Surprise Incest

Surprise Incest


Surprise Incest
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They had no idea they were siblings!

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Compiled by Samantha Ireland

17 May


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Although they lived 160 kilometres apart, fate brought James and Maura to the same nightclub.
They experienced an instant attraction that soon grew deeper.
‘I’d been in relationships before, but I just knew this was different,’ James told the Irish Mail. ‘After a week it felt like we’d known each other forever.’
Two years later, James and Maura welcomed their son Mark into the world. But the couple were about to discover a shocking secret.
James hadn’t seen his father Vincent since he was 10, and his relationship with his mother Carmel was so strained, Maura hadn’t even met her.
It was Christmas 2009 when James decided to try and mend fences with his mother. He visited Carmel and told her how he’d fallen in love with Maura, and they had a son. ‘She asked me who my girlfriend’s parents were – what their names were,’ James remembers. But then she got hysterical.‘She went upstairs, closed the door and wouldn’t come out,’ James explained.
A few days later, Carmel called James and broke the news that Maura’s father, Tom, was also his biological father.
Carmel and Tom had dated briefly in the 1980s. When they broke up, Carmel didn’t tell Tom she was pregnant and when James was born, she put Vincent’s name on the birth certificate. Tom found out that he had a son when James was four but they never met. By this time, he’d married and was a father to Maura.
A DNA test confirmed their worst fears – James and Maura were half brother and sister. ‘We were devastated,’ said James. ‘If someone had said to me that they were in a relationship like this, I would have said they were sickos.’
After the shock, the couple decided to stay together and share their story anonymously to warn others about putting the wrong father’s name on birth certificates.
Read more in this week's issue of that's life!

Home » News » Incest Everywhere!: Shocking stories across the nation
***My father impregnated me, threw me out of his house
***’My father has been raping me; now he’s threatening to kill me after I became pregnant’
***Man admits being father of his daughter’s child, blames alcohol
***Toddlers not spared: Man sleeps with 5-yr-old step daughter
***Woman bears 3 children for her son
An illustration of a rape incident.
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Over the years, the issue of sexual activity between two people who are very closely related in a family, such as between father and daughter, mother and son or brother and sister has become so rampant across the world especially in Nigeria.
Cases of incest are recorded almost every week.
There are tales of mothers having babies for their sons and daughters getting pregnant for their fathers.
The life of a 17-year-old girl (whose name is being protected) took a downward turn immediately she lost her mother last year and her father began to sleep with her.
The victim, who resides in Eket Local Government Area of Cross Rivers state said her father threw her out of his house after impregnating her.
Her story: “Shortly after my mother’s death, my father began to sleep with me until I became pregnant in December 2020.
“Later, my father threw me out of the house. I had no option than to come over to Uyo and find anyone who may be interested in my unborn child.
“Although I have never had any antenatal care and I’m almost due for delivery, I then started wandering about in Uyo looking for whoever would accommodate me.
“On Tuesday 21st September 2021, I was at a popular plaza asking people around if they needed a baby. I was desperate to have a family accommodate me until I give birth and handover the baby to the family.
“However, on Tuesday night, a man who saw me wandering about offered me accommodation to spend the night and I thought I had found succour. But the man took advantage of me and slept with me even as he saw that I was heavily pregnant.
“Nevertheless, fate smiled on me the following day when a human rights activist, Oga Yenne, with the help of concerned individuals located me at the plaza and rescued me.
“Oga Yenne then handed me over to the President of a gender-based violence committee, Notovole Foundation, Patricia Obot.
“The case has been reported to the Police at Ikot Akpan Abia where my medical needs are being taken care of and hopefully I will get all the help and necessary support”.
“My father has been raping me; now he’s threatening to kill me after I became pregnant”.
Similar fate has also befallen many other girls. Last month, on the 16th of September, a 45-year-old man, Olaoluwa Jimoh was arrested by Operatives of Ogun State Police Command for impregnating his biological daughter.
It was learned that the randy father with uncontrollable libido, was arrested following a complaint lodged at Ode Remo Divisional Headquarters by the victim, who reported that she had been living with her father for the past two years, but sometime in June 2021, her father forcefully had sex with her. Jimoh reportedly raped his daughter until she got pregnant.
According to the 19-year-old victim, “I have been living with my father for the past two years, but sometime in June 2021, my father forcefully had sex with me.
“Since then, he has been raping me severally and always threatened to kill me if I dared inform anybody.
“My mother had separated from my father a long time ago, and I had been living with my mother until about two years ago when my father asked me to come and live with him.
“I decided to report regardless of my father’s threat when I discovered that I was pregnant.” As usual, during interrogation, the victim’s father, Olaoluwa Jimoh blamed the devil who pushed him to continue to rape his daughter till she got pregnant”.
Also in August, this year, a middle-aged man, David Akpokpokpo was arrested by a vigilante group for allegedly raping and impregnating his teenage daughter in Amukpe area of Sapele, Delta State.
Akpokpokpo had carnal knowledge of his daughter which resulted in pregnancy. She has given birth.
Like Olaoluwa Jimoh, Akpokpokpo threatened to kill his daughter if she opened up to anyone.
However, when she could no longer bear it, she had to report to the vigilante group in Amukpe on Friday, August 27.
During interrogation, the suspect claimed to have slept with his daughter only once under the influence of alcohol but the victim countered him saying that her father raped her four times. Akpokpokpo also admitted being the father of the child.
Toddlers not spared: Man sleeps with 5-yr-old step daughter
For most of these depraved human beings, age isn’t a hindrance. They can violate a toddler the same way they violate a teenager. How else does one explain a 39-year-old Oladapo Akinola sleeping with his five-year-old stepdaughter, who calls him father?
Oladapo Akinola was arrested by men of Ogun State Police Command on Monday 20th of September 2021.
It was learned that Akinola was arrested following a report lodged at Adigbe Divisional Headquarters by the mother of the victim. According to the victim’s mother “while bathing my daughter, I discovered blood in her private part, and upon enquiry, she said that my husband who happened to be her stepfather had carnal knowledge of her.”
In some cases, it doesn’t just end with having canal knowledge and impregnating the victims, they go ahead to procure abortion for them to cover up their act. So it was for 52-year-old Jimoh Mutaliu who is currently in police custody for impregnating and procuring abortions for his teenage niece.
According to the father of the 16-year-old victim who lodged a report at Adatan Divisional Headquarters in Ogun state, “when I discovered that my daughter was pregnant, I asked her who was responsible, she revealed that my brother, who is her uncle was
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