur Jonathan Bricklin. "People make him out to be much younger than he is - and me older," Sarandon explained to the fashion magazine, clarifying that he is 35, not 33 as has been widely reported. They have been linked since 2010 after Susan split from longtime partner Tim Robbins, with whom she has two children. (ANI)
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By Graham Gremore June 24, 2022 at 10:06am · 25 comments

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Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

Bernie bro Susan Sarandon is trending on Twitter (again) after the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, upending nearly 50 years of precedent which allowed abortion until about 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Sarandon has become something of a liberal lightning rod ever since she famously said in 2016 that she wasn’t sure she could ever bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton and suggested she would cast her ballot for Donald Trump instead.
“You know, some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” she said. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.”
Well, things certainly exploded. Unfortunately, not in the way Sarandon, who is worth an estimated $60 million, said they would. The revolution didn’t come and instead we got not one, not two, but three right-wing Supreme Court Justices with extremely conservative leanings who just blew up the right to a safe abortion in the United States.
The Court’s decision to overturn Roe in favor of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health is expected to result in abortion being outlawed in half the states. Of course, this isn’t really Sarandon’s fault, but a lot of people are mad at her anyway.
Here’s what folx are saying on Twitter…
I hope Bernie and his Bros and Susan Sarandon are enjoying the Supreme Court rulings today. But at least we didn't get the email lady to appoint 3 justices.
— Thee Richard Patterson ?? (@ohmyhesgood) June 23, 2022
Wakes up. Sees Susan Sarandon trending. Prepares for that kind of shit day.
— Portia Pro-Choice McGonagal (@PortiaMcGonagal) June 24, 2022
I can't help but wonder if Susan Sarandon is proud of herself.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant!?? (@mmpadellan) June 24, 2022
Dear Susan Sarandon, I'm an archeologist and my team and I have spent countless hours digging down to the center of the earth searching for who the fuck even asked you.
— penelope (@penelope8226) June 24, 2022
Thinking about how in 2016 Chris Hayes sat on tv giggling with Michael Moore, Bernie Sanders and Susan Sarandon while spewing anti-Hillary rhetoric
I hope Susan Sarandon is enjoying the revolution. ?
— Jen Henry (@jenresisted) June 23, 2022
Although not everyone has jumped on the “Blame Susan!” bandwagon…
I don't blame Susan Sarandon for Trump winning and picking 3 SCOTUS seats. I just think Susan Sarandon represents rich white women who won't be affected by the loss of abortion rights or gay rights or trans rights while they preach to us about what we did wrong.
— ? Brittany ? (@brit_reads) June 24, 2022
It’s days like this when I really wish Susan Sarandon had appointed some better justices to the Supreme Court.
— isn’t anything (@loosenyourhold) June 24, 2022
Future historians will use Twitter keyword search data for “Susan Sarandon” to document the extent of the mental illness problem that plagued Democratic politics in this era.
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) June 24, 2022
If Susan Sarandon is powerful enough to take down a Presidential campaign, I hope she goes after the filibuster next! ?
— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) June 23, 2022
Who is to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? Captain Smith or Susan Sarandon.
— Trekkie Bill ? (@trekkiebill) June 23, 2022
Looks like 6 years of screaming at Susan Sarandon and voters was really helpful. We should definitely keep doing that.
— pokey pup (@Whatapityonyou) June 24, 2022
So, how’s Sarandon responding to all this?
So far, she’s been radio silence on social media. Aside from a retweet the other day, her most recent original tweet is from June 19 and features a video taken from her vacation in San Juan.
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) June 20, 2022
Isn’t Susan Sarandon officially a has been now?
