Surgery Fetish Nurses

Surgery Fetish Nurses


Surgery Fetish Nurses
@madmedfetish Mad For Medical Fetish
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As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site.
The source of this problem is
Obviously, they decided that my site was no longer acceptable and they set up specific rules so that tumbex users no longer have access to the contents of tumblr.
It's unfortunate, I loved tumblr, that's why I created tumbex. Using tumblr with an easy, clean and efficient interface was my goal. Because to be honest, their interface is really to be reviewed (otherwise you would not be here).
It is therefore with great sadness that I announce that you are living the last moments of tumbex, it was a great adventure, and a big thank you to all those who have followed me during all this time!
But don't worry, I'll be back soon with something even better;)

Medical fetishism is one of My most deeply and dearly held kinks. For Me, the role of Medical Professional fits perfectly into My disposition. I am a naturally nurturing person and I gain a deep sense of calm when I can immerse My attention in a shared experience. I enjoy having control, but the sensible control of a trusted station. As your nurse/doctor, I subject you to strange procedures, with the underlying narrative of precision and care. Conversely, I deeply enjoy perverting the professional role, abusing My power and position, turning My clinic into a dark fantasy of inappropriate experimentation. We both forget that it is a role-play, so deeply do I draw us into the scene. My creative and meticulous traits are the perfect compliment to medical play; My experiments are unique, detailed and reflect the unparalleled training I have received in this field. 
My training in Medical Fetishism has been extensive and is ever evolving. My early years in New York City, I trained with top medical dominatrices, aiding in marathon multi-hour med scenes. In recent years, I have expanded My repertoire with a few subs who are medical doctors in their daily lives, but enjoy flipping the script and living out their fantasies as a pervert patient. It’s more common than you’d think! I value learning my medical skills from kinky doctors because I learn the full protocol, safety procedures and nuances of what makes hyper-realistic medical play such a devious act. There’s also something deeply hot about playing doctor on a doctor…
My exclusive dungeon in Austin, Texas is equipped with a full and unique medical space, complete with medical table and My towering cabinets, filled with tools.
The aesthetics of Medical Fetishism is a driving force behind My fascination. I adore the clean lines, vintage elements and cold minimalism of medical scenes. I have a deep fetish for latex gloves and the way they slide over My long fingers. My collection of medical wear is extensive. I love the fantasy nurse outfits of skin-tight latex, distracting you from the severity of My procedures. I adore the sinister realism of full-coverage surgeon gear; My body fully obscured from view, My piercing eyes dissecting you coldly. I love the simplicity of a lab coat over provocative lingerie. Medical fetish wear appeals to Me because it can be much more creative than the black on black of classic fetish garments. Give Me ox blood red, minty green, hazard yellow, muted cream…
My Medical Play is fed by My obsession with strange and interesting gear. My mad scientist tendencies keep Me on the fascinating cusp of invention; the intersection of technology and sexuality. If it involves electricity, teledildonics or some strange automation, chances are I already own it. Over the years I have amassed a frankly unparalleled arsenal of medical-inspired gadgets and toys. 
Medical fetishism provides Me with exciting and invasive processes for compromising your bodily autonomy. The diversity of Medical Play is fascinating and beautiful. Whatever your clinical fantasy involves, I am excited to indulge. For the klismaphilic, I fill you with an enema, watching your abdomen swell, cleaning you deeper than ever before. If we choose a more thorough examination, I slip a shiny metal sound deep into your most vulnerable parts; probing the mixture of fear, trust and unimaginable pleasure. My prostate exams are incredibly draining, making you leak continuously.
One of My favorite procedures is electroplay. My amazing collection of TENS units and attachments has grown exponentially since I discovered the joy I derive from electrostimulation. Ranging from light tickles and scintillating shocks to heavy electro CBT with electrified clamps, hoops and cock rings. My fleet of electrified rectal and urethral probes, create the sensation of heavy penetration without friction or soreness. The earth-shattering experience when I split the current between your shaft and your rectum, My pulse flowing directly through your prostate from two sources… It’s all such a beautiful symphony of conductive bodies to which I’d love to introduce you. 
A new and exciting addition to My medical playspace is the much-lauded Venus 2000. This unique pumping system makes for an interesting finish or start to any session. The design and implementation is such that it will leave you no choice in producing a sample for My experiments. But that is just the start of the fun… It can be used for simple pleasure, or for multiple releases and sensitivity play. The aesthetic of the machine fits in perfectly to any medical fantasy.
Similar to the Venus is the bizarre Serious Kit, a machine straight out of a retro futuristic science fiction fantasy. The possibilities of this machine are frankly intimidating; it can suck, shock, penetrate and electrocute simultaneously. The collection of attachments that I have for this machine are quite impressive and you will be part of a select few worldwide to experience this kink technology. It is also rather complicated to implement. For sessions including the Serious Kit, I request a surcharge of $200.
Piercing, stapling, suturing and other blood play is one of My most sought-after specialties. As a seamstress, I am naturally disposed to expertly manipulate your flesh as if it were as pliable as fabric. My stapling and needle techniques are one-of-a-kind and ever evolving. I deeply enjoy using your body to create new arrangements of metal and flesh; twisting, encasing, and reconfiguring your intimate parts. 
For some examples of My more extreme procedures, visit My Exclusive Photos
Medical Play, like kink in general, can reflect a wide variety of activities, interests and skill levels. Your medical session will be entirely unique to you, while incorporating My tools and skills. We can keep it playful; a seductive medical examination with probing tools and tests, or we can explore the darker sides of My extensive training. All levels are welcome and all boundaries are respected. If you are interested in very heavy medical play, I may require proof of previous experience. All play must conform to RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink), I do not perform irreversible procedures. 
I also offer Medical Fetish custom video content. You can find My medical clips at My store as well as email Me for any custom requests. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

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I am a surgical nurse in real life and I just love wearing all of my surgical attire whenever possible. I love seeing my patients strapped to the operating table helpless and not able to do anything....

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