Superpowered Porn Game

Superpowered Porn Game


Superpowered Porn Game
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You’re a “normal 18 year old boy” living in a world where they recently gained the ability to give people superpowers via injection. Those injections are tightly regulated between 2 agencies and they’ve resulted in both heroes and villains. Finally you get a chance to get a cheap injection and your life is changed…
Anne’s Nympho Scenes Anne’s Obsessive Scenes Anne’s Fetish Scenes Danni Basic Poses Danni Basic Interactions Danni Power Interactions Globex Psych Evaluation scenes Sandra’s Critical Success Classroom Scenes (thanks to Patron) Watching TV with Stephanie Extension (thanks to Patron) New Positive Alignment Mission (thanks to Patron) New Reputation Group – Jocks (thanks to Patron)
What’s it Mean? Anne’s Nympho Scenes: Since Anne starts as this…I’ve reduced the frequency and impact that her scenes have on Billy. Since you know…he’s not to blame for her condition, unlike say…the whole Cheerleader squad. And leaving the negative consequences just seemed abusive. I’ve also tied her scenes to work, rather than “on arrival” since I don’t want to lock a player out from getting injections, or getting first-aid.
Anne’s Obsessive Scenes: For those that know how to manipulate Anne into this state…Don’t expect it to last…This girl has issues 🙁
Anne’s Fetish Scenes: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Poses: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Interactions: (Self Explanitory-mostly) Stephanie is gonna be a thorn in your side…
Danni Power Interactions: (Self Explanitory)
Globex Psych Evaluation Scenes: Now when you get a brand new power, Anne will test you for your new flaw as well. Not much gameplay…but adds a lot more flavor.
Sandra’s Critical Success Classroom Scenes: Now Sandra can join the ranks with Allie and Samantha for having specific scenes for when you get a critical success in class.
Watching TV with Stephanie Extension: If you have 10 control over Maggie, and meet some of the other more obvious requirements…there’s a new option for giving Stephanie a massage while you watch TV.
New Positive Alignment Mission: Operates just like the other Positive Alignment missions.
New Reputation Group – Jocks: And just like the other Positive Alignment Missions, There is a new Reputation Group you can improve with. The sporty jock types.
v0.43.00 What’s in it? 3 New Jobs at Globex. 1 new task in Superpowered Learning your powers scenes An updated first aid scene at globex. A new Obsessive Mary variant (Terri-ish) Additional Content A new Public Ops variant (Allie) Additional Content
What’s it mean? The new Jobs have minimum stat requirements as well as an introduction requirement. These Jobs are all intertwined in some ways. And most of em have a lot of variations. The third job is somewhat limited right now as I’d need Maid Manners developed to finish it…but it has a fairly limited window anyway 😉 the new task is a guide on how to get the job at Globex. All you need is an awareness + mental of 7+ and the task will be added to your task list as optional. Learning your powers scenes have been added to each rank of each power. That’s 29 new scenes…though some scenes are shorter/more involved than others. Still…lost of stuff there if you’re into the lore of the game. Some humerous scenes if you don’t care about lore, and an occasional naughty scene if you can’t read, or refuse to. I’ve also added an actual scene for when you get first aid assistance, and this scene does change based on certain stats that are determined in the new jobs. All and all…I made Globex a more solidified location. It has something of identity now, similar to how the school has it’s own kind of identity. Mary has a few variants of her final Obsessive scene depending on what flaws you’ve unlocked. A new variant starring Terri can be seen if you’ve gotten at least the first rank in MC. The public ops mission for political canvassing has a new variant with Allie, if she’s been reprogrammed as a personal assistant or sex bot. This scene can only occur on the weekends.
