Survive Me Miolhr ? STEAM KEY REGION FREE GLOBAL - Купить / Скачать онлайн

Survive Me Miolhr ? STEAM KEY REGION FREE GLOBAL - Купить / Скачать онлайн

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? STEAM KEY REGION FREE GLOBAL Long ago the Scientist of Miolhr worked on a cure for the multiple illnesses of their time. One of these "Cures" had horrible side effects turning man into Z´s. This cause Havoc and Chaos all over Miolhr. Miolhrkind´s last hope was left with these same scientist who continued to experiment with the Virus which changed so many of the Miolhrians into these Z´s. (As you can tell not all of the People of Miolhr where Genuses..) After years of experimentation and luck a second cure was found but didn´t work as they expected. Side effect from the second "Cure" allowed some people of Miolhr to Control Elemental Skills. These People where called Users. Elemental type(s) are Fire, Water, Poison and Ice. (User are people with the ability to control Element Powers.) After years of training, the Top Users created DoJo´s to train and perfected their talents. Years later Z´s stated to build immunities and split off into 3 forms. Poison. Blazing. Earth! This also allowed them to use these Skills. At the same time User trained developed 2 New Skills. Physical and Tool. With these 6 Skills the World of Miolhr was balanced for a short time. DoJo leaders stared to develop Dual User abilities. This was mostly through their training. This gave them the ability to control 2 Elements at once. For years DoJo leaders ruled the lands of Miolhr ..until now...

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