She’s got a new show on Fox coming. They shelves it for a year, after her last PR debacle. FOX spent a ton of money on it. Ironically, someone thought it would be a good idea to cast her in a show about country music, marketed to white republicans.
better than your officially being a never-was
I don’t blame Sarandon, I blame the overall mental block that people like her and other Bernie Bros had in 2016 when Bernie didn’t win the nomination with a “we’re taking our toys and leaving” attitude. I never could understand why progressives would throw everything away b/c they didn’t get everything they wanted right away. Now, I doubt we will ever see that progress they had hoped for. Btw, I wasn’t against what Bernie was proposing, I was always against his lack of details in his proposals and doubted his ability to just make things magically happen like his supporters thought. Welcome to the beginning of some truly dark times coming to America.
And to anyone celebrating this ruling today. Enjoy your pyrrhic victory, you really haven’t a clue how this ruling will affect your life too in the coming years.
bernie was the best candidate and he was sabotaged by the traitor of the people who voted for him named obama (just as biden is betraying those who voted for him and actually believed his lies). trump is obama’s legacy and susan sarandon had nothing to do with it. she had only expressed her opinion.
I had almost forgotten about her – now this.
She’s a loser. Cut off her nose to spite her face.
It appears Susan was thinking with her pur$e instead of her vagina.
This was my only problem with her. She had no real “skin in the game”. She was beyond child bearing so abortion wasn’t going to be something she needed to worry about. She’s not gay. She’s not a Muslim. She’s not an ethnic minority. If she had looked beyond herself she would have seen that even if Hillary wasn’t likely to make things better she was at least not going to make things worse.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that Susan Sarandon is dead to me. I will never watch another one of her movies. Period.
I voted for Bernie Sanders and still voted for Hillary Clinton as well. I hate to say it but all the women who voted against Hillary and for Don the Con, third party candidates (Jill Stein, etc.) or did not vote at all are in part culpable for this horrendous state of affairs, because even though Hillary Clinton received millions (3 million) more votes than Don the Con, our electoral system, along with Russia’s interference, helped usher that psychopathic traitor Don the Con into office. In four years he created nothing but havoc and destruction, beyond pouring money into the pockets of the super-rich, and left us with not only a shattered economy, an empowered Russia, China and North Korea, a devastating and disastrously addressed pandemic, and a failed coup to overturn a legitimate election he lost by 7 million+ votes , but he and the GQP also rammed three lying theocrats–Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch–onto the Supreme Court. Of course Sarandon, a multimillionaire whiling away her sunset years on a Puerto Rican beach, isn’t really affected at all, or at least doesn’t think she is!
Queery, please don’t stoop to this in-fighting discord, this misinformation, this distraction from the issues. It’s not Susan’s fault Hilary lost, it’s Hilary’s fault Hilary lost. It’s not Bernie’s, who campaigned for her. Her colleagues, her friends, her associates….all of them coalesced around Biden, around establishment democrat candidates who failed to mobilize the party and squashed progressives. Those same people are in the senate, in congress, those same people are decrepit centrist, do-nothing folks who don’t care about raising the minimum wage, about cancelling student loan debt, taking money out of politics, climate change, or making healthcare accsessible- they have ALL the power and get kicked around by Manchin and Sinema.
Establishment, corporate, corrupt, greedy, complacent, idiotic, feckless status quo democrats unfortunately played an INFINITELY bigger role in this than anyone else. They are the republican’s biggest enablers.
Pistolo, I am in 100% agreement with you. Hillary’s campaign was doomed from the moment she dropped her egocentric, “I’m with HER!” slogan. The hubris of approaching a campaign as if voters cared more about supporting her brand than an agenda, and policies that could improve their lives. This is solely on party leadership –THEY backed Hillary and allowed her to lead a painfully uninspired campaign. I live in Chicago. Hillary easily took Illinois WITHOUT my vote. I have no regrets. If the DNC wishes to continue losing elections, all they need to do is keep backing and running centrist candidates whose only wish is to maintain the status quo.
Some so called “progressives” seem not to understand that in order to do anything in the Senate it requires a majority of votes. That usually means 51 votes. Democrats currently have 50 votes with the VP being the 51st if needed. If Manchin and Sinema decide not to vote with the other 48 Dems then the Dems don’t have a majority. Simple, so how is it that anyone thinks that the Dems can just ignore those two and still get anything done?