v0.42.00 Anne’s Negative interactions Anne’s Contact interactions Anne’s Poly content Anne’s Corrupted Scenes A new Positive Alignment Mission: Allie (Additional Content) A new Reputation Group: Nerds (Additional Content) A new Drunk Maggie Scene (Additional Content) A new lunch option with Terri and Stephanie (Additional Content) A new Mischief Action for the Administration Wing (Additional Content) What does it mean? Anne’s new content: Self explanitory. New Positive Alignment Mission: Allie — Like all other positive alignment missions. You need to ahve done a certain amount of Crimefighting, either through the neighborhood watch, or from school jobs, as well as have an Alignment above 60. New Reputation Group: Nerds — Like previous positive alignment missions, your reputation within a new group will improve, and give additional bonuses once you complete the positive mission. New Drunk Maggie Scene — A new Scene for when Maggie comes home drunk. It will only trigger if both her and Stephanie are nymphos. New Lunch option with Terri and Stephanie — If you have the good brother perk, and Billy and Stephanie are willing to indulge in Terri’s fetish (which must also be unlocked), you can have lunch with both of them for a nice little discussion ? New Mischief Action: Ms. Hellens- The last and final administrative mischief action that can be performed on school staff. It has the same requirements as the other mischief actions of the Administrators wing.
That it? No. Appolm and colin have done some more tweaking in the background. You’ll see some of the tweaks, and some you may not notice
v0.41.00 -Anne Basic Poses -Anne Basic Interactions -Anne Power Interactions -Anne Phone and Invite Over Scene -Anne Professional Favor Scenes -Updated Phone Layout (thanks to apollom) -New Phone Action: Browse Bookface (thanks to apollom) -Some Tweaking made to X-ray Vision -Minor fixes to Sandra’s fetish outfit in SuperPowered -Some new options for Sandra’s basic MC scenes (additional content) -New Sandra Invite Over Variant (additional content) -Billy Jean, Derek, and Freddy Videogame Scene Variant (additional content)
Sister perk has changed to Good Brother perk. Yearly school schedule introduced. (more changes to come, once there’s a new place to work during school breaks.) Graduation Chelsea variant for Nikki’s Fetish added (Additional Content) Freddy, Samantha, Allie variants for studying in the library if unlocked through NCHDL quests (Additional Content) Terri joining in with Mary invite over scene if both characters fetishes are unlocked (Additional Content)
v0.39.00 It’s taken a little longer than originally planned, but’s finally out. I went a little ham with the rendering, and extended the storyline a bit. This one storyline is approximately 20% of the entire NCHDL storyline content, which includes recruiting all the characters, and all the other plotlines…So it’s a biggun. Anywho…
What’s in it? The conclusion of the NCHDL story. A new Jealousy scene between Stephanie and Maggie. Billy Jean versions of most Public Ops if you have the polymorph ability to shift genders.
Some rebalancing of Global Reputation. It’s now worth twice as much as it used to be. It costs 250 global reputation rather than 500 for letters of recommendation, and this halving of costs has been done across the board.
Well technically…there’s some new mechanics, such as unpowered combat, 2 new enemies (enemies are people you punch for profit and fun), a new combat location, and a fairly hefty reward for all your hard work in the NCHDL. But…that’s all in service to the conclussion of the story. There are some small scenes left to make afterwards which I plan to do in one of the following updates.
