Suppository Punishment Story

Suppository Punishment Story


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Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens
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Date Posted: 22:26:56 10/09/16 Sun

i'm 16 now but until 13 i remember enema punishments we'll always the same "yes ma'am i deserve a big doo" i always had to say to ma

if i cursed during the insertion or filling i always got the bar in my mouth

the dreaded click and my age in minutes in the tub then the diaper
and humiliatin of sittin in my poo for as long as ma
wanted while she spanked me to spread it around every hour

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 14:27:08 10/17/16 Mon

You sounds like your family is similar to mine - except diapers and messing weren't part of our "tradition". Were your parents very anxious about intestinal toxins affecting behavior, as mine were?

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 10:14:00 10/18/16 Tue

Why should preteens receive punishment enemas and suppositories? It is far better to give them exclusively for health reasons.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

alexis (mommyknowsbest)
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Date Posted: 16:37:32 12/10/16 Sat

Mothers used to believe (and some still do) that acting up is a sign of colonic toxicity. The enemas should not be painful, but certainly through. Meaning, a large soapy filling followed by two rinses.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

paul (joys of otk suppository)
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Date Posted: 18:58:07 04/11/18 Wed

my mom put these in my bum instead of enema cause they were easier to insert and she held my cheeks together before my bm would be ready to release I would b over her knees crying too

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[> [> [> [> Subject: questions to Paul

Date Posted: 02:55:34 04/12/18 Thu

What was your mother's reasoning for this?
Did she spank before or after the insertion?
What kind of suppositories did she use?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 15:08:20 04/14/19 Sun

Toxicity may be the excuse, but anyone who receives an enema from a person in charge of them always comes away with a completely different attitude.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Steven (serious)
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Date Posted: 04:51:27 08/19/20 Wed

I began to receive punishment enemas from my stepmother at about age 10. These were much larger and given much faster than the usual enemas she gave me pretty much weekly until age 14. They were also often cold and given in full view of family members and on two occaisions friends.

They were highly embarrassing and very hard to finish or hold. I quickly learned however. The rule was if you couldn't finish or hold the two or three quarts of cool, stinging, soapy liquid it didn't count and you had to start over. Also any talking or complaining during the process would earn at least another bag and probably a swat across a tense bare bottom struggling hard to finsh at all costs.

It wasn't employed all that often, but left a lasting impression. The worst of all was when I had a schoolchum over to spend the night and we got caught after sneaking out all night.

Early the next morning, my stepmom gleefully opened the curtains and announced that my transgression would earn a PE (Punishment Enema) and a prescription suppository that reacted to the enema. My friend asked what that was and she explained in great detail what she was about to do to me as she pulled back the blanket and inserted the suppository. She used a rectal thermometer as a pushrod and would leave it in place while she got the enema reasy. I was further floored when she asked if my friend wished to be taken home or would he rather stay and witness this bizarre correction.

To my surprise and horror, he elected to stay. It took three tries to get a full bag into me and held but my friend was by the bedside the whole time, watching with amusement and I think fear he was next.

She didn't give him one, and besides a few questions, he didn't discuss it further. Until he got to school the next week and told a couple of friends about the episode.I got teased for years on that one.

Overall I would still say it was a very effective punishment. After a PE I would never think of misbehaving again.

The only thing similar I"ve seen in recent years was a gf who , when she suspected her kids were faking illness, she would threaten to give an enema if they stayed home. This usually resulted in miraculous cures. She would carry through with these at times. I witnessed her daughter get these twice and helped her give her son one once.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Archer (Happy)
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Date Posted: 19:29:02 10/03/20 Sat

I. Use punishment enemas for humiliation and it works

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 07:13:15 08/08/17 Tue

I was raised this way and over time I've become a great advocate of it.

To any mother/father aware of the influence of accumulated fecal toxins on behavior, it makes sense.

Spanking isn't enough for the same reason that "anal insertion" in itself isn't enough - it's merely violence in anger. Suppository insertion after a spanking actually impels the child to discharge the filth that affected their behavior.