I liked Bernie’s ideas. I voted for him in the primary. What I didn’t do was refuse to participate just because who I liked didn’t win. If Bernie had won he would need a great deal of progressive allies in Congress to accomplish anything. Who did he have? Instead of whining that true progressive change isn’t coming why don’t we take a page from the GOP play book? Vote in progressives at the local and state level. Give them a base so that they can become a larger number in national politics. You build from the bottom up. It seemed Bernie Bros wanted to start at the top.
pull a trojan over your pinhead, trojanboy
We are all responsible for our own decisions. Who we vote for is our fault, and no one else’s.
susan sarandon wasn’t running for president, hillary was. she was the one who lost. blame her and that rapist husband of hers who reeked of feces. but mostly blame hillary clinton. hillary on khaddafi: “we came, we saw, he died”. screw her. there is so much blood on her hands, i’m surprised people don’t retch when standing next to her.
Hillary received the popular vote so your suggestion that no one wanted her as president isn’t logical.
Bernie and his bros literally regurgitated Russian propaganda for his campaign.
Bernie has the blood of brown people on his hands, or have you already forgotten all of the military aggression he voted for?
Bernie used to be against millionaires until he became one. He wanted about them “not paying their fais share” but had no problem using the exact same tax cuts to only pay 13.5%
He’s a fraud.
Hillary Clinton destroyed her own presidential campaign. Obama didn’t govern like a centrist which he claimed to be. Both of these things led to Trump’s election. Just like Biden’s economic ineptitude, illegal immigration fiasco, pro-crime policies, food shortages, high inflation, soaring gas prices, failures in Ukraine and Afghanistan, dementia, and woke politics will lead to a Republican being elected president in 2024.
only if biden or harris runs for president
Tell us you’re a Republican without saying you’re a Republican.
Blaming Biden for all that you listed proves you know nothing of the world outside your Fox News induced bubble.
“Bernie doesn’t have any ego in this…”
Thanks for the laugh Susan. I caucused for Bernie in Colorado in 2016. Bernie slaughtered Hillary here. Then I voted for Hillary in the fall because there are degrees of all things. And Trumpy is far worse, obviously.
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Oct 9, 2014, 10:20 AM EDT | Updated Oct 9, 2014
NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 08: Actress Susan Sarandon attends 'The Hunger' Private New York Screening at The Museum of Modern Art on October 8, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Rommel Demano/Getty Images)
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Senior Entertainment Reporter, HuffPost
Certain horror-film aficionados may have an affinity for the obscure 1983 glam-rock movie "The Hunger." Ahead of its time, the Tony Scott film was a vampire movie when vampire movies in Hollywood were relatively rare. It stars David Bowie during a period when all of his movies were destined for cult-hit status, instead of mainstream success. Moreover, "The Hunger" features an impassioned love scene between Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve that sparked significant controversy.
That mild brouhaha extended to Sarandon's mother, who received hate mail in New Jersey for her daughter's onscreen tryst, the actress revealed Wednesday night at a special screening of the film held at New York's Museum of Modern Art. "At least two people there thought it was pretty upsetting," Sarandon joked before the movie started.
The scene is rather tame by today's standards -- the actresses appear topless, but their assignation is filmed with a lot of closeups and the emphasis is more on the seductive lighting and camerawork than it is on their specific sexual actions. Roger Ebert, in his negative review of the film , emphasized that the rumors before its release were overblown, calling the scene "effective" and "dreamily erotic" instead of "raunchy or too explicit."
Sarandon said the scene would hardly be noticed if it were part of today's landscape. What would be noticed is the love affair she and Bowie had around the time of its filming, which Sarandon confirmed to The Daily Beast earlier this year.
HuffPost Entertainment asked Sarandon to name her favorite Bowie moment. "One of the best memories is when he was playing Madison Square Garden during the Serious Moonlight Tour and I was able to be on stage and just be that close to the music and that close to him," she said. "I think it was one of the first times that I'd really been looking out at what that feels like to have the reaction from the crowd, so that's a ver
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