Story Content! Principal Larson’s Fetish Maggie + Principal Larson Fetish Scene New Stephanie + Maggie Jealousy Scene New Nympho Content for Stephanie and Maggie
v0.36.00 What’s In It? Chelsea’s Nympho scenes Chelseas’s Obsessive scenes Chelsea’s Fetish content New Jelousy Scene (Additional Content) New After NCHDL Video Game Scene (Additional Content)
What’s it mean? Chelsea’s Nympho Scenes – Chelsea has a gating mechnic similar to Stephanie, or Allie, so there is a version of each scene with, and without the required flaw. Chelsea’s Obsessive Scenes – Just like the Nympho content, there are versions of each of these scenes with and without the required flaw, along with 2 different polymorph variants for the final scene. Chelsea’s Fetish content – Due to the nature of Chelsea’s fetish, her fetish content does not culminate in her own specialty scene, but touches many others invite over scenes. Unlocking her fetish does however require multiple other fetishes to be unlocked. New Jelousy Scene – Stephanie and Maggie are at it again. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons. New After NCHDL Video Game Scene – The boys have gotten together again, to compete in the ancient battle of Vidjya Games. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
What’s In It? Chelsea’s Nympho scenes Chelseas’s Obsessive scenes Chelsea’s Fetish content New Jelousy Scene (Additional Content) New After NCHDL Video Game Scene (Additional Content)
Chelsea’s Nympho Scenes – Chelsea has a gating mechnic similar to Stephanie, or Allie, so there is a version of each scene with, and without the required flaw. Chelsea’s Obsessive Scenes – Just like the Nympho content, there are versions of each of these scenes with and without the required flaw, along with 2 different polymorph variants for the final scene. Chelsea’s Fetish content – Due to the nature of Chelsea’s fetish, her fetish content does not culminate in her own specialty scene, but touches many others invite over scenes. Unlocking her fetish does however require multiple other fetishes to be unlocked. New Jelousy Scene – Stephanie and Maggie are at it again. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons. New After NCHDL Video Game Scene – The boys have gotten together again, to compete in the ancient battle of Vidjya Games. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
v0.35.00: What’s New New Character: SuLynn New Location: NCCC (Community College) New Power: Kinesis New Power: Mercurial Speed New Flaw: Exhibitionism New Flaw: Sadism New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content) New Mischief Action (Bonus content) Samantha’s Fetish Content (Bonus content) Kelly’s Fetish Content (Bonus content)
What it means? New Character: SuLynn – You can find her at the College. – this includes SuLynn basic Poses in SuperPowered SuLynn basic Interactions in SuperPowered SuLynn power Interactions in SuperPowered SuLynn negative Interactions in SuperPowered SuLynn corrupted scenes in SuperPowered SuLynn invite over scene in SuperPowered SuLynn fetish content in SuperPowered New Location: NCCC (Community College) – A Location with limited use (currently) New Power: Kinesis – The main toolkit, for a mental combatant. New Power: Mercurial Speed – A speed based combat power. New Flaw: Exhibitionism – Self explanitory New Flaw: Sadism – Self explanitory New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content) – Things between Maggie and Stephanie escalate. New Mischief Action (Bonus content) – Terri joins in on the whole modeling business. Samantha’s Fetish Content (Bonus content) – Self explanitory Kelly’s Fetish Content (Bonus content) – Self explanitory
Player affecting cheats = x player.reflex = x player.stoicism = x player.leadership = x player.persuasion = x player.personality = x player.awareness = x player.reasoning = x player.concentration = x = x player.alignment = x = x player.interactions = x (charm) Player.SB = x SB = Social Bonus (same amount of interactions. Increases the power of some things) Player.PB = x PB = Physical Bonus player.MB= x MB = Mental Bonus player.resistance = x grade = x player.power_FLY=x Flight (max 3) player.power_XRY=x Senses (max 3 1=start) player.power_CHA=x Psychoism (max 3) player.power_MAN=x Sympathic Link (max 3) player.power_APP=x Polymorphism (max 3) player.power_WIT=x Mind Control (max 3)
Player Reputation player.reputation=### (Global Influence) school.influence=x globex.influence=x logistics.influence=x initiative.influence=x globex.paygrade=x logistics.paygrade=x initiative.paygrade=x
Here’s a list of all the girls console identifier Mom: m – [house] k: Kelly – [Debate] sam: Samantha – [Biology] pl: Principle Larson d: Denise – incomplete [Art] js: Jules – not added n: Nikki – Incomplete [fitness] a: Allie – [Chemistry] sd: Sandra – [swimming] t: Terri – not added ch: Chelsea – not added my: Mary – not added cu: Courtney – not added an: Anne – not added s: Sophie – Incomplete sis: Sister – [house] i: Dr. Ivy – not added
Girl affecting cheats (replace with girl’s console identifier) .vitality = x .willpower = x .favor = x .love = x .lust = x .fear = x .anger = x .inhibitions = x .suspicion = x player.perk_wellendowed = True Inhibitions means lower is better
Girl Mental Affecting Cheats .obsessive=True .nymphomaniac=True .volatile=True .psylocked=True .fetish=True .taboo=False (do this for family members)