It works as a punishment because of

(a) the pain of the insertion and the reinforcement of the idea that someone "in authority" can open up your dirt-hole if they see fit; and

(b) the evacuation of the excrement

And as I learned the hard way, when you have a persistently constipated child and they're over your lap for a spanking, it makes sense to kill two birds with one stone and put a soap-stick or jelly bullet (glycerine suppository) in while they're there. The prospect of having a suppository shoved up their dirt-chute may be terrifying to them, it may reduce them to tears and you may have to chase them around and grab them and hold them down, but...for some oppositional defiant behavior that's exactly what's needed. To paraphrase my mother: It's "punishment" to the child, and if it also makes them do a big gushy dooey pong, it can't be bad, can it?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 11:59:37 08/20/17 Sun

I agree thoroughly. A suppository b4 spanking works wonders.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

alexis (mommyknowsbest)
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Date Posted: 13:37:26 09/27/17 Wed

A through rectal probing by mom AND dad in a team is the best wake up call. Especially when one is a step parent. I don't believe in too much spanking, because it's not really necessary. Probing, and enema bulb syringes work much better and don't damage sensitive tender tissues.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

alexis (mommy knowsbest)
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Date Posted: 14:09:15 12/26/17 Tue

Teaching children how to enjoy taking enemas takes away their fear of them at a young age. Mom and dad should demonstrate this especially if they have hyperactive children. It works better than drugs for teens and preteens!!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 10:23:15 01/13/18 Sat

re-reading this thread - several familiar sounding (to me anyway) scenarios

One brought up the nakedness punishment (post-enema, in this case). It goes without saying that what makes the nakedness punishment work is the continual exposure of the rear end, and the fear that another nozzle or suppository may be stuck up there suddenly.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 13:37:27 05/18/21 Tue

Eventually "anally penetrative purgation as punishment" gives way to the parent, resigned to their kids' inefficient evacuation, administering random "maintenance" suppositories or enemas, accompanied by spanking - just to have the momentary peace of mind of emptying the kids' dooey-chutes, and the fun of shocking them and inflicting terror with a no-medical-explanation, "I control you and I will do you as I see fit", attitude.
(Someone reading this who knows who I am will roll their eyes and say "like mother like daughter")

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 20:00:21 09/19/21 Sun

I'm just curious. When you administer a "random" anal insertion to your daughter, I think she probably asks you "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?", or something similar. How do you justify it to her? Do you made up an excuse or just tell her the unpleasant truth?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Sue (UK) to Bri
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Date Posted: 17:03:20 09/21/21 Tue

About the "why are you doing this to me?!" scenario. It's happened multiple times. And unlike her grandmother I always emphasize the science behind it - the biochemistry - in particular the inefficient evacuation / autointoxication / effect on behavior business. Reality check, sanity check = what goes on solely inside someone's head isn't "real".

But M doesn't just know the science from what she's heard and read courtesy of her mum and her grandma, she's researched it herself. (Again, history repeats).

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 19:36:00 09/21/21 Tue

So, if I'm not mistaken, for both of you (mother and daughter) the "science behind it" is an important concept. For her, is the way to "rationalize" and make sense out of the anal insertions, a thing she is terrified of and can do nothing to stop (especially when she recognize them as unmotivated, and for this reason completely out of her control). For you, is the perfect excuse when you decide to torment her and make her cry for no reason, terrifying her with an anal punishment she simply doesn't deserve.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 04:37:57 11/22/19 Fri

Another way parents could add to the fear factor -
A recurring childhood horror: when minutes after some minor confrontation / difference of opinion with our parents, once of us would hear them say "to each other" - "the way she's behaving, I think she's constipated, let's put a suppository in her" - and if you protested "no! I did a dooey yesterday!" - the reply might be "maybe you haven't been doing enough lately ...(to the other parent:-) no harm in making her do more, emptying out her dooh hole..."
That there was going to be a spanking as well went without saying.

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 02:35:33 05/21/18 Mon

Something I experimented with, maybe a month ago, is dipping a suppository or soapstick in ginger paste (the kind you use in Indian meals). And maybe fingering in a little paste before the suppository goes in (two painful insertions and then the real pain when the laxative and the ginger are both taking effect). The good thing is it almost certainly won't cause hemorrhoids or fissure-making strain - but it will punish! (As well as making them do a good heap of dooey)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 04:44:51 11/22/19 Fri

This is the punishment thread - one of my cliches is that I found soapsticks more dreadful because soap was available in so many environments.
I don't remember any childhood holidays (vacations) in which neither my sister nor myself were tormented with insertion of hotel soap up the smellhole. There was that time when (perhaps due to friction between mum and dad?) my sister (probably 7 or 8 at the time) and my mother went on holiday to Spain together, and when they came back there was that mean-spirited joke of handing out souvenirs including a box of glycerin suppositories...mum had kept a holiday diary in a notebook and when I looked at it I was unsurprised (but depressed) to discover that not only did the same notebook contain the bowel-movement record (the dooey diary) but it revealed that mum had seen fit to administer several soapsticks (and one or two supositorios glicerina)

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 03:11:45 11/01/18 Thu

I recently had reason to remind myself of the effectiveness of the ginger-enhanced soapstick. The strong irritancy / hemorroid-inducing potential (esp. for the middle-aged!) is a plus as well as a minus. It would make for a more effective punishment - if that's what you're using it for - but I'm convinced the soap is a more powerful evacuant than a regular glycerin suppository (i.e: it makes more dooey come out!)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 21:41:29 11/17/18 Sat


You suggest that a soap stick is more powerfully laxative than a glycerin suppository. That may well be the case or it may be that the active ingredient in a glycerin suppository is bound up in the base, such as gelatin, and released more slowly.

Have you tried a small syringe full of pure liquid glycerin? I think it was a favorite of Victorian nannies, and produces an intense urge within minutes and a full poo shortly thereafter.

Once injected, the liquid glycerin cannot be completely expelled no matter how hard the recipient tries and results are inevitable. Another advantage is a messy accident is unlikely, in contrast with a bag of water.

A 1 Oz (30 ml) infant bulb syringe, filled either with pure glycerin or 50/50 glycerin and water will rapidly empty someone, child or adult. No mess, no fuss, just a thorough poo.

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 01:47:10 12/27/18 Thu

Try filling a new Fleet Enema on up to the top with pure liquid glycerin. Put the top back on the Fleet Enema and shake it up to mix well. Then give the Fleet Enema and glycerin mixture to someone, like a naughty preteen girl or boy. Keep them naked below the waist at least, completely naked is better, for there will be no point in pulling up her panties or his undies. It is extremely hard to hold for more than a minute or two at most, so make sure they are next to the toilet.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 06:08:45 02/06/19 Wed

They won't let me say it on the board

but this is evidence of autointoxication (from retention of excrement) affecting behavior. Clearly the boy needs a "punishment" enema or two.

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 03:32:21 07/12/19 Fri

Another punishment technique I was reminded of - anal insertion of a pepperami ! Not as severe as the Nigerian "pepper enema" but it is an irritant, and the recipient should probably have a cleansing salted-water enema afterwards.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 10:46:53 07/12/19 Fri

Is that like a pepperoni? Do you insert a slice of it or use the whole thing?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 12:02:09 07/14/19 Sun

It's like an extremely thin (diameter less than some pencils) pepperoni which contains chili of some description.
I heard about this punishment from a correspondent - as of this date I haven't dared audition it on myself, because I just recently had an attack of the "farmers"

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 19:27:04 07/14/19 Sun

Thanks for the explanation. In the US we call them Slim Jims and they're a great snack food. When I was a teenager a friend experimentally stuck a Slim Jim up his bum just for fun and diddled himself with it for 5-10 minutes as he masturbated. When he was through, he went to a friend's house and the friend's German shepherd wouldn't leave him alone. The dog kept shoving his beak up my friend's ass and wildly licking his crotchal area. I guess the dog had been given Slim Jims as a treat and was crazy over them. Still, I guess Slim Jims are better for rectal foolery than a whole pepperoni. I don't know how well that would fit. Well, I mean unless you're into fisting or something. Which I'm certainly not.

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[> Subject: Re: Punishment enemas and suppositories for preteens

Date Posted: 11:55:03 01/08/20 Wed

Pepperami - disappointing, didn't really do anyth
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