NPC Mental diagnosis Cheats .broken=True .reprogram=’professional ally+’ .suppress=’family ties’ .reprogram=’sex bot+’ .reprogram=’worker+’ .reprogram=’drone+’ .reprogram=’personal assistant+’
time affecting cheats. doesn’t change the locations and actions available at that time so allows going to Globex during the morning when used during the Afternoon or Day. The reason for these is it doesn’t change the location just the time without going through the transition. phase = ‘Morning’ phase = ‘Day’ phase = ‘Afternoon’ phase = ‘Night’ weekday = ‘[Insert day here with capital letter first letter]’
call adv_time​ advance the time (can reset the time to morning)​
Quest: story1.tamara_suspicious = None
Release date: 18 March, 2022 Genre: ADV, 3D, Ren’py Erotic Adventure, All Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Mature, RPG, Corruption, Interracial, Sexual Training, Doggystyle, Hardcore sex, Milf, Titfuck Censorship: NO Developer / Publisher: Night City Production Platform: Windows, Linux, Android Version: 0.45.02 + Cheat Mods Language: English Size: 4.09 GB
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Home » ADULT » SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download
Categories: ADULT , ALL GAMES , ANIME GAMES , INDIE GAMES , RPG Tags: Free Games Posted by Repacklab Comment(s): 0 Date Added: Sunday, Mar 20 2022 7:06PM Version: Final Release
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 / Windows 10-11 (32/64bit versions) Processor: Intel Core i3 @ 3.0 GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 3300X @ 3.0 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060-4GB or AMD RX 580 (4 GB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0 or higher) DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 4.11 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse required, optional Microsoft XBOX360 controller or compatible
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 / Windows 10-11 (32/64bit versions) Processor: Intel Core i5-8250U @ 3.0 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 3500U @ 3.2 GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1080 or AMD RX 6700-XT (6 GB VRAM with Shader Model 6.0 or higher) DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 4.11 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse required, optional Microsoft XBOX360 controller or compatible
Written on Thursday, 11 Aug 2022 3:51PM Posted on ACTION GAMES
Written on Thursday, 11 Aug 2022 3:51PM Posted on ACTION GAMES
Written on Thursday, 11 Aug 2022 3:27PM Posted on ADVENTURE
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SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download Repacklab SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download Repacklab is a RPG game made with Ren’py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Because money…
SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download Repacklab is a RPG game made with Ren’py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Because money is tight, he doesn’t have much of a choice, she’s getting him X-ray vision. Before the process begin, the nurse who’s gonna give him the shot has to test him to see if he’s compatible. As it turns out, he is but there’s something else. Unlike most people, who can only receive a very limited number of those shots, Billy seems to have the uncanny ability to absorb an unlimited amount of them. sexy games
SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download Repacklab
Thanks to this, he could become the most powerful of them all but in order to achieve this level of power, he must be careful. In a world where almost everyone can buy powers, anyone could be a potential threat.​ Very grindy to say the least. It would help if there were more likable characters. The Protagonist himself being the absolute worst I have seen in one of these kind of games, he is weaselly, yet mind blowingly arrogant. Not a fun game to play through, worst of all your stuck with his original name, given there are a lot of options & things to change the game, yet ZERO option to change the Protags name or even have him make different choices makes the game a huge waste of time.
It took some time to get into this. But when I understood the system, I find system very interesting and joyable as a whole. Good story, great and beliavable characters, they were that good that missing animations didn’t disturb me. Huge amount of grinding lowered the interest to keep playing. Abot all this genre games have pencil neck mc who has horse dick. This didn’t brake the rule. Mc is string bean x 10. I really, really wanted to like this game as it hits a lot of my boxes in terms of content and I’ve put in 10 or so hours, but the arcane and frustrating grindy systems and still-image sex scenes lead me to feel like I was putting in a lot of work for not a lot of payoff. Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
SuperPowered Uncensored Free Download Repacklab
To its credit, the theme of the game (becoming a superhero) is unique and there are a ton of girls, so this might appeal to the player who likes to work a little harder for his wank. The beauty of a site like this is that the only thing you are investing is your time (gonna ignore the obvious sentiment that we don’t get time back so why are we on F95…), so by all means, check this out if any of this seems like it would
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